Abdul Muis
Universitas Kuningan

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Quagga : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Biologi Vol 8, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, FKIP Universitas Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/quagga.v8i2.837


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai efektivitas model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) dan Group Investigaton (GI)  terhadap  kemampuan berpikir ktitis siswa pada materi pencemaran lingkungan. Populasi seluruh siswa kelas X MIPA SMAN 3 KUNINGAN tahun ajaran 2015-2016. Sampel dalam penelitian ini terdapat 2 kelas eksperimen yaitu X MIPA 5 sebanyak 35 siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran GI dan 35 siswa X MIPA 6 menggunakan model pembelajaran PBL. Dalam penelitian ini sampel diambil dengan menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling, desain penelitiannya adalah quasi experiment (eksperimen semu) dengan pretest dan post-test. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan soal-soal tes uraian dan angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penggunaaan model Problem Based Learning (PBL) terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis lebih efektif dibandingkan penggunaan model Group Investigation (GI) pada materi pencemaran lingkungan di SMAN 3 Kuningan. Kata Kunci : Berpikir kritis,  Problem Based Learning, Group Investigation
Quagga : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Biologi Vol 7, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, FKIP Universitas Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/quagga.v7i2.817


Usage-Based Learning Cycle models Learning Environment Students Against Understanding to Content Ecosystem (An Experiment In Class VII SMP Negeri 1 Kramatmulya) Biology Education Program Teacher Training and Education Faculty of the University of Brass. This research is motivated by the low quality of education today, especially in the junior high school level. This is caused by the lack of facilities and infrastructure that support the achievement of the expected learning objectives, in line with it. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of the Learning Cycle models of students' understanding of the concept of the ecosystem. The method used is the method of True Experimental Design that aims to find the relationship Learning Cycle models to the understanding of class VII students of SMP Negeri 1 Kramatmulya. In this method, taken as many classes with 2 Random selected for experiment class and control class. 2 class (70 students) who used the class VII. A and VII. F from a population of 230 seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Kramatmulya in 2013. Learning outcomes data retrieval using achievement test instrument (30 items) and anggket student responses to the application of the learning model. Analysis of the data using statistical hypothesis test - t and t value of 4.27 is obtained at significant level () of 0.05 and 2.66 obtained ttable then t t table, so it can be concluded that the t value is outside the interval t table , which means that there is a difference between the experimental class that uses the Learning Cycle models and control classes that do not use the Learning Cycle models. Or in other words Learning Cycle Model for Understanding effective use of class VII students of SMP Negeri 1 Kramatmulya on ecosystems material with an average value (mean) value of the test in the experimental class was 75.81. While the average test scores in the control class is 64.27. it can be said that the students' understanding of classes taught by the Learning Cycle models better than the class being taught by not using the Learning Cycle Model.Kata Kunci :    Ekosistem, Model Learning Cycle, True Experimental Design
Quagga : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Biologi Vol 7, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, FKIP Universitas Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/quagga.v7i2.812


This research is motivated by a number of sweet potato production in Kuningan abundant, but the utilization of sweet potato Brass less desirable for society. In addition there is also a problem of other issues behind this research that most commercially available syrup made from fruits. Thus the number of sweet potato production in Kuningan then made a new innovation in the manufacture of syrup by using materials of sweet potato. It aims to raise local knowledge Regency Brass and provide new information for the public in using sweet potatoes. This study aims to determine whether fortification of white flour sweet potato AC brass affect the manufacture of flavored syrup so preferred by consumers and to determine how the composition of white sweet potato flour brass AC most optimal to produce the flavored syrup is preferred by consumers. This research method using a completely randomized design (CRD). Techniques of data analysis in this research is by using test oragnoleptik (flavor, aroma, viscosity and color). Analysis of the data using statistical and testing using test nonparametri friedman. Objects in this study dalah syrup and subjects in this study were the panelists, the panelists as many as 30 people. Based on the results of data processing by using the friedman test the flavor, aroma, viscosity and color of the results obtained from the four formulations of sweet potato flour resulting in a different effect on the taste, aroma, viscosity and color. In terms of flavor formulations are preferred by the panelists at the F2 formulation with the composition of sweet potato flour 50 grams, for terms of scent formulation preferred by panelists yatu contained in the formulation F4 with as much as 100 grams of flour composition, in terms of viscosity formulations are preferred by panelists yatu contained in the formulation F4 with as much as 100 grams of flour composition, and for terms of color formulations are preferred by the panelists at the F1 formulsai composition of sweet potato flour as much as 25 grams. Hypothesis testing is done by using test friedman, of all treatments showed all of which produce data that count x2 x2 table from, and it states that H0 is rejected and Hi is accepted. So for the first conclusion is that there is an effect on sweet potato flour fortification AC white brass to manufacture flavored syrup so favored by consumers, and to the conclusion that the second is the use of air conditioning composition of sweet potato flour 50 grams white brass produce optimal syrup and bercitrasa so favored by consumers. Keywords: Potential sweet potato, fortification and syrup
Implementasi Asesmen Peta Konsep Untuk Mengukur Struktur Kognitif Dan Berpikir Kritis Dalam Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Jeje Sudarja; Sofyan Hasanudin Nur; Abdul Muis
Edubiologica Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu dan Pendidikan Biologi Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Juni
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (403.057 KB) | DOI: 10.25134/edubiologica.v6i1.2357


Learning assessment which is usually used has not facilitated the developing of cognitive structure and critical thinking in problem solving. It gives an effect to the learning result which is not satisfied yet. One of the assessment which develops the meaningful learning is map concept. The aim of the research is to analysis accomplished learning, map concept quality which is arranged by the students, the developing of cognitive structure and critical thinking, the relationship between map concept quality which is arranged by the students and the developing of cognitive structure and critical thinking. The research is a quasi experiment with Randomized Pretest Post Test Control Group Design. The research population is all the 9th grader students in SMPN 1 Karangkancana Kuningan in academic year 2015/2016. The number of the students is 116. The sample of the research is taken by Simple Random Technique, 58 students. The achievement of research result is (1) The accomplished of learning  is categorized “good”, every stage of learning in accordance with the planning but still found obstacles. (2) The map quality concept which is categorized “fair” and “bad”, and no category of  “high “ , which is designed learning has not been able to facilitate students in the achievement of the four components of the concept maps perfectly. (3) There is a significant progress in structure cognitive and students critical thinking is categorized “fair”, students are not familiar with the of learning that develops the cognitive structure and critical thinking. (4) There is a positive correlation between map concept quality and students critical thinking which is categorized “strong”,  and there is linearity unidirectional nature, every increase in the quality of concept maps followed by an increase in critical thinking. (5) The student positive is categorized “almost all”, students are very enthusiastic and very active in learning activities. It can be concluded that map concept assessment can develop cognitive structure and students critical thinking, also, there is a significant relationship between map quality concept and students critical thinkingKeywords : Concept Map Assessment; Cognitive Structure; Critical Thinking;Problem Based Learning 
Pembelajaran Inquiri Dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Dan Retensi Siswa Pada Materi Pencemaran Lingkungan Endun Abdurohman; Abdul Muis; Sulistyono Sulistyono
Edubiologica Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu dan Pendidikan Biologi Vol 7, No 2 (2019): Desember
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.139 KB) | DOI: 10.25134/edubiologica.v7i2.2992


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang pembelajaran inkuiri terhadap peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan retensi siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen dengan pre test post test control group design  dan menggunakan sampel penelitian sebanyak 52 siswa kelas VII di salah satu SMP di Kabupaten Kuningan. Rata-rata N-gain keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa pada materi pencemaran lingkungan untuk kelas eksperimen 0,7 (kategori tinggi) dan kelas kontrol 0,4 (kategori sedang). Sedangkan tingkat retensi siswa pada materi pencemaran lingkungan untuk kelas kontrol 34,6% (kategori baik), 30,8% (kategori sangat baik) dan kelas eksperimen 30,8% (kategori baik), 46,1% (kategori sangat baik).
Implikasi Gaya Berpikir dan Interaksi Sosial Siswa pada Pembelajaran Model Kooperatif Berbasis Media Informasi dan Komunikasi Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Jojo Warjo; Usep Soetisna; Abdul Muis
Edubiologica Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu dan Pendidikan Biologi Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Juni
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (343.779 KB) | DOI: 10.25134/edubiologica.v6i1.2358


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) Implikasi gaya berpikir dalam pembelajaran model kooperatif berbantuan media informasi dan komunikasi terhadap prestasi belajar siswa pada materi Ekosistem. (2) Implikasi interaksi sosial dalam pembelajaran model kooperatif berbantuan media informasi dan komunikasi terhadap prestasi belajar siswa pada materi Ekosistem. (3) Implikasi gaya berpikir dan interaksi sosial dalam pembelajaran model kooperatif tipe jigsaw berbantuan media informasi dan komunikasi terhadap prestasi belajar siswa pada materi Ekosistem. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen. Populasi yaitu seluruh siswa kelas X program IPA SMA Negeri 1 Ciwaru Kabupaten Kuningan. Sampel ditentukan dengan teknik random ( random sampling) terdiri dari dua kelas yaitu kelas X IPA 1 dan X IPA 2. Kelas X IPA 1 sebagai kelas eksperimen terdiri dari 30 siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jig saw berbantuan media informasi dan komunikasi, dan kelas X IPA 2 sebagai kelas kontrol terdiri dari 30 siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik tes dan non tes. Uji hipotesis menggunakan Anova dua jalur (univariat). Pada penelitian ini pengujian hipotesis menggunakan bantuan software SPSS Versi 22. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu 1) Gaya berpikir dalam pembelajaran kooperatif tidak berimplikasi secara signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. 2) Interaksi sosial dalam pembelajaran kooperatif tidak berimplikasi secara signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. 3) Gaya berpikir secara bersamaan dengan Interaksi sosial siswa tidak berimplikasi secara signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar siswaKeywords: Gaya Berpikir; Interaksi Sosial; Model Kooperatif; Media Informasi Komunikasi; Prestasi Belajar