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Prototype Development of Research And Community Service Web Based Information System (SIM-PPM) of LPPM Unimed Baharuddin Baharuddin; Hesti Fibriasari; Tansa Trisna Astono Putri
INFOKUM Vol. 9 No. 1,Desember (2020): Data Mining, Image Processing,artificial intelligence, networking
Publisher : Sean Institute

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The development of SIMPPM is indispensable for the development of an information system for the Research and Community Service Institute. Information system development will be developed through the web. Currently, LPPM has made the system which will continue to be developed according to the needs and will be integrated with the system at the University. The research object is the LPPM Unimed information system. The research method used was ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation), the first thing to do was to conduct a needs analysis about the research and service process that switched from manual to IT-based. After finding out what are the requirements for the process of proposal, assessment, monitoring and evaluation to the final report, a model is designed in the system to address the needs of the research and community service implementation process. Then the initial design, a storyboard is developed so that researchers, reviewers and admins can carry out all the processes in the SIMPPM page. The implementation of the system is conducted by researchers/lecturers, by conducting trials and making improvements to the results of the main trials to involve a wider audience. From the test results, the evaluation of user satisfaction is improving than the conventional way. The results of this study resulted a website in the form of SIMPPM which is intended for prospective researchers and civil servants, operators and reviewers who will carry out the process of receiving proposals, selection to reporting. This study provides an innovation in the LPPM information system. This study makes the development of an information system web based so that it can be used independently and anywhere.
Sentiment Analysis On Twitter Using The Target-Dependent Approach And The Support Vector Machine (SVM) Method: Sentiment Analysis On Twitter Using The Target-Dependent Approach And The Support Vector Machine (SVM) Method Tansa Trisna Astono Putri; Mhd. Dominique Mendoza; Muhammad Fadhiel Alie
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Opinions or sentiments given by the public on Twitter social media have attracted attention for research. In this study, what will be done in connection with sentiment analysis on Twitter is to use a target-dependent approach. Where given a data twit or opinion relating to 3 major cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bandung and Medan, and will be classified as opinions that are positive, negative or neutral. Due to the social media used is Twitter, which can only write opinions in 140 characters, it is possible to find data on tweets or ambiguous opinions. Therefore, this study focuses on sentiment analysis with a target-dependent approach using the SVM method for classification. The target-dependent approach itself consists of 2 stages, namely determining matters relating to the topic of discussion and collecting data on tweets related to the topic. Broadly speaking, this research was carried out in 4 stages, namely preprocessing, classification with a target-dependent approach and SVM method and finally the determination of opinion classification)
Payroll System Design With SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) Approac: Payroll System Design With SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) Approac Mhd. Dominique Mendoza; Tansa Trisna Astono Putri
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The HR technologies are predominantly used for HR administrative applications, including payroll and benefits administration, this research has profound implications on the evaluation of their effectiveness. A failure to pay people on time and the right amount can cause immense employee dissatisfaction and distress which in turn can severely dent the employer branding.By adopting the system development life cycle (SDLC), this study captures the key factors that should have been taken into account in designing, implementing and rolling out the new payroll system at PT. Faramiga Sindo Energi. The factors that contribute to the success or failure of project implementation are the same which reinforce their reliability and validity.By using the payroll system, the resulting payroll information is more complete, efficient, fast and precise than the previous system which always experiences delays in presenting payroll report information. With the implementation of the program that has been designed, the system can provide convenience in the process of calculating salaries and can find out the salary report quickly and can be requested at any time when needed.
Blog Pembelajaran Guru SMU Negeri 21 Medan Tansa Trisna; Hesti Fibriasari; Tengku Ratna Soraya; Nurilam Harianja
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PROSIDING EDISI 4: SEMNAS 2020
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

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Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan potensi siswa dalam pembuatan produk pembelajaran berbasis blog. Potensi siswa SMU Negeri 21 Medan dibagi ke dalam 3 bidang utama, yaitu: (1) pendidikan karakter berbasis lingkungan, (2) pembelajaran bidang studi, (3) TIK. Permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra antara lain: (1) Bidang pendidikan karakter berbasis lingkungan; sistem zonasi dalam penerimaan siswa. (2) Mata Pelajaran disajikan secara konvensional: belum menunjukan potensi guru mata pelajaran menggunakan media maupun aplikasi untuk melakukan proses pembelajaran jarak jauh.. Padahal jumlah guru muda relatif banyak. Oleh karena itu akan dilaksanakan pendampingan pembelajaran berbasis blog. Target luaran kegiatan pengabdian diantaranya: blog pemebelajaran dari bidang studiĀ  dan peningkatan penerapan IT di masyarakat. Rencana kegiatan antara lain: (1) pembentukan kelompok kerja, (2) bimbingan teknis pembuatan media pembelajaran berbasis blog, (3) pendampingan penyajian blog untuk pembelajaran, (4) pendampingan pembuatan blog pembelajaran.
PENERAPAN METODE FLEX BLENDED LEARNING PADA SMKS IMELDA Reni Rahmadani; Ressy Dwitias Sari; Bagoes Maulana; Muhammad Dominique Mendoza; Tansa Trisna Astono Putri
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan (JTP) Vol 15, No 2 (2022): Oktober - Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jtp.v15i2.39121


Abstrak: Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang semakin pesat mengharuskan banyak sektor dalam pendidikan melakukan perubahan. Pembelajaran blended learning adalah contoh dari salah satu pemanfaatan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang dimanfaatkan dalam sektor Pendidikan. Kombinasi pembelajaran dengan sistem tatap muka dan pembelajaran berbasis komputer yang dilakukan secara daring (dalam jaringan) maupun luring (luar jaringan) adalah bentuk pembelajaran blended learning Flex termasuk dalam jenis pembelajaran metode Blended Learning di mana proses belajar mengajar dilakukan dalam bentuk daring namun masih melakukan pembelajaran luring sebagai pendukung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat dampak dan manfaat dari penerapan flex blended learning dalam proses pembelajaran sehingga dapat mempermudah proses pelaksanaan pendidikan bagi guru dan juga siswa agar tujuan pendidikan dapat dicapai lebih maksimal. Data hasil penelitian diolah dengan menghitung nilai n-gain dan uji t untuk mengetahui dampak dari pembelajaran menggunakan flex blended learning. Hasil menunjukkan nilai n-gain siswa yang melakukan pembelajaran flex blended learning adalah 0,74 lebih tinggi daripada pembelajaran konvensional yang memiliki nilai 0,54. Uji t menunjukkan nilai sig. 0,00000018 dan nilai thitung 6,78 yang berarti pembelajaran menggunakan flex blended learning menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap pembelajaran konvensional. Dari hasil nilai n-gain dan uji t dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa pembelajaran flex blended learning dapat meningkatkan nilai hasil belajar siswa.Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran, Blended Learning, Flex Blended Learning.Abstract: The rapid development of science and technology requires many sectors in education to make changes. Blended learning is an example of one of the uses of information technology developments that are used in the education sector. The combination of learning with face-to-face systems and computer-based learning conducted online (in the network) and offline (outside the network) is a form of blended learning. Flex is included in the type of Blended Learning model where learning is carried out online but still does offline learning as a support. The purpose of this study is to see the impact and benefits of implementing flex blended learning in the learning process so that it can facilitate the process of implementing education for teachers and students so that educational goals can be achieved more optimally. The research data were processed by calculating the n-gain value and t-test to determine the impact of learning using flex blended learning. The results show that the n-gain value of students who do flex blended learning is 0.74 higher than conventional learning which has a value of 0.54. The t test shows the value of sig. 0.00000018 and t-count 6.78 which means learning using flex blended learning shows a significant difference to conventional learning. From the results of the n-gain value and t test, it can be concluded that flex blended learning can increase the result of student learning outcomes..Keywords: Learning, Blended Learning, Flex Blended Learning.
Chatbot Prototype Training Using Deep Learning Methods For Tourism in North Sumatra Hesti Fibriasari; Tansa Trisna Astono Putri; Uyuni Widiastuti
Journal of Community Research and Service Vol 7, No 2: July 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.49506


One of the several foreign exchange industries with considerable expansion potential is tourism. One is the province of North Sumatra, which has numerous intriguing tourist attractions. Advertising and inadequate tourism information management systems are factors that are impeding the growth of the tourism industry. The younger generation still has very little understanding of artificial intelligence and its applications for Chatbots and support services. A program called a Chatbot makes to hold chats for you. As a result, instruction requires in the design and use of deep-learning Chatbots. By offering guidance, examples, and hands-on training on tourist Chatbot prototypes from North Sumatra, this non-profit endeavor attempted to address the issue at hand. The PKM program's activities include: 1) instruction in marketing strategies including tourist information management systems. 2) instruction in the fundamental ideas of artificial intelligence, particularly Chatbots. 3) instruction in deep learning for Chatbot construction; 4) instruction in utilizing the Chatbot application. It envisaged that the outcomes of this activity would promote public awareness usage of Chatbot applications to discover data regarding tourist attractions around the province of North Sumatra as awareness among tourists.