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Cultivation of Character Education Through Learning to Listen to Speech Based on Flash Media in the Digital Age Riswanda Himawan; Ariesty Fujiastuti; Iis Suwartini
Teknodika Vol 18, No 2 (2020): Teknodika
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/teknodika.v18i2.41993


In the era of 4.0 technological advances that developed very rapidly indirectly affected all aspects of human life, both in the political, economic, cultural, even in the field of education. Every technology must have both positive and negative impacts. Positive benefits that can be obtained from technological advancements are providing facilities in the field of Education. One way that can be done is to use Flash as a learning media to listen to speeches for students which of course there are character values that can be developed in the media. The character developed in this media is the character of independence because students are highly required to work independently in the learning process. In addition, the characters developed in this media are the characters who love the environment, it can be seen from the contents of the speech that invites the listener to love the environment together. The purpose of this paper, which is to find out how to inculcate character education through learning to listen to flashbased speeches in the digital age. This type of research is Reasrch and Develompent (R&D). Development is carried out by developing learning media listening to speeches using the Flash application. Data collection method using a questionnaire. The feasibility instrument is reviewed from the learning media. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis technique. The final stage of this development is the feasibility and effectiveness test. Based on the results of the study it can be seen that instilling character education can be done through listening to speeches using flash-based media. This learning media is designed to deal with the era of digitalization, in addition to this, there are also character values that can be developed, including the character of independence and also the character for love for nature. The value of the independence character in this media can be seen from the form of media where users can access and download the desired material themselves, the value of the character of nature's love in this case can be seen from the contents of the speech which will directly preserve listening to both protecting the environment
Pengolahan Limbah Produksi Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah Menjadi Kerajinan Kreatif Riswanda Himawan; Riefda Arya Kelana; Ajeng Retno Ariani; Piska Eka Widya
Berdikari: Jurnal Inovasi dan Penerapan Ipteks Vol 10, No 1 (2022): February
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/berdikari.v10i1.10957


Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are community associations that carry out entrepreneurial activities closely related to the economic field. Through MSMEs, it is easier for people to collaborate with one another. One of the villages that strongly supports the development of SMEs is Gilangharjo Village. The great numbers of local MSME actors in the culinary field have greatly advanced the village economy. However, almost every day these MSME actors produce various kinds of waste from merchandise production. These problems can actually be handled by processing waste into creative crafts with economic value. The purpose of the service program is to increase the economic value of waste as an additional income for MSME actors. The socialization, training, and marketing assistance were coducted to assist them. The results of the program show that MSME waste can be processed into trinkets in Gilangharjo Village, and potentially increase the income of MSMEs in Gilangharjo Village.
Wacana: Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajaran Vol 20, No 2 (2022): Wacana, Vol. 20, No. 2, Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/jwacana.v20i2.22925


The background of the research was due to the COVID-19 pandemic which was not over yet and the need for teaching materials that could be used digitally. This is of course based on the results of a need assessment or analysis of product needs in the two schools that are partners in this research. The product that appears in this study is a digital module that contains narrative text material for seventh grade students of junior high school. The purpose of this research is to find out; 1) the stages in developing a digital module for narrative text material for seventh grade junior high school students, 2) the feasibility of developing a digital module for narrative text material for seventh grade junior high school students, 3) implementing digital module development for seventh grade junior high school students. The type of research used in this research is research and development with the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). The research subjects are validators in the form of media experts, material experts, learning experts (users), and students. While the object of this research is the development of a digital module containing narrative text material for seventh grade students of junior high school. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used in this study uses quantitative-descriptive analysis, because it presents data from the validation results in the form of numbers and describes the stages in product development in the form of digital modules. The results of this study are as follows, showing that the teaching materials that have been developed can be categorized as "Very Appropriate". This is evidenced by the results of the average score obtained from the experts, amounting to 97.6. The average score obtained from media experts is 106, from material experts is 96, and from teaching experts (teachers as users) is 92. The results of student responses to digital modules that have been implemented are 95.5. Based on this explanation, it can be concluded that research on the development of digital modules for narrative text material for seventh grade students of junior high school is expected to be able to use this digital module optimally in the process of teaching and learning activities and of course it can improve the quality of the process and learning outcomes in narrative texts.
Makna Alam dalam Sajak Kue Lumpur, Garwa, dan Hujan Pagi Karya Abdul Wachid B.S.: Apresiasi Secara Semiotika Atik Widyaningrum; Riswanda Himawan
Publisher : IAIN Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/disastra.v4i2.5583


Dalam menulis sajak pengarang tidak hanya sebatas fokus terhadap gaya atau cara seorang penulis menuangkan isi dan ciri khas sajaknya. Namun, ada pula pembahasan lain yang lebih menarik dan difokuskan pada aspek yang berkaitan erat dengan makna. Selaras dengan pernyataan tersebut dalam penelitian akan dibahas mengenai makna alam dalam sajak yang berjudul Kue Lumpur, Garwa, dan Hujan Pagi dari buku Biyanglala karya Abdul Wachid B.S. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengapresiasi karya sastra dalam hal ini berupa sajak, selain itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui makna alam yang terkandung di dalam sajak Kue Lumpur, Garwa, dan Hujan Pagi Karya Abdul Wachid B.S. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penelitain ini yaitu membaca sajak, mencatat hasil temuan, mengklasifikasi data dan mengidentifikasi data dengan memerhatikan teroi serta peneloitian yang relevan dan lebih dahulu dilakukan. Teori yang digunakan dalam artikel ini yaitu teori struktural semiotika Michael Riffaterre. Hasil penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa makna alam yang terkandung dalam sajak Kue Lumpur, Garwa, dan Hujan Pagi adalah sebagai berikut; (1) sajak Kue Lumpur memiliki hubungan intertekstualitas dengan ayat-ayat Al-Quran dan hadis yang terdapat pada HR Muslim dan surat Ali Imran ayat 185; (2) sajak Garwa memiliki hubungan intertekstualitas dengan firman Allah yang terdapat dalam surat An-Nahl ayat 72 dan Ar-Rum ayat 21; (3) sajak Hujan Pagi memiliki hubungan intertekstualitas dengan firman Allah yang terdapat dalam surat Al Baqarah ayat 22.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Canva Materi Teks Puisi Untuk Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Giat Hidayat; Hermanto Hermanto; Riswanda Himawan
Kode : Jurnal Bahasa Vol 11, No 3 (2022): Kode: Edisi September 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/kjb.v11i3.38819


Penelitian ini didasari dari hasil analisis kebutuhan produk di sekolah mitra yaitu ketersediaan media pembelajaran yang belum maksimal, khususnya pada materi teks puisi kelas VIII SMP. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengembangkan produk media pembelajaran Canva materi teks puisi kelas VIII SMP , mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran Canva materi teks puisi kelas VIII SMP dan mengetahui produk akhir media pembelajaran Canva materi teks puisi kelas VIII SMP. Oleh sebab itu, maka dilakukan pengembangan media pembelajaran dengan aplikasi Canva materi teks puisi kelas VIII SMP dengan menerapkan pengembangan Research and Developmen (R&D). Teknik pengambilan data yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu observsi, wawancara, dan angket. Adapun teknik analisis penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil akhir media pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia berupa audio visual dengan aplikasi Canva materi tek puisi KD 3.7 dan KD 4.7 kelas VIII SMP. Dalam pengembangan media pembelajaran, penelitian ini melibatkan ahli materi, ahli media, dan ahli pengajaran. Adapun hasil yang didapat dari ahli materi yaitu 83% dengan kategori “sangat baik”, hasil dari ahli media yaitu 98,4 % dengan kategori “sangat baik”, hasil dari ahli materi yaitu 90% dengan kategori “sangat baik”. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka didapat hasil akhir denga rata-rata 90,4%. Jadi dapat simpulkan media pembelajaran tersebut tergolong “sangat baik”
Jurnal Gramatika Vol 8, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (40.965 KB) | DOI: 10.22202/jg.2022.v8i1.4810


Indonesian language learning is learning that requires students' critical thinking processes. So that the teacher as a learning facilitator must be able to deliver students to achieve these indicators. However, in reality in the learning process in the classroom the teacher as a learning facilitator has not directed students into critical thinking through HOTS-oriented questions, especially in teaching persuasive speech texts. This happened because of the lack of teacher references to present HOTS-based questions. Based on the description, this research aims to; (1) describe the questions that have been used in teaching persuasive speech texts in class IX SMP, (2) describe the product design in the form of HOTS-based evaluation questions in teaching persuasive speech texts in class IX SMP, (3) describe the results of the product design validity test in the form of a question model (4) describing the results of a limited trial. In line with the title of this research, this research belongs to the type of Research and Development (R&D) Borg and Gall modified by Sugiyono. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative and quantitative descriptive methods. Qualitative descriptive is used to describe the results of the needs analysis related to the questions developed. Quantitative descriptive is used to describe the correlation results related to the results of the validity test to experts calculated by the Aiken V formula. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that: (1) Teachers have not implemented and students have never worked on HOTS-oriented questions in persuasive speech text learning ( 2) The design model developed in this study was in the form of 27 questions. (3) the questions were then validated by 3 expert validators, the validation results were correlated with the Aiken V formula showing a score of 0.40-0.80 with a valid category (4) The results of the interviews related to limited trials conducted on 10 grade IX students were obtained The result is that students feel challenged by the questions being tested.
Jurnal Gramatika Vol 8, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22202/jg.2022.v8i1.4810


Indonesian language learning is learning that requires students' critical thinking processes. So that the teacher as a learning facilitator must be able to deliver students to achieve these indicators. However, in reality in the learning process in the classroom the teacher as a learning facilitator has not directed students into critical thinking through HOTS-oriented questions, especially in teaching persuasive speech texts. This happened because of the lack of teacher references to present HOTS-based questions. Based on the description, this research aims to; (1) describe the questions that have been used in teaching persuasive speech texts in class IX SMP, (2) describe the product design in the form of HOTS-based evaluation questions in teaching persuasive speech texts in class IX SMP, (3) describe the results of the product design validity test in the form of a question model (4) describing the results of a limited trial. In line with the title of this research, this research belongs to the type of Research and Development (R&D) Borg and Gall modified by Sugiyono. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative and quantitative descriptive methods. Qualitative descriptive is used to describe the results of the needs analysis related to the questions developed. Quantitative descriptive is used to describe the correlation results related to the results of the validity test to experts calculated by the Aiken V formula. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that: (1) Teachers have not implemented and students have never worked on HOTS-oriented questions in persuasive speech text learning ( 2) The design model developed in this study was in the form of 27 questions. (3) the questions were then validated by 3 expert validators, the validation results were correlated with the Aiken V formula showing a score of 0.40-0.80 with a valid category (4) The results of the interviews related to limited trials conducted on 10 grade IX students were obtained The result is that students feel challenged by the questions being tested.
Pengembangan Media Berbasis Aplikasi Kodular dalam Pembelajaran Teks Persuasi di SMP Kelas VIII Rizka A Hi Djuredje; Hermanto; Riswanda Himawan
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Universitas Islam Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/geram.2022.vol10(2).10602


Based on the results of the needs analysis at MTs Muhammadiyah Karangkajen Yogyakarta and SMP Negeri 11 Yogyakarta, it can be reflected that the use of learning media, especially persuasive text materials using application-based media, has yet to be maximized. Therefore, developing learning media based on the Kodular application is hoped to be a solution to learning persuasive text material. This study aims to; (1) describe the stages of Kodular application media in learning persuasion text material for class VIII SMP/MTs students; (2) describe the implementation of Kodular application media in learning persuasive text material in class VIII SMP/MTs students; and (3) describe Kodular application media's feasibility in learning persuasion text material for class VIII SMP/MTs students. The type of research used was R&D (Research and Development) using the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The subjects of this study were students and expert validators. Meanwhile, the object of this research is media based on Kodular application in teaching persuasion text to class VIII SMP/MTs students. Data collection techniques used in this study were in the form of observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used in this study uses quantitative-descriptive analysis, which can present data from the validation test results from experts in the form of numbers and describe the stages in developing learning media based on Kodular applications. The results of this study indicate that the Kodular application-based media that contains persuasive text material is "Very Eligible" to apply in the learning process at school. This feasibility is evidenced by the results of the average score obtained from experts amounting to 93. The average score obtained from the assessment of media experts is 100, from material experts is 95, and from teaching experts (teachers as users) is 83, 8. In addition, the results of the responses from students to this Kodular application-based media were 89.5. Further, research on developing media based on Kodular applications in persuasion text learning in class VIII SMP/MTs students is expected to assist students in optimizing the learning process and support learning outcomes to achieve the learning objectives.
Jurnal Basataka (JBT) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Universitas Balikpapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (338.57 KB) | DOI: 10.36277/basataka.v5i2.170


Bahan ajar merupakan seperangkat bahan tersusun sistematis sedemikian rupa untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang kondusif sehingga siswa dapat mengikuti pembelajaran secara nyaman. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara yang telah dilakukan dengan salah satu guru Bahasa Indonesia di SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Yogyakarta, didapatkan hasil bahwa selama proses pembelajaran materi teks fable, guru sebagai fasilitator pembelajaran masih menggunakan bahan ajar berupa buku teks. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode R&D (Research and Development) dengan model pengembangan ADDIE yaitu terdapat lima tahap pengembangan yaitu: analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu berupa wawancara dan angket. Wawancara dilakukan kepada Guru dan peserta didik kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Yogyakarta dan SMP PIRI Yogyakarta. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan didapatkan hasil bahwa selama ini Guru sebagai fasilitator pembelajaran belum menerapkan modul digital yang telah disesuaikan dengan perkembangan zaman dalam pembelajaran teks fabel di kelas VII, peserta didik belum pernah dihadirkan modul digital sebagai bahan ajar penunjang mata pelajaran teks fabel.  
Jurnal Lingkar Mutu Pendidikan Vol 20 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Lingkar Mutu Pendidikan
Publisher : LPMP Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54124/jlmp.v20i1.92


The development of technology and information in this era certainly affects the increasingly advanced learning media, but not all learning activities use modern and up-to-date learning media. Based on this, researchers are interested in developing learning media based on Google Sites in learning biographical texts for class X at MA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta. In this study, researchers used a research and development (R&D) research model with the ADDIE method (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The research technique used is interview and questionnaire technique. This study obtained data sources from a team of experts (material experts, media experts, and teaching experts (teachers)) and user groups (students). The results of this study stated that the development of learning media based on Google Sites in the biographical text of class X SMA / MA obtained "Very Eligible" results with an average score of 81.71. The average score obtained from the assessment of the expert team and media users (students). The score of material expert is 81.6, media expert is 80, teaching expert (teacher) is 80, and the result of limited trial (student) is 85.25. Based on the results of the assessment, it can be concluded that the Google Sites-based learning media in the biographical text material for class X KD 3.14 and 4.14 "Very Eligible" is used as a learning medium.