Marini Amalia Mansur
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Hubungan Asupan Air, Status Hidrasi, Dan Kebugaran Remaja Di Pengungsian Petobo Kota Palu Hardianti .; Sabaria Manti; Burhanuddin Bahar; Nurhaedar Jafar; Marini Amalia Mansur
Jurnal Gizi Masyarakat Indonesia (The Journal of Indonesian Community Nutrition) Vol. 9 No. 2 (2020): Vol. 9, No.2, November 2020
Publisher : Departement of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30597/jgmi.v9i2.18948


Introduction: Disasters experienced by citizen in Palu forced the community moved to refuge camp. The movement makes the community live in a place with limited clothe food, shelter, and clean water. physical fitness in adolescents is low and forgotten. Based on conditions, the problem found is the relationship of Water Intake, Hydration Status and Adolescent fitness in the Petobo refugee camp. Purposes: To find out the relationship between water intake, hydration status, and the level of adolescent fitness in the Petobo refugee camp. Material and Methods: Research using analytic observational methods using cross sectional design. The sample are 59 youth in Petobo refugee, using the Total Sampling Method. Fitness status is taken through Balke Test, Water Intake is collected based on Recall Results, and Hydration status data is analyzed using the urine color analysis method. Results: The results found that adolescents in refugee petobo with less than 47% Fitness Status, while less by 41% and enough by 12%, Adolescent Water Intake with a category of less than 69%, quite 17%, and more by 14%. Hydration status of adolescents with severe dehydration category 39%, dehydration 27%, and well hydrated 34%. In this study, the results obtained based on the Chi-square test that there is a relationship between water intake and fitness level with p value 0.001 <0.05, and there is a relationship between Hydration Status and fitness level with p value 0.025 <0.05. Conclusion: There is a relationship between water intake, hydration status and the level of adolescent fitness in Petobo refugee camps.
Tingkat Konsumsi dan Status Gizi Siswa Boarding School Sman 5 Gowa Nuristha Febrianti; Sabaria Manti; Djunaidi M Dachlan; Nurhaedar Jafar; Marini Amalia Mansur
Jurnal Gizi Masyarakat Indonesia (The Journal of Indonesian Community Nutrition) Vol. 9 No. 2 (2020): Vol. 9, No.2, November 2020
Publisher : Departement of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30597/jgmi.v9i2.18949


Introduction: Adolescents need higher nutrition because of significant physical growth and body development, so adolescents need adequate food not only in terms of quantity but also in terms of quality. Adolescents tend to do the wrong eating behavior, that is the nutrients consumed do not suit their needs. Purpose: This study aims to determine the level of consumption and nutritional status of boarding school students at SMAN 5 Gowa. Material and Method: This type of research is observational with a descriptive research design. The sample of this study were 139 people using the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling technique. Retrieval of consumption level data using 24-hour recall method. The determination of nutritional status is obtained from BMI / U parameters. Data processing and analysis in this research is univariate. Results: The results of the analysis revealed that the level of consumption for the respondents' macronutrient intake was still lacking namely less energy intake of 90.6%, less carbohydrates by 93.5%, less fat by 88.5% and less protein by 73.4%. The micronutrient intake of respondents was also lacking, namely vitamin A intake by 66.2%, vitamin B1 lacking by 94.2%, vitamin B12 by 88.5%, folate less by 99.3%, calcium less by 97.8%, iron less by 92.8% and zinc less by 92.8%. Whereas the nutritional status of respondents was classified as normal at 64.7%, very thin at 2.2% and obesity at 4.3%. Conclusion: The level of consumption of respondents for macro and micronutrient intake is still less than the recommended RDA needs and the respondent's nutritional status is normal.
Jurnal Gizi Masyarakat Indonesia (The Journal of Indonesian Community Nutrition) Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023): Vol.12, No.1, 2023: Jurnal Gizi Masyarakat Indonesia
Publisher : Departement of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30597/jgmi.v12i1.25245


Introduction: Mining work is one of the jobs where people are involved in physical hardship and therefore maintaining a good nutritional status is very important. As a result of food intake with unbalanced nutrition, it will result in workers experiencing nutritional problems, such as malnutrition or obesity. Aim: This study aims to describe the intake of macronutrients (energy, carbohydrates, protein, and fat), fiber, and sodium in workers at the Awak Mas Site PT Masmindo Dwi Area. Materials and Methods: This type of research was a quantitative study with a descriptive design with a total sample of 100. The sampling technique in this study was proportional stratified random sampling by taking samples of various categories of workers' physical activity with balanced proportions. Data collection was obtained using a 2x24 hour food recall questionnaire to obtain energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber, and sodium intake data. Data processing uses the Software Package for Social Science (SPSS) program. Data analysis is presented in a frequency distribution table accompanied by narration. Results: The results showed that, based on their energy intake, 35% had less energy intake, 58% enough and 7% more. Based on protein intake, 15% had less protein intake, 42% enough, and 43% more. Based on fat intake, 32% had less fat intake, 33% enough, and 35% more. Based on carbohydrate intake, 62% had insufficient carbohydrate intake, 37% sufficient, and 1% more. Based on fiber intake, 99% had less fiber intake and 1% had normal fiber intake. Based on sodium intake, 14% had normal sodium intake and 86% had more sodium intake. Conclusion:  Workers at Awak Mas Site PT Masmindo Dwi Area have unbalanced food intake, including insufficient intake of carbohydrates and fiber, as well as excess intake of protein, fat and sodium. Thus, it is suggested that workers pay more attention to their food intake by reducing excessive consumption of fat, protein and sodium and increasing their daily intake of carbohydrates and fiber.
DESCRIPTION OF MOTHER’S SELF EFFICACY IN COMPLEMENTARY FEEDING AND STUNTING AMONG CHILDREN Nugraheni Dwi Pratiwi Putri; Veni Hadju; Rahayu Indriasari; Healthy Hidayanty; Marini Amalia Mansur
Jurnal Gizi Masyarakat Indonesia (The Journal of Indonesian Community Nutrition) Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023): Vol.12, No.1, 2023: Jurnal Gizi Masyarakat Indonesia
Publisher : Departement of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30597/jgmi.v12i1.26568


Introduction: Stunting is a chronic malnutrition problem caused by lack of nutritional intake for a long time, resulting in growth disorders in children, namely the child's height is shorter than the standard age. Mother's self-efficacy in offering MP-ASI is a mother's self-confidence in carrying out the feeding process which includes the quantity and quality of MP-ASI, safety in providing food and the responsive feeding. Objective: To describe the mother's self-efficacy in giving complementary feeding and the incidence of stunting in children aged 6-23 months. Methods: This study used a descriptive design. Involving 100 samples of baduta and mothers, obtained by cluster random sampling technique. Data was collected by using a complementary feeding self efficacy (CFSE) questionnaire and measuring baduta’s body length using a lengthboard. This research was conducted on Barrang Lompo Island, Makassar City. Descriptive data analysis using SPSS 25 application. Result: Mother's self-efficacy in the high category is 52% and low 48%. Majority of mother's self-efficacy in giving complementary feeding tends to be low in the quality and quantity aspects of MP-ASI is 55% and the responsive feeding aspect is 52%. The incidence of stunting reached 31% of the total sample. Conclusion: There are still many mother's self-efficacy in the low category, especially in the quality and quantity of MP-ASI aspects and responsive feeding aspects. The incidence of stunting is 31%. Mentoring are needed for mothers whose self-efficacy is still low and increased knowledge of mothers through nutrition education, especially about stunting and providing good complementary feeding. Keywords: Stunting, Mother's self-efficacy, Complementary Feeding, Baduta