Wirmando, Wirmando
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Stella Maris, Makassar, Indonesia

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The Nurses' Experience in Providing Health Care for Criminals in General Hospital Wirmando, Wirmando; Astari, Asti Melani; Yuliatun, Laily
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Vol 31, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jkb.2021.031.03.4


Providing health care for criminals is very complex, stressful, and challenging for the general hospital nurses who are usually not habituated to treat them. The nurses are required to keep their caring and professional work. Providing health care for criminals puts the nurses into a risky working environment. They are susceptible to physical and psychological aggressions that can influence their practices and their applied nursing care quality. The objective of this research is to explore the general hospital nurses' experience in providing health care for the criminals. This is qualitative method research with a phenomenological approach. The data collection was done by a deep interview for 10 nurses. The applied data analysis is the Interpretative Analysis Phenomenology (IPA). The six themes found in the research are: 1) feeling discomfort in working, 2) experiencing emotional conflict, 3) working in an unsafe environment, 4) having difficulties in creating a therapeutic relationship, 5) unnatural caring emergence, and 6) not wanting the police officers to get involved in treating the patients. The security and emotional feeling factors of the nurses become the greatest challenges. They make the nurses difficult to create a therapeutic relationship and lead to unnatural caring committed by the nurses. Therefore, it is important for the nurses to internalize and reflect sincere caring as the essential principles in the nursing profession. Thus, it can reach the objectives of nursing, service equality, and patient recovery.
Proses Perjuangan Hidup Menjadi Seorang Difabel Akibat Bencana Palu dalam Mencapai Resiliensi Wirmando Wirmando; Yuliana Tola'ba; Jenita Laurensia Saranga'
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 13 (2022): Nomor Khusus Januari 2022
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf13nk139


A case of being disabled from birth is a different matter from a case of being disabled as an adult. There are many difficulties, challenges and adjustments that must be passed, and it is not an easy thing to be able to bounce back, adapt and accept the situation. The purpose of this study is to explore the process of living with a disability caused by the disasters in Palu and Sigi (2018) in achieving resilience. This research was a narrative qualitative research presented in the form of story telling. This research was conducted on 5 victims of the Palu and Sigi disasters who became disabled and had achieved resilience based on the resilience scale. The data collection process was carried out using an in-depth interview technique and recorded using a voice recorder. The process of data analysis carried out was to make generalizations and interpret the stories of the struggles and life journeys of participants in achieving resilience, then conclude them. The results showed that the participants' life struggle process in achieving resilience was passed based on four phases, namely depression phase, self-acceptance phase, adaptation phase and resilience phase. While the determining factors in achieving participant resilience were derived from individual factors and social factors. Therefore, it is important for families and health workers to understand the process of a person becoming disabled due to a disaster in achieving resilience and support and intervention are needed at every phase so that a person with a disability can go through these phases to achieve resilience.Keywords: disabled; natural disasters; resilienceABSTRAK Sebuah kasus menjadi difabel sejak lahir merupakan hal yang berbeda dengan kasus menjadi difabel setelah dewasa. Banyak kesulitan, tantangan dan penyesuaian yang harus dilalui, serta bukanlah hal yang mudah untuk dapat bangkit kembali, beradaptasi dan menerima keadaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi proses perjuangan hidup menjadi seorang difabel yang diakibatkan oleh bencana di Palu dan Sigi (2018) dalam mencapai resiliensi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif naratif yang disajikan dalam bentuk story telling. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 5 orang korban bencana Palu dan Sigi yang menjadi difabel dan telah mencapai resiliensi berdasarkan the resilience scale. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan teknik indepth interview dan direkam menggunakan voice recorder. Proses analisis data yang dilakukan adalah membuat generalisasi dan menafsirkan cerita perjuangan dan perjalanan hidup partisipan dalam mencapai resiliensi, lalu menyimpulkannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses perjuangan hidup partisipan dalam mencapai resiliensi dilalui berdasarkan empat fase yaitu fase deperesi, fase penerimaan diri, fase adaptasi dan fase resiliensi. Sedangkan faktor penentu dalam mencapai resiliensi partisipan yaitu berasal dari faktor individu dan faktor sosial. Oleh sebab itu, penting bagi keluarga dan tenaga kesehatan untuk memahami proses seseorang menjadi difabel akibat bencana dalam mencapai resiliensi dan dibutuhkan dukungan serta intervensi pada setiap fase agar seorang difabel dapat melalui fase-fase tersebut hingga mencapai sebuah resiliensi.Kata kunci: difabel; bencana alam; resiliensi
Pengaruh Pemberian Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Terhadap Luka Dekubitus Pada Pasien Tirah Baring Lama di RS. Stella Maris Makassar Elmiana Bongga Linggi; Wirmando Wirmando; Mulya Kurnia; Nuni Tandi A.
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 12 (2021): Nomor Khusus Januari 2021
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf12nk122


Decubitus wounds are still a serious problem both developed and in developing countries. Many patients suffering from decubitus injuries are primarily patients with chronic illnesses, very weak patients, and patients who are paralyzed over a long period time are even secondary problems that many hospitalized patients have experienced for a long time. The main cause of decubital wounds is due to the presence of pressure that can cause soft tissue ischemia, so it requires effective skincare to prevent the onset of decubital wounds. In addition to using methods with existing hospital standards for example giving left-leaning right-leaning positioning, it is also necessary to additional methods as a companion of methods that have run in hospitals such as the administration of non-pharmacological therapy namely Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) whereby this oil has a good content to maintain skin health. The purpose of the study was to find out the influence of VCO on the prevention of decubitus wounds in long period bed patients in Stella Maris Makassar Hospital. This type of research was quasy experiment with pre-test and post-test nonequivalent control group design. Sampling techniques used non-probability sampling by the method of consecutive sampling. The sample size was 30 respondents, divided into two groups namely the case group (intervention) given VCO and the right-left slant position and the control group that only given left-leaning-right-leaning position intervention without the administration of VCO. Interventional grants were made for three consecutive days. The study used skin observation sheet instruments to identify the degree of decubitus wound and the test used namely the Mann–Whitney test, whereby obtained the p=0.011 (α
Jurnal Keperawatan Florence Nightingale Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Stella Maris Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (430.964 KB)


Entering the age of 6 months, children desperately need additional food to meet the nutritional needs of children who are not contained in breast milk. But, due the lack of information from health workers, there are still many mothers who have less good attitude in providing supplementary food to the child. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of health counseling to mother attitude in supplementary feeding for baby 6-12 months in RW IV Kelurahan Tamangapa Kecamatan Manggala Makassar. This type of research was a pre experimental with one group pre-post test design approach. The population of this research was all mothers who have baby aged 6-12 months in RW IV kelurahan Tamangapa Kecamatan Manggala Makassar. Sampling technique was non probability sampling with the accidental sampling approach. Total samples in this research were 38 respondents and data collection was done by using a questionnaire. The statistical test used was the statistical test of Wilcoxon (to know the influence of health counseling to mother's attitude) and obtained value ? = 0,000. Based on the statistical test known value ? < ? (0,05) and can also see the value of Z hit =3,606 and value Z tab =1,65. This shows that Z hit > Z tab. It can be concluded that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) were accepted meaning there was influence of health counseling to mother's attitude in supplementary feeding. Therefore, through health counseling and other information media is expected that the mothers want to care and change the attitude of the less good to be better in providing supplementary feeding to their baby.
Jurnal Keperawatan Florence Nightingale Vol 4 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Stella Maris Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (186.781 KB) | DOI: 10.52774/jkfn.v4i1.56


Ibu hamil memerlukan zat besi ±840 mg selama masa kehamilan. Rendahnya kadar zat besi pada ibu hamil dapat menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan pada ibu seperti anemia kehamilan dan gangguan tumbuh kembang janin. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut ibu harus meminum suplemen Fe secara rutin minimal 90 tablet tetapi kepatuhan minum suplemen ibu masih rendah. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan oleh perawat untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan mengkonsumsi suplemen Fe pada ibu hamil adalah dengan melakukan telenursing. Telenursing adalah pemberian asuhan keperawatan secara jarak jauh Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh edukasi metode telenursing terhadap kepatuhan minum suplemen Fe pada ibu hamil. Rancangan penelitian ini ialah pre-experimental dengan rancangan the static group comparison. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling dan intervensi telenursing yang diberikan berupa video edukasi berdurasi ±5 menit dan teks reminder yang dikirimkan setiap hari selama 30 hari. Kepatuhan minum suplemen Fe diukur dengan kuesioner MMAS-8 yang sudah dimodifikasi diberikan sesudah intervensi. Hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan uji Mann Whitney dengan tingkat kemaknaan ?=0,05. Dengan nilai rata-rata kepatuhan pada kelompok kasus 18,73 dan kelompok kontrol 12,27 (p=0,029). Hal ini menunjukkan ada pengaruh edukasi metode telenursing terhadap kepatuhan minum suplemen Fe pada ibu hamil.
Dampak Penggunaan Media Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Bullying Pada Remaja Wirmando Wirmando; Fransiska Anita; Verawati Sibiliana Hurat; Verent Vanda Nontje Korompis
Nursing Care and Health Technology Journal (NCHAT) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): NCHAT September - December period
Publisher : Progres Ilmiah Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56742/nchat.v1i3.19


Media sosial dapat memberikan dampak positif tetapi juga dapat memberikan dampak negatif. Remaja merupakan kelompok usia yang paling banyak menggunakan media sosial tetapi juga merupakan kelompok usia yang masih labil dan belum mampu menguasai diri sehingga masih sangat rentan untuk melakukan tindakan-tindakan negatif seperti cyber bullying. Bullying yang sering dilakukan melalui penggunaan media sosial yaitu cyber bullying yang dilakukan melalui  menyindir, menghina bahkan mengancam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat dampak penggunaan media sosial terhadap perilaku bullying. Penelitian ini merupakan peneltiain observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional study. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu siswa-siswi SMP Negeri 1 Tomohon yang berjumlah 291 responden. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan uji statistic chi square dengan tingkat signifikansi 5% (? =0.05) dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara penggunaan media sosia terhadap perilaku bullying pada remaja. Oleh sebab itu, perlu adanya edukasi dan tindakan proaktif kepada remaja dalam penggunaan media sosial. Selain itu, perlu ditanamkan kepada remaja tentang etika berinternet dan peran orang dalam mengawasi remaja agar dapat menggunakan media sosial secara positif tanpa adanya cyberbullyng.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 6, No 3 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.079 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v6i3.8244


Abstrak: Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang rawan terhadap bencana banjir yang sangat berisiko mengakibatkan kerugian materi hingga korban jiwa. Berdasarkan pengamatan selama ini, kita lebih banyak melakukan kegiatan pasca bencana (post event) berupa emergency response dan recovery daripada kegiatan sebelum bencana berupa disaster reduction atau mitigasi dan disaster preparedness. Padahal, apabila kita memiliki sedikit perhatian terhadap kegiatan-kegiatan sebelum bencana, kita dapat mereduksi potensi bahaya/kerugian (damages) yang mungkin timbul ketika terjadi bencana banjir. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dalam menghadapi bencana banjir melalui edukasi dan simulasi menggunakan Tabletop Disaster Exercise (TDE). Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Batua Makassar dengan jumlah peserta 30 masyarakat di RW 10, Kel Batua, Kec Manggala Makassar. Kegiatan yang dilakukan yaitu edukasi berupa penyuluan kesehatan tentang bencana banjir dan simulasi bencana banjir menggunakan table top disaster. Untuk mengevaluasi keberhasilan kegiatan ini, maka tim membagikan angket untuk menilai kesiapsiagaan perserta terhadap bencana banjir. Kegiatan ini terlaksana dengan baik dan lancar serta telah terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan kesiapsiagaan masyarakat yaitu 30 (100%) peserta berada dalam kategori baik dalam menghadapi bencana banjir sehingga diharapkan masyarakat dapat meminimalisir dampak dan kerugian yang ditimbulkan oleh bencana banjir.Abstract: Indonesia is one of the countries that are prone to flood disasters that are very risky to cause material losses to fatalities. Based on observations so far, we do more post-disaster activities (post events) in the form of emergency response and recovery than activities before disasters in the form of disaster reduction or mitigation and disaster preparedness. In fact, if we have more attention to activities before the disaster, we can reduce the potential danger / loss (damages) that may arise when a flood disaster occurs. The purpose of this activity is to increase knowledge and preparedness in the face of flood disasters through education and simulation using Tabletop Disaster Exercise (TDE). This activity was held in the working area of the “Puskesmas” Batua Makassar with a total of 30 participants in RW 10, District Manggala, Makassar City. The activities carried out are education in the form of health counseling about flood disasters and simulation of flood disasters using table top disasters. To evaluate the success of this activity, the team distributed questionnaires to assess the preparedness of participants for flood disasters. This activity is carried out well and smoothly and there has been an increase in public knowledge and preparedness, namely 30 (100%) participants are in the good category in dealing with flood disasters so that it is hoped that the community can minimize the impact and losses caused by flood disasters.
Dampak Psikologis Perawat Dalam Merawat Pasien Covid 19 Wirmando Wirmando; Yunita Gabriela Madu; Faustino Atbar
Media Keperawatan:Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar Vol 13, No 1 (2022): Media Keperawatan: Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32382/jmk.v13i1.2420


Nurses are at the forefront and are currently battling the covid 19 pandemic. They are working under tremendous pressure which puts them at increased disruption. The purpose of this study was to explore the psychological impact experienced by nurses in treating COVID-19 patients. This study is a phenomenological approach. This study was conducted on 5 nurses who treat covid 19 patients. Data collection was carried out using in-depth interviews with semistructured interview guidelines. Data analysis used the technique of Interpretative Analysis Phenomenology (IPA). The results of this study found 5 (five) main themes, 1) worrying about yourself and others in caring for covid 19 patients, 2) sad because they had to be quarantined and separated from family, 3) experiencing emotional disturbances, 4) feeling stressed and depressed, and 5) withdraw from the environment. Nurses experience psychological impacts in caring for COVID-19 patients which can affect the quality of nursing care provided. Therefore, it is necessary for hospitals to prepare physically and mentally nurses before entering COVID-19 patients, and it is also necessary to have encouragement and emotional support in order to provide the psychological impact experienced by nurses.
The Nurses' Experience in Providing Health Care for Criminals in General Hospital Wirmando Wirmando; Asti Melani Astari; Laily Yuliatun
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Vol. 31 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jkb.2021.031.03.4


Providing health care for criminals is very complex, stressful, and challenging for the general hospital nurses who are usually not habituated to treat them. The nurses are required to keep their caring and professional work. Providing health care for criminals puts the nurses into a risky working environment. They are susceptible to physical and psychological aggressions that can influence their practices and their applied nursing care quality. The objective of this research is to explore the general hospital nurses' experience in providing health care for the criminals. This is qualitative method research with a phenomenological approach. The data collection was done by a deep interview for 10 nurses. The applied data analysis is the Interpretative Analysis Phenomenology (IPA). The six themes found in the research are: 1) feeling discomfort in working, 2) experiencing emotional conflict, 3) working in an unsafe environment, 4) having difficulties in creating a therapeutic relationship, 5) unnatural caring emergence, and 6) not wanting the police officers to get involved in treating the patients. The security and emotional feeling factors of the nurses become the greatest challenges. They make the nurses difficult to create a therapeutic relationship and lead to unnatural caring committed by the nurses. Therefore, it is important for the nurses to internalize and reflect sincere caring as the essential principles in the nursing profession. Thus, it can reach the objectives of nursing, service equality, and patient recovery.
Efektivitas Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Terhadap Resiliensi Korban Bencana Alam yang Mengalami Kecacatan Fisik Wirmando Wirmando; Alfrida Alfrida; Jenita Laurensia Saranga'; Anita Sampe; Asrijal Bakri; Yulta Kadang
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 8 No 3 (2022): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : LPPM Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol8.Iss3.1344


Being physically disabled due to a natural disaster is a traumatic experience in a person's life that can make a person feel slumped and helpless in his life. It takes a psychotherapeutic intervention such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to foster resilience of victims of natural disasters who have physical disabilities in order to be able to bounce back, be productive, and be able to play their role again in society. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of ACT therapy on increasing the resilience of victims of natural disasters in Sigi who experienced physical disabilities. The research method used is quasy experiment with a one group pre-post test approach. The number of samples in this study was 22 respondents collected using purposive sampling techniques. This research was conducted in August-September 2022 in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. The statistical test used is the Wilcoxon test. The results of this study showed that there was an effect of ACT therapy on increasing respondents' resilience (p=0000). In addition, this study showed that after being given ACT therapy, most respondents' resilience was in the high category (59%). This study indicates that a person who experiences a traumatic event such as a physical disability due to a natural disaster will face a difficult time in life, psychological vulnerability and the ability to cultivate low resilience. Therefore, it is important for health providers to pay attention to psychological aspects, as well as provide psychotherapeutic interventions such as ACT to victims of natural disasters, especially those who experience physical disabilities in the rehabilitative phase so that they can accept themselves, be committed, productive, and return to play their role in society