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Identification of the Distribution of Asian Redtail Catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus) Based on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in the Progo River, Magelang, Central Java Tholibah Mujtahidah; Usman Siswanto; Sri Hidayati; Abdul Qadir Jailani
Journal of Aquaculture Science Vol 6 No 1 (2021): Journal of Aquaculture Science
Publisher : Airlangga University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31093/joas.v6i1.125


Identification of the distribution of asian redtail catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus) based on Geographical Information System (GIS) in the Progo Magelang river is a database collection process to determine the distribution patterns of H. nemurus and determine H. nemurus resources with the help of GIS and outlined in the form of a fish resource zoning map so that it can help in domestication efforts that lead to the cultivation of endemic aquatic commodities. The purpose of this study was to identify the distribution of H. nemurus, determine the status of H. nemurus resources based on diversity data to see the existing potential and to describe it in the form of a fish resource zoning map in the progo river. The research method used was a survey method with a GIS approach and the data presented in the form of descriptive analysis included fish identification and a GIS approach. GIS data processing used is in the form of hardware, namely: Personal Computer (PC), color printer and scanner, while the software in the form of software ArcGIS 9.x, Ms. Excel and Ms. Word. The method used in this study is the GIS approach with spatial analysis techniques, namely the techniques used in analyzing spatial / spatial studies. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that H. nemurus in the Progo river were found in areas with sandy clay substrates at a depth of 2 m, namely in the Ngeluwar area. The distribution of H. nemurus in the Progo river tends to be evenly distributed, because the conditions of the Progo river habitat support the life of H. nemurus.Keywords: Hemibagrus nemurus, Geographical Information System, Progo River.
Journal of Empowerment Community Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): September 2020
Publisher : Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/jec.v2i2.530


Pembangunan industri kecil dan menengah merupakan bagian dari pembangunan ekonomi jangka panjang untuk mencapai struktur ekonomi yang seimbang. Tetapi adanya perbedaan potensi sumberdaya, keadaan prasarana dan pasar menyebabkan ketimpangan persebaran lokasi dan perlambatan pertumbuhan. Kondisi saat ini, terjadi penurunan produksi di sektor perikanan berdampak pada rendahnya supplay ikan di beberapa wilayah Kabupaten Magelang. Rendahnya Pasokan Ikan berdampak pada rendahnya ketersediaan ikan dan mengakibatkan tingginya harga ikan. Salah satu alternatif terkait permasalahan tersebut, perlu adanya suatu pemberdayaan yang relevan dengan kebutuhan dan potensi masyarakat sehingga mendukung keberhasilan program pemberdayaan. Untuk dapat meningkatkan ketahanan pangan dan juga meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat perlu dilaksanakan program pelatihan berkaitan dengan bidang perikanan, antara lain : Pelatihan budidaya ikan lele. Salah satu alternatif terkait permasalahan tersebut, perlu adanya suatu pemberdayaan yang relevan dengan kebutuhan dan potensi masyarakat sehingga mendukung keberhasilan program pemberdayaan. Untuk dapat meningkatkan ketahanan pangan dan juga meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat perlu dilaksanakan program pelatihan berkaitan dengan bidang perikanan, antara lain : Pelatihan budidaya ikan lele, melalui tahapan pelaksanaan antara lain : survey, observasi lapang, sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. dengan adanya program pengabdian masyarakat tentang pelatihan dan pendampingan, masyarakat mendapatkan peningkatan pemahaman, ketrampilan, kualitas dan kuantitas produk.
Pelaksanaan Tradisi Petik Laut Nelayan Hindu dan Islam Dalam Korelasi Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Pesisir di Jembrana Heri Ariadi; Tholibah Mujtahidah; Sri Hidayati
Jurnal Kebijakan Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan Vol 12, No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Balai Besar Riset Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/jksekp.v12i2.11315


Petik laut adalah tradisi kebudayaan masyarakat nelayan di pesisir Jembrana, Bali. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola perbedaan pelaksanaan tradisi petik laut antara nelayan yang beragama Hindu dan nelayan yang beragama Islam di Jembrana Bali serta pola kebijakan di wilayah pesisir yang dapat dibuat berdasarkan adanya akulturasi budaya tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan data berdasarkan wawancara mendalam (deep interview) dan pemberian kuesioner kepada 20 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan tradisi petik laut oleh nelayan yang beragama Hindu dan nelayan yang beragama Islam adalah mirip. Nelayan Hindu melaksanakan tradisi petik laut berdasarkan pada keyakinan pancasradha selama 3 hari yang berlandaskan pada tattwa, susila, dan upacara. Nelayan Islam melaksanakan tradisi petik laut didasarkan keyakinan iman kepada Tuhan selama 3 hari yang diiringi dengan pembuatan larung sesaji. Tradisi petik laut merupakan hasil akulturasi budaya yang ada sejak zaman nenek moyang sebagai cara bersyukur dan memohon berkah kepada Tuhan. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa pola pelaksanaan tradisi petik laut antara nelayan yang beragama Hindu dan Islam terletak dari pada teknis pelaksanaan tradisi yang akan memberikan corak perbedaan. Tradisi petik laut di Jembrana yang berlangsung turun-temurun dapat memberikan fondasi kebijakan berupa (1) sebagai landasan dasar penyusunan peraturan daerah tentang pengelolaan pesisir yang berbasis pada budaya masyarakat, (2) landasan religius tradisi petik laut dapat dijadikan sebagai visi pengelolaan sumber daya pesisir yang lestari, dan (3) tradisi petik laut yang dijalankan oleh agama Hindu dan Islam dapat dijadikan sebagai opsi pengembangan cultural tourisms bagi pemerintah daerah setempat.Title: Implementation of The Petik Laut Tradition on Hindu and Islamic Fishers with Correlation of Coastal Resource Management in Jembrana   Petik Laut is a cultural tradition of the fishing community on the coast of Jembrana, Bali. The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of differences in the process of implementing the petik laut tradition between Hindu fishermen and Muslim fishermen in Jembrana Bali and the pattern of policies in coastal areas that can be made from this cultural acculturation. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques based on deep interviews and giving questionnaires to 20 respondents. The results show that the implementation of the petik laut tradition by Hindu fishermen and Muslim fishermen is similar. Hindu fishermen carry out the petik laut tradition based on the five-day faith of five days, based on tattwa, morals, and ceremonies. Islamic fishermen carry out the petik laut tradition based on faith in God for 3 days accompanied by making offerings. The petik laut tradition is the result of cultural acculturation that has existed since the time of the ancestors as a way of giving thanks and asking God for blessings. The results of the study concluded that the pattern of implementing of petik laut tradition between Hindu and Muslim fishermen lies in the technical implementation of the tradition which will give a different style. The petik laut tradition in Jembrana which has been passed down from generation to generation can provide policy foundations in the form of (1) the basis for the preparation of regional regulations on coastal management based on community culture, (2) the religious foundation of the petik laut tradition can be used as a vision for sustainable coastal resource management, (3) the petik laut tradition carried out by Hinduism and Islam can be used as an option for developing cultural tourism for the local government.
Identification of the Distribution of Asian Redtail Catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus) Based on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in the Progo River, Magelang, Central Java Tholibah Mujtahidah; Usman Siswanto; Sri Hidayati; Abdul Qadir Jailani
Journal of Aquaculture Science Vol 6 No 1 (2021): Journal of Aquaculture Science
Publisher : Airlangga University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31093/joas.v6i1.125


Identification of the distribution of asian redtail catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus) based on Geographical Information System (GIS) in the Progo Magelang river is a database collection process to determine the distribution patterns of H. nemurus and determine H. nemurus resources with the help of GIS and outlined in the form of a fish resource zoning map so that it can help in domestication efforts that lead to the cultivation of endemic aquatic commodities. The purpose of this study was to identify the distribution of H. nemurus, determine the status of H. nemurus resources based on diversity data to see the existing potential and to describe it in the form of a fish resource zoning map in the progo river. The research method used was a survey method with a GIS approach and the data presented in the form of descriptive analysis included fish identification and a GIS approach. GIS data processing used is in the form of hardware, namely: Personal Computer (PC), color printer and scanner, while the software in the form of software ArcGIS 9.x, Ms. Excel and Ms. Word. The method used in this study is the GIS approach with spatial analysis techniques, namely the techniques used in analyzing spatial / spatial studies. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that H. nemurus in the Progo river were found in areas with sandy clay substrates at a depth of 2 m, namely in the Ngeluwar area. The distribution of H. nemurus in the Progo river tends to be evenly distributed, because the conditions of the Progo river habitat support the life of H. nemurus.Keywords: Hemibagrus nemurus, Geographical Information System, Progo River.
Jurnal Agrivet Vol 29, No 1 (2023): AGRIVET

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/agrivet.v29i1.8427


Kantong semar spesies Nepenthes mirabilis merupakan salah satu tanaman prioritas dilindungi yang sudah masuk dalam kategori Appendix-2. Salah satu upaya menjaga populasi Nepenthes mirabilis adalah dengan melakukan kultur jaringan, teknik aklimatisasi yang tepat pada kultur jaringan dapat mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan Nepenthes mirabilis. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis respon pertumbuhan planlet kantong semar di berbagai macam media tanam, intensitas naungan dan interaksi antara media tanam dan intensitas naungan saat aklimatisasi. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pola petak terpisah (split plot design) dengan dua faktor perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan pertama intensitas naungan (50%, 65%, dan 80%) dan perlakuan kedua media tanam yang terdiri atas P1 = 100% cocopeat (1:0), P2 = 100% arang sekam (0:1), P3 = 50% cocopeat dan 50% arang sekam (1:1), P4 = 25% cocopeat dan 75% arang sekam (1:3), P5 = 75% cocopeat dan 25% arang sekam (3:1). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis sidik ragam menggunakan SPSS dan dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut beda nyata terkecil (BNT) untuk faktor perlakuan intensitas naungan dan uji lanjut berganda duncan untuk faktor perlakuan berbagai formulasi media tanam serta interaksi antara berbagai formulasi media tanam dengan intensitas naungan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan intensitas naungan berpengaruh sangat nyata pada persentase hidup tanaman (100,00), kemasaman media tanam (6,96), jumlah kantong (3,77) dan jumlah akar (11,80). Intensitas naungan juga berpengaruh nyata terhadap panjang akar terpanjang (5,46) serta tidak berpengaruh nyata pada parameter tinggi tanaman dan diameter batang. Macam media tanam berpengaruh nyata terhadap persentase hidup tanaman (100%), kemasaman media tanam (6,88), tinggi tanaman (0,42), jumlah kantong (3,93), jumlah akar (12,17), panjang akar terpanjang (5,52) dan diameter batang (1,60). Pada interaksi antara perlakuan intensitas naungan dan formulasi media tanam menunjukkan bahwa interaksi berpengaruh sangat nyata pada persentase hidup tanaman (100,00), kemasaman media tanam (7,04), jumlah kantong (4,21), jumlah akar (14,33) dan diameter batang  (2,35). Interaksi antara perlakuan intensitas naungan dan formulasi media tanam juga berpengaruh nyata pada panjang akar terpanjang (7,12) serta tidak berpengaruh nyata pada parameter tinggi tanaman.
SUPPLY OF CASSAVA IN MAGELANG DISTRICT CENTRAL JAVA PROVINCE Candarisma Dhanes Noor Viana; Ali Hasyim Al Rosyid; Wahyu Adhi Saputro; Sri Hidayati; Eka Nur Jannah
Jurnal REP (Riset Ekonomi Pembangunan) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Tidar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31002/rep.v8i1.573


Cassava is a commodity that has the potential to be developed into a regional superior product. Cassava can be processed into other forms of food that are consumed by the community and one of the centers is in Magelang Regency. This study aims to analyze what factors influence the supply of cassava in Magelang Regency. The data used comes from secondary data. The data used from 2008 to 2022 comes from the Central Bureau of Statistics. The results of the study stated that the supply of cassava in Magelang Regency was jointly influenced by the previous year's cassava price, the previous year's sweet potato price, the previous year's cassava production, the harvested area of ​​the previous year's cassava, the previous year's corn price. Meanwhile, partially the supply of cassava in Magelang Regency was influenced by the price of sweet potatoes in the previous year and the cassava harvested area in the previous year. Based on the results of the analysis, the price elasticity of cassava in the previous year on cassava supply in Magelang Regency was inelastic for both short-term elasticity (0.701) and long-term elasticity (0.02).
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/ja.v7i1.7573


This study aimed to observe the culture technique of Chlorella sp. at BPTPB Cangkringan, Yogyakarta. Data were collected from direct observation by following the culture implementation and various literature studies in fresh water. From the observation result, the semi-mass scaled culture obtained the highest population density after 8-th day of culture at 2.970 x 104 cells/ml. The growth rates of Chlorella sp. in semi-mass scaled culture were 0.4298 x 104 cells/ml. The water quality of Chlorella sp. culture in semi-mass conditions was remained at 27-28oC, pH 7, and salinity 1 ppt. Nevertheless, the semi-mass scaled culture activity depends on the weather condition and good fertilizer quality to optimize the Chlorella sp. growth.