Suadi Suadi
Agribusiness Department, Agricultural Faculty Trunojoyo University Of Madura Extension And Development Communication Department, Agricultural Faculty, Gadjah Mada University Fisheries Department, Agricultural Faculty, Gadjah Mada University

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Mutu dan Tingkat Penerimaan Konsumen Abon Ikan Layang (Decapterus sp.): Quality and Consumers Acceptence of Shredded Macarel Scad Fish (Decapterus sp.) Kasmiati; Nurfitri Ekantari; Asnani; Suadi; Amir Husni
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Vol 23 No 3 (2020): Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia 23(3)
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Product Technology IPB University in collaboration with Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17844/jphpi.v23i3.32700


Mutu dan tingkat penerimaan konsumen pada abon ikan bervariasi dan menjadi salah satu pertimbangan utama dalam komersialisasi abon ikan. Informasi mengenai olahan ikan layang hasil tangkapan nelayan di Kepulauan Spermonde Selat Makassar masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan karakteristik mutu dan tingkat penerimaan konsumen abon ikan layang yang diolah pada skala rumah tangga. Penelitian terdiri dari dua tahap yaitu preparasi dan pembuatan abon ikan layang dilanjutkan dengan analisa mutu (proksimat, kadar logam berat) dan uji penerimaan konsumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa abon ikan layang mempunyai karakteristik mutu sebagai berikut: kadar air 3,84-4,60%, abu 5,35-5,66%, protein 36,39-37,39%, lemak 36,54-36,60%, serat kasar 5,66-7,90%, karbohidrat 9,22-10,87%, TPC 2,40-3,05 x 103 CFU/g, Cu 5,12-9,05 ppm, Mg 457,72-881,92 ppm, Zn 19,93-42,85 ppm. Tingkat penerimaan konsumen terhadap abon ikan layang rata-rata adalah netral, sedang abon ikan komersial disukai konsumen. Abon ikan layang telah memenuhi persyaratan sesuai SNI kecuali parameter kadar lemak.
Peran Dinas Perikanan Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Nelayan Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Ketahanan Ekonomi Keluarga Nelayan (Studi Pada Kampung Nelayan Di Kecamatan Bula, Kabupaten Seram Bagian Timur, Provinsi Maluku) Zarita Kaulika Rumarey Wattimena; Rustadi Rustadi; Suadi Suadi
Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional Vol 28, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkn.72773


ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyzed the role of  Department of Fishery of Seram Bagian Timur Regency  using the Siagian theory in 2003, through 5 role indicators namely the role of stabilizer, innovator, modernizr, pioneer and implementer as well as the implications of the role of the service on the economic resilience of fishermen's families which included: place of residence (home ownership) , income, education costs and health insurance in Bula Fisherman's Village SBT Regency.This research was a qualitative descriptive study, with data collection techniques using qualitative methods with samples of 6 informants from the officers in the Fisheries Services and 5 fishers informants representing 3 fish farmer groups. The data collection techniques used were (1) observation (2) interviews, and (3) documentation with data analysis techniques through qualitative description analysis which drew conclusions analytically through the stages of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing.The results of the study indicated that Department of Fishery of SBT Regency had not carried out its main duties and functions optimally. The limitations of its implementation, both the role and implementation of policies, were still hampered by a number of factors, namely budget constraints, low quality of human resources, government policies and inadequate facilities and infrastructure. So, that the local governments had not been effective in managing and utilizing fishery resources. The implication of the role of Office of Fishery of SBT in empowering fishermen showed that it still had not had a positive influence on the economic condition of the fishermen's families, most of the fishing families had family economic resilience that was included in the less resilient category, namely there were still many family of fisherman who lived in poverty. In order to supporedt the success of the role of the Department of Fisheries, a number of supporting factors were needed that could encourage the regional economy through marine and fisheries-based regional development, namely fishery resources, human resources and government policies (budget).
Innovation in Financing Coastal Village Development through Community-Owned Microfinance Institution: A Case Study of Village Credit Institution (LPD) Kedonganan Bali [Inovasi Pembiayaan Pembangunan Desa Pesisir Melalui Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Berbasis Masyarakat: Studi Kasus di Lembaga Pekreditan Desa (LPD) Kedonganan Bali] Suadi Suadi; Ratih Ineke Wati; Nakagawa Mitsuhiro
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan Vol. 11 No. 2 (2019): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (450.959 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jipk.v11i2.15733


 AbstractMicrofinance institutions (MFIs) is a worldwide movement. This study aims to describe the key conditions in the rapid development of community-owned MFIs, namely LPD (Lembaga Perkreditan Desa/Village Credit Institution), through case study in LPD Kedonganan Village, Badung Regency of Bali. This village was selected for few reasons i.e. the shifting of people livelihood from fishery-based to tourism-related livelihood, the well-manage of coastal commons for fishery, tourism spot, and religious-related activities. Data collection was conducted through several visits during 2007 to 2018. This research adopted qualitative approach through observation and depth-interview with local leaders, MFI managers and users to discover their perspective about the MFI. Secondary data was also collected from various reports of LPD Kedonganan. The study showed that LPD was established, owned, and managed by the community through a custom village. LPD distributed credits to various components of the society and business including tourism and fisheries-related business, in and out of village territory, and to male and female customers, with various types, scales, and sectors. The healthy financial performance of the institution was clearly depicted by its rapidly growing profit and equity, and its low percentage of a non-performing loan for more than three decades. The better growing LPD has attracted various socio-economic investments in the grass root, for example a collective-owned and managed seafood restaurant. Overall, the study identified that the community had made such successful and sustainable collective-owned resource arrangement. The arrangement had been evolved and built by sharing rules linked to community values, customs and faith. As a result, the emerging institutions had contributed remarkable roles to rural socio-cultural and economic development and showed the opportunity to enhance some cooperative behaviors for sustainable governance of resources and rural livelihood. AbstrakLembaga keuangan mikro (LKM) telah menjadi gerakan yang mendunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan faktor-faktor keberhasilan pengelolaan LKM berbasis masyarakat, yaitu LPD (Lembaga Perkreditan Desa), melalui studi kasus di LPD Desa Kedonganan, Kabupaten Badung Bali. Desa ini dipilih karena beberapa alasan antara lain terjadi pergeseran cepat sumber penghidupan masyarakat dari berbasis perikanan (sektor primer) ke pariwisata (sektor tersier), desa mampu mengelola sumberdaya milik bersama di pesisir secara baik untuk kegiatan perikanan, tempat wisata, dan kegiatan terkait keagamaan/budaya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui beberapa kunjungan selama tahun 2007 hingga 2018. Penelitian ini mengadopsi pendekatan kualitatif melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam dengan para pemimpin lokal, manajemen LPD, dan pengguna untuk memahami perspektif mereka tentang LKM. Data sekunder juga dikumpulkan dari berbagai laporan LPD Kedonganan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa LPD didirikan, dimiliki, dan dikelola oleh masyarakat melalui desa adat. LPD mendistribusikan kredit ke berbagai komponen masyarakat dan bisnis termasuk pariwisata dan bisnis terkait perikanan, melingkupi pengguna dalam dan luar wilayah desa, dan kelompok laki-laki dan wanita, dengan berbagai jenis, skala, dan sektor ekonomi. Kinerja keuangan lembaga yang sehat secara jelas ditunjukkan dengan laba dan ekuitasnya yang berkembang pesat, dan rendahnya pinjaman bermasalah selama lebih dari tiga dekade. LPD yang tumbuh lebih baik telah menarik berbagai investasi sosial-ekonomi di masyarakat, misalnya restoran makanan laut yang dimiliki dan dikelola secara kolektif. Secara keseluruhan, penelitian mengidentifikasi bahwa masyarakat mampu mengelola sumber daya yang dimiliki secara kolektif secara menguntungkan dan berkelanjutan. Model pengelolaan tersebut telah dikembangkan dan dibangun dengan berbagi aturan yang terkait dengan nilai-nilai masyarakat, adat istiadat, dan kepercayaan. Model kelembagaan ini telah berperan peran penting bagi pembangunan sosial-budaya dan ekonomi pedesaan dan menunjukkan peluang untuk meningkatkan perilaku kerja sama untuk tata kelola sumber daya dan mata pencaharian pedesaan yang berkelanjutan.
PELAGICUS Volume 2 Nomor 2 Tahun 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/plgc.v2i2.9809


ABSTRAK Lobster (Panulirus spp.) adalah komoditas perikanan penting dan ekonomis tinggi. Spesies yang paling sering dan dominan tertangkap adalah lobster batu. Meningkatnya permintaan lobster menjadikan nelayan melakukan kegiatan penangkapan secara terus menerus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan panjang-berat dan rasio jenis kelamin (sex ratio) lobster batu (Panulirus penicillatus). Penelitian dilakukan pada Februari 2017 sampai dengan Agustus 2017 di pantai selatan Yogyakarta. Kajian stok lobster dilakukan melalui survei yang meliputi metode deskriptif, observasi dan wawancara. Pemilihan lokasi pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara terpilih (purposive) yaitu pantai Ngrenehan, Baron, Drini dan Tepus. Total sampel lobster batu yang diperoleh sepanjang penelitian sejumlah 546 ekor, yang terdiri dari lobster jantan 289 ekor (53%) dan lobster betina 257 ekor (47%). Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa pola hubungan panjang dan berat lobster batu memiliki sifat allometrik negative dengan persamaan W= 0,004 L 2,577 pada lobster jantan dan W = 0,007 CL 2,481 pada lobster betina. Perbandingan nisbah kelamin lobster batu jantan dan betina adalah 1,12 : 1. ABSTRACTLobster (Panulirus spp.) is an important and economically high fishery commodity. The most frequent and dominant species caught is rock lobster. The increasing demand for lobsters makes fishermen conduct continuous catching activities. The study aims to analyze the relationship of length-weight and sex ratio of rock lobster (Panulirus penicillatus). The research was conducted from February 2017 to August 2017 in southern coast of Yogyakarta. The study of lobster stocks was conducted through surveys that included descriptive methods, observations and interviews. The sampling location was chosen purposively, namely Ngrenehan, Baron, Drini and Tepus. Total samples obtained throughout the study amounted to 546 double-spined rock lobster, consisting of 289 males (53%) and 257 females (47%). The results stated that the length and weight relationship pattern of rock lobsters is negative allometric, with the equation W= 0,004 L 2,577in males lobster and W = 0,007 CL 2,481 in females lobster. The sex ratio double-spined rock lobster between males and females lobster is 1,12 : 1.
Rapid Land Assessment for Salt Farming Development in the Coastal Area of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia Mukhamad N. Malawani; Muh Aris Marfai; Aldhila G. H. Yoga; Tiara Handayani; Ahmad Cahyadi; Mohammad Isnaini Sadali; Mohamad Zaki Mahasin; Hendratmoro; Suadi; Maryadi Budi Wiyono
ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development Vol. 38 No. 3 (2021): Embrace Potential
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29037/ajstd.694


The government of Indonesia has faced several challenges to its goal of achieving salt self-sufficiency, necessitating the formulation and implementation of strategic steps to increase salt production. Among its islands, Java has a great deal of potential for salt production, as does the Special Region of Yogyakarta, where the government has initiated salt farming development as part of its coastal community empowerment program. This study aimed to (1) evaluate the land suitability of existing salt farms and (2) identify potential sites and make a productivity estimation of salt farms in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, with the broad objective of demonstrating a rapid land assessment for salt farming development using the combination GIS and field survey. The approach was carried out in three phases; i.e., the analyses of land availability, land characteristics, and land recommendations. On-screen digitizing using GIS was applied to identify land availability through several data sources (satellite imagery and a land-use map from the Indonesian topographic map). This process led to the discovery of 19 sites. Land characteristics and land recommendations analysis were carried out in those sites, resulting in multiple land suitability classes, mostly in the S2 class (moderately suitable). Several impediment factors, such as wind, material texture, and temperature, were also identified, along with other obstacles including high tide and tsunami exposure. In terms of supporting the Indonesian salt self-sufficiency program, these results are significant, with salt productivity estimations of the potential sites meeting the target set by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia.
Parasit Anisakis sp. Pada Populasi Layur (Trichiurus sp.) yang Didaratkan di Pelabuhan Ikan Cilacap Suadi Suadi; Senny Helmiati; Retno Widaningroem
Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada Vol 9, No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jfs.35


The aims of this research were to determine the population parameters of hairtails (Trichiurus sp.) and the potential use of fish parasite (Anisakis sp.) for its stock assessment. Fishery survey was conducted at southern coast of Cilacap, Central Java on September to October 2004. Total length and weight of 527 fish samples were measured in five periods during the field survey and 30 samples were collected randomly for further observation to analyze the Anasakis sp., sex ratio, and gonad maturity. The average length of catched fish was ranged between 62  to 70 cm and weight was 200  to 250 g. The  length-weight (L-W) relationship indicated positive allometric growth (b=3.6076). Sex ratio was balance at 1:1 with gonad maturity range between I to IV for female and I to III for male. Anisakis sp. were found as endoparasite and potentially used as biological tags for fish stock assessment such as migration pattern and feeding habit.
Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada Vol 13, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jfs.3067


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan sosial petambak dalam 25 tahun (1986–2011) dan faktor-faktor penyebab perubahan tersebut di Kelurahan Karanganyar Kecamatan Tugu Semarang. Penelitian menggunakan metode sensus terhadap kelompok responden petambak yang masih aktif dan mantan petambak, yang masing-masing berjumlah 31 orangpetambak aktif dan 12 orangmantan petambak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi perubahan struktur sosial, organisasi, dan kegiatan ekonomi petambak dalam seperempat abad terakhir. Lapisan kaya saat penelitianini dilakukan(2011) adalah pemilik tambakyang lahannya sudah dijual ke pabrik, tetapi masih dapat digarap sendiri dan pemilik tambak yang lahannya belum dijual ke pabrik, tetapi masih ada orang yang menyewa. Lapisan menengah yaitu penggarap yang memiliki luas garapan besar (>2 ha). Lapisan miskin terdiri atas buruh tambak, pemilik tambak yang lahan tambaknya belum dijual ke pabrik tetapi tidak ada orang yang menyewa, dan penggarap yang memiliki luas garapan kecil (< 2 ha). Organisasi yang terbentuk adalah dua kelompok petambak. Golongan pemilik dan penggarap sebagian besar menjadi wirausahawan, sedangkan golongan buruh menjadi buruh pabrik. Perubahan tata guna lahan dari kawasan tambak menjadi kawasan industri, penurunan produktivitas tambak, serta tingkat abrasi pantai yang sangat tinggi menjadi faktor penting perubahan sosial tersebut. Strategi adaptasi yang didukung oleh rekayasa sosial (social engineering) diperlukan untuk menanggapi berbagai perubahan tersebut.
Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada Vol 4, No 1 (2002)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jfs.8869


The aims of this research were to know the history and development of fisheries activity and its contribution to coastal community welfare at South Coast of Yogyakarta Special Territory Province. To examine these issues the research was conducted by combined survey and descriptive analytic methods. Fisheries in area could be categorized as new activity and historically community does not have a high dependency on marine capture fisheries. Fishers were  farmers who become fisherman due to several reasons such as limitation of land and lack of other job opportunity. Since the activity began in the end of 1970’s at Baron, marine capture fisheries have altered income sources, improve community houses, and attracted young people as well as provide productivity activity for rural women. In the recent time, marine capture fishery has dispersed to all of Yogyakarta South Coastal area at 19 fish-landing places with vary intensity of resources exploitation. Marine capture fisheries are still limited in the coastal zone. Although CPUE tend to increase, the activity should be extended to province management zone and ZEEI. The integrated policy and management are needed to solve these problems and to avoid the tragedy of the commons.
Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada Vol 4, No 1 (2002)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jfs.8872


The aims of this research were to know the state of small pelagic fishery and social economic aspect of resources exploitation. To examine these issues, the research combined survey and descriptive analytic methods. Gordon-Schaefer model was applied to analyze the state of fishery and analytical descriptive to explained the relationship of the phenomena's. Data collection was based on indepth interview and recording of District Fishery Service's. Samll pelagic fisheries that been analyzed were anchovies (Stolephorus sp.), squids (Loligo sp.), and mackerels (Rastrelliger sp.).There are two main problems of fisheries in the area, firstly, the conflict on coastal zone between marine capture fisheries and mariculture. The second one is the intensive exploitation of fisheries resources. Pelagic fisheries at Sape Bay have been exploited above maximum TAC mainly 80% of MSY. MSY of anchovies (Stolephorus sp.) reached 2324,9 ton at number of effort 56534 trip and MEY 2172,3 ton at number of effort 42144 trips. MSY of squids (Loligo sp.) is 455,0 ton at number of effort 12183 trip and MEY 449,0 ton at number of effort 10780 trips equal to Bagan Perahu  trips. The model was not applicable to predict the MSY and MEY of mackerels (Rastrelliger sp.). The continuing increase of effort will depleted the stock and decreased economic rent. In addition, the increasing of competition on fishing ground with pearl culture, have resulted fishermen stress. The integrated policy and management are needed to solve these problems and to avoid social riots. 
Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada Vol 5, No 1 (2003)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jfs.8974


Small-scale marine capture fisheries have contributes to community welfare at Yogyakarta’s south coast. Government has planned some programs to develop fisheries. The development supposed only at rational effort in which fishers still gain advantages. Precautionary approach using bio-economic model of Gordon-Schaefer was applied to analyze the issue. The linear regression model of catch per unit of effort (C/f) (CPUE) and effort (f) was C/f = 59,851 – 0,0005f (R2 = 82, 71%). Fish price assumed at Rp 7,735.19 /kg with operational cost of Rp 59,835.67/trip. Total revenue and effort at maximum sustainable yield was predicted at Rp 13,396 billion and 56,860 trip (equals to 327 vessels), respectively. Fisher income at this level was Rp 167,774.51/trip/vessel. Fish exploration level in this area has already closed to total allowable catch. Free access equilibrium in which cost is equal to revenue might reach at effort of 102,231 trip (equals to 568 vessels). Managing fisheries at maximum economic yield might rise fisher income 17.83% comparing to maximum sustainable yield, but total revenue decreased 1.77% at 56.13% of existing effort. Some management strategies should be promoted and regulated for the fishery exploitation. Based on the results, those possible strategy were 1) limiting investment through regulation and permission; 2) improvement of fishers productivity through technology improvement to exploit  under-used fish resources; 3) expanding the fisheries activity to offshore through harbor development and social preparation; 4) marketing improvement through revitalization of fish action; 5) improving hadling and post harvest fish technology through training and extension; 6) the increasing of bargaining position through empowering fishers group; 7) promoting alternate incomes through integrated coastal tourism development; and 8) avoiding competition and conflict through developing Java’s south coast cooperation. Participatory approach in planning, developing and evaluating should be promoted to develop fishery a southern coast of Yogyakarta.