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Efesiensi Fisik Komputer Server dengan Menerapkan Proxmox Virtual Environment Saidi Ramadan Siregar
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) - Februari 2020
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

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Along with the development of desktop and non desktop application software, the provision of services to accommodate requests from client computers is increasing too, which can be seen in terms of usage environment whether in local or public network coverage. for example an information system program created using the Microsoft visual studio.Net application by using database access, the server computer even though it uses a Windows operating system, and vice versa if the information system program that is built using a web programming language (opensource) is mostly among programmers choosing to use a web server with linux operating system. To do this, the network manager creates a solution so that the information system that is built from any programming language can be run on one physical computer server with a virtualization system by applying the Proxmox virtual environment as a virtual machine container that will accommodate several types of operating systems.
Implementasi Algoritma Triple Exponansial Smooting Untuk Prediksi Persediaan Obat Dona Roni Tambunan; Muhammad Syahrizal; Saidi Ramadan Siregar
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 1 No 4 (2020): August 2020
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

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According to Permenkes 017 / menkes / per / x / 1993, drugs are alloys that are ready to be used to influence or examine physiology or pathology in determining the diagnosis, prevention, healing, recovery, improvement of health and contraception. This research intends to predict the supply of drugs. The method used in this research is triple exponential smoothing. The data used in this study are data from 2013 to 2018. The results of this study are prediction of drug inventory. Prediction is a process of estimating systematically about something that is most likely to occur in the future based on past and present information that is owned, so that errors (the difference between something that happens and the estimated results) can be minimized. Prediction does not have to provide a definite answer to events that will occur, but rather try to find answers as close as possible to what will happen. The benefit of this research is to be able to predict the availability of drugs so that they can find out the amount of drug supplies each year at the RSU Yoshua Lubuk Pakam
INFOKUM Vol. 9 No. 1,Desember (2020): Data Mining, Image Processing,artificial intelligence, networking
Publisher : Sean Institute

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The development of laptop hardware technology in the 21st century is increasingly rapid to support information technology that is increasingly easily accessed. Laptops have an important role in helping human activities, especially in teaching and learning activities. Not infrequently a laptop or better known as a laptop as most students and lecturers and even students who sit in secondary education have started to use it. In national tertiary education, the entire campus requires both public and private universities to have laptop laboratories. Along with these developments in the case of laptop usage is getting bigger.
Application of Multi-Objecttive Optimazation on the basis of Ratio Analysis in Determining Monthly Study Agenda onMasjid Al-Muhajirin Rumah Pondok Mansion Saidi Ramadan Siregar; Pristiwanto Pristiwanto
INFOKUM Vol. 9 No. 2, June (2021): Data Mining, Image Processing and artificial intelligence
Publisher : Sean Institute

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Pondok Mansion House (RPM) which is located in the Namorambe sub-district, Deli Serdang Regency is one of the government subsidized housing held by PT Rapy Ray. The construction of the mosque which has been completed provides good news for the Muslim residents of the housing because they can carry out routine prayers and various other Islamic holiday activities. On Saturday, June 19, 2021, a mosque committee was formed before the establishment of the Mosque Prosperity Agency. Then after the mosque committee was formed. The mosque committee held a meeting to find the name of the mosque and to complete the management of the mosque which was held on July 7, 2021. To make the mosque agenda, it was discussed again by inviting members of the management which coincided on August 3, 2021. Then the results of the meeting were agreed upon by the mosque management and the problem that occurs is the emergence of disagreements or disagreements on one of the mosque's agenda schedules resulting in small talks in the housing complex area which can result in disorganization between mosque administrators and individuals who do not agree with the agenda. It is necessary to make a policy in preparing a schedule with a scientific system based on mathematical calculations so that the results can provide explanations and can be accepted with grace. Of course the well-known system in this case is the Decision Support System (DSS) in which this system provides suggestions, input, as well as contributions to organizational actors, associations whose nature is to choose the best among several available options. Then the results will provide solutions in the form of approaches with alternative systems, ratings and several components related to DSS. The value of the approach or result that will be given later reaches 80% to 95%..
Pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Dalam Pengelolan Data Masjid Al-Ikhlas Deli Tua Saidi Ramadan Siregar
Jurnal ABDIMAS Budi Darma Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Februari 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1419.517 KB) | DOI: 10.30865/pengabdian.v1i2.2963


The internal activities of mosques throughout Indonesia have been stipulated in Regulation No. 54 of 2006 Decree of the Minister of Religion Number 54 of 2006 concerning the Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of Mosque Welfare Bodies. Mosque Welfare Agency (BKM). With the regulations that have been set by the government, residents around the mosque are willing and ready to accept the mandated tasks when appointed by the relevant government as mosque administrators. In managing mosque data, it is time to link it with a digital information system so that people can easily get information about mosques. To facilitate this data collection, with the development of internet network infrastructure and information system services that are increasingly accountable and sharing programming languages that are increasingly supportive. With this service, it can provide information anytime and anywhere as long as it is connected to the internet network with smartphone and computer media.
Workshop Pembuatan Hotspot Login Responsive Untuk Siswa Prakerin SMK 2 Al-Wasliyah Perdangan Saidi Ramadan Siregar; Pristiwanto Pristiwanto; Heri Sunandar
Jurnal ABDIMAS Budi Darma Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Agustus 2020
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (888.797 KB) | DOI: 10.30865/pengabdian.v1i1.2286


Praktek kerja industri (Prakerin) bagi siswa SMK Al-Wasliyah yang diselanggarakan di Universitas Budi Darma baru dimulai pada tahun 2019. Sehubungan yang disampaikan pembimbing sekolah SMK Al-Wasliyah oleh bapak Darmuji, S.Kom kepada pembimbing external yang ada di Universitas Budi Darma bahwasanya dalam melakukan pembimbingan anak prakerin siswa diharapkan mampu menambah pengetahuan mereka sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan-perusahaan saat ini. Selama pembimbingan yang dilaksanakan dan saling bertukar pikiran dengan siswa Prakerin ternyata dalam pembuatan hotspot login yang sifatnya responsive belum pernah disampaikan di sekolah, dimana tampilan hotspot login dapat menyesuaikan tampilan layar perangkat media pengguna. Sebuah tampilan hotspot login bisa dijumpai pada instansi pemerintahan dan instansi swasta seperti di telkomsel, kampus dan cafe. Untuk menambah pengetahuan mereka pada bidang teknologi komputer jaringan maka perlu dibuat suatu pelatihan (workshop) yang mudah dipahami dalam penyampain materi. Dalam hal ini untuk membuat tampilan hotspot login yang responsive mempunyai pengetahuan tentang pemasangan kabel utp, konfigurasi routerboard mikrotik dan memahami bahasa pemrograman web.
Konfigurasi Sharing Internet dan Sharing Printer Dikantor Kepala Desa Dagang Kerawan Efori Buulolo; Fince Tinus Waruwu; Saidi Ramadan Siregar
Jurnal ABDIMAS Budi Darma Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Agustus 2020
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (438.294 KB) | DOI: 10.30865/pengabdian.v1i1.2004


Desa Dagang Kerawan salah satu desa yang terletak dikecamatan Tanjung Morawa Kabupaten Deli Serdang Propinsi Sumatera Utara. Aktifitas pegawai desa sehari-hari dan juga pelayanan kepada masyarakat sudah menggunakan komputer, hanya saja penggunaan komputer belum dioptimalkan seperti komputer untuk akses internet berbeda dengan komputer yang digunakan untuk membuat dan mencetak dokumen, sehingga untuk membuat dan mencetak dokumen saja membutuhkan membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan media lain. Hal tersebut dikarenakan pegawai desa masih menggunakan komputer hanya sebatas pengoperasian dasar. Oleh karena itu, sangat diperlukan konfigurasi sharing internet dan sharing printer untuk mempermudah pekerjaan pegawai desa. Selain itu, kegiatan pengabdian tersebut memberikan pelatihan kepada pegawai desa untuk mengetahui sharing internet dan sharing printer sehingga jika terjadi suatu saat troubleshooting dapat ditangani sendiri oleh pegawai desa.
Aplikasi Pencarian Biografi Tokoh Politik Indonesia Berbasis Mobile Dengan Algoritma Colussi Novia Intan Pratiwi; Nelly Astuti Hasibuan; Saidi Ramadan Siregar
Resolusi : Rekayasa Teknik Informatika dan Informasi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): RESOLUSI Nopember 2020
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

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The Indonesian state is a democratic country in running its government. In carrying out its democratic system, the community plays an important role in this. One example is in the pilkada (regional head elections) or elections (general elections) in a period of 5 years. At the time of entering the 'political party' season, many photos of political candidates were seen pasted through leaflets or billboards on the streets and conducting campaign visits, this was done by prospective leaders with the aim of being known to the public and close to the people who would be choose it. The reality on the ground, many people who do not know the prospective leaders who nominate themselves to become politicians in Indonesia. The string matching algorithm applied in this study is the colussi algorithm. The colossi algorithm is a development of the knuth-morris-pratt algorithm.
Implementasi Pengurangan Noise Pada Citra Rontgen Paru Menggunakan Metode Filter Adaptive-Hierarchical Esra Putri Sion Situmorang; Nelly Astuti Hasibuan; Saidi Ramadan Siregar
Resolusi : Rekayasa Teknik Informatika dan Informasi Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): RESOLUSI Januari 2022
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

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Salt & Paper Noise Is A Form Of Noise That Is Used To See Black Or White Dots On An Image The Cause Is An Error Or Damage To The Pixels In The Image. X-ray or radiography is the use of ionizing rays to form the image of the object being studied on film, radiography is generally used to see objects that are not transparent, for example, the inside of the human body. X-ray images often have unclear results, because the image is taken using X-Ray rays, the x-ray results usually have a black and white color, and can be clearly seen when placed right in front of a light source. The light source only helps to see the shadow of the image, but does not improve the quality of the image and reduce noise or dots in the image. For this reason, the author intends to try to implement the X-ray results using the Adaptive-Hierarchical filter method with the aim of eliminating noise or dots in the X-ray image and clarifying the existing image shadows. With the Adaptive-Hierarchical Filter Method I Use Two Noise Detection Methods Where Is Detection For Noise In Medium And Smooth Areas Where Noise Detects In Rusal Or Salt Pixels And Paper Detects For Noise In Strong Areas Or You Can Call It Edge Detection On Noise On The Edges Using Only Pixels That Have Been Defined
Simulasi Penerapan Multiple Queue Multiple Server Pada Antrian Bank Dengan Metode Discrete Event Simulation Saidi Ramadan Siregar; Pristiwanto P
MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) Volume 1 Nomor 2
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1265.006 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/means.v1i2.2


ABSTRAK Simulasi merupakan proses implementasi model menjadi program komputer (software) dan mengeksekusi software tersebut sedemikian rupa sehingga perilakunya menirukan atau menyerupai sistem nyata tertentu. Tujuan dari dibuatnya simulasi antara lain sebagai pelatihan (training), studi perilaku sistem (behavior), dan permainan (games). Salah satu contoh kejadian pada kehidupan nyata yang dapat disimulasikan adalah simulasi antrian bank. Terdapat banyak model antrian yang dapat diterapkan pada simulasi antrian bank, salah satunya yaitu Multiple Queue Multiple Server (MQMS) yang dapat diartikan sebagai satu antrian dengan beberapa pelayan (teller). Untuk membuat sebuah simulasi antrian bank MQMS dibutuhkan perencanaan atau skenario, di mulai dari proses kedatangan nasabah ke bank, proses antrian nasabah, proses pelayanan nasabah, sampai proses kepergian nasabah dari bank. Berdasarkan teknik atau metodologi simulasi maka metode yang paling tepat untuk mensimulasikan antrian yaitu Simulasi Kejadian Diskret (Discrete Event Simulation). Discrete Event Simulation (DES) adalah suatu simulasi dimana perubahan statusnya terjadi pada titik-titik diskrit dalam waktu yang dipicu oleh kejadian (event). Pada DES, suatu kejadian (event) akan mempengaruhi kejadian (event) yang akan berlangsung selanjutnya.