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Pengembangan Model Pelatihan Motivasi Berprestasi Untuk Guru PAUD Di Lombok Barat MA Muazar Habibi; Baiq Nilawati Astini; Nurhasanah Nurhasanah; Ika Rachmayani
Jurnal Ilmiah POTENSIA Vol 6, No 1 (2021): JANUARI
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/jip.6.1.78-89


Motivasi berprestasi guru merupakan kekuatan yang mendorong guru untuk menjalankan tugas sebagai pendidik, pengajar, pembimbing dan pelatih. Guru yang mempunyai motivasi berprestasi akan mempunyai tanggung jawab tinggi untuk bekerja dengan antusias dan sebaik mungkin mengerahkan segenap kemampuan dan keterampilan guna mencapai prestasi yang optimal. Penelitian ini mengembangkan model pelatihan motivasi berprestasi (PMB), dan meningkatkan motivasi berprestasi guru sebagai tujuan akhirnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan secara triangulasi dan data dianalisis secara induktif/kualitatif.  Hasil dari uji ahli untuk pengembangan model PMB : pada aspek ketepatan, kegunaan, dan kelayakan tergolong sangat tepat, sangat berguna, dan sangat layak. Hasil dari uji pengguna untuk pengembangan model PMB : pada aspek ketepatan, kegunaan, dan kelayakan tergolong sangat tepat, sangat berguna, dan layak. Rangkaian uji efektivitas mengukur peningkatan aspek-aspek motivasi berprestasi yang terdiri dari 6 aspek yaitu memiliki tingkat tanggung jawab yang tinggi, keberanian mengambil/ memikul resiko, memiliki tujuan yang realistik, memiliki rencana kerja yang menyeluruh dan berjuang untuk merealisasikan tujuan, memanfaatkan umpan balik yang konkret dalam semua kegiatan yang dilakukan, dan mencari kesempatan untuk merealisasikan rencana yang telah diprogramkan. Fokus penelitian pengembangan ini adalah: 1) Pengembangan model pelatihan motivasi berprestasi untuk guru yang menghasilkan model pelatihan motivasi berprestasi dan 2) Pengembangan model pelatihan motivasi berprestasi  untuk guru yang dapat meningkatkan motivasi berprestasi. Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini  adalah: 1) Menghasilkan model pelatihan motivasi berprestasi untuk guru dan 2) Peningkatan motivasi berprestasi guru melalui pelatihan motivasi berprestasi. Barat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, mengadopsi teori Reasearch and Development (R & D) Borg and Gall (2012:783). Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan secara triangulasi (gabungan). Analisis data bersifat induktif/kualitatif, dan hasil penelitian lebih menekankan makna generalisasi. Hasil dari uji ahli dan uji pengguna untuk pengembangan model PMB adalah: penilaian oleh ahli pada aspek ketepatan, kegunaan  dan kelayakan ahli menyatakan bahwa model PMB sangat tepat dan sangat berguna, sedangkan aspek kelayakan ahli menyatakan bahwa model PMB memiliki nilai sangat layak dan layak. Penilaian dari pengguna adalah : penilaian aspek ketepatan pengguna menilai bahwa model PMB ini sangat tepat dan tepat, penilaian aspek kegunaan pengguna menilai sangat berguna dan berguna, penilaian aspek kelayakan pengguna menilai layak pada model PMB, hasilnya dari uji efektifitas produk menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan ini mampu meningkatkan aspek-aspek motivasi berprestasi dengan kategori tinggi sekali, sedangkan hasil Uji efektivitas Model PMB adalah 80% peserta mengalami peningkatan motivasi berprestasi dalam kategori tinggi dan tinggi sekali sehingga disimpulkan bahwa Model PMB efektif dalam meningkatkan motivasi berprestasi guru. 
Gaya Belajar Siswa: Apakah Ada Hubungannya dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa? Harmila Adhani; Nurhasanah Nurhasanah; Muhammad Tahir; Itsna Oktavianty
Journal of Classroom Action Research Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): February
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jcar.v4i1.1421


The purpose of the study was to describe whether or not there was a relationship between a student's learning style and a student's IPS learning outcomes. This research was conducted in SDN Cluster 4 Selaparang Subdistrict consisting of 3 elementary schools, namely SDN 33 Mataram, SDN 34 Mataram, and SDN 24 Mataram. The type of research used in this study is correlational research. The population in this study was students of class V SDN Cluster 4 Selaparang Subdistrict as many as 119 students. A sample number of 54 students were obtained with the Simple Random Sampling technique. Data collection techniques through questionnaires and documentation. The instruments in this study took the form of questionnaires or questionnaires compiled on the Likert Scale. Data analysis techniques using correlation analysis. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between students' learning styles (visual, audio, kinesthetic) and IPS learning outcomes. The large coefficient of correlation between a student's learning style (visual, audio, kinesthetic) and IPS learning outcomes is 0.605 and falls into a strong category. This shows that 36.6% of IPS learning outcomes are influenced by students' learning styles, while the remaining 63.4% are influenced by other factors such as learning motivation, parental parenting, and learning environment. and falls into a strong category. This shows that 36.6% of IPS learning outcomes are influenced by students' learning styles, while the remaining 63.4% are influenced by other factors such as learning motivation, parental parenting, and learning environment. and falls into a strong category. This shows that 36.6% of IPS learning outcomes are influenced by students' learning styles, while the remaining 63.4% are influenced by other factors such as learning motivation, parental parenting, and the learning environment
Development of Processed Products Made from Sweet Potatoes into Sweet Potato Milk (Violatte) to Improve the Economy of the Community in Dopang Village, West Lombok Regency Ahmad Harjono; Ahmad Busyairi; Hairunisa Sahidu; Itsna Hasanah; Sir Atinnur Rahman; Chintya Ananditha; Nurhasanah Nurhasanah; Nurjannah Nurjannah; Ari Nashiruddin Zaini; Mardiyanti Mardiyanti; Astuti Astuti; Siti Hajar; Sulastri Sulastri; Herlinda Febriani; Ni Putu Puspa Widyarni Sari
Unram Journal of Community Service Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): June
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/ujcs.v3i2.199


The potential of sweet potatoes in Dopang Village, West Lombok Regency is quite abundant, especially the type of purple sweet potato. In addition to its good health benefits, the existence of purple sweet potato also has high economic potential. Processing of purple sweet potatoes into more valuable products in Dopang Village is still considered lacking. Based on observations, the processing of purple sweet potatoes in the surrounding community is only in the form of snacks or chips. Therefore, this activity aims to develop processed products made from purple sweet potatoes into products in the form of sweet potato milk (Violatte) in the hope of increasing the economy of the local community. This activity is carried out in 4 (four) stages, namely; (1) product manufacturing experiment, (2) product improvement, (3) product socialization to the public, and (4) product marketing. The activity is carried out for approximately 1.5 months from November 22, 2021 - January 6, 2022. The location of the activity is in Dopang Tengah Hamlet, Dopang Village, Gunungsari, West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Each stage of this activity, starting from product manufacturing trials, product improvement stages, socialization stages and product marketing stages has been carried out and is running well.
Development of Computer-Based Learning Media (Digital) Tutorial Model to Improve Physics Learning Process in the Pandemic Era (Covid-19) Tia Listiani; Nurhasanah Nurhasanah; Rahmat Hidayat; Saosan Alamuna H Alamuna H; Tasya Septiana; Wisnu Watin; Zahratul Walihah; Susilawati Susilawati
AMPLITUDO : Journal of Science and Technology Inovation Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): February
Publisher : Balai Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56566/amplitudo.v1i1.2


The purpose of the research from the results of the review of 25 journals is to determine the feasibility of computer-based (digital) learning media that can be used by teachers as learning media using a tutorial model. Research from the results of a review of 25 journals uses the R&D (Research and Development) method that produces products from researchers. Based on the results of the reviews of several journals, the average percentage of eligibility from the validation results of material experts, media experts, and test results can be said to be in a good category and feasible to use, so that it can be used as a reference for prospective teachers to increase knowledge in learning techniques, improve learning outcomes. students and motivate students in the learning process in the Covid-19 era
I Identification of Prospective Physics Teacher's Misconceptions of Temperature and Heat concept Using the Three Tier Test: England Ahmad Busyairi; Rizky Munandar; Putu Ayas Dita Apsari; Atika Wahyuni; Nurhasanah Nurhasanah; Kurnia Julianti Arni; Zahratul Walihah; Muhammad Hendri Diarta
AMPLITUDO : Journal of Science and Technology Inovation Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): August
Publisher : Balai Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56566/amplitudo.v1i2.9


This study aims to identify the misconception profile of prospective physics teachers (respondents) on the material of temperature and heat. This research is quantitative descriptive research. As many as 25 prospective physics teachers as respondents in this study. The research data was taken using a three-tier test instrument in the form of multiple choice questions with open reasons. The results showed that as many as 58.73% of respondents experienced misconceptions and only 30.82% of respondents understood the concept. Most of the misconceptions occur in the concept of thermal equilibrium. As many as 61.90% of respondents experienced misconceptions about this concept. In addition, many misconceptions occur in differentiating the concepts of temperature, heat, and thermal energy. A total of 59.53% of respondents experienced misconceptions about this concept. the average respondent has not understood the substance of the difference between the concepts of temperature, heat, and thermal energy. Many of them equate to the concept of heat and thermal energy of an object. respondents also do not seem to be very able to distinguish the boundaries between the concept of temperature and the concept of thermal energy.
Identification of Science Process Skills of Group B Students at Kreativa Gebang Kindergarten Ni Luh Putu Nina Sriwarthini; Nurhasanah Nurhasanah; I Made Suwasa Astawa
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol 10 No 2 (2024): February
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v10i2.5981


The newest Curriculum stipulates a scientific approach as a characteristic of the national PAUD curriculum. In reality, kindergartens still have not optimized this. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the science process skills of early childhood students so that improvements can be made immediately. This research aims to identify and analyze the science process skills of Group B Students at Kreativa Gebang Kindergarten. This is descriptive research. The research instruments used were video recordings of learning activities, observation sheets for learning activities, and student development assessment reports (LPPA). The data obtained in this research was analyzed using a combination of analysis (quantitative – and qualitative). The results showed: 1) The identified science process skills of Group B students were observing, classifying, and communicating skills; 2) The percentage of achievements in observing skills that were categorized into developing very well (BSB) categories were 41.4%, Classification skills were at 32.8%, and communication skills were at 14%. Based on the data, it can be concluded that the science process skills of group B students at PAUD Kreativa Gebang were still relatively low because the percentage of achievements in the three science process skills that were categorized into developing very well (BSB) categories was below 50%.