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Pengukuran Karakteristik Tanah Menggunakan Sensor Berbasis Web dengan Arduino Uno untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Sayuran Haidar Ali; Falen Bayu Adhetya; Nurul Hidayat
JPSE (Journal of Physical Science and Engineering) Vol 4, No 1 (2019): JPSE (Journal of Physical Science and Engineering)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

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Produksi komoditas sayuran di Indonesia seperti tomat, cabai, dan wortel, saat ini belum diimbangi dengan upaya kontrol kualitas yang serius. Dampaknya, banyak petani mengalami kerugian karena hasil panennya tidak mampu bersaing dengan sayuran impor. Padahal, Indonesia memiliki kekayaan alam yang potensial khususnya dalam ranah agraria. Sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan dini terhadap kerugian petani, lahan perkebunan harus selalu dikontrol kualitasnya dengan metode yang lebih efisien dan efektif dengan menggunakan sistem jaringan sensor nirkabel berbasis Arduino Uno. Karakteristik tanah yang penting untuk terus dipantau adalah suhu dan kelembapan tanah. Selain itu, kelembapan udara dan intensitas cahaya di sekitar tanah (sayuran) juga perlu untuk terus dipantau dalam rangka memaksimalkan kualitas sayuran. Dalam penelitian ini, hasil pembacaan sensor pada empat besaran fisis tersebut diproses dengan Arduino Uno dan pembacaannya dikirim ke Thingspeak secara real time. Dengan demikian hasil dari rancang bangun alat ukur ini mampu memberikan solusi untuk meminimalisir kerugian petani sayuran. DOI:
Instalasi PLTS Sebagai Sumber Energi mandiri dan Media Pengajaran EBT Bagi Santri PPPI Al-Ittihad Malang Nandang Mufti; Haidar Ali; Saparullah Saparullah; Nurul Lathii Fatul Chamidah; Retno Fitri Wulandari; Nur Asriyani; Ari Priharta; Nasikhudin Nasikhudin
PENA DIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2023): Pena Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (542.486 KB) | DOI: 10.33474/penadimas.v1i2.18901


Dependence on the need for electrical energy on PLN will undoubtedly require a high cost. Energy independence around the PPPI Al-Ittihad hut as a partner can minimize expenses and realize an Islamic life based on information technology and independence in energy. This problem has prompted the Malang State University community service team to install solar panels at PPPI Al-Ittihad based on smart PLTS that can be monitored in real-time. This installation serves as a source of electrical energy to meet the electricity needs of PPPI Al-Ittihad. Community service is carried out by observing, calculating load requirements, making designs, installing solar cell systems, and installing solar panel systems. The electricity generated by the smart PLTS is used for the daily needs of PPPI Al-Ittihad. Besides that, the PLTS could be the renewable energy learning media for students and IoT-based information technology. The installation of PLTS is very useful for PPPI Al-Ittihad, which has a daily power load of 4 kWh to reduce the estimated cost of electricity consumption which previously depended on PLN.
Pengembangan Eduwisata Sebagai Bentuk Dukungan Income Generating Daerah Wisata Dilem Wilis Saparullah Saparullah; Nandang Mufti; Haidar Ali; Silvi Rahmawati Wibowo; Atika Sari Puspita Dewi; Faiq Nur Saidah; Dhea Paradita; Nasikhudin Nasikhudin; Muntholib Muntholib
PENA DIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2023): Pena Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (781.012 KB) | DOI: 10.33474/penadimas.v1i2.18902


Tourism village is one of the tourism concepts currently being activated and has attracted many people. Many benefits are obtained, such as increasing local government income, helping the community's economy around the tourism area, and empowering local communities for its management. One tourist attraction that has superior potential is Dilem Wilis Edutourism in Dompyong Village, Trenggalek Regency. Dilem Wilis tourist destination offers a reasonably wide natural Dutch Heritage. However, the vastness of the tourist area that is not in line with the management makes some tourist rides unable to be enjoyed as a whole. In this community service activity, efforts to develop Dilem Wilis Edutourism are carried out through several stages. The landscape 3D model was designed with sketchup software then fabricated with synthetic material of 1:300 scale.  The results of this development stage are realized in a tangible form. There are the manufacture of 3D model of the landscape and the installation of LED strip lights that are useful for attracting tourists to visit because access to lighting is adequate, and the delivery of regional mapping is well conveyed through the Dilem Willis Eduwisata landscape 3D model.
Pemasangan Penerangan Jalan Umum Tenaga Surya (PJU-TS) Di Dilem Wilis Nandang Mufti; Muladi; aripriharta; YULMAISI ASMARITA; Haidar Ali; Saparullah Saparullah
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara Vol. 4 No. 4 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara (JPkMN)
Publisher : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi (Sisfokomtek)

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Trenggalek merupakan sebuah kabupaten yang terletak di Jawa Timur. Saat ini, Trenggalek memiliki Agrowisata Dilem Wilis dengan luas 40 hektar. Terdapat objek wisata sejarah berupa bangunan penggilingan kopi peninggalan Belanda, Kandang sapi perah dan kafe yang menyajikan produk dari hasil Alam Dilem Wilis. Salah satu kekurangan di agrowisata Dilem Wilis saat ini adalah minimnya penerangan, hal ini menyebabkan jalan gelap dan membatasi akses di malam hari. Terletak jauh di atas bukit menjadi salah satu penyebab minimnya penerangan, karena terbatasnya jangkauan aliran listrik PLN. Maka dari itu, pada kegiatan pengabdian ini penulis memberikan solusi alternatif dengan memanfaatkan tenaga surya atau PJU-TS (Penerangan Jalan Umum Tenaga Surya) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penerangan di sekitar spot wisata Dilem Wilis. Kegiatan pengabdian ini memasang sebanyak 4 tiang PJU-TS dengan ukuran tinggi total 550 cm dengan lengan 90 cm. Pada lengan tiang dipasang lampu LED dengan daya 150 Watt. PJU-TS telah terpasang di 4 titik strategis yaitu di area Peternakan sapi, TTP Dilem Wilis, Kafe Dilem Wilis dan Gudang Kopi. Diharapkan dengan adanya PJU-TS ini akan mempermudah akses disaat malam hari dan menarik perhatian wisatawan untuk berkunjung.
INSTALASI PLTS SEBAGAI SUMBER ENERGI MANDIRI DAN MEDIA PENGAJARAN EBT BAGI SANTRI PPPI AL-ITTIHAD MALANG Nandang Mufti; Haidar Ali; Saparullah Saparullah; Nurul Lathii Fatul Chamidah; Retno Fitri Wulandari; Nur Asriyani; Ari Priharta; Nasikhudin Nasikhudin
PENA DIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2023): Pena Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/penadimas.v1i2.18901


Dependence on the need for electrical energy on PLN will undoubtedly require a high cost. Energy independence around the PPPI Al-Ittihad hut as a partner can minimize expenses and realize an Islamic life based on information technology and independence in energy. This problem has prompted the Malang State University community service team to install solar panels at PPPI Al-Ittihad based on smart PLTS that can be monitored in real-time. This installation serves as a source of electrical energy to meet the electricity needs of PPPI Al-Ittihad. Community service is carried out by observing, calculating load requirements, making designs, installing solar cell systems, and installing solar panel systems. The electricity generated by the smart PLTS is used for the daily needs of PPPI Al-Ittihad. Besides that, the PLTS could be the renewable energy learning media for students and IoT-based information technology. The installation of PLTS is very useful for PPPI Al-Ittihad, which has a daily power load of 4 kWh to reduce the estimated cost of electricity consumption which previously depended on PLN.
PENGEMBANGAN EDUWISATA SEBAGAI BENTUK DUKUNGAN INCOME GENERATING DAERAH WISATA DILEM WILIS Saparullah Saparullah; Nandang Mufti; Haidar Ali; Silvi Rahmawati Wibowo; Atika Sari Puspita Dewi; Faiq Nur Saidah; Dhea Paradita; Nasikhudin Nasikhudin; Muntholib Muntholib
PENA DIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2023): Pena Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/penadimas.v1i2.18902


Tourism village is one of the tourism concepts currently being activated and has attracted many people. Many benefits are obtained, such as increasing local government income, helping the community's economy around the tourism area, and empowering local communities for its management. One tourist attraction that has superior potential is Dilem Wilis Edutourism in Dompyong Village, Trenggalek Regency. Dilem Wilis tourist destination offers a reasonably wide natural Dutch Heritage. However, the vastness of the tourist area that is not in line with the management makes some tourist rides unable to be enjoyed as a whole. In this community service activity, efforts to develop Dilem Wilis Edutourism are carried out through several stages. The landscape 3D model was designed with sketchup software then fabricated with synthetic material of 1:300 scale.  The results of this development stage are realized in a tangible form. There are the manufacture of 3D model of the landscape and the installation of LED strip lights that are useful for attracting tourists to visit because access to lighting is adequate, and the delivery of regional mapping is well conveyed through the Dilem Willis Eduwisata landscape 3D model.