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Pola Asuh Inklusif Keluarga Seagama dan Beda Agama: Sebuah Model Pendidikan Toleransi Di Desa Bondo Jepara Saefudin, Ahmad; Widyawati, Ayu
NUANSA: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Keagamaan Islam Vol 16, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.396 KB) | DOI: 10.19105/nuansa.v16i2.2534


Masyarakat Desa Bondo, Jepara, dikenal dengan iklim toleransinya yang kuat. Dalam konteks kehidupan keluarga, umat Islam dan Kristen menyumbangkan karakteristik pola asuh yang inklusif. Dengan pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif melalui pisau analisis teori psikologi perkembangan anak dan teori kepemimpinan dari Hersey dan Blanchard, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menampilkan model pendidikan dan pola asuh orang tua dari keluarga seagama dan beda agama. Dari hasil observasi partisipatoris dan wawancara mendalam, dapat disimpulkan bahwa bentuk pendidikan di Desa Bondo memunculkan pelbagai model, di antaranya model pendidikan keteladanan, model pendidikan inklusif, model pendidikan kedisiplinan, model pendidikan dengan memberi hukuman, model pendidikan kemandirian, dan model pendidikan religius. Selain itu, terdapat perbedaan pola asuh orang tua terhadap anak antara keluarga beda agama dan keluarga seagama. Bagi keluarga seagama (Kristen dengan Kristen), pola asuh yang mendominasi ialah permisif, demokratis dan otoriatif. Sedangkan pola asuh keluarga seagama (Islam dengan Islam) relatif sama dengan pola asuh yang diterapkan oleh keluarga beda agama (Kristen dengan Islam) yaitu demokratis, otoriter, dan otoritatif. Model pendidikan dan pola asuh orang tua tersebut berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kesadaran toleransi dalam diri anak-anak di Desa Bondo. (The people of Bondo, Jepara, are known for their strong tolerance situation. In the context of family life, Muslims and Christians contribute to the characteristics of inclusive parenting. Using a descriptive-qualitative approach through the analysis of psychological theories of child development and leadership theories from Hersey and Blanchard, this study aims at displaying the educational model and parenting of parents of religious families and different religions. Based on the results of participatory observation and interviews, it can be concluded that there are several models of education in Bondo, including the model of exemplary education, the model of inclusive education, the model of disciplinary education, the education model by giving punishment, the education model of independence, and the model of religious education. In addition, there are differences in parenting parents towards children between families of different religions and religious families. For family members of the same religion (Christian to Christian), parenting that dominates is permissive, democratic and authoritative. Whereas parenting families of religions (Islam and Islam) are relatively similar to those adopted by families of different religions (Christianity with Islam) namely democratic, authoritarian, and authoritative. The model of education and parenting has a significant effect on awareness of tolerance in children in Bondo.)
The Anatomy of Ingrid Mattson’s Interpretation of the Qur’an: History, Authority, and Translation Problems Ahmad Saefudin; Ahmad Rafiq; Marhumah Marhumah
AL QUDS : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Hadis Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (328.669 KB) | DOI: 10.29240/alquds.v5i1.2300


Many contemporary thinkers have introduced various theories in Quranic studies. For example, Fazlur Rahman with double movement theory, Gadamer through a fusion of the horizon, and Abdullah Saeed with contextual interpretation. Meanwhile, Ingrid Mattson’s thoughts on the interpretation of the Koran have not been widely studied by scholars. Mattson has placed the historical context, the personal context of the reader, and the context of the reader's understanding as an integral part of the theory of interpretation. This article wishes to dissect the anatomy of Mattson's interpretation of the Koran. With the historical textual criticism approach popularized by Muhammad Mustafá Azami, this study concludes that apart from historical aspects, the interpretation of the Koran is also strongly influenced by the authority of the rulers at that time, individual charisma (ulama), and the consensus of religious experts. The reduction of God’s message is also very vulnerable to the rampant action of translating the Koran from Arabic into ajam (non-Arabic) language. These three aspects are the constructs of Mattson's thought in his hermeneutical study. Therefore, it is hoped that this academic discourse will add to the style of thinking of scholars in the field of Qur'an studies, which previously have colored contemporary exegesis studies.
Jurnal Ilmiah Didaktika Vol 19, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Ilmiah DIDAKTIKA Agustus 2018
Publisher : Center for Research and Publication Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) of Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jid.v19i1.4194


Shi’ah as a minority sect in Islam tends to be perceived negatively by majority group. However, sign of enmity between Sunnis and Shiites are never seen in Jepara. As one of the territory in Indonesia, Jepara is different from other areas that have been attacked by conflicts such as Sampang, Bangil, or Pekalongan.  Sunni-Syhiites harmony in Jepara is certaintly not separated from the important role of da'wah and Islamic education conducted by Darut Taqrib Islamic Boarding School, Krapyak Jepara. This research intends to deepen the multicultural education practices conducted by the minority of Shiites in Jepara by taking the background in Shiites Boarding School Darut Taqrib. As the only institution of Shiite boarding school, Darut Taqrib always instills tolerance and multicultural values. Research data collection uses qualitative descriptive method with case study approach. The researcher attempt to collect data on the content of multicultural education, take the meaning, and understand it. The result of data analysis indicates that the existing multicultural education practice in Darut Taqrib are three kinds, open forum of  tabayyun, harmonization of inclusive social interaction, and fostering of nationalism spirit among students.
Internalization of Multicultural-Based Islamic Education: Sunni-Shia Synergy in Banjaran Bangsri Village, Jepara Ahmad Saefudin; Abdul Munip; Khoirotul Laila Ulfa
EDUKASIA Vol 16, No 1 (2021): EDUKASIA
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/edukasia.v16i1.8803


This research aims to reveal the role of Sunni-Shia Islamic educational institutions in building multiculturalism in a pluralistic society. So far, the Sunni-Shia relationship has been depicted in a conflictual scheme. The research method was qualitative from the sociology of education perspective. Through in-depth interviews, participatory observation and documentation techniques, this study showed that the atmosphere of peace between Sunni-Shia in Banjaran is reflected in the social works of humanity, organizations and Islamic educational institutions. Multicultural education cannot be separated from the role of formal and non-formal Islamic education institutions such as TPQ Al-Husainiah (Shia), TPQ Ma'arif 17 KH. Muhammad Arif (Sunni) and MI Mabadil Huda (Sunni). The kinship also has a contribution to maintaining Sunni-Shia harmony in Banjaran. Theoretically, this research contributes to the development of multicultural Islamic education models in rural. Practically, it is beneficial for Islamic education institutions in building awareness of multiculturalism and tolerance between religious sects.
Kekerasan Anak Pada Keluarga Buruh di Jepara Perspektif Pendidikan Islam Ahmad Saefudin; Sofia Ridwana; Hayu Yulistianti
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jupiis.v13i1.19342


Child abuse within the family sphere is often a hidden crime phenomenon because it is kept secret by both the perpetrator and the victim. This article seeks to uncover the practice of child abuse in labor families in Geneng, Jepara, identify the causes, and offer solutions. The data collection used interview, observation, and documentation. The key informants are children, parents who work as laborers, and the Head of Geneng Village. The collected data is then analyzed using descriptive qualitative research from the perspective of Islamic education theory. Doctrinaire, Islam never allows parents to behave rudely to children. Unfortunately, not a few of those who fail to understand and become perpetrators of child abuse. The forms are varied, ranging from psychological violence such as insults, insults, and shouting. The main causes are family economic poverty factors and poor understanding of parents' religion. The way out for parents who are busy working is to get their children in Madrasah Diniyah (Madin). No less important, after Maghrib, children are encouraged to take part in studies conducted by local religious teachers around their homes.
Peran Guru Ngaji di Era Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Studi Kasus di Desa Semat Tahunan Jepara) Ahmad Saefudin; Nur Fitriyah
JURNAL INDO-ISLAMIKA Vol 10, No 2 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/idi.v10i2.17514


The phenomenon of globalization has entered people's lives, including in Semat Village, Tahunan District, Jepara Regency. The indicator is the development of information technology tools and changes in people's attitudes and lifestyles that tend to follow modern styles. Even though, globalization has not discouraged people from participating in several activities that are in line with the SDGs target in the economic and education sectors, especially in efforts to end poverty and ensure inclusively and quality education. This study aims to emphasize the role of guru ngaji in promoting sustainable global development (SDGs) in the economic and educational domains. A crucial research question that will be answered is whether it is true that global phenomena can cause the younger generation to become increasingly dependent on technological tools and the gradual fading of the sense of solidarity among fellow communities.
Multicultural Education through Constructivist Learning Strategies Ahmad Saefudin; Ro'fah Ro'fah; Dyah Arum Sari
Jurnal Iqra' : Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Iqra' : Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25217/ji.v6i2.1399


The Madrasa as Islamic educational institutions has a crucial role in promoting multicultural education values ​​so that students avoid prejudice, suspicion, and intolerance. The Akidah Akhlak Teachers at MI Masalikil Huda 2 have a unique way to promote these values, namely through constructivism-based learning strategies. With a qualitative approach relying on the interview, observation, and documentation techniques, the researchers try to answer two important questions; how the teacher's strategy in introducing students to the values ​​of multicultural education and what approaches they use in the learning process in the classroom. Finally, this research concludes that teachers instill the values ​​of democracy, tolerance, equality or equality, brotherhood or kinship, and the value of unity in learning Akidah Akhlak. There are four constructivism strategies in the delivery of multicultural education, namely cooperative learning, conceptual achievement, exemplary, habituation, and role-playing. They also rely on historical approaches, gender perspective approaches, and aesthetic approaches. Thus, the claim that the madrasa is inconsistent in delivering Islamic religious material with a multicultural perspective is refuted by the findings of this research. Keywords: Multicultural Education, Constructivism Learning Strategies, Cooperative Learning.
Al-Qalam Vol 25, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (20.681 KB) | DOI: 10.31969/alq.v25i2.733


Penelitian ini berusaha mengungkap manifestasi teologi inklusif tokoh agama Islam, Hindu, dan Kristen di Desa Plajan Kecamatan Pakis Aji Kabupaten Jepara. Dalam prosesnya, peneliti terlebih dahulu mendeskripsikan relasi tokoh agama dan persepsi mereka tentang teologi damai. Penelitian termasuk penelitian lapangan (field research) melalui pendekatan qualitative research. Peneliti menggunakan teknik observasi peran serta, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Observasi peran serta dilakukan untuk menyelami persepsi tokoh agama Islam, Hindu, dan Kristen tentang konsep perdamaian perspektif agama. Sedangkan wawancara dilakukan dengan berdialog langsung dengan aktor-aktor kunci seperti kiai atau ustad, pendeta, dan agamawan Hindu selaku agen perdamaian. Sedangkan teknik dokumentasi dilakukan dengan cara menelusuri dokumen-dokumen terkait baik berupa catatan, foto, atau artikel tentang manifestasi teologi inklusif di desa Plajan. Ternyata, media silaturahmi antar kelompok elite agamawan merupakan salah satu faktor penting berkembangnya relasi damai. Bagi orang Islam, persepsi damai tersebut mengacu kepada doktrin Alquran, misalnya QS. al-Baqarah: 256 yang mengajarkan setiap  muslim untuk saling menghormati dan respect terhadap umat agama lain. Perspektif Hindu, teologi damai direpresentasikan oleh ajaran tat twam asi (larangan bertikai, menghindari pertengkaran dengan tetangga, dan jika dicubit merasa sakit, maka tidak boleh mencubit orang lain), cung taka (menghindari nalar truth claim), vasudhaiva kutumbakam (tidak mudah terpancing provokasi), om shanti shanti shanti om (menciptakan iklim perdamaian), dan óm swastyastu (kegiatan doa bersama). Sedangkan teologi damai agama Kristen diwakili oleh Matius 5:39 dan Matius 7:12. Keduanya dimanifestasikan dengan cara bersikap rendah hati terhadap agama lain, menjauhi watak pendendam, dan menjaga masjid saat umat muslim menunaikan shalat Idul Fitri dan Idul Adha. This study aims to uncover inclusive theology manifestations of Muslim, Hindu and Christian religious leaders at Plajan village, Jepara, Indonesia. The researcher described the relations between religious leaders and perceptions of peaceful theology. Research is qualitative research by field research. The researcher used participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The friendship media between religious elite groups was an important factor in developing peaceful relations. For Muslims, it is in line with Qur'an doctrine, like at Surah al-Baqarah verse 256 to respect each other. The peaceful theology of Hindu is represented in tat twam asi teachings (avoiding fighting and quarrels), cung taka (avoiding the truth claim), rationalvasudhaiva kutumbakam (not provoked easily), om shanti shanti shanti om (creating peace climate), and swastyastu óm (prayer activities). Christianity represents Matthew 5:39 and Matthew 7:12. Both are manifested by being humble towards other religions, avoiding vengeful character, and helping prayers Eid al-Fitr and Eid- alAdha.Keywords: peacefull theology, religion, relation, perception, manifestation
Nilai Pendidikan Islam Yang Terkandung Dalam Tri Satya Pramuka Tingkat Penggalang (Studi Analisis Buku Boyman Karya Andri Bob Sunardi) Ahmad Fadholi; Ahmad Saefudin
al-Iltizam: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol 6, No 1 (2021): PENDIDIKAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN
Publisher : IAIN Ambon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33477/alt.v6i1.1481


This study aims to describe the content of the values of Islamic education contained in the Scout Promise level of the Boys and Girls Scout in Andri Bob Sunardi's Boyman book and to analyze their implementation in the school environment. This study uses a qualitative approach and the type of research is literature research that focuses on content analysis. Researchers in this case collect and obtain data sourced from library research such as books, literature, and collections owned by libraries as well as scientific works relevant to the research. The results showed that there are values of Islamic education contained in the Scout Promise of the level Boys and Girls Scout and their implementation in the school environment. The values of Islamic education are contained in the obligations of the Scout Promise at the Boys and Girls Scout level which includes 3 things, namely values related to Allah (hablu min Allah), values related to humans (hablu min an-nas), and values related to nature (hablu min al-alam). The implementation of the values of Islamic education contained in the Scout Promise level in the school environment consists of 3 forms of implementation. Namely the implementation of values related to God, the implementation of values related to fellow humans in the school environment, and the implementation of values related to nature in the school environment
Intelegensia : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 3, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Intelegensia - Vol. 03 No. 01 Januari-Juni 2015

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34001/intelegensia.v3i1.1336


Abstrak:Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pentingnya pendidikan nilai sebagai upaya mengatasi konflik identitas pada diri peserta didik. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab beberapa pernyataan fundamental antara lain; (1) memahami terminologi nilai dan pendidikan nilai, (2) mengelaborasi strategi dan landasan pendidikan nilai, dan (3) mengetahui urgensi pendidikan nilai. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-analitik. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan: 1) Nilai adalah sesuatu yang dipandang baik, bermanfaat, dan paling benar menurut keyakinan seseorang atau sekelompok orang. Pendidikan nilai ialah penanaman dan pengembangan nilai-nilai dalam diri peserta didik, 2) strategi pendidikan nilai meliputi value identifications (identifikasi nilai), activity (kegiatan), learning aids (alat bantu belajar), unit interaction (interaksi kesatuan), dan evaluation segment (bagian penilaian). Adapun landasan yang digunakan adalah landasan filosofis, psikologis, sosial, dan estetik, dan 3) urgensi pendidikan nilai adalah untuk mengatasi konflik identitas dan krisis nilai dalam diri peserta didik.       Kata kunci: pendidikan nilai, konflik identitas, krisis nilai