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Internalisasi Ayat-Ayat Hukum Syari’at Melalui Bimbingan Tahsin Dan Tafsir Al-Qur’an Di Masa Ppkm Pada Remaja Masjid Baitussalam Murbaya Kec. Pringgarata Loteng Mustapa Ali; M. Musfiatul Wardi; Baiq Ida Astini; Aqodiah Aqodiah
Ibtida'iy : Jurnal Prodi PGMI Vol 7, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/ibtidaiy.v7i1.8450


Abstrak: Internalisasi  Ayat-Ayat Hukum Syari’at Melalui Bimbingan  Tahsin Dan Tafsir Al-Qur’an Di Masa PPKM  Pada Remaja Masjid Baitussalam Murbaya Kec. Pringgarata Loteng, umumnya masyarakat setempat sangat mendukung, karena putra-putri mereka diajak dan diarahkan kepada kegiatan bimbingan yang sangat bernilai positif, untuk mengisi waktu luang mereka terlebih lagi di masa pandemi Covid-19. Dan khususnya oleh ketua mitra yakni ketua remaja masjid sangat antusias dengan kegiatan tersebut. Karena para generasi muda-mudi mendapatkan bimbingan tentang ilmu-ilmu al-Qur’an terutama tahsin dan tajwid al-Qur’an ditambah lagi dengan wawasan pendalaman materi dengan tafsir –Jalalain. Dengan kegiatan tersebut dapat meringankan tugas ketua remaja masjid dalam menanggulangi efek negatif dari banyaknya kegiatan remaja yang sifatnya kurang bermanfaat. Dan kontribusi yang sangat mendukung dari mitra adalah setiap jawal bimbingan ketua remaja senantiasa mengingatkan remaja-remaji untuk tetap semangat dan tepat waktu dalam mengikuti bimbingan tersebut, dan mitra dari remaja masjid ikut berpartisifasi dalam memperbaiki sarana dan prasarana di TPQ Darul Mustofa, dan sekarang kondisi TPQ semakin indah dan bersih. Abstract:  Internalization of Sharia Legal Sites Through Tahsin Guidelines and Al-Qur'an International Time In PPKM Teenagers In Baitussalam Mosque Murbaya Kec. Pringgarata Loteng, generally the local community is very supportive, because their children are invited and directed to guidance activities that have a very positive value, to fill their spare time especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. And especially by the head of the partner, namely the mosque's youth chairman, he was very enthusiastic about this activity. Because the younger generation gets guidance about the sciences of the Qur'an, especially tahsin and tajwid al-Qur'an coupled with insight into the deepening of material with interpretation - Jalalain. With these activities, it can ease the task of the mosque youth leader in overcoming the negative effects of the many youth activities that are less useful. And a very supportive contribution from partners is that every guidance officer of the youth leader always reminds young people to stay enthusiastic and on time in following the guidance, and partners from mosque youth participate in improving facilities and infrastructure at TPQ Darul Mustofa, and now the condition of TPQ more beautiful and cleaner.
Internalisasi Ayat-Ayat Hukum Syari’at Melalui Bimbingan Tahsin Dan Tafsir Al-Qur’an Di Masa Ppkm Pada Remaja Masjid Baitussalam Murbaya Kec. Pringgarata Loteng Mustapa Ali; M. Musfiatul Wardi; Baiq Ida Astini; Aqodiah Aqodiah
Ibtida'iy : Jurnal Prodi PGMI Vol 7, No 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/ibtidaiy.v7i1.10321


Abstrak: Internalisasi  Ayat-Ayat Hukum Syari’at Melalui Bimbingan  Tahsin Dan Tafsir Al-Qur’an Di Masa PPKM  Pada Remaja Masjid Baitussalam Murbaya Kec. Pringgarata Loteng, umumnya masyarakat setempat sangat mendukung, karena putra-putri mereka diajak dan diarahkan kepada kegiatan bimbingan yang sangat bernilai positif, untuk mengisi waktu luang mereka terlebih lagi di masa pandemi Covid-19. Dan khususnya oleh ketua mitra yakni ketua remaja masjid sangat antusias dengan kegiatan tersebut. Karena para generasi muda-mudi mendapatkan bimbingan tentang ilmu-ilmu al-Qur’an terutama tahsin dan tajwid al-Qur’an ditambah lagi dengan wawasan pendalaman materi dengan tafsir –Jalalain. Dengan kegiatan tersebut dapat meringankan tugas ketua remaja masjid dalam menanggulangi efek negatif dari banyaknya kegiatan remaja yang sifatnya kurang bermanfaat. Dan kontribusi yang sangat mendukung dari mitra adalah setiap jawal bimbingan ketua remaja senantiasa mengingatkan remaja-remaji untuk tetap semangat dan tepat waktu dalam mengikuti bimbingan tersebut, dan mitra dari remaja masjid ikut berpartisifasi dalam memperbaiki sarana dan prasarana di TPQ Darul Mustofa, dan sekarang kondisi TPQ semakin indah dan bersih. Abstract:  Internalization of Sharia Legal Sites Through Tahsin Guidelines and Al-Qur'an International Time In PPKM Teenagers In Baitussalam Mosque Murbaya Kec. Pringgarata Loteng, generally the local community is very supportive, because their children are invited and directed to guidance activities that have a very positive value, to fill their spare time especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. And especially by the head of the partner, namely the mosque's youth chairman, he was very enthusiastic about this activity. Because the younger generation gets guidance about the sciences of the Qur'an, especially tahsin and tajwid al-Qur'an coupled with insight into the deepening of material with interpretation - Jalalain. With these activities, it can ease the task of the mosque youth leader in overcoming the negative effects of the many youth activities that are less useful. And a very supportive contribution from partners is that every guidance officer of the youth leader always reminds young people to stay enthusiastic and on time in following the guidance, and partners from mosque youth participate in improving facilities and infrastructure at TPQ Darul Mustofa, and now the condition of TPQ more beautiful and cleaner
Operational Services for Islamic Education Subjects at Elementary School Husni Mubarok; Baiq Ida Astini; Faridatun Nikmah; Imam Fitri Rahmadi
ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal Vol 10, No 1 (2022): ELEMENTARY
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/elementary.v10i1.14183


Operational services have a crucial role in education to develop and improve the quality of students. Operational services for Islamic education subjects at the elementary level in Indonesia have not been maximized, so the student is still low in Islamic education subjects at all levels of education. The purpose of this article is to find out 1) the concept of operational services for Islamic Education subjects in Elementary Schools; 2) the implementation of operational services for Islamic Education subjects at Elementary Schools in Pati Regency, and 3) the supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementing of operational services for Islamic Education subjects at elementary schools in Pati Regency. This type of article is field research, namely research with natural characteristics and analytical-descriptive fieldwork. This article uses a qualitative approach. The collection technique uses observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The results are to explain the concept of operational services for Islamic Education subjects in Elementary Schools, the implementation of operational services for Islamic Education subjects at Elementary Schools in Pati Regency, and the supporting and to inhibiting factors for implementing operational services for Islamic Education subjects in Elementary Schools in Pati Regency.
Inovasi Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah dalam Menerapkan Kurikulum Merdeka Baiq Ida Astini; Aqodiah Aqodiah; Niswatun Hasanah
CENDEKIA Vol. 15 No. 01 (2023): Cendekia 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Billfath

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.814 KB) | DOI: 10.37850/cendekia.v15i01.408


The aims of this study are: 1) To describe the concept of madrasa principal leadership, 2) madrasa principal leadership governance, 3) madrasa principal leadership innovation and 4) challenges faced by madrasah principals in implementing the independent learning curriculum. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data was collected by means of interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the research are the head of MIN 1 Mataram in Implementing the Independent Learning Curriculum, which is to return students to their rights as human beings as the implementation of humanism education where schools are expected to accommodate students according to their interests because each child has their own uniqueness and preferential treatment that makes that uniqueness unique. valuable and meaningful. The innovations made by the Head of MIN 1 Mataram in the context of implementing the learning curriculum, including: 1) increasing the professionalism of human resources, especially teachers at MIN I Mataram, 2) increasing the ability to supervise learning guided by the supervision instrument 3) Innovation related to governance management using the term division, and increased the number of divisions to 11 divisions, namely: a) Curriculum Division, b) Partnership Division (Humas), c) Language Development Division, d) Language Development Division, e) Library Division, f) Religious Division, g) Sports and Health, h) Infrastructure Division, i) UKS/Health Division, j) Arts and Culture Division, k) Security and Order Division
Journal of Community Empowerment Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Journal of Community Empowerment

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRAK Dalam setiap kitab fiqh, menunjukkan betapa pentingnya kebersihan atau kesucian dalam Islam. Seseorang tidak memenuhi syarat untuk beribadah saat ia memiliki hadats. Ia pun tidak dapat beribadah saat pakaian atau tempat dilaksanakannya peribadahan terkena najis. Seringkali dikeluhkan oleh banyak orang tentang kebersihan, tidak terkecuali ditengah masyarakat yang beridentitas Islam. Islam diakui sangat memperhatikan kebersihan. Tetapi hal yang sangat sederhana ini dalam banyak kasus belum bisa dijalankan secara baik. Banyak tempat ibadah, lembaga pendidikan, tempat-tempat pelayanan umum yang nampaknya masih belum memperhatikan dan mengutamakan perawatan kebersihan ini. Maka pengabdian ini bertujuan mengarahkan dan mendampingi ibu-ibu Majelis Ta’lim Graha Cendana bagaimana cara bersuci yang benar sesuai dengan tuntunan Rasulullah SAW, sehingga tidak terjadi keraguan dalam hati setiap muslim terkait apa sudah benar atau belum dengan cara atau langkah bersuci yang diterapkan selama ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini  adalah ceramah          yaitu memberikan suatu informasi melalui pendengaran peserta majelis ta’lim, peserta dapat memahami apa yang disampaikan oleh Ustadzah Nenah Nurhasanah dengan cara mendengarkan apa yang telah Ia ucapkan. Hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan ini adalah ibu-ibu Majelis Ta’lim Graha Cendana dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai cara bersuci yang baik dan benar sesuai dengan tuntunan Rasulullah SAW, serta mengevaluasi hasil teori dan praktek yang telah dilaksanakan pasca praktek untuk memastikan ilmu yang disampaikan telah difahami dengan baik dan siap untuk diamalkan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Islam adalah agama yang sangat mengutamakan kesucian dan kebersihan, baik lahir maupun batin. Semua ibadah yang berasaskan Islam bahkan tidak sah dilakukan seseorang dalam keadaan kotor jiwa dan raganya. Kata kunci: Pendampingan, Majelis Ta’lim, Fiqih Thaharoh.                                                             ABSTRACTIn every fiqh book, it shows how important cleanliness or purity is in Islam. A person is not eligible for worship when he has hadats. He also cannot pray when his clothes or the place where the worship is held is unclean. Many people often complain about cleanliness, including those in a society with an Islamic identity. Islam is recognized to pay great attention to cleanliness. But this very simple thing in many cases can not be executed properly. Many places of worship, educational institutions, public service places seem to still not pay attention to and prioritize this cleaning. So this dedication aims to direct and assist the women of the Graha Cendana Ta'lim Assembly on how to purify properly in accordance with the guidance of Rasulullah SAW, so that there is no doubt in the heart of every Muslim regarding whether or not the method or steps of purification that have been applied so far are correct or not. The method used in this service is lectures, namely providing information through hearing the participants in the ta'lim assembly, participants can understand what Ustadzah Nenah Nurhasanah is saying by listening to what she has said. The results achieved from this activity were that the women of the Graha Cendana Ta'lim Assembly could increase their knowledge about proper and correct methods of purification in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as evaluate the results of theory and practice that had been carried out post-practice to ensure that the knowledge conveyed was understood. properly and ready to be practiced in daily activities. Islam is a religion that prioritizes purity and cleanliness, both physically and spiritually. All worship that is based on Islam is not even valid for someone to do in a dirty state of mind and body. Keywords: Assistance, Ta'lim Counter, Thaharoh Guidance