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Pengaruh Pemberian Tepung Rumput Laut pada Ransum Ayam Broiler terhadap Kadar Lemak dan Kolesterol Juniarti, Nurinsan; Ngitung, Rosdiana; Hiola, St. Fatmah
bionature Vol 20, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA UNM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (383.292 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/bionature.v20i1.9762


Abstract. This research aimed to know the effect of seaweed meal at broiler chicken rations to fat level and cholesterol. This research using an experimental with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treathments and 6 replications. Each treatment had 5 chickens test, so a total of 120 chickens test. The treatments given of the ration treatment without seaweed meal as control, ration with seaweed meal 3%, ration with seaweed meal 5%, ration with seaweed meal 7%. The parameters growth of broilers was the body weight chickens test did every week, carcass percentage, thorax percentage and abdominal fat percentage did at the end of experiment were after broiler 42 days. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance and continued with Duncan test α 0,05 use SPSS program version 13.0. The results showed that treatment with seaweed meal significantly decreased to body weight, but had not affected to carcass percentage, thorax percentage and abdominal fat percentage, for the analysis materials on meat fat level and cholesterol apparently treatment using seaweed meal 7% can lower meat fat level, and cholesterol.Keyword: seaweed meal, broiler chickens, fat, cholesterol.
Respon Kambing Marica yang Dipelihara Secara Intensif (Ex-Situ) terhadap Pemberian Hijauan yang Berbeda Rosdiana, Ngitung
bionature Vol 14, No 2 (2013): Oktober
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA UNM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.335 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/bionature.v14i2.1457


. Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk mengetahui dampak  pemeliharaan  yang intensif dan pemberian pakan hijauan berkualitas terhadap performans   kambing Marica.  Penelitian menggunakan  9 ekor kambing betina  yang sedang tumbuh  dirancang  menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 3 perlakuan dengan 3 ekor ternak sebagai ulangan.  Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah jenis hijauan yang diberikan (rumput lapang  (RL), rumput unggul (RU) dan rumput unggul + leguminosa (RU+L)).  Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa  pertambahan bobot badan  untuk masing perlakuan adalah: 36.90, 58.69  dan 48.10 g/ekor/hari, konsumsi pakan: 1290.65, 1818.94, dan 1870.89 g/ekor/hari, dan  efisiensi penggunaan pakan  adalah 2.84, 3.21 dan 2.50. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan  bahwa  kambing Marica  tidak memberikan respon produktivitas yang positif terhadap pemberian  pakan hiajuan berkualitas  dan sistem pemeliharaan intensif.
Pengaruh Pemberian Tepung Tempe terhadap Kadar Kolesterol Total Darah Mencit (Mus musculus) Hiperkolesterol Rumtal, Heryl; Ngitung, Rosdiana; A. Mu’nisa, A. Mu’nisa
bionature Vol 20, No 2 (2019): Oktober
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA UNM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.141 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/bionature.v20i2.11281


Abstract. This research is experimental which aims to determine the effect of giving Tempe Flour to total blood cholesterol concentration of hypercholesterol mice (Mus musculus). The independent variable of this research Tempe Flour while the dependent variable is the total blood cholesterol concentration of mice (Mus musculus). The subject of this research is 25 male ICR strain (Imprinting Control Region) mice with 3 months age divided 5 treatment groups which are normal group, hypercholesterol group, giving of tempe flour at dose of 10 g / day / BB (P1), 20 g / days / BB (P2) and 25 g / day / BB (P3). Tempe flour is given after the giving of cholesterol feed. All mices blood cholesterol concentration were check after the time of treatment. The result is analyz by using ANOVA with Ducan test. The result of this research show that the giving of Tempe Flour affected the decrease of blood cholesterol concentration of mice (Mus musculus) in dose of 10 g/day/BB,20 g/day/BB and 25 g/day/BB. Dose of 25 g/day/BB showed an effective dose for lowering cholesterol in the research.   Keywords: tempe flour, cholesterol, hypercholesterol, mencit (Mus musculus)
Perubahan Biokimia dan Fisiologi Benih pada Berbagai Tingkat Kemasakan Buah Mengkudu Rosdiana Ngitung, .
bionature Vol 9, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA UNM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35580/bionature.v9i2.151


This research was conducted to provide Morinda seeds that have certain quality as plant ingredients through use of seed with physiologies ripe.This research was conducted in Green House and Experimental Farm of Biology’s Departement FMIPA if State University of Makassar (UNM that goes on February till August 2008. This test was using Random Plan Group (RPG) of one factor was ripe degree of seed with three levels,that is : old Greed Fruits Colours, Yellow Fruit Colors,and white Fruits Colors. The treatment was repeats according to location of the fruits that had taken that ware up branch, middle part branch, and down part branch. Biochemistry test was on water degrees (%), carbohydrate degrees (%) (Quantifying of sugar degrees, essence and fiber degrees), protein degrees (%), fat degrees (%), and ash degrees (%). Viability and vigor test was on dry seed weight (g), water seed degrees (%), and dry sprout weight (g), sprout power (%), and sprout speed degrees was 95%. Result of the test that the ripe degrees of old Green Fruits Colors was called M-1 Stadium, Yellow Fruits Colors was called M-2 Stadium, and white Fruits Colors was called M-3 Stadium. According to biochemistry changing and physiology so that can be known that M-2 Stadium seeds had Morphologies Ripe (MR), and M-3 Stadium seeds had Physiologies Ripe (PR)   Keywords : morinda, seeds, ripe degrees
Identifikasi Morfologi dan Perilaku Makan Kambing Marica yang Dipelihara di Luar Habitat Ngitung, Rosdiana; Taiyeb, Mushawwir; Idris, Irma Suryani
bionature Vol 21, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA UNM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35580/bionature.v21i1.13934


Abstract. This research is a descriptive study that aims to determine the morphological characteristics of Marica goats. That are kept outside the habitat. Observation of morphological characteristics and eating activities using 2 goats (1 male and 1 female). This research was conducted at the Biology Experiment Garden in Makassar State University. The results obtained by Marica Goat have a relatively small body dimensions, upright ears and relatively small short, short and small horns and look agile and aggressive and Marica goats during the day (09.00-16.00) do more eating activities. Keywords: Marica Goat, morphological characteristicsm and eating activities.
Pengaruh Penerapan Peer Tutoring Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif Biologi Siswa SMA Negeri 5 Bone Karisma, Afianty; Mustami, Khalifah; Ngitung, Rosdiana
Biology Teaching and Learning Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35580/btl.v3i1.15117


Abstract. This research applied Quasy Experiment which aimed to explain the influence of Peer Tutoring Model toward students’ Biology Cognitive learning outcome at SMAN 5 Bone. The population of this research was the second semester of the XI IPA students at SMAN 5 Bone. The samples of this research were the XI IPA1 and XI IPA2 students with the total number of 45 students. The samples were selected by purposive sampling technique. The data were obtained through learning outcome test. The result of the research showed that (1) students’ learning outcome in the control class were getting enhancement at the average of 40,32 and were at the level of the highest category, high category, and moderate category and was at moderate category (2) students’ learning outcome in the experimental class were improved at average 49,85 and were at the level of the highest category, high category, and moderate category and was at high category (5) application of Peer Tutoring model significantly influenced the student’s learning outcomes of Biology.Keywords: peer tutoring model, cognitive learning outcome
PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN MINUMAN KEFIR BAGI ALUMNI PRODI BIOLOGI FMIPA UNM Nani Kurnia; Hamka L; Sahribulan Muis; Andi Asmawati Aziz; Rosdiana Ngitung
PATIKALA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Terbitan Keempat
Publisher : Education and Talent Development Center of Indonesia (ETDC Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51574/patikala.v1i4.451


Kefir merupakan produk fermentasi susu sebagai hasil dari aktifitas bibit kefir yang berupa asosiasi simbiosis sejumlah bakteri dan ragi baik tertentu. Bagi Alumni Prodi Biologi kefir sudah tidak asing lagi bagi mereka. Namun Sebagian besar ternyata mereka belum mngetahui proses pembuatannya. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberi pengetahuan mengenai cara pembuatan fermentasi susu kefir dan untuk memberi informasi kepada Alumni Prodi Biologi mengenai manfaat kefir bagi kesehatan dan produk olahan dari kefir. Metode dalam kegiatan ini terdiri dari terdiri dari tiga kegiatan utama yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan dan pelaporan. Tahap persiapan meliputi persiapan alat dan bahan yang akan digunakan dalam kegiatan. Tahap pelaksanaan meliputi presentasi materi mengenai proses pembuatan fermentasi susu kefir, demontrasi pembuatan fermentasi susu kefir dan praktek pembuatan fermentasi susu kefir. Sebelum dan setelah pelaksaan kegiatan peserta diberi kuisioner untuk mengetahui pengetahuan awal dari peserta mengenai fermentasi susu kefir dan ketercapaian pelaksanaan kegiatan ini.Tahap pelaporan meliputi pembuatan pelaporan dari kegiatan ini. Kegiatan ini diikuti 12 Alumni Prodi Biologi dari beberapa angkatan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan respon yang positif peserta terhadap produk fermentasi susu kefir. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan antusiasnya para peserta mengikuti kegiatan ini sampai akhir. Selain itu, pengetahuan dari kegiatan ini tersampaikan dengan baik kepada peserta dengan melihat respon dari kuisioner yang diberikan yaitu 90% peserta sudah memiliki pengetahuan mengenai proses pembuatan fermentasi susu kefir.
Pelatihan petani peternak di SD Inpres Benteng II Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar Rosdiana Ngitung
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2018, No 5: Prosiding 5
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (57.912 KB)


The majority of people in Benteng Village, SelayarRegency work as farmers and breeders. The problem faced bythe community (broiler breeder families) is the management ofthe chicken business that is still weak, especially broilerlivestock and inadequate management and ration availability.The solution offered through this service program wasintended to train farmers in Benteng Village about how toimprove the management of the chicken business, as well asthe management and manufacture of chicken rations,especially for chicken broilers. The target group of thisprogram was the chicken farmers. The activities consisted ofprovidingan understanding to farmers in terms of improvinginsight, knowledge, ability, skills, and confidence in compilingbroiler rations that will produce broilers that are low in fat andcholesterol. The method used in this training was to conductcounseling in the form of presentations and question andanswer, conduct training for participants in preparing broilerrations, and conduct discussions with participants to resolverelated issues regarding broiler feed that will produce low fatand cholesterol broilers. The community service program alsoinvolved partner institutions, the Government of SelayarIslands Regency and Community Leaders in Benteng District.
Penambahan Rumput Laut pada Pakan Broiler untuk Menghasilkan Broiler Rendah Lemak dan Kolesterol Rosdiana Ngitung; Muhammad Juanda; Muhammad Wiharto
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat SEMINAR NASIONAL 2021 : PROSIDING EDISI 6
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (46.406 KB)


Abstrak. Desa Sokkolia Kecamatan Bontomarannu yang masyarakatnya mayoritas petani dan peternak. Permasalahan yang dihadapi masyarakatnya (keluarga Peternak ayam pedaging dan petelur) adalah: 1) manajemen usaha ternak yang masih lemah, 2, pengelolaan dan ketersediaan ransum yang belum memadai, 3) belum ada teknologi pembuatan ransum yang efektif dilakukan, 4) Rendahnya pengetahuan kewirausahaan yang dimiliki, 5) pembiaayaan usaha dan proses produksi masih tinggi. Luaran yang diharapkan adalah: 1) Ransum yang Rendah Lemak dan Kolesterol, 3) Pengelolaan ayam Broiler Rendah Lemak Kolesterol. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah program pelatihan dalam bentuk kegiatan 30 % teori dan 70 % praktek cukup efektif, sehingga peserta dapat melihat dan mempraktekkan yang disampaikan dan para petani peternak  antusias dan senang dalam mengikuti pelatihan penyusunan ransum ayam yang akan menghasilkan ayam pedaging yang rendah lemak dan kolesterol. Kata kunci: ransum broiler, rendah lemak, kolesterol dan pengelolaan ayam
Daging Ayam Broiler Sehat dengan Pengaturan Ransum Rosdiana Ngitung; N. Nurhayati; Arsad Bahri
Sainsmat : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Vol 9, No 1 (2020): Maret
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (555.289 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/sainsmat91141882020


Penelitian bertujuan untuk menghasilkan daging broiler yang sehat  dikonsumsi, menghasilkan ransum yang ideal untuk ayam broiler, sehingga kadar lemak dan kolesterol daging dapat diturunkan serendah mungkin, dan mengetahui lama pembatasan ransum terhadap persentase karkas, daging, kadar lemak dan kolesterol ayam broiler.  Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua Tahap yang saling berhubungan, hasil dari Tahap I akan dilanjutkan pada Tahap II. Penelitian ini berlangsung di Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Hasanuddin. Tahap I menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL)  dengan 4 perlakuan dan 6 ulangan: A0 (kontrol) : Ransum Tanpa Penambahan Tepung Rumput Laut;  A1 : Ransum dengan Penambahan Tepung Rumput Laut 3% ; A2 : Ransum dengan Penambahan Tepung Rumput Laut 5% ;  A3 : ransum dengan penggunaan tepung rumput laut 7%. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis analisis rancangan acak lengkap yang dilanjutkan dengan uji F pada tingkat ketelitian 5%.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan dengan penggunaan tepung rumput laut sampai level 7% secara nyata berpengaruh pada kadar lemak daging, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap bobot hidup , persentase lemak abdominal, kolesterol, LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) dan trigliserida. analisis rancangan acak lengkap yang dilanjutkan dengan uji F pada tingkat ketelitian 5%.  Kata kunci:  Broiler, Sehat, Ransum dan Kadar Kolesterol The research aims to produce healthy broiler meat consumed, produce rations that are ideal for broiler chickens, so that the fat and cholesterol levels of meat can be reduced as low as possible, and know the duration of ration restriction on the percentage of carcasses, meats, fat levels and cholesterol of broiler chickens. This research consists of two interrelated phases, the results of Phase I will be continued in Phase II. This research took place at the Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University. Phase I used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 6 replications: A0 (control): Ration without addition of seaweed flour; A1: Ration with Addition of Seaweed Flour 3%; A2: Ration with Addition of Seaweed Flour 5%; A3: ration using 7% seaweed flour. The data obtained were analyzed by complete random design analysis followed by the F test at a precision level of 5%. The results showed that the treatment with the use of seaweed flour up to 7% level significantly affected the levels of meat fat, but did not affect the body weight, the percentage of abdominal fat, cholesterol, LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) and triglyceride. Complete randomized design analysis followed by the F test at a precision level of 5%.Keywords: Broiler, Healthy, Rations and Cholestrol Levels