Ira Paramastri
Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Published : 8 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah Vol 8, No 3 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah

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Abstrak. Semua anak berisiko mengalami Kekerasan Seksual Anak (KSA).Pencegahan berbasis sekolah yang melibatkan guru sekolah dasar merupakan salah satu upaya strategis dalam mencegah KSA.Namun, guru sekolah dasar negeri di Kota Yogyakarta mengalami kesulitan untuk menjadi agen pencegahan KSA karena keterbatasan pengetahuan dan merasa kurang yakin akan kemampuannya mengajarkan pencegahan KSA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efikasi mengajar pencegahan KSA pada guru sekolah dasar negeri melalui Program “Jari Peri” (Guru Ajari Perlindungan Diri).Metode yang digunakan adalah Metode Kuantitatif dengan The Untreated Control Group Design with Pretest and Posttest.Subjek penelitian adalah 18 guru sekolah dasar negeri, 9 guru sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan 9 lainnya sebagai kelompok kontrol. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes pengetahuan program “Jari Peri” dan skala efikasi mengajarkan pencegahan KSA. Analisis data menggunakan disain Anava Mix.Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah program “Jari Peri” dapat meningkatkan efikasimengajar pencegahan KSA pada guru sekolah dasar negeri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program “Jari Peri” efektif meningkatkan efikasi mengajar pencegahan KSA pada guru sekolah dasar negeri dengan p<0,05. Efikasi mengajar pencegahan KSA kelompok eksperimen p<0,05 lebih tinggi daripada kelompok kontrol p>0,05.Abstract. Every child is prone to Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). The school-based prevention involving elementary school teachers is one of the strategic efforts to prevent CSA. However, teachers of public elementary school in the City of Yogyakarta found it difficult to be the agents of CSA prevention due to their insufficiency in terms of knowledge and confidence to teach CSA prevention. This study was aimed at improving efficacy in teaching child sexual abuse prevention for teachers of public elementary school through “Jari Peri” (Guru Ajari Perlindungan Diri – Self Protection Instructed by Teachers) program. The method used was a Quantitative Method using Untreated Control Group Design with Pretest and Posttest. The subjects were 18 teachers of public elementary school; 9 of them in experiment group and 9 others in the control group. The instrument used in this study was the test on the knowledge about “Jari Peri” and efficacy scales in CSA teaching. The researcher used Anava Mix design to analyse the data. The hypothesis of this study was that the “Jari Peri” program can improve the efficacy in teaching the prevention of CSA for teachers of public elementary school. The results showed that “Jari Peri” program was effective in improving the teaching efficacy on the prevention of CSA for teachers of public elementary school p<0,05. The efficacy in teaching of CSA in the experiment group p<0,05 was higher than the one in the control group p>0,05.
Intuisi : Jurnal Psikologi Ilmiah Vol 8, No 3 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Psikologi, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/intuisi.v8i3.8668


Abstrak. Semua anak berisiko mengalami Kekerasan Seksual Anak (KSA).Pencegahan berbasis sekolah yang melibatkan guru sekolah dasar merupakan salah satu upaya strategis dalam mencegah KSA.Namun, guru sekolah dasar negeri di Kota Yogyakarta mengalami kesulitan untuk menjadi agen pencegahan KSA karena keterbatasan pengetahuan dan merasa kurang yakin akan kemampuannya mengajarkan pencegahan KSA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efikasi mengajar pencegahan KSA pada guru sekolah dasar negeri melalui Program “Jari Peri” (Guru Ajari Perlindungan Diri).Metode yang digunakan adalah Metode Kuantitatif dengan The Untreated Control Group Design with Pretest and Posttest.Subjek penelitian adalah 18 guru sekolah dasar negeri, 9 guru sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan 9 lainnya sebagai kelompok kontrol. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes pengetahuan program “Jari Peri” dan skala efikasi mengajarkan pencegahan KSA. Analisis data menggunakan disain Anava Mix.Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah program “Jari Peri” dapat meningkatkan efikasimengajar pencegahan KSA pada guru sekolah dasar negeri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program “Jari Peri” efektif meningkatkan efikasi mengajar pencegahan KSA pada guru sekolah dasar negeri dengan p<0,05. Efikasi mengajar pencegahan KSA kelompok eksperimen p<0,05 lebih tinggi daripada kelompok kontrol p>0,05.Abstract. Every child is prone to Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). The school-based prevention involving elementary school teachers is one of the strategic efforts to prevent CSA. However, teachers of public elementary school in the City of Yogyakarta found it difficult to be the agents of CSA prevention due to their insufficiency in terms of knowledge and confidence to teach CSA prevention. This study was aimed at improving efficacy in teaching child sexual abuse prevention for teachers of public elementary school through “Jari Peri” (Guru Ajari Perlindungan Diri – Self Protection Instructed by Teachers) program. The method used was a Quantitative Method using Untreated Control Group Design with Pretest and Posttest. The subjects were 18 teachers of public elementary school; 9 of them in experiment group and 9 others in the control group. The instrument used in this study was the test on the knowledge about “Jari Peri” and efficacy scales in CSA teaching. The researcher used Anava Mix design to analyse the data. The hypothesis of this study was that the “Jari Peri” program can improve the efficacy in teaching the prevention of CSA for teachers of public elementary school. The results showed that “Jari Peri” program was effective in improving the teaching efficacy on the prevention of CSA for teachers of public elementary school p<0,05. The efficacy in teaching of CSA in the experiment group p<0,05 was higher than the one in the control group p>0,05.
Guru Sahabat Siswa: Program Kesehatan Reproduksi bagi Guru Saraswati, Rieka Esti; Paramastri, Ira
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 40, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (480.151 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpsi.7067


The issue of reproductive health is increasing year by year. Proper understanding of reproductive healt his absolutely necessary for students at school. Teacher is one of the important part in learning process, so teachers must have an understanding of reproductive healt has well as sufficient skills to deliver it properly to the students. The purpose of this study is to know the effectiveness of the "Guru Sahabat Siswa” program to increase teachers’ skills to become facilitators in a group discussion on reproductive health theme. The study involves 16 teachers in Junior High School in Yogyakarta. The research will be applied by using the experimental untreated control group design with pretest and post test. This program was proved for improving teachers' skills to be a facilitator in group discussions about reproductive health (F=14,411, p
Program“Jari Peri” sebagai Pelindung Anak dari Kekerasan Seksual Islawati, Indah; Paramastri, Ira
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 42, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.78 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpsi.7167


child sexual Abuse (CSA) is a form of violation against children's rights and it leads to various negative effects on them. In order to protect them, it is necessary to conduct primary prevention by developing teachers to be CSA-preventing agents. Therefore, they need good self-efficacy in teaching about the issues that their students will be able to comprehend it well. This study aimed to observe the improvement of teachers’ self-efficacy related to their teaching of the issue. This study used a quantitative research method with the untreated control group design with a dependent pretest and posttest sample. The subjects of this research were elementary schoolteachers chosen purposively. Mixed ANOVA analysis was used to measure the increase of teachers’ self-efficacy in teaching this issue to their students. The self-efficacy of teachers in the experiment group was higher than those in the control group.
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 25, No 2 (1998)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (50.512 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpsi.7502


Early sex education program through various techniques of givinginformation could prevent various sexual problems. The purpose of this study was to determine various technique of giving information through lecture, group discussion, and persuasive brochure for students or parents. The subjects of this study were 52 married men and women and 50 students who were randomly divided into 3 groups. This study performed by with pre-test and post-test measurement toward Scale of Healthy Behavior Knowledge.The first hypothesis was that discussion become more effective in improving knowledge of healthty sexual behavior for parents rather than discussion and brochure. The result of one-way variance analysis in gain score showed that F = 50,8526 (p < 0,05) for parents group. It indicates that parents group and lecturetechnique (mean = 20,8750) are able to improve the highest knowledge of sexual behavior, followed by group discussion (mean = 19,250) and brochure (mean = 18,333). Thus, it can be addressed that the first hypothesis was proven. In students group, there was no difference in technique of giving information toward knowledge of healthy sexual behavior (F = 1,4552; p > 0,05). Therefore, it can be concluded that lecture, group discussion, and brochure were methods that could be used in the early sex education programfor the parents.
Early Prevention Toward Sexual Abuse on Children Paramastri, Ira; Supriyati, -; Priyanto, Muchammad A.
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 37, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.486 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpsi.7688


Child sexual abuse is a worldwide problem. Although most studies on the longterm consequences of child sexual abuse have focused on women, sexual abuse of both boys and girls is common. Peer sexual abuse in schools was an often overlooked problem that contributes to a hostile school environment: one major study found that 85% of girls and 76% of boys reported experiencing some form of sexual abuse in school. 85% of child sexual abuse is committed by relatives, close family friend or an adult that the child knows and trusts. The childhood sexual abuse variables taken into account are commonly age of onset, duration, abuse forms and relationship between the child and the perpetrator. The objective of this study was to gather information or opinion about sexual abuse concept, methods and media of the elementary students, parents, teachers and experts. A qualitative study, involving one to one interviews, was conducted with 7 experts, focus group discussion with 40 elementary students, and with 40 parents in Yogyakarta district about child sexual abuse issues. Data were analysed according to Miles and Huberman’s data reduction, data display and conclusion verification process. These findings strongly indicate that boys and girls are vulnerable to this form of childhood sexual abuse ; the similarity in the likelihood for multiple behavioral, mental and social outcomes among men and women suggest the need to identify and treat all adults affected by child sexual abuse. Themes related to the child sexual abuse were: paperwork design, good facilitator, guidelines for students, parents and teachers. Students prefer media that can help them understand concept with komik paperwork as media for early prevention. Parents, teachers and experts prefer that this prevention program can run as soon. With careful paperwork design and evaluation of prevention program, the success of program implementation can be enhanced.
Jurnal Publikasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 5, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Publikasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jpkmi.v5i1.4997


Abstrak Usaha kesehatan sekolah (UKS) merupakan upaya pemeliharaan dan peningkatan kesehatan anak dan lingkungan sekolah. Beberapa sekolah di Kota Yogyakarta telah mendapatkan prestasi dalam UKS. Kegiatan UKS saat ini banyak dinilai menjadi lebih aktif ketika lomba sekolah sehat dan ketika penilaian akreditasi. Hal tersebut terlihat jauh dari filosofi UKS sendiri. Beberapa sekolah memiliki prestasi di bidang UKS dan beberapa sekolah lain bahkan belum mengembangkannya. Motivasi dalam implementasi UKS di sekolah-sekolah tersebut menjadi menarik untuk dikaji sebagai bahan pendalaman kajian nilai-nilai UKS di sekolah Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif studi kasus. Subjek penelitian adalah stakeholder UKS secara purposif yang dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dan diskusi kelompok terarah (DKT). Motivasi intrinsik terdiri dari kebutuhan akan prestasi, tanggung jawab dan ibadah adapun motivasi eksternal adanya penilaian akan manfaat. Sekolah berprestasi dalam bidang UKS termotivasi oleh kebutuhan keamanan dan berprestasi disertai motif tanggung jawab dan ibadah, kuat tidaknya motivasi sekolah tergantung dari kebutuhan berprestasi yang tersalurkan karena lomba. Kata-kata kunci : Motivasi, usaha kesehatan sekolah, sekolah dasar  Abstract Health School Unit (Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah) or UKS  is a method to maintain and improve of students health status and school environment. UKS activities were widely judged to be more active when healthy school competition and when the accreditation assessment. It is not appropriate with the philosophy UKS. Problems actual implementation of the basic values of UKS in school activities into question. Any schools in Yogyakarta have achievements in the field of UKS but others had not initiate its. Motivation in the implementation of UKS in these schools were interested to explore. This research aim to explore  about  motivation of Health School Affairs’s implementatiot. Moreover, the research were expected to develop of School Health Affairs at Elementary School in Yogyakarta. This study used a qualitative method with case study design. Subjects in this research were stakeholder of the school that elected by purposively. While the data collection were collected through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGD). Intrinsic motivation consists of the need for achievement, responsibility and worship as external impulses will have an effect. Achieving schools in the field of UKS motivated by the needs and terprestasi pay attention to the motives of responsibility and worship, the strength or absence of school motivation depends on the needs of achievement is channeled because of the race. Keywords: Motivation, school health unit (UKS), elementary school
Public Health of Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018): January - March
Publisher : YCAB Publisher & IAKMI SULTRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (468.342 KB) | DOI: 10.36685/phi.v4i1.151


Background: One of the most important factors in providing health services is communication. Effective communication between patient-physician will have an impact on health outcomes. Nevertheless, a gap still occurs in patient-physician communication.Objective: This study aimed to determine the correlation between the core concepts of the well-established Health Belief Model: perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers and cues to action with the concept of self-efficacy in applying the newly developed Indonesian Model of Assertive Communication called "CERDAS”.Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted with 202 eligible women of the Family Welfare Programme in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The samples were selected using quota sampling. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation test.Results: Results of the Pearson correlation tests between self efficacy and perceived susceptibiliy showed r: 0.191, perceived severity r: 0.239, perceived benefits r: 0.256, perceived barriers r: 0.272, and cues to action r: 229; with all values p<0.05.Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between perceived vulnerability, perceived severity, perceived benefits and perceived barriers, as well as cues to action with self-efficacy in applying the new Model of Assertive Patient-Physician Communication, "CERDAS”.