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Komputerisasi Pendaftaran Pasien Rawat Jalan Berbasis Web Di Praktek Dokter Yunita Wisda Tumarta Arif
Jurnal Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan Vol 2, No 1 (2019): MARET 2019
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (164.151 KB) | DOI: 10.31983/jrmik.v2i1.4088


ABSTRAK     Praktek dokter umum merupakan pusat layanan tingkat pertama maka dari itu banyak pasien yang berobat. Praktek dokter umum adalah dokter yang memiliki kemampuan mengobati berbagai penyakit dan melakukan praktik medis untuk umum.     Peran rekam medis di dokter prakter sama dengan peran rekam medis di Rumah Sakit. Di Praktek dokter Agung Sutopo yang terletak di Jln. Prof. Soeharso No. 28 Boyolali membuka praktek dokter 2 kali dalam satu hari. Pukul 06.00-11.00 terdapat kunjungan rata-rata 80 pasien dan pukul 16.00-22.00 terdapat kunjungan rata-rata sebanyak 100 pasien.  Pendaftaran di praktek umum dokter Agung Sutopo masih dilakukan secara manual. Hal ini menyebabkan pelayanan dan pengolahan data pendaftaran pasien menjadi  kurang efektif dan efisien karena menyebabkan resiko ketidaklengkapan atau kesalahan penulisan identitas pasien serta terjadi duplikasi data pasien karena ditulis berulang-ulang. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut  maka perlu adanya Komputerisasi Pendaftaran Pasien Rawat Jalan Berbasis Web di Praktek dokter Agung Sutopo Boyolali dengan tujuan dapat menghasilkan informasi yang cepat, tepat dan akurat demi meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan dalam pendaftaran rawat jalan.Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan yaitu System Development Life Cycle  (SDLC). Metode SDLC ini seringkali dinamakan juga sebagai proses pemecahan masalah. Dalam pembangunan sistem megguakan PHP untuk membuat tampilan web menjadi lebih dinamis. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat di Unit Rekam Medis khususnya di bagian pendaftaran pasien rawat jalan dalam pengembangan Praktek dokter Agung Sutopo Boyolali.Kata kunci: sistem, pedaftaran, rekam medisABSTRACTThe practice of general practitioners is a first-rate service center and therefore many patients seek treatment. The practice of general practitioners is a doctor who has the ability to treat various diseases and conduct medical practices for the public. The role of the medical record in the physician is the same as the role of the medical record in the hospital. At Agung Sutopo doctor's practice located at Jln. Prof. Soeharso No. 28 Boyolali opens a doctor's practice 2 times a day. At 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 there were an average visit of 80 patients and at 16:00 to 22:00 there were an average of 100 patients. Registration in the general practice of Agung's doctor Sutopo is still done manually. This causes the service and processing of patient registration data to be less effective and efficient because it causes the risk of incomplete or incorrect writing of the patient's identity as well as duplication of patient data because it is written repeatedly. Based on these problems, it is necessary to have a Computerized Registration of Web-Based Outpatient Patients in Practice Agung Agung Sutopo Boyolali with the aim of producing fast, precise and accurate information in order to improve the quality of health services in outpatient registration.The system development method used is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The SDLC method is often referred to as a problem solving process. In the development of the system, it uses PHP to make the web display more dynamic. This research is expected to be able to provide benefits in the Medical Record Unit, especially in the outpatient patient registration section in the development of the Agung Doctor Sutopo Boyolali Practice.            Keywords: system, registration, medical record    
Jurnal Infokes Vol 7 No 2 (2017): Infokes VOL 7 No 2 September 2017
Publisher : Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47701/infokes.v7i2.173


Antarmuka sistem merupakan sarana bagi orang (pengguna) sehingga dapat berinteraksi dengan program komputer, atau alat kompleks lainnya. Pengguna pada umumnya menggunakan media komputer untuk mempermudah kerja dan membantu pengambilan keputusan dalam suatu masalah, namun antarmuka yang rumit bisa menjadi faktor kegagalan sistem dalam melakukan kinerjanya (Nurlifa, 2014). Pemantauan terapi obat untuk penderita hipertensi yang disertai diabetes mellitus Tipe 2 diperlukan karena sangat rentan terkena gejala penyakit lain seperti jantung, paru dan gagal ginjal (Permana,2008). Berdasarkan penelitian pendahuluan diketahui bahwa kegiatan dan tahapan yang dilakukan dalam pemantauan terapi obat masih kurang efektif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat desain antarmuka sistem pemantauan terapi obat hipertensi disertai diabetes mellitus tipe 2 pada pasien rawat inap yang efektif dan mudah digunakan untuk membantu apoteker dan dokter dalam membuat keputusan. Desain antarmuka berbasis website dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP (Hypertext Prepocessor) yang digunakan secara luas dalam pembuatan dan pengembangan desain website. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebuah desain antarmuka sistem pemantauan terapi obat hipertensi disertai diabetes mellitus tipe 2 bagi apoteker dan dokter yang efektif dan mudah digunakan sehingga dapat diterapkan di rumah sakit pada pasien rawat inap.Kata kunci : Hipertensi, antarmuka, rawat inap, sistem
Rancang Bangun Website Rekam Medis Elektronik di Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Praktik Dokter Nurhayati; Yunita Wisda Tumarta Arif; Ahmad Yusron Yunizar
Jurnal Infokes Vol 10 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Rekam Medis dan Informatika Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47701/infokes.v10i2.1033


Electronic medical records record electronic medical records which contain personal data, demographic data, social data, clinical / medical data. Processing of medical record documents at doctor's practice health facilities is still done manually, starting from patient registration, writing examination history, and storing medical record documents. One of the efforts to overcome these obstacles is by building an Electronic Medical Record website. The website development method uses the development life cycle system. Medical records are processed from input patient data, diagnostic data, action data, drug data, officer data, registration data, examination data. Then the data is processed to produce reports, including patient data, and examination data. The electronic medical record website used can simplify the processing of medical record data.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis Klinik Rawat Jalan Berbasis Web Agung Suryadi; Yunita Wisda Tumarta Arif; Nur Syahbani No
Jurnal Infokes Vol 12 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Rekam Medis dan Informatika Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47701/infokes.v12i1.1498


The world of health is currently experiencing very rapid progress both in developed and developing countries, the clinic is one of the service units engaged in the health sector, with the development of Science and Technology (IPTEK) in the health sector, health service providers are required to Providing effective and efficient services is an absolute requirement in order to achieve optimal service. One of the vital parts in health services is the medical record unit. In the recording of medical record documents, there are still many things that are done conventionally, resulting in delays in information, therefore a computerized/electronic recording method is needed. Medical record documents are made electronically to avoid lost documents, take up storage space, and avoid inconsistencies in filling out medical record documents. The completeness of the items contained in the medical record also greatly affects the quality of the information produced. The web-based medical record information system allows various information from various sources to be stored and processed and communicated to retrieve the processed results. By applying information technology in managing medical record data, it is able to provide convenience in managing medical record data to making the required reports. The purpose of this study is to create a web-based clinical medical record information system application and to find out the flow and procedures of a web-based clinical medical record information system, so that data and information can be stored and managed effectively and efficiently. This research is expected to provide convenience in recording medical records in outpatient clinics and can provide better services to be able to improve the quality of service to patients.
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Dan Theory Of Planned Behavior (TPB) dalam keyakinan dan perilaku penggunaan sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit Yunita Wisda Tumarta Arif; Puguh Ika Listyorini

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (176.515 KB) | DOI: 10.51903/jtikp.v11i2.215


Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) merupakan model yang dianggap paling tepat dalam menjelaskan bagaimana individu menerima sebuah system. Pada TAM tidak memasukkan pengaruh dari faktor sosial dan faktor kontrol pada perilaku. Kedua faktor tersebut telah terbukti memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan khususya dalam penelitian ini adalah perilaku penggunaan sistem informasi manajemen rumah sakit. Faktor-faktor tersebut merupakan penentu dari perilaku di Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu ditetapkan sebagai rumah sakit tipe D. Sistem Informasi Manajemen (SIM) RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu belum terintergrasi pada keseluruhan unit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menilai tingkat keyakinan pengguna dan kemauan menggunakan sistem manajemen rumah sakit di RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu sehingga bisa dijadikan bahan pertimbangan dalam pengembangan Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit. Jenis Penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Tahap penelitian meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil peneltian rata-rata indeks dari 7 aspek berdasarkan aspek Perceived ease of use 82%, Subjective norm 81%, Perceived behavioral control 78%, Perceived usefulness 81%. Attitude toward using 71% Aspek Behavioral intention to use 79%. Perceived service availibity 82%. Kesimpulan dari peneliti ini bahwa tingkat keyakinan pengguna dan kemauan menggunakan Sistem Manajemen Rumah Sakit adalah baik untuk aspek behavioral control Perceived usefulnes, dan sangat baik pada 6 aspek lainnya
Elkom : Jurnal Elektronika dan Komputer Vol 15 No 1 (2022): Juli : Jurnal Elektronika dan Komputer
Publisher : STEKOM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51903/elkom.v15i1.789


Klinik adalah fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan yang menyelenggarakan dan menyelenggarakan pelayanan kesehatan dasar dan/atau spesialistik yang diselenggarakan oleh lebih dari satu jenis tenaga kesehatan dan dipimpin oleh seorang tenaga kesehatan. Untuk dokumen rekam medis yang sudah tidak digunakan lebih dari lima tahun, dokumen rekam medis dapat dipisahkan atau disimpan. Retensi bertujuan untuk menyeleksi dokumen rekam medis yang sudah tidak aktif lagi dan mengurangi jumlah berkas rekam medis yang terus meningkat sehingga dapat menjaga mutu pelayanan dengan mempercepat penyusunan dokumen rekam medis pada saat dibutuhkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menerapkan sortir seleksi dalam menentukan dokumen rekam medis yang harus disimpan dalam sistem informasi penyimpanan dokumen rekam medis. Dengan algoritma selection sort, pengurutan dokumen dalam sistem menjadi lebih mudah. Metode Sistem dibangun berbasis Web dengan metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan System Development Live Cycle (SDLC). Klinik PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganom Klaten merupakan salah satu pelayanan kesehatan yang ada di Kabupaten Klaten. Ruang penyimpanan dokumen rekam medis masih satu dengan pendaftaran rawat jalan. Sistem informasi penyimpanan dokumen rekam medis dengan penerapan metode pengurutan seleksi yang digunakan yaitu descending dan ascending, dengan mengurutkan tahun dengan nominal besar ke tahun dengan nominal kecil atau sebaliknya. Penerapan metode seleksi pada sistem retensi dokumen rekam medis menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP (Hypertext) dengan database My SQL diharapkan dapat membantu proses retensi di Klinik PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganom Klaten dan pelayanan kesehatan menjadi lebih baik.
Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan PHBS Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Pandemi Covid-19 Dengan Media Video Interaktif di Yayasan Al-Kahfi Surakarta Nabilatul Fanny; Yunita Wisda Tumarta Arif; Laila Nur Azizah
Duta Abdimas Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Duta Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6725.878 KB) | DOI: 10.47701/abdimas.v1i1.1583


The Al-Kahfi Foundation is a social institution engaged in education and charity. The results of the preliminary survey conducted through observation and interviews with foundation administrators found that there were problems controlling children's behavior towards personal health, especially those who still lived with their families. The results of a survey of 10 orphanage children showed that as many as 40% of children had insufficient knowledge and did not understand the importance of having a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS), and 50% of children did not clearly understand what Covid-19 was and the dangers of the virus. The purpose of this activity is to increase PHBS knowledge and skills; Increase participants' awareness of the importance of preventing the dangers arising from the Covid-19 disease; Increase the willingness and ability of participants to prevent themselves from the dangers of Covid-19. The media used to support these community service activities are: Videos, screening of documentary films about smoking; Power Point about the extension material includes; LCD; Pre-test and post-test sheets. While the methods used are lectures, discussions, and questions and answers. Extension was carried out both verbally and by video playback. The PHBS video screening is intended to provide information on how to wash hands and wear masks properly and correctly, cough etiquette, maintain balanced nutrition, and carry out social distancing. Playing motion pictures is the method chosen so that the steps in preventing Covid-19 are more interesting and can be easily remembered by children and adolescents, so that their implementation is faster. Based on the results of outreach activities, it is known that counseling using the visual method or video playback takes a person's attention more than the lecture method.
Penerapan Sistem Informasi Hipertensi Berbasis Android di Apotek Jatinom Farma Klaten Yunita Wisda Tumarta Arif
Duta Abdimas Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Duta Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47701/abdimas.v2i1.2537


Hypertension or high blood pressure is a disorder of the blood vessels which results in the supply of oxygen and nutrients carried by the blood being obstructed to reach the body tissues that need them, a condition where blood pressure equals or exceeds 140mmHg systolic and or equals or exceeds 90mmHg diastolic in a person who not currently taking antihypertensive medication. The pharmacist's role is required to increase knowledge, skills, and behavior in order to be able to carry out direct interactions with patients. The forms of this interaction include the provision of drug information and counseling to patients who need it. From the results of observations and interviews, many people come to the pharmacy to buy drugs and counseling related to hypertension. The solution to this problem is an information system that can be accessed by pharmacists and pharmacy staff, so that information related to hypertension can be conveyed to people who need it by implementing an Android-based Hypertension Information System at the Jatinom Farma Pharmacy, Klaten. Android was chosen as the basis for the Hypertension Information System because of the ease of implementation on devices, an Android-based Hypertension Information System can be installed on any pharmacy staff's gadget. The result of this service is that the system can be put to good use by Jatinom Farma pharmacy staff, and helps in service.
PIECES For Evaluating Registration Information System in The Kasih Ibu Hospital Surakarta Yunita Wisda Tumarta Arif; Nurhayati; Ni Putu Larasati Janur Mudiari
Proceeding of International Conference on Science, Health, And Technology Proceeding of the 1st International Conference Health, Science And Technology (ICOHETECH)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (512.071 KB) | DOI: 10.47701/icohetech.v1i1.806


Kasih Ibu Hospital has a Hospital Management Information System. Based on the preliminary survey, the implementation of SIMRS in the patient registration unit is still not stable. System evaluation is needed so that deficiencies in the implementation of the system are immediately addressed. The method used to evaluate the registration information system is the PIECES Method. The purpose of the evaluation is to conduct an assessment of the performance of the patient registration information system that is already running with the PIECES method based on aspects of performance, information, economic, control and security, service. This research is a descriptive study with cross sectional approach. The object of this study was the patient registration information system and the subjects observed were outpatient and inpatient registration officers who were related to the registration information system. The research instruments were observation guidelines, interview guidelines, and questionnaires. The results of the evaluation of the patient registration information system by the PIECES method at the Kasih Ibu Hospital based on performance aspects, showed the system was able to produce the desired throughput the system was able to carry out the patient registration process. The information system aspect is able to produce accurate information very well. The economic aspects of resources on the system are very good. The integrity control aspect of access to software or data is very good. The efficiency aspect of business reusability to study systems is very good. The service aspect shows that accuracy, computational accuracy and control are good. The conclusion of this study based on the assessment of respondents is that the patient registration information system at the Surakarta Ibu Hospital is categorized as good and can be accepted by respondents.
Patient Clinical Data Integration in Integrated Electronic Medical Record System using System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Rara Nur Salsabila; Yunita Wisda Tumarta Arif; Puguh Ika Listyorini; Ummi Athiyah
Proceeding of International Conference on Science, Health, And Technology 2021: Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference Health, Science And Technology (ICOHETECH)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2034.442 KB) | DOI: 10.47701/icohetech.v1i1.1073


Clinic is a health service facility that provides individual services, both providing basic and/or specialized medical services. The processing of medical record documents for outpatient services at the Al-Ikhlas Clinic, Sragen, is still carried out conventionally, starting from registration to storing documents. Often there is duplication, inaccuracy in recording, and presentation of reports that are not in accordance with the services at the service. The purpose of this study was to create medical records for inter-clinic patient data interventions with the development life cycle system development (SDLC) method so that it could provide benefits for officers in processing clinical patient data. This type of research is qualitative in nature using the SDLC system development method carried out by selecting projects, initiating and planning projects, analysis, design, Implementation, and maintenance. The subjects in this study were medical record officers and doctors, while the object under study included recording and processing patient medical record data. The development of the SDLC system is the main instrument to replace the old system as a whole or to improve the existing system, and the data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Electronic Medical Records built using the PHP programming language and MySQL database, where this system has the advantage of being able to speed up the registration process and data processing of computerized patient medical records as well as the ease of staff in making reports to clinic leaders. Electronic Medical Records of Al-Ikhlas Sragen Clinic can produce information in the form of patient data reports, diagnosis reports, action data reports, drug data reports, officer data reports, doctor data reports, polyclinic data reports, examination data reports, and patient registration data reports.