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Pemanfaatan Limbah Kayu Melalui Puzzle Wayang sebagai Media Pengenalan Budaya untuk Anak Usia Dini Nusrotus Sa'idah; Yushinta Eka Farida; Jati Widagdo
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 11, No 1 (2020): E-DIMAS
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/e-dimas.v11i1.3081


Pengolahan limbah di jepara sebagai kota ukir masih sangat kurang, kesalahan dalam mengelola akan menyebabkan berbahaya bagi lingkungan dan masyarakat, sehingga menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan contoh pencemaran lingkungan. Selama ini limbah pabrik mebel mempunyai potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi kerajinan tangan yang bernilai jual salah satunya alat permainan anak. Sasaran program pengabdian ini  ada dua mitra yaitu : Mitra yang produktif yaitu PT ERNALIM. Mitra ini membantu tim pelaksana untuk mengolah limbah dari meubel ukir. Peserta dari mitra pertama yaitu 4 orang karyawan tersebut. Untuk memanfaatkan limbah kayu ini kami mengajak mitra tersebut untuk membuat alat permainan anak-anak berupa puzzle. Mitra yang kedua adalah mitra sebagai bentuk kelanjutan pemanfaatan limbah yaitu TK TARBIYATUL ATHFAL Muslimat NU di Pecangaan Jepara. Puzzle ini  berbentuk wayang yaitu punakawan terdiri dari semar, gareng, pethruk dan bagong. Penyuluhan game edukasi ini diikuiti oleh guru dan anak-anak TK Tarbiyatul Athfal. Mereka sangat antusias dalam kegiatan penyuluhan ini mengingat puzzle yang digunakan adalah bukan biasanya. Dari Tim ini mengenalkan budaya indonesia sejak dini melalui game puzzle berbentuk wayang. Kegiatan ini memberikan kontribusi pada dunia pendidikan untuk meningkatkan kreativitas ketrampilan dalam memecahkan masalah menyusun gambar.
English Ecotourism Training in Tanjung Village, Pakis Aji, Jepara Ahmad Saefudin; Aprilia Riyana Putri; Yushinta Eka Farida
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30653/002.202052.314


In the industrial revolution 4.0 era, it is easier for people to communicate through social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and other similar applications. Similarly, in tracking tourist destinations. Tourists no longer need to laboriously search for information. With a device, everything is finished. Tanjung Village has beautiful ecotourism destinations such as Kali Bening, Jurang Nganten Waterfall, Kalen Wates Waterfall, and Kedung Plumpang. Geographical support in the form of mountainous areas adds a special attraction for visitors. Unfortunately, tourism management is still centralized based on the Village Government through the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis). In addition, tourism managers are also faced with the low Human Resources (HR) managers in receiving foreign tourists. The ability to communicate in English is still low. So, this dedication focuses on equipping the ability of natural tourism managers in Tanjung Village to communicate in English. They are equipped with basic English skills including general vocabulary of tourism (vocabulary), ways of speaking in English (speaking skills), and public speaking techniques of tour guides (Tour Guides). The final results of devotion produce English-Indonesian Tourism Pocket Dictionary products that can be utilized by managers of tourist destinations in welcoming foreign tourists.
Analysis in Honoring the Power of Thought Using Soag Game (Senang Otak Atik Gambar) Anita Afrianingsih; Dina Amalia; Yushinta Eka Farida
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies Vol 12 No 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijeces.v12i1.67602


The purpose of the research to be carried out is to analyze the Android-based SOAG learning media, the planning process for making SOAG learning media and the use of SOAG media to hone children's thinking power. The research subjects were children aged 5-6 years of PAUD Toddies School, with a population sampling technique through non-probability sampling a total of 27 students. So that the sample is taken from the entire population. Data collection techniques from the implementation of this study used observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis used is qualitative data analysis by referring to the concept of Miles and Huberman with an emphasis on data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The result of this research is that the process of implementing the SOAG game (Senang Otak Atik Gambar) can be carried out from planning, learning practice and evaluation. In the planning stage, the teacher must make the RPPH more attractive. The learning practice stage uses the SOAG game (Senang Otak Atik Gambar), at this stage the teacher is able to convey the material in more detail, using different teaching styles and methods than usual. As the teacher explains with a visual learning style. The evaluation stage of the SOAG game (Senang Otak Atik Gambar) uses observations and interviews given to children and teachers in providing assessments. This evaluation is an important tool for teachers to determine the level of success of children in improving their cognitive abilities through the SOAG game (Senang Otak Atik Gambar). The conclusion of this study is that the SOAG game learning media (Senang Otak Atik Gambar) is very appropriate and effective to use to optimally hone children's high-level thinking power.
Workshop Manajemen Organisasi dan Penyusunan Modul Dolanan Anak Bagi Forum Taman Baca Masyarakat (FTBM) di Kabupaten Jepara Khalimatus Sadiyah; Yushinta Eka Farida; Ahmad Saefudin; May Maulidia Hana; Adam Mahfud
Jurnal Pengabdian UNDIKMA Vol 5, No 1 (2024): February
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika (UNDIKMA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jpu.v5i1.6008


This community service aims to enhance knowledge and expertise in organizational management and children's play module preparation for the Forum Taman Baca Masyarakat (FTBM) in Jepara Regency. The service used the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method, with the participants being representatives of TBM managers who are members of FTBM. A questionnaire was used as the instrument for evaluating the activity, and the results of which were analyzed descriptively. The service results indicate a significant increase in workshop participants' understanding. A total of 9 participants (30%) who were initially in the low understanding category succeeded in increasing to the high category, including 18 participants (60%). The workshop activity on preparing children's play modules also made a positive contribution to the participants, particularly in terms of module preparation. There was a significant increase in understanding, where 10 participants (33.33%) who were initially in the low understanding category succeeded in increasing to the high category, involving 20 participants (66.67%). This activity was successful in achieving positive results and supporting the development of participants’ skills and understanding of organizational management and module preparation.