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Analisis Penambahan Fe Terhadap Sifat Listrik Dan Magnet Komposit Mwcnt-Fe Purwanto, P.; Mustofa, Salim
Jurnal Kimia dan Kemasan Vol. 36 No. 2 Oktober 2014
Publisher : Balai Besar Kimia dan Kemasan

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Bahan komposit MWCNT-Fe dibuat dengan mencampurkan serbuk MWCNT dan Fe dengan variasi kandungan Fe mulai dari 1% sampai 5%. Selanjutnya bahan komposit diproses milling selama 3 jam memakai teknik High Energy Milling (HEM). Hasil pola difraksi sinar- x komposit MWCNT-Fe menunjukkan adanya puncak MWCNT dan Fe dengan pola yang sama. Spektroskopi Raman menunjukkan puncak D band muncul pada 1310- 1320 cm-1, puncak harmonik kedua G band (G’ band) muncul pada Raman shift 1605 cm-1 sampai dengan 1615 cm-1, dan puncak tangensial G band muncul pada 1580 cm-1 sampai dengan 1595 cm-1. Hasil pengukuran konduktivitas MWCNT-Fe dengan alat ukur LCR, menunjukkan bahwa nilai konduktivitas mengalami kenaikan sebanding dengan kenaikan berat Fe. Hasil parameter magnetik dengan metode VSM (Vibrating Sample Magnetometer) menunjukkan Magnetik Rimanen (Mr), Magnetik Jenuh (Ms) mengalami kenaikan, sedangkan Medan Koersif (Hc) mengalami penurunan sebanding dengan kenaikan berat Fe. 
Teknologi Indonesia Vol 37, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : LIPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jti.v37i2.218


Research and development on the usage of g-irradiation against nano-structured graphite which is suitable for capacitor material has been carried out. The nano-structured graphite in the form of pellet was irradiated by g-ray with variation of dose, from 100 kGy up to 600 kGy. In this research, the analysis of phase changes, the change of electrical resistivity (r), dielectric constant (er) and dielectric loss (tan d), have been carried out to the nano-structured graphite after irradiated by g-ray. The results of XRD showed that g-radiation could decline the peak intensity. The peak intensity decreased with the addition of radiation dose. Electrical resistivity values (r) also fell as an impact of g-radiation, where the decline continues with increasing radiation dose, while the value of the dielectric constant (er) has increased by g-radiation and increased steadily with the increasing of radiation dose. For the case of tan d t?? he tendency was decreased by the g-radiation and this decline continued with the increasing radiation dose. This fact suggests that there has been an interaction between g-radiation with graphite particles which can cause the impactof changes in the structure of graphite. More impact of changes in the structure of graphite is assumed that greater of energy can be stored, thus diminishes the r value and tan d, while the value of er increases.
Fabrikasi Lapisan Tipis C-Cr pada Permukaan Si dengan Menggunakan Metode Sputtering Purwanto, P.; -, Yunasfi; Mustofa, Salim
Majalah Ilmiah Pengkajian Industri Vol 8, No 3 (2014): MAJALAH ILMIAH PENGKAJIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : BPPT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (420.734 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/mipi.v8i3.3664


Telah dilakukan pembuatan lapisan tipis karbon-krom (C-Cr) pada permukaan Si. Pelapisan C-Cr pada permukaan Si merupakan eletrode dalam bentuk lapisan tipis. Pengukuran struktur kristal lapisan tipis C-Cr pada permukaan Si dilakukan dengan difraksi sinar-x, pola difraksi yang nampak yaitu puncak C dan Cr. Ukuran kristalit dan regangan lapisan tipis C-Cr yaitu 18,40 A dan regangan 17,78 %. Pengukuran sifat listrk pada pelapisan karbon-krom (C- Cr) dan tanpa pelapisan meliputi konduktansi dan kapasitansi. Dari hasil pengukuran menunjukkan konduktansi lapisan tipis C-Cr dan kapasitansi menurun dengan kenaikan frekuensi, begitu juga dalam bentuk pellet C-Cr dan substrat Si. Hasil analisis permukaan dengan SEM menunjukkan lapisan tipis C- Cr. Pengujian lapisan tipis ini dilakukan guna mengetahui terbentuknya lapian tipis C-Cr dengan ditemukannnya unsur C dan Cr pada permukaan substrat Si. Dari spektrum Raman diperoleh panjang gelombang pada puncak yaitu 538 cm- 1. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya interaksi antara C dan Cr, sehingga puncak yang nampak adalah puncak karbon.Kata kunci : Lapisan tipis, Difraksi sinar-x, Konduktasni, Permukaan, Raman.AbstractTo had been done to make thin film of C-Cr on Si surface. Deposition carbon-chrom ( C-Cr ) on Si surface was electrode shape in the thin film. The measurement ctystall structure thin film of C-Cr on Si surface tobe done was with x-ray diffraction which was C and Cr. The crystall size and strain of C-Cr thin film was 18.40 A and strain 17.78 %. The measurement electrical properties on deposition of C-Cr and without deposition as follow conductance and capacitance. The result indicated, that conductance of C-Cr thin film and capacitance decreased with increasing of frequence and also pellet shape of C- Cr and C substract. The result of surface morphology with SEM, indicate to had became of thin film C-Cr on the Si surface. The examine thin film tobe done for know what the thin film of C-Cr was shaped with find out C and Cr on the Si substrate surface. From Raman spectrum tobe find out wave number on the peak 520.56 cm-1, indication that interaction between C and Cr, so that peeak which visible was pek of C.Key word : Thin film, X-ray diffraction, Conductance, Surface, Raman
Fabrikasi Lapisan Tipis C-Cr pada Permukaan Si dengan Menggunakan Metode Sputtering Purwanto, P.; -, Yunasfi; Mustofa, Salim
Majalah Ilmiah Pengkajian Industri Vol. 8 No. 3 (2014): Majalah Ilmiah Pengkajian Industri
Publisher : Deputi TIRBR-BPPT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (420.734 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/mipi.v8i3.3664


Telah dilakukan pembuatan lapisan tipis karbon-krom (C-Cr) pada permukaan Si. Pelapisan C-Cr pada permukaan Si merupakan eletrode dalam bentuk lapisan tipis. Pengukuran struktur kristal lapisan tipis C-Cr pada permukaan Si dilakukan dengan difraksi sinar-x, pola difraksi yang nampak yaitu puncak C dan Cr. Ukuran kristalit dan regangan lapisan tipis C-Cr yaitu 18,40 A dan regangan 17,78 %. Pengukuran sifat listrk pada pelapisan karbon-krom (C- Cr) dan tanpa pelapisan meliputi konduktansi dan kapasitansi. Dari hasil pengukuran menunjukkan konduktansi lapisan tipis C-Cr dan kapasitansi menurun dengan kenaikan frekuensi, begitu juga dalam bentuk pellet C-Cr dan substrat Si. Hasil analisis permukaan dengan SEM menunjukkan lapisan tipis C- Cr. Pengujian lapisan tipis ini dilakukan guna mengetahui terbentuknya lapian tipis C-Cr dengan ditemukannnya unsur C dan Cr pada permukaan substrat Si. Dari spektrum Raman diperoleh panjang gelombang pada puncak yaitu 538 cm- 1. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya interaksi antara C dan Cr, sehingga puncak yang nampak adalah puncak karbon.Kata kunci : Lapisan tipis, Difraksi sinar-x, Konduktasni, Permukaan, Raman.AbstractTo had been done to make thin film of C-Cr on Si surface. Deposition carbon-chrom ( C-Cr ) on Si surface was electrode shape in the thin film. The measurement ctystall structure thin film of C-Cr on Si surface tobe done was with x-ray diffraction which was C and Cr. The crystall size and strain of C-Cr thin film was 18.40 A and strain 17.78 %. The measurement electrical properties on deposition of C-Cr and without deposition as follow conductance and capacitance. The result indicated, that conductance of C-Cr thin film and capacitance decreased with increasing of frequence and also pellet shape of C- Cr and C substract. The result of surface morphology with SEM, indicate to had became of thin film C-Cr on the Si surface. The examine thin film tobe done for know what the thin film of C-Cr was shaped with find out C and Cr on the Si substrate surface. From Raman spectrum tobe find out wave number on the peak 520.56 cm-1, indication that interaction between C and Cr, so that peeak which visible was pek of C.Key word : Thin film, X-ray diffraction, Conductance, Surface, Raman
The Effect of Irradiation of Fe and Ar Ion on the Surface Morphology of Diamond Thin Film Related to the Magnetoresistance Property Mustofa, Salim; Purwanto, Setyo; Mishima, Kenji
Makara Journal of Technology Vol. 20, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The irradiation of Fe and Ar ion was applied on the surface of diamond/Si thin film to know its effect on the morphology of thin film.The magnetoresistance property was also studied. Ion irradiation treatment using Fe ion followed by argon ion at the energy of 70keV and a dose of 1 x 1015 ion/cm2 have been conducted on the surface of two types of thin film, diamond/Si (111) and diamond/Si (100). Both thin films were made by using a CVD method, and the thickness of the thin film is 1000-nm. From simulations using the software called Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter (SRIM), it is known that Fe and Argon ion penetration into the surface of the thin film are respectively 512 and 603 Angstroms. After that the thin film sample was irradiated with ion Fe and Ar, and the property behavior of the morphological change of thin film were studied through Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The grain size range of thin film on diamond films / Si (100) was reduced from 115-322 nm to 147-169 nm, suggesting the effect of irradiation on the surface morphology. The magnetoresistance property is approximately 0.15% at room temperature and magnetic field external H = 0.8 Tesla.
Effects of Plasma Sintering on the Post TIG Weld Joint of Fe-15Cr-25Ni Austenitic Stainless Steel Parikin, Parikin; Dani, Mohammad; Dimyati, Arbi; Insani, Andon; Deswita, Deswita; Aziz, Ferhat; Mardiyanto, Mardiyanto; Mustofa, Salim; Purwanto, Setyo; Adhika, Damar Rastri; Syahbuddin, Syahbuddin; Huang, Ching An
Makara Journal of Technology Vol. 26, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Arc-plasma sintering (APS) for 5 s has been applied to the post tungsten inert gas (TIG) weld joint of Fe–15Cr–25Ni austenitic stainless steel (ASS). The treatment is intended to observe the effect of heat generated by plasma on micro-crystal structures around the fusion zone (FZ), especially internal stress relief in steel after being subjected to welding. The effect of stress relief in weld was measured using the neutron diffraction technique. ASS that is predominantly composed of Fe, Cr, and Ni elements, with contents of 57%, 15%, and 25%wt. respectively, was cut into two parts. Both parts were then welded with TIG without filler with a current and voltage of 60 A and 50 V, respectively. After APS for 5 s, the sample was characterized and analyzed using high-resolution powder neutron diffractometer at a high-temperature laboratory facility. The results show that the tensile residual stress decreased with the APS heat input. The residual stresses significantly decreased from 82.40 MPa to 1.21 MPa in the FZ and continued almost evenly from 65.92 MPa to 1.24 MPa in the heat-affected zone (HAZ). The residual stress is a tensile stress that can reduce the mechanical strength of materials. This condition is also applicable to applied loads. A microstructure gives a confirmation that the C element migrates from the FZ to HAZ. The content was very high in dark traces. The C element reacts to Cr and O to form chromium carbide (Cr23C6) and chromium carbonyl (CrC6O6), respectively. It rapidly migrates among its grain boundaries. It may also weaken materials and probably initiate intergranular cracks.