Fransiska Anita
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Stella Maris Makassar

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Jurnal Keperawatan Florence Nightingale Vol 1 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Stella Maris Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (538.508 KB)


Sleep is a basic need that must be met by humans . Sleep disorders can lead to serious problems and even reduce quality of life . This often occurs in the elderly that decrease the quantity of sleep . To overcome sleep disorders , there are several common ways is by handling pharmacological and non pharmacological . The handlers are non- pharmacological one of them is to soak feet in warm water . Therapy soaking the feet in warm water can improve the microcirculation of the blood vessels and vasodilatation causing a relaxing effect , followed by increased secretion of melatonin thereby increasing the quantity of sleep . This study aimed to identify the effect of soaking the feet in warm water to kuantiats elderly sleep in Social Institutions Tresna Werdha Gau Mabaji Gowa regency of South Sulawesi. The study design is a pre-experimental design approach to one group pre-post test design. The population is elderly Elderly Social Institution Tresna gau Mabaji Gowa district in South Sulawesi who experience sleep disturbances and met the inclusion criteria. The sample of 20 respondents and the sampling technique used is Non-Probability Sampling with purposive sampling approach. Of the 20 respondents who researched obtained all respondents experienced an increase in the quantity of sleep. Data obtained through observation sheets using Normal Sleep Quantity Value in the elderly (6 hours / day). Data were analyzed using SPSS with the test used is the paired t test obtained value ? = 0.000 and the value of ? = 0.05 this indicates that ? < ?, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, it means no influence soaking the feet in warm water to kuantiats elderly sleep in Social Institutions Tresna Werdha Gau Mabaji Gowa regency of South Sulawesi.
Jurnal Keperawatan Florence Nightingale Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Stella Maris Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (445.186 KB)


Learn to reading, writing, arithmetic when early age has become a common thing among people. This study aimed to determine the differences in learning accomplishment for children who received the reading, writing, arithmetic earlier and did not receive reading, writing, arithmetic earlier at Hati Kudus Rajawali Elementary School Chatolic of Makassar. The research design was non-experimental study comparative approach. The total sample of 40 respondents with consecutive sampling technique. The independent variable was early learning, reading, writing, arithmetic and the dependent variable were the learning accomplishment. The analysis showed differentiation in learning achievement of the school-age children in the early learning, reading, writing, arithmetic the results of the Mann-Whitney test p = 0.027 (p <?). These results revealed the differentiation between the mean learning accomplishment in the group that received early reading, writing, arithmetic and the group that did not receive early learning, reading, writing, arithmetic. Conclusion: Students who receive an early age reading, writing, arithmetic time will show lower learning accomplishment than students who did not receive an early learning reading, writing, arithmetic.
Gambaran Gangguan Fungsi Kognitif Pasien Paska Stroke Di Rumah Sakit Stella Maris Makassar Fransiska Anita Ekawati Rahayu Sapang; Elmiana Bongga Linggi
Jurnal Keperawatan Florence Nightingale Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Stella Maris Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (122.369 KB) | DOI: 10.52774/jkfn.v3i1.50


Gangguan kognitif merupakan salah satu gangguan yang dapat terjadi pada pasien stroke yang terjadi sebagai akibat dari adanya iskemik maupun perdarahan dan penurunan perfusi cerebral  yang menyebabkan terjadinya kerusakan hingga kematian sel otak yang menyebabkan terganggunya proses aktivitas mental atau gangguan fungsi luhur termasuk fungsi kognitif. Montreal Cognitive Assesment versi Indonesia (MoCA-Ina) merupakan salah satu instrumen yang digunakan untuk melakukan skrining gangguan fungsi kognitif dengan mengetahui adanya mild cognitive Impairment. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui gambaran ganguan kognitif pasien stroke di ruang rawat Rumah Sakit Stella Maris Makassar. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini merupakan desain deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik nonprobability sampling. Jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 25 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar penilaian skrining fungsi kognitif Montreal Cognitive Assesment versi Indonesia (MoCA-Ina) dari masing-masing responden yang mengalami post stroke. Pengolaan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan software computer yaitu excel windows 2018. Hasil: Berdasarkan uji tes MoCA-Ina ditemukan bahwa sebanyak 10 responden (40%) dari 25 orang pasien post stroke di RS Stella Maris mengalami gangguan kognitif
Dampak Penggunaan Media Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Bullying Pada Remaja Wirmando Wirmando; Fransiska Anita; Verawati Sibiliana Hurat; Verent Vanda Nontje Korompis
Nursing Care and Health Technology Journal (NCHAT) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): NCHAT September - December period
Publisher : Progres Ilmiah Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56742/nchat.v1i3.19


Media sosial dapat memberikan dampak positif tetapi juga dapat memberikan dampak negatif. Remaja merupakan kelompok usia yang paling banyak menggunakan media sosial tetapi juga merupakan kelompok usia yang masih labil dan belum mampu menguasai diri sehingga masih sangat rentan untuk melakukan tindakan-tindakan negatif seperti cyber bullying. Bullying yang sering dilakukan melalui penggunaan media sosial yaitu cyber bullying yang dilakukan melalui  menyindir, menghina bahkan mengancam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat dampak penggunaan media sosial terhadap perilaku bullying. Penelitian ini merupakan peneltiain observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional study. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu siswa-siswi SMP Negeri 1 Tomohon yang berjumlah 291 responden. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan uji statistic chi square dengan tingkat signifikansi 5% (? =0.05) dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara penggunaan media sosia terhadap perilaku bullying pada remaja. Oleh sebab itu, perlu adanya edukasi dan tindakan proaktif kepada remaja dalam penggunaan media sosial. Selain itu, perlu ditanamkan kepada remaja tentang etika berinternet dan peran orang dalam mengawasi remaja agar dapat menggunakan media sosial secara positif tanpa adanya cyberbullyng.
EFEKTIVITAS PERILAKU CERDIK DAN PATUH CEGAH STROKE BERULANG Fransiska Anita Ekawati Rahayu Sapang; Yunita Carolina; Anita Sampe; Felisima Ganut
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Medikal Bedah Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Mei 2021
Publisher : Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (PPNI) Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32584/jikmb.v4i1.779


The impact of recurrent stroke is heavier than the first attack because it increases mortality and disability which adds to the economic burden, decreases the quality of life of post-stroke patients. Lifestyle changes that cause recurrent stroke have an impact on reducing human resource productivity. The government program through GERMAS, namely CERDIK and PATUH programs was modified by researchers to prevent recurrent strokes by behaving in a healthy behavior used online and offline booklet media. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of providing health education on the CERDIK and PATUH lifestyle to prevent recurrent stroke in post-stroke patients. This research design was quasi-experiment pre and post-test without control. Sampling was done using the non-probability sampling technique by accidental sampling. The sample in this study amounted to 20 respondents. The questionnaire used was the questionnaire on the health behavior of CERDIK and PATUH to prevent recurrent strokes and the risk form for stroke events. The statistic test used Wilcoxon with the value of p=0.002 (p < 0.05) which means there is an effect of education on the behavior of stroke sufferers in preventing recurrent stroke. Then the risk of stroke event with the value of p=0.001 (p < α) which means there is an effect of education on preventing the risk of recurrent stroke. Therefore, it is hoped that post-stroke patients can be given health education on the CERDIK and PATUH behavior to prevent recurrent strokes.
Hubungan Pengetahuan Perawat Tentang NEWSS dengan Penerapannya Fransiska Anita Ekawati; Miftahul Jannah Saleh; Alisyah Sri Astuti
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada Vol 9 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Akademi Keperawatan Sandi Karsa (Merger) Politeknik Sandi Karsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35816/jiskh.v11i1.317


National Early Warning System Scoring (NEWSS) is a systematic approach that uses scoring to identify changes or worsening conditions of a person as well as being standardized in care so that nurses are able to determine the next step that must be done. Delay in the prevention of worsening of hospitalized patients causes the activation of code blue which can be caused by several factors, one of which is due to the lack of nurses' knowledge of NEWSS, thus affecting nurses in implementing the NEWSS protocol. This study aims to determine the relationship between nurses' knowledge about NEWSS and its application. This type of research is analytic observational with cross sectional research design. The sampling method uses probability sampling technique through proportional random sampling, amounting to 66 respondents. The instrument used was in the form of a questionnaire, the test used in this study was the chi-square statistical test, the value of p = 0.083 which was read in analysis continuity correction. This shows that p (0.083)> α (0.05) so that there is no relationship between nurses' knowledge about NEWSS and its application in the inpatient room at Swasta Hospital Makassar. It is expected that Institutions will increase supervision, so that nurses know and are able to implement the NEWSS protocol.
The Efektivitas Perilaku Cerdik dan Patuh untuk Mencegah Stroke Berulang Fransiska Anita Ekawati; Yunita Carolina; Sr. Anita Sampe; SJMJ, Felisima Ganut
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada Vol 10 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Akademi Keperawatan Sandi Karsa (Merger) Politeknik Sandi Karsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35816/jiskh.v10i1.530


Introduction; the impact of repeated strokes is heavier because it increases mortality and disability which adds to the economic burden, decreasing the quality of life of post-stroke patients. Aim; know the effectiveness of providing health education about a CERDIK and PATUH lifestyle in preventing recurrent strokes. Method; This type of research is a quasi-experimental pre and post-test without control. Test using Wilcoxon. Result; shows that there is an effect of education on the behavior of stroke sufferers in preventing recurrent stroke attacks and there is an effect of education on the prevention of the risk of recurrent stroke. Conclusion; There is an effect of providing education on a healthy lifestyle, BE AWARE, and MODIFY to prevent recurrent strokes on the behavior of stroke sufferers and the risk of recurrent stroke events
Hubungan Self Efficacy dengan Self Management Pada Pasien Post Stroke Fransiska Anita Ekawati Rahayu Sa’pang; Elmiana Bongga Linggi; Trysna Levia Kulla; Zyatna Patattan
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada Vol 11 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Akademi Keperawatan Sandi Karsa (Merger) Politeknik Sandi Karsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35816/jiskh.v11i1.722


Introduction: Stroke is a circulatory disorder in the brain that occurs suddenly, which is characterized by loss of function from certain parts of the body so that it is disabled. Strokes that enter the rehabilitation phase to reduce disability cause body functions to increase so that they can carry out daily activities that are part of self-management. So that it will be able to self-efficacy well so that self-management in the rehabilitation phase can run. Aims: To know the relationship between self-efficacy and self-management in post-stroke patients. Method: This type of research is observational analytic with a cross-sectional study research design. Sampling using non-probability sampling techniques through accidental sampling amounted to 41 respondents. The instrument used is a questionnaire. Results: Statistical trials showed that there was an association between self-efficacy with self-management in post-stroke patients. Conclusion: That has implications for nurses the importance of increasing self-efficacy in stroke patients so that patients are motivated to heal and improve their quality of life and have an impact on good self-management
Journal of Islamic Nursing Vol 3 No 1 (2018): Journal Of Islamic Nursing
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (502.815 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/join.v3i1.5703


Stroke menjadi permasalahan terbesar di dunia yang dapat menyebabkan kelumpuhan bahkan sampai kematian. Kelemahan pada sisi tubuh adalah komplikasi yang dapat timbul pada penderita stroke yang menyebabkan keterbatasan dalam rentang gerak sendi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh latihan range of motion terhadap rentang gerak sendi ekstremitas atas pada pasien pasca stroke.  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode Pre Experiment design dengan pendekatan one group pretest – posttest.  Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Non probability sampling dengan pendekatan Consecutive sampling dengan jumlah sampel penelitian 40 responden. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan lembar observasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji statistic yaitu uji Wilcoxon dengan tingkat kemaknaan ɑ=0,05. Diperoleh nilai sendi peluru fleksi dan ekstensi p=0,000, sendi engsel fleksi dan ekstensi p= 0,000, sendi kondiloid fleksi dan ekstensi nilai p=0,000 dengan interprestasi nilai p < 0,05, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis alternatif  (Ha) diterima dan hipotesis nol (Ho) ditolak artinya ada pengaruh latihan range of motion terhadap rentang gerak sendi ekstremitas atas pada pasien pasca stroke di Makassar. Diharapkan bagi pasien stroke untuk terus melakukan latihan range of motion secara rutin agar bagian tubuh yang mengalami kelemahan tidak berakibat pada atropi otot maupun kelumpuhan. 
Journal of Islamic Nursing Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Journal Of Islamic Nursing
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/join.v5i1.13894


Stroke is a disease that can cause the first number of disabilities and their events occur suddenly, which can cause severe disability or death. The disability has an effect on the psychological state so that it can experience depression with symptoms of feeling helpless, ashamed of the situation which can result in quality of life decreased. Many factors affect the quality of life, one of which is self efficacy. Self efficacy is the most important factor that is very influential on stroke patients. Someone with high self efficacy can increase higher motivation so they have the desire to recover quickly. This study aims to determine the relationship between self efficacy and quality of life in patients after stroke. This research is an observational analytic with study cross sectional design.The sampling method using non-probability sampling techniques through consecutive sampling , amounting to 76 respondents. The instrument used was in the form of a questionnaire, the test used in this study was the statistical test chi-square because there was a value of count <5 and anvalue of expected count> 20% then continued with the merging of cells so that the table changed to 2x2 and the value of p = 0,000 was obtained with the level significance of α = 0.05 which is read in Fisher's Exact Test. This shows that the value of p <α means that there is a relationship of self efficacy with quality of life in patients after stroke in the South Sulawesi Provincial Hospital. It is expected that patients after stroke have high self efficacy so they can act in a positive direction in order to improve their health status so that the quality of life also increases Keywords: Self Efficacy, Quality Of Life, Stroke