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OPTIMALISASI KANDUNGAN ZAT GIZI (Protein, Lemak, Karbohidrat dan Serat) DAN DAYA TERIMA COOKIES DENGAN PENAMBAHAN TEPUNG KULIT PISANG RAJA Annafi Tazhkira; Dwi Novri Supriatiningrum; Sutrisno Adi Prayitno
Ghidza Media Jurnal Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Ghidza
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ghidzamediajurnal.v2i1.2163


Plantain peels have a high crude fiber content and can be processed into cookies. The benefits o banana peels as a substitusi for making cookies to increase fiber levels. The research objective was to determine the effect of adding plantain peel flour on nutrients and sensory cookies. The research method used a completely randomized experimental design with 5 formulations with codes F0, F1, F2, F3, and F4. The defference in sensory test is known by the friedman test and the nutrient test is known by the One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test and then the difference test is carried out with the LSD test with a level of 5%. The results of the sensory test analysis showed that there was an effect of substitution of plantain peel flour on the sensory cookies of banana peel flour which included color, aroma, teste and texture, indicating that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted, which was a significant difference. The best or highest analysis results are at 0% substitution and the lowest is 30%. Meanwhile, the analysis off the nutritional test showed that the highest protein contest was in the substitution cookies for plantain peel flour (0%) 0f 8.32, the highest fat (0%) was 17.90, the highest carbohydrate (40%) was 70.10, the highest fiber (40%) of 3.35. conclusion the best cookies are in formula F2 (20%) with consumption o 12 pieces of plantain skin flour cookies/day can prevent or reduce the risk of KEK (Chronic Energy Deiciency) in adolescent.
Ghidza Media Jurnal Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Ghidza
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ghidzamediajurnal.v3i1.3086


Introduction : Stunting is a condition of growth disorders in children which is characterized by the child's height being lower or shorter (dwarf) than the standard age (TB/U). Stunting is a health problem that occurs when children do not get adequate nutrition for a long time (chronic). The purpose of this study was to determine the mother's knowledge about nutrition, to know the mother's feeding pattern for toddlers, and to prove the relationship between mother's knowledge and feeding patterns with the incidence of stunting and the incidence of stunting. Methods: The type of research used is analytic observational research/analytical survey. The research design used is cross-sectional. The population in this study were mothers who had toddlers in the working area of ​​the Dapet Health Center as many as 90 people (mothers of toddlers). Respondents in this study were 74 respondents, which were taken by purposive sampling technique. The independent variables in this study were mother's knowledge and feeding patterns. The dependent variable in this study is stunting. Data was collected using a questionnaire and children's height was measured using a microtoise and converted into a standardized value (z-score). The data were analyzed using the Spearman Rank Correlation test with a significance of < 0.05. Results: The results showed that there was a significant relationship between mother's knowledge and the incidence of stunting in toddlers aged 2-5 years (p=0.003), and there was also a relationship between feeding patterns and the incidence of stunting in toddlers aged 2-5 years (P=0.013). Conclusion: There is a relationship between knowledge and feeding patterns with the incidence of stunting in toddlers aged 2-5 years in the working area of ​​the Dapet Health Center.
Relationship of family role and consumption pattern with gout arthritis disease prevention behavior in geriatri Ade Rafita Kurniati; Eka Srirahayu Ariestiningsih; Dwi Novri Supriatiningrum
Ghidza Media Jurnal Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Ghidza
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ghidzamediajurnal.v2i1.2236


Background: The geriatri are an age group that gets more attention in the world of health, this is because the geriatri are vulnerable to various diseases. One of the diseases that are still widely experienced by the geriatri and still relatively high in Indonesia is gout arthritis or gout. Implementing gout arthritis prevention behavior with encouragement and support from the role of the family, as well as always maintaining the consumption pattern of preventative foods and triggers uric acid can reduce the risk of gout arthritis disease in the geriatri. Aim: To analyze the relationship of family roles and consumption patterns with the prevention behavior of gout arthritis in the geriatri. Method: This research uses quantitative analysis with observational analytical research type and Cross Sectional approach. The research was conducted at the Elderly Police Health Center Manyar Gresik Regency. The population of poly geriatri visitors as many as 88 geriatri. The subjects were taken by 52 seniors using purposive sampling techniques that took into account inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data was collected through interviews using family role questionnaires, FFQ (Food Frequency Questionnare) and gout arthritis prevention behavior. Data analysis using Spearman Rank test, Multiple Correlation test and Multiple Linear Regression test. Results: Based on bivariate analysis with spearman rank test shows that there is a meaningful or significant relationship between family role (p= 0.000), consumption pattern (p< 0.05) with gout arthritis prevention behavior and with multiple correlation test shows that there is a meaningful relationship between family role, consumption pattern with gout arthritis prevention behavior (p= 0.001). Analysis of mulitivariate tests with multiple linear regression tests showed the most influential variable was the role of the family (p= 0.000). Conclusion: There is a relationship between the role of the family and consumption patterns with the prevention behavior of gout arthritis in the geriatri. However, the role of the family is more related to disease prevention behavior in the geriatri. Nutrition education to geriatri patients and their families is very necessary as a source of information to prevent gout arthritis in the geriatri in Gresik Regency Manyar Health Center.
Ghidza Media Jurnal Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Ghidza
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ghidzamediajurnal.v2i2.3078


The prevalence of obesity is higher in women than in men. Based on the 2018 Riskesdas, the prevalence of obesity in women is 29.8% compared to men’s 14.7%. Obesity occurs due to many factors, mainly due to imbalance of energy or food intake with energy expenditure. This research is to determine LDL cholesterol, HDL, triglyceride, and body fat composition. The research design used in this study is a cross-sectional study design that aims to analyze obesity levels of LDL cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, and fat composition with obesity. The mean fasting blood sugar level is 1.12 ± 0.33 mg / dl, mean blood sugar 2 hours PP 1.24 ± 0.44 mg / dl, the average HDL cholesterol level is 1.71 ± 0.47 mg / dl, the average LDL cholesterol level 1.53 ± 0.51 mg / dl, mean triglyceride cholesterol level 1.88 ± 0.49 mg / dl, mean blood pressure 1.59 ± 0.88 mmHg and mean fat composition 4.82 ± 0, 39% BB. Twenty-four percent of obese women have blood sugar levels above normal values. Fifty-three percent of obese women have LDL cholesterol levels above normal values. Six percent of obese women have high cholesterol levels. Each six percent of obese women have stage 1 hypertension and stage 2 hypertension. Eighty-two percent of obese women have a fat composition in the very risk category.
Ghidza Media Jurnal Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Ghidza
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ghidzamediajurnal.v1i2.2165


Rice bran is the outer layer of rice that is released during milling and contains nutrients that is fiber, carbohydrates, protein and vitamin B complex which can be used as additional ingredients in making cookies. This study aims to determine the effect of rice bran substitution on the sensory and chemical properties of cookies products. The research design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 replications, Organoleptic test was analyzed by Friedman test and chemical test was analyzed by ANOVA and followed by LSD test. Organoleptic test results show that there is an effect of rice bran substitution on sensory properties including color, aroma, taste and texture of rice bran cookies, indicating that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. The best results were found in substitution (30%) and the lowest was in substitution (50%). The results of chemical test analysis showed that the highest protein content was in the treatment (50%) bran of 8.19 g, the highest carbohydrate content in the treatment (100%) of flour was 78.70 g, the highest level of vitamin B1 showed treatment (50%) of bran flour was 1.35 mg, while in the fiber test the highest value was obtained in the treatment (50%) of bran flour of 11.25 g. The best treatment for rice bran cookies is low carbohydrate value, high in protein, vitamin B1 and fiber.
Sifat Kimia Dan Organoleptik Brownis Kukus Dari Formulasi Buah Tin Kurnia Pasa Dwi Putri; Sutrisno Adi Prayitno; Dwi Novri Supriatiningrum
Ghidza Media Jurnal Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Ghidza
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ghidzamediajurnal.v1i1.1079


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the best brownies treatment which has the lowest energy value, fiber content and the highest antioxidant activity in different figs fruit formulations. The research design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The organoleptic assay using panelists of untrained women of childbearing age (WUS). The effectiveness test produces the best treatment on the substitution of 60% of figs with yield value of 0.98. There is a significant difference in the brownies acceptance in the Friedman statistical test (Chi-square count > Chi-Square table). The parameters that analyzed were carbohydrate, protein, fat, water content, ash content, total crude fiber, antioxidant activity (IC50) and calory value. Statistical tests using Anova and Duncan Multiple Comparison showed significant differences in nutrient levels in brownies treatment (significance <0.05). The results showed the highest carbohydrate content in brownies without treatment was 23.16% and the treatment of 20% figs was 21.18%. Protein content without treatment was 7.43% and highest in the treatment of 20% figs was 7.16%. The highest fat content in brownies without treatment was 20.21% and the highest in the treatment of 20% figs was 19.72%. The best water content in brownis without treatment was 26.66% and in the treatment of 20% figs was 35.21%. The best ash content in the 60% brownies treatment was 1.26% and in the 40% treatment was 1.43%. The best crude fiber content is in the formulation treatment of 60% figs by 2.42% and the treatment of figs by 40% with a fiber content of 2.18%. The highest IC50 in the treatment of 60% figs was 117.15 ppm. The best treatment of steamed brownies in figs formulations has the highest of fiber content and the highest antioxidant activity among all treatments. Keywords: Antioxidant, brownies, figs fruit, nutrient, organoleptic ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui perlakuan terbaik brownis yang memiliki nilai energi paling rendah, kadar serat dan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi pada formulasi buah tin yang berbeda. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Uji organoleptik menggunakan panelis tidak terlatih pada kelompok wanita usia subur (WUS). Uji efektivitas menghasilkan perlakuan terbaik pada substitusi 60% buah tin dengan nilai hasil 0,98. Terdapat perbedaan nyata daya terima brownis pada uji statistik Friedman (Chi-Square hitung > Chi-Square tabel). Parameter yang dianalisa adalah kadar karbohidrat, protein, lemak, kadar air, kadar abu, total serat kasar, aktivitas antioksidan (IC50) dan nilai energi. Uji statistik menggunakan Anova dan Duncan Multiple Comparison menunjukkan perbedaan kadar zat gizi yang nyata pada perlakuan brownis (signifikansi<0.05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar karbohidrat tertinggi pada brownis tanpa perlakuan sebesar 23,16% dan perlakuan 20% buah tin sebesar 21,18%. Kadar protein tanpa perlakuan adalah 7,43% dan tertinggi pada perlakuan 20% buah tin sebesar 7.16%. Kadar lemak tertinggi pada brownis tanpa perlakuan sebesar 20,21% dan tertinggi pada perlakuan 20% buah tin adalah 19,72%. Kadar air terbaik pada brownis tanpa perlakuan sebesar 26,66% dan pada perlakuan 20% buah tin sebesar 35.21%. Kadar abu terbaik pada brownis perlakuan 60% sebesar 1,26% dan pada perlakuan 40% adalah 1,43%. Kadar serat kasar yang terbaaik ada pada perlakuan formulasi 60% buah tin sebesar 2,42% dan perlakuan buah tin 40% dengan kadar serat 2,18%. IC50 tertinggi pada perlakuan 60% buah tin sebesar 117,15 ppm. Perlakuan terbaik brownis kukus formulasi buah tin memiliki nilai kalori terendah, kadar serat dan aktivitas antioksidan yang tertinggi diantara semua perlakuan. Kata kunci: Antioksidan, brownis, buah tin, organoleptik, zat gizi
Ghidza Media Jurnal Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Ghidza
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ghidzamediajurnal.v2i2.3079


HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) was quality assurance system used in supervision in hospital nutrition services. The application of HACCP at Muhammadiyah Hospital Lamongan in production at the nutrition installation was carried out to anticipate hazards and identify control points by paying attention to preventive measures rather than control in testing meat perkedel products. The research design used in this study is descriptive analytic which aims to determine the application of HACCP to the production of meat perkedel in the nutrition installation of Muhammadiyah Hospital Lamongan. Some of the HACCP implementations are not appropriate, namely the HACCP team, the requirements of the HACCP team members, quality control tasks, and APD forms. The implementation of HACCP had been in accordance with the schedule of HACCP verification on patient food processing and control devices at the nutrition installation of Muhammadiyah Hospital Lamongan.
Penguatan Pengetahuan Menjaga Tubuh Tetap Sehat Dengan Gizi Seimbang Menyambut Masa New Normal Amalia Rahma; Dwi Novri Supriatiningrum
J-Dinamika : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 6 No 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/j-dinamika.v6i1.2330


Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini sebagai salah satu edukasi ke masyarakat untuk meningkatkan dan mempertahankan kondisi kesehatan dalam menyambut masa new normal. Kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui online, dikirimkan dengan grup maupun tersebar ke perseorangan yang berdomisili di wilayah Surabaya. Responden dari golongan usia anak sekolah, remaja, dan dewasa karena diprioritaskan pada individu yang memiliki gadget dan dapat mengoperasikan secara mandiri. Metode: Edukasi dilakukan melalui membagi video dan booklet terkait gizi seimbang memuat tentang definisi gizi seimbang, penerapan konsumsi sesuai gizi seimbang, variasi zat gizi yang dikonsumsi, membatasi konsumsi minyak, gula, dan garam, mengkonsumsi air yang cukup, melakukan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, gizi seimbang mendukung kesehatan untuk menjaga imunitas. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan bulan Juni 2020 melalui grup dan chat personal media sosial warga di Surabaya Selatan. Hasil: Responden menjaga kodisi tubuh agar tetap sehat dengan pola gizi seimbang, pola hidup bersih dan sehat. Pemantauan selanjutnya dilakukan melalui pemeriksaan kesehatan saat berkunjung di beberapa responden. Conclusion: responden mendukung untuk melakukan hidup sehat, menerapkan pedoman gizi seimbang untuk menjaga imunitas di masa menjelang new normal
EDUKASI DAN PENDAMPINGAN GIZI PADA REMAJA DI DESA INDRODELIK KECAMATAN BUNGAH Yasirotul Hikmah; Rahma Fidania Dwik Nuraini; Nur Habibatus Sholihah; Nur Qomaria; Dwi Novri Supriatiningrum
Ghidza Media Jurnal Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Ghidza
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ghidzamediajurnal.v3i2.3646


Nutritional problems in Indonesia are still often encountered, such as poor nutrition, poor breakfast habits, and bad drinking habits that can cause anemia. This activity aims to improve and increase adolescent knowledge and maintain normal nutritional status in adolescents in Indrodelik Village, Bungah District, Gresik Regency. This activity uses a combination research method (mixed method research) with primary data obtained directly from respondents through the implementation of baselines (interviews and filling out questionnaires) in Indro Hamlet, Indrodelik Village. Sampling of activities using purposive sampling method which is carried out when taking baseline data and samples taken are included in the inclusion criteria, namely aged 13 to 19 years. The results of this activity are that there is an increase in the level of knowledge before and after counseling and an increase in adolescents' understanding regarding the intake consumed must be nutritionally balanced, although the results of the recall analysis are still not stable from day to day. But it has shown an increase and change in the intake of adolescents from before counseling to after counseling.
Community empowerment in nutrition improvement with nutrient-dense food creations based on local food in Gresik Regency Dwi Novri Supriatiningrum; Inayatul Ilahiyah; Alfiyatus Salimah
Community Empowerment Vol 7 No 6 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (325.76 KB) | DOI: 10.31603/ce.6504


An In Gresik Regency, it was found that 132 toddlers were malnourished, 55 boys and 77 girls. From the results of weighing children under five at the Posyandu in Petiken Village until January 2020, the prevalence of undernourished children under five was 8.30%, while the prevalence of undernourished children was 1.06%. Through community service activities with counseling methods and the practice of making food made from local food with practical processing and producing nutrient-dense products for toddlers, school-aged children, and adolescents. The results of this activity are nutritional status assessments, waist circumference measurements, and blood pressure checks. Some of the participants belonged to the category of obesity, and optimal blood pressure. Thus, the people of Petiken Village are recommended to use local food ingredients for healthy snacks and routinely utilize health services in the surrounding area in an effort to anticipate degenerative diseases.