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Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Pangan 2017: PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL FKPT-TPI 2017

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Roti manis merupakan produk makanan yang umumnya terbuat dari tepung terigu, garam, mentega, dan ragi. Problemnya adalah bahwa sampai saat ini tepung terigu 100% masih import dan kasus penyakit degeneraif dari waktu ke waktu terus meningkat. Penggunaan bahan baku alternativeperlu dikembangkan, seperti pati garut termodifikasi guna mengeliminir persoalan tersebut. Penggunaan pati garut termodifikasi menghasilkan roti dengan tekstur yang kurang lembut dan daya kembang rendah, sehingga harus ditambahkan emulsifier. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh penambahan pati garut termodifikasi dengan lesitin terhadap karakteristik roti manis. Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK)faktorial dengan dua faktor, yakni konsentrasi pati garut termodifikasi (10%, 15% dan 20% b/b) dan konsentrasi lesitin (0.1%, 0.3%, 0.5% b/b) telah diterapkan. Interaksi antara konsentrasi pati garut termodifikasi dan konsentrasi lesitin telah ditemukan terhadap kadar air, abu, protein,karbohidrat dan uji organoleptik (rasa, tekstur dan kesukaan) roti manis. Penambahan konsentrasi pati garut termodifikasi 10 %b/b dan konsentrasi lesitin 0.5 %b/b (P1L3) dengan sifat fisik mikroskopis pori-pori roti manis sebesar 2083.8 μm dan nilai kekerasan 11.38 N, serta sifat kimia roti manis kadar air 21.83%, kadar abu 1.52%, kadar lemak 14.71%, kadar protein 8.13%, kadar karbohidrat 53.81%, dan kadar serat pangan 3.28% adalah perlakuan terbaik. Hasil uji organoleptik menunjukkan skor rasa 3.04 (sangat enak), skor tekstur 3.31 (sangat lembut) dan skor kesukaan 3.19 (sangat suka). Kata Kunci : Tepung terigu, pati garut termodifikasi, lesitin, roti manis 
Analogue Rice Formulation from Tapioca, Soybean Flour, Natural Dyes (Amaranthus tricolor L. and Alternanthera amoena V.) Saati, Elfi Anis; Noviani, Auliarinda; Wachid, Muhammad; Siskawardani, Devi Dwi
Food Science and Technology Journal (Foodscitech) Vol 3 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Dr Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.97 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/fst.v3i2.3131


The diversification of food is the solution of rice imports elevation, rice consumption dependence, as well as lack of protein calories for baby in Indonesia. Analogue rice from local resources such as various starches, both from tubers and nuts. Analogue rice is produced from flour with the addition of water or other nutritional components. To improve consumer appeal, the natural dyes addition also can increase nutrition product. This research aimed to analyze the effect of pigment sources and formulation of tapioca and soybean. Nested design was applied with 1st factor was sources of pigment (control, extracted green spinach, and red spinach). The second factor was the proportion of tapioca and soybean flour. The result showed that protein increased from 4.54% to 5.30% and iron (Fe) increased from 2.58 to 14.54 ppm. The best analog rice was produced from T1B2 (85% tapioca : 15% soybean flour x red spinach) which had moisture content (4.96%), fat (3.23%), protein (5.70%), absorption capacity (175.89%), color intensity (L = 52.40; a+ = 1.50; b+ = 10.10), antioxidant activity (88.55%), total pigment (4.86 mg L-1), and iron (20.11%). The organoleptic score was taste (3.17 = quite like), texture (3.30 = quite like), shape (3.03 = quite like), and preference (3.23 = quite like).
Analogue Rice Formulation from Tapioca, Soybean Flour, Natural Dyes (Amaranthus tricolor L. and Alternanthera amoena V.) Saati, Elfi Anis; Noviani, Auliarinda; Wachid, Muhammad; Siskawardani, Devi Dwi
Food Science and Technology Journal (Foodscitech) Vol 3 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Dr Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.97 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/fst.v3i2.3131


The diversification of food is the solution of rice imports elevation, rice consumption dependence, as well as lack of protein calories for baby in Indonesia. Analogue rice from local resources such as various starches, both from tubers and nuts. Analogue rice is produced from flour with the addition of water or other nutritional components. To improve consumer appeal, the natural dyes addition also can increase nutrition product. This research aimed to analyze the effect of pigment sources and formulation of tapioca and soybean. Nested design was applied with 1st factor was sources of pigment (control, extracted green spinach, and red spinach). The second factor was the proportion of tapioca and soybean flour. The result showed that protein increased from 4.54% to 5.30% and iron (Fe) increased from 2.58 to 14.54 ppm. The best analog rice was produced from T1B2 (85% tapioca : 15% soybean flour x red spinach) which had moisture content (4.96%), fat (3.23%), protein (5.70%), absorption capacity (175.89%), color intensity (L = 52.40; a+ = 1.50; b+ = 10.10), antioxidant activity (88.55%), total pigment (4.86 mg L-1), and iron (20.11%). The organoleptic score was taste (3.17 = quite like), texture (3.30 = quite like), shape (3.03 = quite like), and preference (3.23 = quite like).
Analogue Rice Formulation from Tapioca, Soybean Flour, Natural Dyes (Amaranthus tricolor L. and Alternanthera amoena V.) Saati, Elfi Anis; Noviani, Auliarinda; Wachid, Muhammad; Siskawardani, Devi Dwi
Food Science and Technology Journal (Foodscitech) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Dr Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.97 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/fst.v3i2.3131


The diversification of food is the solution of rice imports elevation, rice consumption dependence, as well as lack of protein calories for baby in Indonesia. Analogue rice from local resources such as various starches, both from tubers and nuts. Analogue rice is produced from flour with the addition of water or other nutritional components. To improve consumer appeal, the natural dyes addition also can increase nutrition product. This research aimed to analyze the effect of pigment sources and formulation of tapioca and soybean. Nested design was applied with 1st factor was sources of pigment (control, extracted green spinach, and red spinach). The second factor was the proportion of tapioca and soybean flour. The result showed that protein increased from 4.54% to 5.30% and iron (Fe) increased from 2.58 to 14.54 ppm. The best analog rice was produced from T1B2 (85% tapioca : 15% soybean flour x red spinach) which had moisture content (4.96%), fat (3.23%), protein (5.70%), absorption capacity (175.89%), color intensity (L = 52.40; a+ = 1.50; b+ = 10.10), antioxidant activity (88.55%), total pigment (4.86 mg L-1), and iron (20.11%). The organoleptic score was taste (3.17 = quite like), texture (3.30 = quite like), shape (3.03 = quite like), and preference (3.23 = quite like).
KARAKTERISASI SIFAT FISIKO-KIMIA DAN ORGANOLEPTIK BERAS ANALOG KAYA ANTIOKSIDAN DARI PATI GARUT (Maranta arundinaceae L.): MOCAF DAN PUREE RUMPUT LAUT (Gracilaria sp) Damat Damat; Joko Susilo Utomo; Anas Tain; Devi Dwi Siskawardani; Ayu Rastikasari
Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian Vol 17, No 3 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian
Publisher : Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jpasca.v17n3.2020.134-145


Diabetes mellitus merupakan penyakit kronis yang disebabkan oleh defisiensi insulin. Salah satu cara untuk mencegah penyakit tersebut adalah dengan banyak mengkonsumsi makanan kaya antioksidan. Salah satu jenis makanan yang potensial untuk dikembangkan adalah beras analog kaya antioksidan dari campuran pati garut, mocaf dan puree rumput laut Gracilaria sp. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat fisiko-kimia dan organoleptik beras analog kaya antioksidan dari pati garut, tepung mocaf dan puree rumput laut Gracilaria sp. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama yaitu proporsi pati garut: tepung mocaf, terdiri dari 3 level 25:75, 50:50, dan 75:25%. Faktor kedua, kosentrasi puree rumput laut yang terdiri dari 4 level yaitu 0; 1; 2; dan 3%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat interaksi antara proporsi pati garut dan tepung mocaf dengan kosentrasi puree rumput laut terhadap kadar air, lemak, protein, karbohidrat, total kalori, intensitas warna, densitas kamba, bobot 1000 butir, dan kenampakan beras analog. Berdasarkan hasil pada penelitian diketahui bahwa kadar air tertinggi pada perlakuan proporsi pati garut: tepung mocaf 75:25 dengan persentase rumput laut 0%, yaitu sebesar 8,62%, kadar karbohidrat tertinggi pada perlakuan proporsi pati garut: tepung mocaf 75:25 dengan persentase rumput laut 1%, yaitu sebesar 90,61%, sedangkan aktifitas antioksidan tertinggi beras analog diperoleh pada perlakuan kosentrasi puree rumput laut 3% yaitu sebesar 15,547%. Perbedaan perlakuan juga berpengaruh terhadap hasil uji organoleptik, baik kenampakan, tekstur, rasa, aroma, maupun kesukaan. Perbedaaan rasio pati garut:tepung mocaf dengan konsentrasi puree rumput laut Gracilaria sp berpengaruh terhadap sifat fisiko-kimia dan organoleptik beras analog.High Antioxidant Analogue Rice Characterization Based on Proportion of Arrowroot Starch (Maranta arundinaceae L.): MOCAF (Modified Cassava Flour) and Seaweed Puree Concentration (Gracilaria sp)Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease caused by insulin deficiency. The solution to prevent this disease is through high antioxidant foods consumption. The high antioxidant analogue rice based on arrowroot starch, MOCAF (Modified Cassava Flour) and seaweed puree Gracilaria sp. is potential food that could developed. This study used randomized complete block design (RCBD) factorial with two factors. The first factor was proportion of arrowroot starch and MOCAF consisted three levels (25:75, 50:50, and 75: 25%). The second factor was seaweed puree concentration that consisted four levels (0; 1; 2; and 3%). The result indicated that there was interaction between proportion of arrowroot starch and MOCAF, with seaweed puree addition to the chemical (water, fat, protein, and carbohydrate content), and physical characteristics (total calories, color intensity, bulk density, 1000-grain weight, and appearance). The highest water content was 8.62% due to treatment arrowroot starch: MOCAF (75%: 25%), without seaweed puree (0%). While the highest carbohydrate was 90.61%, due to proportion 75%: 25% of arrowroot starch: MOCAF and 1% seaweed puree. Furthemore, the highest antioxidant level was 15.547% obtained from 3% seaweed puree. The treatment also affected on the organoleptic test (appearance, texture, taste, aroma, and tendency). Therefore, it can concluded that proportion of arrowroot starch: MOCAF, and seaweed puree concentration give significantly effect on the physical-chemical, and organoleptic characteristics of analogue rice.
Sweet bread chemical properties optimalization based on baking temperature and duration Devi Dwi Siskawardani; Warkoyo Warkoyo; Jumpen Onthong
jurnal1 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 1, JUNE 2021
Publisher : Hasanuddin University Food Science and Technology Study Program

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/canrea.v4i1.416


Bread is main food in several country. Sweet bread is one popular type that has a lasting sweet taste and soft textured with or without stuffing. Baking is the most important process of bread production. The temperature and time required in the baking varies according to the type of bread, big dough, and baking pan in the oven used. This research aimed to identify the optimum level of baking temperature and duration to the chemical properties of sweet bread. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) Factorial with 2 factors and 3 replications were applied for this research. The first factor was baking temperature consisted 4 level (T1= 180 oC, T2= 190 oC, T3= 200 oC, T4= 210 oC), and the second factor was baking duration which composed 4 level (A1= 10 minutes, A2= 15 minutes, A3= 20 minutes, A4= 25 minutes). The results showed that there wasn’t interaction between baking temperature and duration to water content, fat, protein, and carbohydrate, but it was interaction to the ash content. The baking temperature and duration separatelly had significantly effect to the all parameter. The best result according to the SNI 01-3840-1995 was S4W4 (185 oC: 14 minutes) with water content (23.572%), fat (10.906), protein (1.105%), carbohydrate (62.940 %), and ash content (1.736 %).
Perbaikan Label Kemasan Pada Program PKM Sari Sayur dan Buah CV Sari Bhumi Desa Pesanggrahan Kota Batu Sri Winarsih; Devi Dwi Siskawardani; Hendra Kusuma
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 12, No 4 (2021): E-DIMAS
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/e-dimas.v12i4.4220


Buah dan sayur menjadi produk sari sayur dan sayur yang diklaim menjadi produk yang memiliki sifat fungsional bagi yang mengonsumsinya. Sifat fungsional didapatkan dari komponen kimiawi dalam bahan baku. Buah dan sayur sumber vitamin, serat dan pigmen. Sari sayur dan buah yang diproduksi bapak Alfi Zidan Syukron masih diproduksi skala rumah tangga yang berlokasi di Jl. Suropati No 184 B Desa Pesanggrahan Kecamatan Batu, sejak tahun 2014 dengan brand ”THERAPHY JUICE NUTRISA”. Produk yang dihasilkan oleh usaha Bapak Alfi sudah dikemas dalam botol plastik namun belum diberi label yang sesuai peraturan yang berlaku dan nomor PIRT. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membantu mitra dalam perbaikan proses produksi, salah satunya adalah perbaikan desain Label Produk menjadi lebih baik dan menarik menyesuaikan dengan pemerintah yang telah ditetapkan. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian adalah penyuluhan tentang Label Kemasan dan pendampingan membuat desain Label. Hasil yang dicapai dari ini adalah label produk sari sayur dan buah yang lebih menarik dan informatif.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 4, No 5 (2020): November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (960.426 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v4i5.2969


Abstrak: Pada tahun 2017 tercatat sebanyak 53 kejadian luar biasa keracunan pangan yang dilaporkan oleh BPOM di seluruh Indonesia. Penggunaan bahan tambahan pangan (BTP) berbahaya yang sering digunakan yaitu penggunaan pengawet, pewarna, dan pemanis. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan memberikan edukasi kepada para pedagang PJAS (Pangan Jajanan Anak Sekolah) agar menjual makanan yang baik dan aman dikonsumsi. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam 2 tahapan. Tahap pertama pengujian sampel makanan yang dijual di 17 SD di Kabupaten Malang yang tersebar di tiga Kecamatan di sekitar Kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Tahap kedua melakukan edukasi kepada para pedagang PJAS. Berdasarkan hasil uji kandungan boraks, formalin dan rhodamine b terhadap 34 sampel PJAS diketahui bahwa terdapat 46,86% positif menggunakan boraks, sampel (17,7%) positif menggunakan formalin, dan 22,2% positif menggunakan rhodamin b. Hasil survei terhadap kondisi kantin diketahui bahwa 37,43% yang memenuhi standar, 46,52% yang kurang memenuhi dan 16,05% yang tidak memenuhi. Indikator yang paling banyak tidak memenuhi standar yaitu indikator bangunan dengan 7 kantin (41,18%). Berdasarkan hasil edukasi diperoleh data bahwa pada umumnya para pedagang sangat antusias untuk mengikuti kegiatan tersebut dan termotivasi untuk tidak menggunakan BTP berbahaya pada  PJAS yang dijual.Abstract: In 2017, BPOM reported there were 53 cases of food poisoning throughout Indonesia. Food additives, i.e., preservatives, dyes, and sweeteners, are often utilized in Indonesia when preparing food. The purpose of public service was to educate the cross ride traders around the school about healthy food that is safe for consumption. This activity was held in 2 stages. The first stage entailed the testing of food samples in 17 elementary schools in Malang Regency, which consisted of three districts around the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The second stage was in response to educated traders based on an analysis of the results of products made of dangerous additives. There were positive results of 34 samples for borax, formalin, and rhodamine b, which were 46.86%, 17.7%, and 22.2%, respectively. The survey of the canteen indicated that 37.43% met the standards, 46.52% did not fully meet the standards, and 16.05% did not meet the standards at all. The case that did not meet the standards was the building with seven canteens (41.18%). The education data showed that most traders were very enthusiastic about participating in these activities and motivated to avoid using dangerous additives in their food or products.
Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH) CIASTECH 2018 "Inovasi IPTEKS untuk mendukung Pembangunan Berkelanjutan"
Publisher : Universitas Widyagama Malang

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Kendala utama peningkatan produksi kentang di Indonesia adalah pengadaan dan distribusi benih berkualitas yang belum kontiyu dan memenuhi mutu. Dalam program perbenihan penggunaan benih bebas pathogen/berkualitas mutlak diperlukan. Benih kentang tesebut dapat diperoleh melalui teknik kultur jaringan yang disertai dengan pengujian patogen terutama penyakit sistemik (virus) secara intensif dilanjutkan dengan teknik perbanyakan cepat untuk memproduksi stek in vitro, stek in vivo dan umbi mini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari perbedaan ukuran umbi dan jenis media terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil umbi mini benih kentang. Penelitian dilakukan Desa Sumber Brantas, Kecamatan Bumiaji, Kota Batu.. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan lengkap lengkap faktorial, faktor pertama ukuran umbi yaitu sedang (5 – 20g ) dan kecil(< 5g ) untuk faktor kedua adalah tiga jenis media yaitu arang sekam, cocopeat dan arang sekam dicampur cocopeat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan ukuran umbi dan jenis media yang digunakan tidak berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan dan hasil benih umbi kentang .namun demikian jenis media arang sekam yang dicampur dengan cocopeat memberikan rerata pertumbuhan dan hasil yang lebih baik.
Pelatihan pengolahan buah Apel sortiran menjadi topping kue Pie untuk anggota Aisyah Kota Batu Sri Winarsih; Bayu Etti Tri Adiyastiti; Devi Dwi Siskawardani
Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement Vol 2 (2020): Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/unricsce.2.522-525


The aim of this activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of Aisyah members from Batu citys in recognizing the potential and utilizing agricultural crops and livestock products to be new products that are preferred by the community. The method of implementing the activity is counseling the potential natural resources, tourism, agriculture, also increaase skill to develop its products to be new product has value added, for example pie. The participants welcomed the counseling and training activities. Based on the organoleptic test, apple pie produced get good acceptance form panelist.