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JURNAL INDRIA (Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Prasekolah dan Sekolah Awal) Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (869.352 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/jin.v4i1.1470


The research aimed to describe how traditional games can be used to optimize speaking competence and children’s social emotion. The traditional game used for this research purpose is from Javanese culture named Dur Salidur. The unique characteristic of the game is the existence of conversation among players for communicating reasons for the group choice. The research method used is action research located in PAUD Labschool Yasmin Playgroup. The data testing was done by using Serial Reaction Time (SRT) with two cycles. The research found that Dur Salidur game was able to be a means of the developing child’s social emotional intelligence. Furthermore, in the second cycle, children could accept other people’s opinion, comply with the agreed rules by showing patience, adjust themselves as well as have an action representing the attitude of curiousity. Besides, the children’s language ability shows an increase through the game rules, giving them a chance to the children to communicate interactively and to keep the dialogue runs smoothly. 
Boneka Gender: Implementasi Metode Proyek Pendidikan Gender Pada Calon Guru PAUD Wahju Dyah Laksmi Wardhani; Nita Puspitasari; Eka Dwi Lestari; Agnes Sulistianingsih; Lucky Mariana S; khotibatul Hasanah
PAUD Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol. 2 No. 02 (2019): PAUD Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/paud-lectura.v2i02.2518


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan calon guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) dalam merancang dan melaksanakan pembelajaran berwawasan gender pada anak usia dini. Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian kualitatif dengan subyek lima orang mahasiswa peserta mata kuliah Wawasan Gender di program studi Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PG PAUD) Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember (UMJ). Sebagian mahasiswa peserta mata kuliah ini telah menjadi guru di lembaga PAUD, namun mereka menyadari bahwa di dalam pembelajaran tentang gender untuk anak belum terlalu baik. Dalam pengembangan proses pembelajaran mata kuliah Wawasan Gender ini selanjutnya, mahasiswa di bagi dalam lima kelompok yang melaksanakan proyek mulai dari rancangan pengembangan skenario pembelajaran gender untuk anak kelompok 5 sampai 6 tahun, penyiapan media belajar serta simulasi dalam kelompok terbatas di lapangan. Media pembelajaran dan rencana implementasi lapangan di kembangkan pada paruh semester usai ujian tengah semester dengan menggunakan skenario pembelajaran yang sudah di rancang saat sebelum ujian tengah semester. Hasil yang di peroleh mahasiswa setelah menerapkan media boneka gender dan skenario pembelajaran di lapangan secara terbatas menunjukkan bahwa siswa lebih mudah memahami konsep-konsep gender serta peran gender yang lebih abstrak melalui media boneka gender.
Stimulasi Perilaku Sosial Anak Usia Dini melalui Media Loose Parts (Bahan Lepasan) Wahju Dyah Laksmi Wardhani; Misyana Misyana; Ika Atniati; Nina Septiani
Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/obsesi.v5i2.694


Bahan lepasan atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai loose parts merupakan media pembelajaran yang memberi anak kesempatan untuk mengeksplorasi, memanipulasi, atau mengeksploitasi imajinasi secara kritis, karena karaktersitik loose parts yang memungkinkan anak mengolah sesuai bentuk dari ide yang dipikirkannya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana bahan lepasan sebagai media belajar tidak saja hanya mengajarkan anak mewujudkan suatu imajinasi melalui metode proyek, namun juga melatih anak dalam pengembangan aspek sosialnya. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah anak-anak kelompok A di TK Bukit Aksara Semarang. Penelitian ini penelitian kualitatif yang menerapkan perspektif fenomenologis. Kesimpulannya, bentuk-bentuk perilaku sosial seperti kerja sama, kemandirian, tanggung jawab dan percaya diri nampak saat anak bermain mengolah bahan lepasan. Hasil ini penelitian ini dapat menjadi rujukan bagi guru PAUD untuk menggunakan bahan lepasan ke dalam kurikulum
Konstruksi Berpikir Kritis Melalui Pengenalan Fungsi Jam dan Konsep Waktu Pada Anak Usia Dini Wahju Dyah Laksmi Wardhani; Dewi Khoirotus Sadiyah
EARLY CHILDHOOD : JURNAL PENDIDIKAN Vol. 2 No. 2a (2018): Early Childhood : Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Pendidikan Guru PAUD, FKIP, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (734.089 KB) | DOI: 10.35568/earlychildhood.v2i2a.283


Kajian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas pada anak kelompok usia 5 – 6 tahun di Sekolah Laboratorium Taman Kanak-Kanak Yasmin Jember, yang bertujuan untuk mengenalkan fungsi jam dan konsep waktu. Pengenalan tentang jam sudah sering dilakukan di TK Yasmin, yang dikaitkan dengan pengenalan lambang bilangan yang ada pada jam. Sedangkan konsep waktu dikenalkan pada anak berkaitan dengan kegiatan sehari-hari yang dilakukan anak. Namun pengenalan fungsi angka, fungsi jarum jam sebagai penunjuk lama atau kapan keberlangsungan suatu kegiatan dilakukan, yang dikenal sebagai waktu, seringkali dianggap tidak penting untuk dikenalkan pada anak. Mengenalkan makna waktu mengkonstrak berpikir kritis anak untuk melakukan regulasi memahami sikap, pengetan dan keterampilan agar belajar memahami pentingnya pelaksanaan suatu kegiatan dengan batasan waktu tertentu. Kajian ini dianalisis secara naratif interpretative berbasis teori untuk memahami kompetensi anak dalam mengkonstrak pengetahuan baru dalam bentuk kreatif. Kata kunci: fungsi jam, konsep waktu, berpikir kritis This study is a class action research aims to introduce the concept of time for young children. Introduction about the hours it has often been done in the kindergarten Yasmin, which is associated with the introduction of existing numbers had taken on the clock or a watch. While the concept of time usually introduced by regarding to everyday activities that kids do. However, the introduction of a number of functions, the clock function as the length pointer for the activity or when the existence of an activity is performed, which is known as time, often considered unimportant for children. The aim of the study is to introduce the meaning of time concept as a critical thinking that helped children to understand about attitude, knowledge and skills in order to regulate the importance of the time limit implementation for their activity in daily life. Keywords: clock function, concept of time, critical thinking
EARLY CHILDHOOD : JURNAL PENDIDIKAN Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): Early Childhood: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Pendidikan Guru PAUD, FKIP, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1143.796 KB) | DOI: 10.35568/earlychildhood.v3i2.642


Abstrak This article offers a new construction of learning perspective about healthy food for early learners. To date, the term of healthy food has been introduced in early childhood education as a balanced nutritious food known as a “4 Sehat 5 Sempurna and Halal”. The consumption patterns, kinds and variations of meals of a child are mostly managed by parents or influenced by the environment.The new perspective is emphasized more on the concept of the "good" side as in the Islamic concept of food known as thoyibbah food. An understanding of toyyibah food in children is expected to be able to construct a mindset about a healthy lifestyle for their future. As exploration research, this study took 70 students of four classes from 3 different kindergartens as the subjects of the study. The results of this study have formulated a strategy to help children increase their understanding in selecting healthy food, choosing a good source of food, and the impact of choosing unhealthy (not toyyibah) food for their future health. Keywords : healthy; lifestyle; thoyyibah food Tulisan ini menawarkan konstruksi baru perspektif tentang makanan sehat untuk anak usia dini. Sampai saat ini, konsep makanan sehat telah diajarkan di PAUD sebagai nutrisi yang mengandung gizi seimbang yang dikenal dengan istilah “4 Sehat 5 Sempurna dan Halal”. Pola konsumsi, ragam dan variasi makanan anak biasanya dikenalkan dan dipilih oleh orang tua atau pengaruh lingkungan seputar anak. Perspektif baru dalam kajian ini menekankan pada konsep “baik” yang didekati dengan konsep pangan Islami atau dikenal sebagai Pangan Toyyibah. Pengertian toyyibah untuk anak usia dini diharapkan menjadi wawasan baru tentang gaya hidup sehat yang semestinya menjadi gaya hidup kelak di masa mendatang. Kajian ini merupakan studi eksplorasi terhadap 70 anak pada 4 kelas dari 3 PAUD yang menjadi subyek pada penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menghasilkan formulasi strategi pembelajaran yang dapat mengkonstrak pemahaman anak dalam memilih makanan yang sehat, memilih sumber pangan yang baik, dan dapat membedakan akibat dari memilih pangan yang tidak sehat daripada yang sehat bagi kesehatan mereka di masa depan. Kata kunci: sehat, gaya hidup, pangan toyyibah
Fostering Halal and Thoyyibah Food in Early Childhood Education Wahju Dyah Laksmi Wardhani; Sawitri Komarayanti; Tri Endang Jatmikowati; Misyana Misyana
IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application) 2018: Proceeding of The 1st International Conference on Halal Tourism, Products, and Services 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (77.686 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/ijeca.v0i0.2011


This study aims to construct the idea or thought regarding the importance of introducing halal and good food through early childhood education. Little children, including those of Muslims, generally do not have adequate knowledge about halal and good food according to Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh Islam). Children’s pattern of consumption, types of food they eat, and the ingredients of food cooked for them are generally determined by their parents or influenced by their social and cultural environments. By means of early childhood education, the knowledge of halal and good food is introduced earlier to the children in gradual steps in line with their age and developmental phases. Through constructivist-interpretive approach, this study is intended to analyze the importance of introducing, disseminating, and internalizing the knowledge, attitude, and skill about halal and good food to the children. The study also provides the children with graded lessons to identify halal and good food. The ultimate end the analysis is expected to yield integrated lessons on halal and good food within the curriculum of early childhood education.
Increasing Teacher Knowledge and Skills in Learning to Play Projects in PAUD Wahju Dyah Laksmi Wardhani; Syahrul Mubaroq; Misyana Misyana
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Jati Emas (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Perkumpulan Dosen Indonesia Semesta (DIS) Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/je.v7i2.753


This service activity aims to improve the competence of ECCE teachers in the implementation of the Independent Curriculum. The launch of the Independent Curriculum in 2022 has an impact on schools to change the learning strategies applied. Project play strategy is a new form of learning implemented in the application of the Independent Curriculum. This difficulty is experienced by partners, because of limited understanding of the implementation of play projects that do not just mean assigning assignments to students. The solution offered is assistance for the construction of knowledge and skills discourse in designing project play activities as an integrative learning process. Mentoring methods include the stages of Identifying Needs, Designing Teaching Modules and Implementing Classes. The activity was carried out in one of the partner kindergartens of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Jember, attended by 10 teachers. The results of this activity are expected by teachers to be able to compile teaching modules based on the Profil Pelajar Pancasila which are integrated into learning activities based on learning objectives.
Satu Saudara: Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Multikultural di TK X Kabupaten Jember Ifrohatul Husnah; Wahju Dyah Laksmi Wardhani; Asti Bhawika Adwitiya
Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): October
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/paud.v1i1.33


Indonesia is a country rich in diversity, encompassing various ethnicities, religions, races, and languages, which necessitates its citizens to cultivate a spirit of tolerance towards one another. One effective means of fostering an understanding of diversity is through multicultural education. Multicultural education is especially important when applied to children from a young age, as it equips them to approach differences with acceptance and a sense of tolerance in the future. The aim of this research is to describe the implementation of multicultural education in one of the preschools in Jember Regency, where students exhibit different religious characteristics. The research methodology employed in this study is qualitative, involving data collection through methods such as observation, interviews, and documentation. The findings of this research indicate that, in response to the religious diversity present within the school, the institution packages multicultural education in the form of a flagship program called "One Brotherhood," held annually. In its implementation, teachers divide students according to their respective religions, which include Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus. Furthermore, the "One Brotherhood" program includes a tolerance class that serves as a bridge to reinforce religious tolerance among young children.
Kesulitan yang Dihadapi Anak Usia Dini dalam Memahami Teks dan Strategi Mengatasinya Shafira Farha Arifin; Wahju Dyah Laksmi Wardhani; Nuraini Kusumaningtyas
Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): October
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/paud.v1i1.34


The ability to read is one of the most crucial skills in everyday life. Through reading, a person can acquire knowledge, information, and develop an understanding of the world around them. Good reading skills also form a vital foundation in the learning process at school. This research aims to identify and analyze effective methods for improving early childhood reading abilities, as well as to explore potential challenges faced by young children in understanding text and the factors influencing their reading development. This study is a qualitative case study. The research reveals a significant positive influence of these methods on letter and word recognition, as well as reading comprehension. Therefore, educators and parents can utilize these methods to support and enhance reading abilities, as strong reading skills have long-term benefits for a child's academic development.