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Caring : Jurnal Keperawatan Vol. 7 No. 2 (2018): September
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (123.528 KB) | DOI: 10.29238/caring.v7i2.355


Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Basic Health Research The Results of Basic Health Research 2013 (Riskesdas) shows the prevalence of cancer of children aged 0-14 years amountdeto 16,291 cases. While the most common type of cancer suffered by children in Indonesia is leukemia and eyeball cancer or retinoblastoma. Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment using drugs or hormones. Children who undergo chemotherapy will experience symptoms as nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, fever and fatigue (fatigue). The purpose of this study is to determine the description of family understanding about the side effects of chemotherapy in children in Yayasan Kasih Anak Kanker Indonesia-Jogjakarta. This research uses descriptive research type with research design that is quantitative. The sampling technique used is total sampling with 45 respondents. The instrument used is questionnaire. This research was conducted from March 2017 until May 2017. It was found that some respondents had good knowledge about chemotherapy side effect that is 25 people (59,5%). Characteristics of respondents who had good knowledge are respondents whose age in the range of 36-45 years (28.6%). Respondents who had good knowledge about the side effects of chemotherapy were respondents who had a junior secondary education of 12 respondents (28.6%), with IRT work of 13 (30.9%), earning less than Rp.1.500.000 and respondents Never get information has good knowledge. The researchers concluded that some respondents had good knowledge about the side effects of chemotherapy.
Caring : Jurnal Keperawatan Vol. 7 No. 2 (2018): September
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.598 KB) | DOI: 10.29238/caring.v7i2.356


Pre operative anxiety occur in patients that undergoing anesthesia procedure and elective surgery. Music therapy is one of distraction technique , because music can reduce physiological pain, stress, and anxiety. Music therapy pushed down sympathy nerve system that reduce body stress respons. Music cause the brain release endorphine, increase dopamine level, and help rise up safety feeling. Find out the effect of music therapy to anxiety in pre general anesthesia patients in PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital. This study uses a quasy experimental which aims to see the difference in pre anesthesia anxiety before and after given music therapy in intervention and control group. This study uses quasy experimental design here takes group pre test and post test with control sort design. Patients is given pre test and post test with APAIS scale, in intervention group with treatment. Samples in this study amounted to 20 respondents of control group and 20 respondents of intervension group. Data collection is done on May to June 2017. The result of collected data were processed using Wilcoxon test with significant ? = 0,05. There is a difference of anxiety before and after in the intervention group using music therapy. Wilcoxon test results obtained Sig. 0,000 (<0.05) so that H1 is accepted or rejected H0. There is a significant effect of music therapy to anxiety on pre general anesthesia patients in PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital.
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kesiapan Perawat Anestesi Melakukan Tindakan General Anestesi di RSUP Mataram Nusa Tenggara Barat Titiek Suharti; Yustiana Olfah; Abdul Majid
Journal of Health (JoH) Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Journal of Health - January 2016
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Guna Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (249.081 KB) | DOI: 10.30590/vol3-no1-p1-7


Background : The provision of the type of anesthesia in patients undergoing surgery can be performed under general anesthesia, and with the anesthetic to a specific body part (regional anesthesia). The type of anesthesia used in surgery, either by using general anesthesia or regional anesthesia with each having its own complications. Readiness of each participant looks diverse, there is no action in the first prepare medications and tools so often happens unpreparedness in implementing the action. Readiness of nurses in providing anesthesia is influenced by various factors such as age, education, work experience, knowledge and gender. Methods : The aim of research to explore preparedness for nurse anesthetists in general anesthetic action. This study used a naturalistic qualitative research. Participants in this study is a nurse anesthetist who is still on active duty in the department of West Nusa Tenggara Province. Intake of total participants performed the sampling technique. Data collection was conducted in natural conditions, the primary data sources and data collection techniques through observation, in-depth interviews to the participants to explore the role of a nurse anesthetist does and documentation. Data obtained through the data collection process immediately processed and analyzed by the researchers. Results of the study : The study states that the age of anesthesia nurses between 21 to 59 years, that the longer the period of employment will be more and more experience and better prepared for the patient, not the readiness of gender and all have the same roles and functions. Suggestion : Readiness nurse anesthesia before and during work is crucial to achieve satisfactory results in implementing the anesthesia.
The Effect of Distraction Therapy (Pray) to The Surgical Pain Intensity Among Post-spinal Anesthesia Patients at Andi Sulthan Daeng Radja Hospital's Recovery Room, Bulukumba Regency of South Sulawesi Syamsul Hidayat; Yustiana Olfah; Sugeng Sugeng
Journal of Health (JoH) Vol 3 No 2 (2016): Journal of Health - July 2016
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Guna Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (367.185 KB) | DOI: 10.30590/vol3-no2-p69-74


Background: The needs of pain free after surgery occurs when analgesic medicine effect is run out. Thus, nursing care with distraction therapy can lead to the reduce of such pain sensation (Prasetyo, 2010). One of independent nursing interventions to relieve patients’ pain is to measure pain scale and then to give further intervention, either relaxation or distraction. Objectives: To identify the effect of distraction therapy, which is pray, to the surgical pain intensity of post-spinal anesthesia patients at Sulthan Daeng Radja hospital’s recovery room, Bulukumba regency of South Sulawesi Methods: A quasi experiment with one group pretest-posttest design was used in this research. The samples group was measured with pretest before being given an intervention and it was being re-measured after the intervention (posttest). Samples were chosen through non-random sampling, which is purposive sampling. Thirty eight samples were involved and being given such distraction therapy throughout the period of August 26th to October 19th 2013. Results: There was a significant result shown by using McNemar-analysis (p value =0.00). This reveals that there were decline in pain intensity after such distraction therapy among such patients. Conclusions: Distraction therapy (praying) reduces surgical pain intensity after spinal anesthesia. Therefore it can be used as an independent nursing intervention among patients hospitalized with pain problems.
Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh Dan Lama Anestesi Dengan Waktu Pulih Sadar Pada Anak Dengan General Anestesi Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kebumen Jawa Tengah Yustiana Olfah; Reza Andisa; Sugeng Jitowiyono
Journal of Health (JoH) Vol 6 No 1 (2019): Journal of Health - Januari 2019
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Guna Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (909.973 KB) | DOI: 10.30590/vol6-no1-p58-64


The calculation of body mass index and duration of anesthesia is the first step of a series of actions performed anesthesia on pediatric patients who planned to undergo anesthesia . The calculation of body mass index and duration of anesthesia determine the smoothness of anesthesia , and the patient's recovery period after general anesthesia. The study is to determine the relationship of body mass index and duration of anesthesia with conscious recovery time after general anesthesia in children using observational analytic cross sectional survey approach. The site of research is in recovery room of The Central Surgery Installation RSUD Kebumen Central Java with as many as 44 research sample consists of body mass index and duration of anesthesia, with postoperative assessment instruments Steward score. The result is patients with conscious recovery time after general anesthesia slowly, over 30 minutes is a patient with a body mass index is not ideal that 13 people ( 68.42 % ) of the total sample whereas patients who recovered quickly in less than or equal to 30 minutes as many as 17 people ( 72 % ) with an ideal tubu mass index of the total sample . From the statistical test Chi-square computer program values obtained value , the probability asymp . Sig . ( 2 - sided ) : 0,008 which means there is a relationship of body mass index of anesthesia with the patient recovery time , and patients recover with time after general anesthesia consciously slowly , over 30 minutes is a patient with a long lebi anesthesia time of 1 hour 12 people ( 75 % ) of the total sample whereas patients who recovered quickly in less than or equal to 30 minutes of 20 people ( 71.43 % ) with a time of anesthesia faster than the total sample . From the statistical test Chi-square computer program values obtained value , the probability asymp. Sig. ( 2 - sided): 0,003 which means there is a long-standing relationship with the anesthesia recovery time of patients, so there is a relationship of body mass index and duration of anesthesia with conscious recovery time
Pengaruh Stimulasi Media Gambar Kartun Indonesia Terhadap Karakter Building Kedisiplinan Memilah Sampah Pada Anak Usia Dini Usia 4-6 Tahun Di PAUD Kecamatan Gamping Kabupaten Sleman Yustiana Olfah; Ni Ketut Mendri; Bambang Suwerda
Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan (Journal of Health Technology) Vol. 13 No. 1 (2017): Maret

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Discipline attitude in maintaining the environment cleanliness, especially in sorting garbage should be introduced at an early age1. The essence of early education is to provide some stimulation in order to optimize all children potential (body / physical or spiritual / mental), including the sorting of garbage that has not been optimally done in early childhood. There are many kinds of stimulation techniques for character education in early childhood, through sound, music, movement, touch, talking, singing, reading, matching, comparing, classifying, solving problems, scribbling, drawing, and stringing. The aim of this experiment is to determine the effect of stimulation of the picture media on character building discipline on sorting garbage at an early age children (4-6 years old) at Playgroup in Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The type of this research is Quasi Research with "Pre test Post test with Control Group Design". The research sample was taken by random sampling. The observation of control Grup was done twice. The first observation was to see the behavior of garbage sorting discipline before being given the stimulation and the second observation done after stimulation. Sampling was done by purposive sampling with criteria of children aged 4-6 years. Data examination results were analyzed descriptively and analytically with SPSS for windows version 16.0 using T-Test and Kendal Tau significance level of 0.05. The results showed that before treatment the mean value of garbage sorting discipline was 84.23, and the mean value after treatment was 95.88. The mean difference between the value of post and pre treatment groups was 11.65. Before being given stimulation using media poster, mean value of the discipline of garbage sorting was 84.3, and the mean value after treatment was 84.76. The conclusion of the study is the stimulation of Indonesian cartoons media has a significant effect (p = 0.000) on character building garbage sorting at an early age children aged of 4-6 years in Play Group in Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta. There is no significant relationship (p = 0.070, viewed from the frequency value at the level of discipline of the group post, the majority of respondents are at high level of discipline, and no distribution of scores on all categories (high, medium, low). It is recommended for teachers of early childhood education in Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta utilize Indonesian cartoons media to improve discipline in sorting garbage for children, their students, and for the next researcher to conduct advanced research on the use of Indonesian cartoon media rather than media cartoon abroad which has been a favorite of children in building character to sort garbage in early childhood / kindergarten.
J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 10: Maret 2022
Publisher : Bajang Institute

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Remaja adalah generasi penerus bangsa. Beberapa masalah kesehatan remaja meliputi kebiasaan konsumsi fast-food, asupan gizi tidak seimbang, kecukupan konsumsi harian buah dan sayur kurang, sedentary lifestyle, kesehatan mental, dan kurangnya PHBS. Masalah tersebut berpotensi semakin meningkat pada masa pandemic covid-19. Intervensi literasi kesehatan merupakan upaya yang penting untuk memberikan wawasan. Mitra kegiatan adalah SMP N 1 Sleman dengan partisipan seluruh siswa kelas VII sebanyak 224 siswa. Kegiatan dilakukan secara virtual dengan google-meet, tele health counselling melalui whatsapp dan kampanye melalui media social pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2020. Materi literasi meliputi gizi, kesehatan remaja, kesehatan mental, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, kenakalan remaja, PHBS, serta produktivitas remaja di era pandemic covid-19. Pemateri terdiri dari keahlian bidang gizi, keperawatan, BKKBN, psikolog. Keberhasilan kegiatan diukur melalui rata-rata kehadiran siswa 75%, peningkatan pengetahuan 40% dan kampanye remaja sehat melalui media sosial. Hasil kegiatan menyatakan bahwa rata-rata kehadiran siswa adalah 80%, peningkatan pengetahuan sebesar 47%, dan pelaksanaan kampanye remaja sehat melalui media sosial.
Kampanye Aksi Bergizi pada Remaja di Kabupaten Sleman Tri Siswati; Yustiana Olfah; Idi Setiyobroto; Rita Ramayulis; Lukman Waris; Agus Sarwo Prayogi
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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Latar belakang: Remaja merupakan salah satu kelompok rentan gizi.  Untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan remaja, perlu dilakukan upaya edukasi, salah satunya melalui kampanye aksi bergizi. Tujuan: Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja tentang anemia dan gizi seimbang serta meningkatkan cakupan konsumsi tablet Fe. Metode: Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan di SMPN Gamping, Sleman pada bulan Juli 2023. Jumlah partisipan adalah semua siswa baru sebanyak 192 orang. Aksi bergizi dilakukan melalui kampanye dengan memberikan edukasi tentang gizi seimbang dan anemia, minum tablet Fe, penandatanganan deklarasi aksi bergizi dan komitmen untuk hidup sehat. Hasil: Sebagian besar partisipan adalah perempuan (53,1%), umur 13 tahun (57,3%). Berkaitan dengan kebiasaan hidup sehat, sebagian besar kadang-kadang sarapan (40,6%) dan pergi ke sekolah dengan moda transportasi pasif berupa kendaraan bermotor (motor/mobil).  Setelah mengikuti edukasi pengetahuan remaja tentang gizi seimbang dan anemia mengalami peningkatan masing masing 21% dan 19% dengan kategori nilai baik (>76). Kesimpulan: Kampanye aksi bergizi efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja tentang anemia dan gizi seimbang, sehingga kampanye aksi bergizi merupakan salah satu alternatif upaya meningkatkan derajat kesehatan remaja. Kata kunci:  aksi bergizi, anemia, hidup sehat, kampanye, remaja ________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Background: Nutritionally, adolescents are one of the most vulnerable populations.  To enhance adolescent health, it is necessary to engage in educational efforts, one of which is the implementation of nutritious action campaigns. Objective: This activity aims to increase adolescent knowledge about anemia and balanced nutrition and increase the coverage of Fe tablet consumption. Method: his community service activity will be carried out at SMPN Gamping, Sleman, in July 2023. The number of participants was all new students—as many as 192 people. Nutritious action is carried out through campaigns by providing education on balanced nutrition and anemia, taking Fe tablets, and signing a declaration of nutritious action and commitment to healthy living. Result: Most of the participants were women (53.1%) and 13 years old (57.3%). With regard to healthy living habits, most people sometimes eat breakfast (40.6%) and go to school with passive transportation modes in the form of motor vehicles (motorbikes or cars). After participating in education, adolescents' knowledge about balanced nutrition and anemia increased by 21% and 19%, respectively, with good value categories (>76). Conclusion: Nutritious action campaigns are effective in increasing adolescent knowledge about anemia and balanced nutrition, so nutritious action campaigns are one alternative effort to improve adolescent health. Keywords: aksi bergizi, anemia, healty life tyle, campaign, adolescent