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JCES (Journal of Character Education Society) Vol 3, No 3 (2020): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jces.v3i3.2730


Abstrak: Tujuan utama pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah untuk pendampingan dan uji face validity penggunaan screening luka kaki diabetes (LKD) pada pasien diabetes mellitus (DM) dalam mendeteksi dini LKD sehingga menurunkan kejadian LKD serta dapat melakukan intervensi dini pada pasien beresiko. Kegiatan ini juga mendorong masyarakat untuk melakukan pola hidup sehat dengan senam diabetes, mengolah makanan sehat dan rutin melakukan pemeriksaan gula darah sewaktu (GDS). Metode pelaksanaan ini yakitu metode pelatihan dan partisipasif dimana seluruh kegiatan dilaksanakan bersama-sama dengan tenaga kesehatan, kader dan masyarakat desa. Hasil dari Face validity ialah perawat spesialis mudah menggunakan Screening ini, tetapi perawat umum atau kader harus dilakukan pelatihan untuk menggunakannya. Adapun hasil luaran dari kegiatan ini ialah masyarakat dapat secara rutin melakukan deteksi dini LKD yang dapat dilakukan oleh kader ataupun tenaga kesehatan di wilayah desa Kerawang dan Desa Sumber Agung sehingga mampu memberikan intervensi yang tepat sesuai tingkat resiko.Abstract: The main objective of implementing the activity is to provide assistance and face validity testing for using diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) screening in diabetes mellitus (DM) patients in early detection of DFU to reduce the incidence of DFU and to be able to do early intervention in patients with its risk. This activity also encourages people to adopt a healthy lifestyle with diabetes exercises, consume healthy food and check blood sugar regularly. The implementation methods are training and participatory method in which all activities are carried out together with health providers, cadres and communities. The result of Face validity is that specialist nurses are easy to use this screening, but general nurses or cadres must be trained to use it. The outcome of this activity is that the community can routinely carry out early detection of DFU which can be carried out by cadres or health providers in the Desa Kerawang and Desa Sumber Agung so that they are able to provide appropriate interventions according to the level of risk.
JCES (Journal of Character Education Society) Vol 3, No 2 (2020): JULI
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jces.v3i2.2365


Abstrak: Di beberapa negara maju seperti Jepang sudah mengembangkan alat untuk mengukur kedalaman luka yang aman. Namun, di Indonesia alat ini belum tersedia dipasaran. Berdasarkan hal ini, maka diperlukan alat yang sederhana dan terjangkau bagi tenaga kesehatan. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah; 1) menguji inter-rater realibilitas H-Test pada luka yang memiliki rongga seperti undermining dan tunnelling, 2) menguji sensitivitas dan spesifitas penggunaan H-Test. Metode yang digunakan dengan menguji alat yang dilakukan oleh perawat yang memiliki sertifikat pada 10 pasien yang datang ke Klinik luka Kitamura PKU Muhammadiyah. Alat yang digunakan pada progam ini alat pengukur kedalaman luka yang telah dimodifikasi disebut H-test. Dalam menganalisa inter-rater reliabilitas dan sensitivitas dan spesifitas menggunakaan koefisien Cohen’s kappa. Hasil adalah nilai Kappa 0.70 (p<0,001) (substantial agreement), sedangkan sensitivitas didapatkan 83,3% dan spesifisitas 66,7%. Berdasarkan hasil ini, disimpulkan bahwa alat ini dapat mengukur dengan mudah kedalaman luka berongga.Abstract: In some countries such as Japan has developed a tool to measure the depth of the wound safely. However, in Indonesia this tool is not yet available in the market. Based on this, a simple and affordable tool for health worker is needed. The purpose of this program was 1) to evaluate inter-rater reliability of H-test on wounds have cavity such as undermining and tunneling, 2) to evaluate sensitivity and specificity using H-Test.  The method was used with evaluating the tool by nurses have certificate on 10 patients that came to Wound Care Clinic, PKU Muhammadiyah.   The tool was used in this program was a wound cavities measure tool that was modified namely H-test. In analyzing inter-rater reliability, sensitivity and specificity used Cohen’s kappa coefficient. The result was Kappa value 0,70 (p<0.001) (substantial agreement), sensitivity 83,3% and specificity 66,7%. Based on this result, was concluded that this tool could to measure wound deep that have cavities easily.
JCES (Journal of Character Education Society) Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jces.v4i3.5665


Abstrak: Belum adanya instrumen perawatan kaki dan pedoman perawatan kaki pada pasien diabtes mellitus (DM) di lokasi mitra, dimana pedoman sangat dibutuhkan untuk mencegah terjadinya kejadian berulang luka kaki diabetes (DFU). Tujuan pengembangan instrument ialah untuk menjadi pegangan pasien dan perawat dalam melakukan perawatan kaki pasien DM dan mencegah dini kejadian DFU. Metode pelaksanaan terdiri atas 3 tahap yakni 1) sosialisasi intrumen terdiri atas a) memberikan pedoman dan instrumen untuk di telaah dan presentasi, b) tanya jawab, c) small group discussion untuk item, dan d) pemaparan hasil diskusi, 2) face validity dan 3) content validity. Hasil sosialisasi yakni peserta sepakat untuk memecah instrumen dan manual menjadi pedoman khusus tatalaksan pasien dirumah dan tatalaksana di klinik, dimana 100% peserta setuju untuk dikembangkan instrumen ini. Hasil uji validitas isi yakni terdapat 10 item yang memiliki nilai I-CVI ialah 1.00 yang bermakna valid diantaranya 1) pendidikan perawatan kaki, 2) senam kaki diabetes, 3) perawatan kebersihan kaki, 4) menggunakan alas kaki yang sesuai, 5) teknik potong kuku yang sesuai, 6) tes monofilamen, 7) riwayat luka atau amputasi, 8) inspeksi kelainan bentuk kaki, 9) tes keterbatasan pergerakan kaki, dan 10) tes Ankle Brachial Index (ABI). Hasil S-CVI ialah 0.78. Instrumen dan panduan ini dikembangkan menjadi 2 bagian yakni untuk pasien dan untuk tenaga kesehatan yang merawat pasien DM.  Abstract: There is no foot care instrument and guideline for patients with diabetes in the partner’s location where it is needed for protect recurrence of diabetic foot ulcer (DFU). The aims of this instrument are to have manual for patients and nurses in doing of foot care and decrease the number of DFU. The methods are 1) instrument socialization such as a) giving the manual and doing presentation, b) discussion, c) small group discussion and d) sharing results of discussion, 2) face validity, and 3) content validity. The results are participants decided the manual becomes for patients in home and for nurses in clinical setting. The result of content validity in 10 items with I-CVI is1.00 where there are significance to be used, 1) foot care education, 2) gymnastics diabetic foot, 3) maintenance of cleanliness foot, 4) using footwear appropriate, 5) technical pieces of nails that suit, 6) monofilament test, and 7) a history of injuries or amputations, 8) inspection of foot abnormalities, 9) test the limitations of foot movement, and 10) test of Ankle Brachial Index (ABI). The S-CVI result is 0.78. This instrument and guide was developed into 2 books, for patients and for nurses who take care of DM patients.  
Intervention Supportive Educative System Based on Self Care and Family Centered Nursing Model to Family Support in Teaching Cough Ethics and Correct Sputum Disposal of TBC Patients at Sanggau Ledo Health Center, Bengkayang District Tri Wahyuni; Parliani; Cau Kim Jiu; Kharisma Pratama; Tutur Kardiatun; Sukartina
Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal Vol 2 No 3 (2020): Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal, September
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/bioex.v2i3.301


Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that attacks the lungs characterized by granuloma formation and causes tissue necrosis, a direct infectious disease caused by the TBC germ (mycobacterium tuberculosis). Problems that often arise in tuberculosis sufferers are about knowledge, activities and psychosocial family support. Purpose: this study was to determine a supportive educative system intervention based on self-care and family centered nursing models for family support in teaching cough and sputum disposal properly. Methods: The research design used was quantitative with a Quasi Experimental design pre-test post-test without control group. The sample in this study was 20 samples taken before and after the intervention. Results: based on the bivariate analysis of knowledge, activity, and family support with the Wilcoxon test, it shows that in the intervention group after education, this self-care based system affects people with tuberculosis, the variable knowledge with p value 0,000, activity (behavior) with p value 0,000 and family support p. value 0.050, which means p value <α 0.050, this study shows that there is a difference in scores of supportive educative system interventions based on self-care and family centered nursing models on family support in teaching cough and sputum disposal properly. Suggestion: This study recommends that poly pulmonary health services provide a supportive educative system intervention based on self-care and family centered nursing models for family support in teaching cough and sputum disposal in TBC patients.
Development of Psychosocial Telenursing Education Stigma of Suspected Covid-19 (Rapid Reactive) Patients Tri Wahyuni; Parliani; Kharisma Pratama; Tutur Kardiatun; Nita Zulfia; Paudilah; Gmeliana Adha Sari
Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal, May
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/bioex.v3i2.457


In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, there is one social phenomenon that has the potential to aggravate the situation, namely stigma in patients suspected of Covid-19 or rapid reactive results. The lab results have not actually confirmed that the patient is positive for Covid-19 but the social environment or negative associations of a person or group of people who experience symptoms or bear certain diseases result in stigma against a person. This study aims to find out how the experience and stigma in patients suspected of Covid - 19. This study uses qualitative approach method of phenomenological studies and in-depth interviews with telenursing. The number of participants in this study was 10 participants. This study obtained 5 themes, namely physiological experience, psychological experience, biological experience, sociological experience and spiritual experience. The high positive number of Covid-19 in Indonesia makes the emergence of negative stigma of society to patients exposed to Covid-19, not even just Patients who are positive of Covid-19 who get negative stigma, therefore for diagnostic enforcement it takes examination by Molecular Test: Real Time PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) method. The sample types used are bronchoalveolar lavage, nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs, sputum, tracheal aspirate, nasopharyngeal aspirate or nasal wash, and biopsy tissue including from the lungs. Real Time PCR check method is the golden standard for the enforcement of diagnostic Covid - 19.
Concept Analysis: Compliance Among Diabetic Patients Parliani Parliani
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Jiwa Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (PPNI) Jawa Tengah

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There is a lot of evidence showing that the level of compliance is a fundamental factor in determining the health status of people with diabetes mellitus. Although many treatments have been effective in treating this disease, there are still many patients who fail to achieve glycemic control which causes complications and premature death. The purpose of this analysis concept is to clarify the concept of compliance with diabetes mellitus patients so that it becomes the basis for understanding in decision making in avoiding complications and long-term adherence in diabetes management. This concept analysis uses eight methods of 8 step walker and avant from 11 articles reviewed. Compliance in carrying out antidiabetic therapy is an active participation of patients on an ongoing basis in carrying out the use of drugs, diet and exercise. The concept of this analysis serves to direct the mindset of nurses in determining standard guidelines and improving adherence to the regimen of diabetic patients.
Socialization of self-care guidelines for tuberculosis patients at UPT Pulmonary Health Services in West Kalimantan Province Tri Wahyuni; Parliani Parliani; Tutur Kardiatun; Prasetyo Aji Nugroho; Al Fikri; Muamar Muamar; Muhammad Riduan; Veni Fitrianingsih
Community Empowerment Vol 6 No 11 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (277.35 KB) | DOI: 10.31603/ce.5241


Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which can harm the lungs and attack other organs. This will result in nursing issues, the risk of infection spreading to other organs and people, ineffective airway clearance, impaired gas exchange, nutritional disorders, and psychosocial problems. Efforts are made to overcome nursing problems by increasing the participation of patients and families, who serve as the primary supporters. The intervention performed by the patient as an agent for himself is known as self-care. Self-care is concerned with an individual's ability to care for and maintain his or her own health. Treatment, family support, and nutritional fulfillment are all part of TB treatment. The outcomes of service activity at UPT Pulmonary Health Services includes teaching health workers about self-care for TB patients, as well as conducting follow-up discussions about TB patients with anxiety in the intensive phase.
Jurnal Keperawatan dan Kesehatan Vol 13 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Keperawatan dan Kesehatan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (232.769 KB) | DOI: 10.54630/jk2.v13i1.182


Abstract The World Health Organizations (WHO) year 2013, there are 493,243 inhabitants per year new cervical cancer sufferers with mortality found as much as 273,505 soul per-tahun. Cervical cancer is rare in young women aged under 20 years, amounting to 50% found in women aged 35-55 years, 50% again in women who are under 35 years of age. Purpose: This research aims to know the relationships support the husband with the early detection of cervical cancer age couples on IVA method lush. Methods: The methods used in this research is quantitative research with correlative analytic approach that uses cross sectional. Sampling is done using the technique of sampling with the number of consecutive samples of 140 people. Data collection using the questionnaire with the data analysis using chi square test. Results: The results of this research show that there is a relationship between support with detsksi husband early cervical cancer age couples on IVA method in Clinics Kom Yos Sudarso Pontianak with a p value of 0.009 (p value < 0.05), OR = 2.64. Conclusions: The conclusion is the husband's support given can make his wife IVA checks for cervical cancer prevention. Therefore, it is expected to support the husband should be given to the wife of the couple's fertile age with the aim of preventing cervical cancer and reduce the mortality rate of cervical cancer which annually has increased. Keywords : Cervical Cancer, Methods IVA, Support The Husband
Upaya Pengendalian Risiko Infeksi Melalui Knowledge Sharing Teknik Pembuangan Sputum Pada Anak Sekolah Tri Wahyuni; Parliani Parliani; Tutur Kardiatun; Prasetyo Aji Nugroho
Journal of Community Engagement in Health Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Maret
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30994/jceh.v4i1.95


Tuberculosis (TBC) merupakan salah satu penyebab kesakitan dan kematian yang sering terjadi pada anak usia 0-14 tahun salah satunya rentan usia 6-12 tahun termasuk anak Sekolah Dasar (SD). Tujuan pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah untuk knowledge sharing kesehatan dengan cara penyuluhan tentang proses penyebaran bakteri dan teknik pembuangan sputum di tingkat Sekolah Dasar Negeri 06 Pontianak Timur dengan mengoptimalkan peran guru, serta mengajarkan cara membuang sputum dengan benar. Metode ini menggunakan teknik ceramah dan diskusi. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah anak-anak di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 06 Pontianak Timur. Tim pelaksana kegiatan ini adalah dosen dengan melibatkan tenaga administrasi serta mahasiswa STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak. Hasil pelaksanaan menunjukkan bahwa peserta berperan aktif karena tema penyuluhan kesehatan belum pernah diketahui oleh anak-anak di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 06 Pontianak Timur. Sebanyak 84 peserta penyuluhan kesehatan menunjukkan hasil sebesar 88% peserta dapat melakukan dengan benar cara pembuangan sputum dengan 5 langkah yang diberikan saat evaluasi dilakukan.
Pencegahan terjadi Injury : (Tuberkulosis) Serta Mengajarkan Menggunakan Masker dengan Benar Pada Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) di Mutiara Sejahtera Pontianak Timur Tri Wahyuni; Parliani Parliani; Prasetyo Aji Nugroho; Bebbie Aprianto; Edy Juniardi; Muhammad Iqbal; Dian Puspita; Roy Sandi
Journal of Community Engagement in Health Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Maret
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30994/jceh.v4i1.117


Kesehatan oleh masyarakat masih dianggap penting setelah orang tersebut dalam keadaan sakit. Namun, tentu akan lebih baik untuk dapat melakukan pencegahan dengan menjaga kesehatan daripada mengobati. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan cara penyuluhan tentang Pencegahan terjadi Injury: (Tuberkulosis) Serta Mengajarkan Menggunakan Masker dengan Benar Pada Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) di Mutiara Sejahtera Pontianak Timur. Metode ini adalah menggunakan teknik ceramah dan diskusi. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah anak PAUD di Mutiara Sejahtera Pontianak Timur. Tim pelaksana PKM adalah dosen dengan melibatkan tenaga pengajar, administrasi serta mahasiswa STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak. Hasil pelaksanaan PKM menunjukkan respon peserta berperan aktif karena tema penyuluhan kesehatan belum pernah diketahui oleh anak PAUD Mutiara Sejahtera Pontianak Timur. Dari 33 peserta penkes 90% peserta dapat melakukan dengan benar dari 5 langkah pemasangan serta dilakukan evaluasi.