I Gusti Ayu Endah Ardjana
Bagian Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana, Denpasar

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GANGGUAN TINGKAH LAKU PADA ANAK Pradnyawati, Dewi; Ardjana, I Gusti Ayu Endah
Medicina Vol 46 No 2 (2015): Mei 2015
Publisher : Medicina

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Gangguan tingkah laku pada anak merupakan gangguan perilaku yang bersifat negatif pada anakterhadap aturan dan lingkungan sekitar. Prevalens sering terjadi pada anak-anak dan remaja awal,lebih sering pada anak lelaki. Faktor biologis, faktor dari individu itu sendiri, dan faktor lingkungankeluarga merupakan penyebab dari gangguan tingkah laku. Diagnosis ditegakkan jika terpenuhi tigadari kriteria yang ada dan sudah berlangsung selama 12 bulan dengan paling sedikitnya satu kriteriamuncul dalam 6 bulan terakhir. Gejalanya pada anak-anak menyerupai gangguan pemusatan pikirandan hiperaktivitas, gangguan depresi, serta pemakaian zat terlarang. Terapi kognitif dan perilakumemberikan manfaat yang besar dalam penanganan gangguan tingkah laku didukung dengan terapikeluarga dan farmakologi menggunakan metylphenidate. Gangguan tingkah laku dapat berkembangmenjadi gangguan kepribadian anti sosial dan melakukan berbagai tindakan kriminal lainnya.[MEDICINA 2015;46:119-21].A behavior disorder in children is a disorder of children negative behavior to rule and the environmentsaround them. The most often prevalence is children and young teenager. Biological factors are their selfand family environment that can make the behavior disorders. The diagnosis is made if fulfilled threeof the existing criteria and has lasted for 12 months with at least one criterion appears in the last 6months. Symptoms in children resemble concentration and hyperactivity disorders, depressive disordersand the use of illicit substances. Cognitive and behavioral therapies offer significant benefits in thetreatment of behavioral disorders is supported by family therapy and pharmacological usemetylphenidate. Behavior disorder may develop into antisocial personality disorder and conduct variousother criminal acts. [MEDICINA 2015;46:119-21].
Skrining Stres Pascatrauma pada Remaja dengan Menggunakan Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Reaction Index Putu Dian Savitri Irawan; Soetjiningsih Soetjiningsih; IGA Trisna Windiani; I Gst Ag Sugitha Adnyana; IGA Endah Ardjana
Sari Pediatri Vol 17, No 6 (2016)
Publisher : Badan Penerbit Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (BP-IDAI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.56 KB) | DOI: 10.14238/sp17.6.2016.441-5


Latar belakang. Stres pascatrauma (post traumatic stress disorder atau PTSD) merupakan suatu gangguan psikiatri fungsi sosial seseorang.Universitas California Los Angeles (UCLA) mengembangkan serangkaian self-report kuesioner yang disebut PTSD Reaction Index(PTSD-RI) untuk deteksi dini gangguan tersebut. Namun, kuesioner tersebut belum pernah digunakan di Indonesia.Tujuan. Mengetahui reliabilitas instrumen post traumatic stress disoder reaction index (PTSD-RI) versi remaja, prevalensi, serta faktoryang berhubungan dengan PTSD.Metode. Penelitian potong lintang dilaksanakan di enam SMUN di Denpasar. Digunakan kuesioner PTSD-RI versi remaja yangtelah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Digunakan uji α Cronbach untuk menilai reliabilitas PTSD-RI. Analisis statistikmenggunakan uji chi-square dan multivariat regresi logistik.Hasil. Terdapat 300 pelajar SMUN yang mengikuti penelitian. Enam puluh orang (20%) dengan tersangka PTSD. ReliabilitasPTSD-RI baik (koefisien α 0,94). Tipe kepribadian tertutup sebagai faktor risiko PTSD [RP 3,55 (IK95% 1,46-8,66), p=0,01].Keluarga yang harmonis [RP 0,35 (IK95% 0,08-0,78), p=0,02], adanya dukungan keluarga [RP 0,13 (IK95% 0,03-0,50), p=0,01],adanya dukungan sosial [RP 0,25 (IK95% 0,09-0,68), p=0,01], serta trauma tunggal [RP 0,02 (IK95% 0,14- 0,82), p=0,01] berperansebagai faktor protektif PTSD.Kesimpulan. Instrumen PTSD-RI memiliki reliabilitas yang baik sehingga dapat digunakan di Indonesia. Prevalensi PTSD padaremaja di Denpasar sebesar 20%.
Prevalensi dan Faktor-Faktor Risiko Gangguan Pemusatan Perhatian Anak dan Hiperaktivitas di Klinik Tumbuh Kembang RSUP Sanglah Denpasar SAK Indriyani; Soetjiningsih Soetjiningsih; IGA Endah Ardjana; IGA Trisna Windiani
Sari Pediatri Vol 9, No 5 (2008)
Publisher : Badan Penerbit Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (BP-IDAI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (119.811 KB) | DOI: 10.14238/sp9.5.2008.335-41


Latar belakang. Gangguan pemusatan perhatian dan hiperaktivitas (GPPH) merupakan gangguan tingkahlaku yang paling banyak terjadi pada anak. Angka prevalensi GPPH cukup bervariasi dan terdapat berbagaifaktor risiko yang berperan. Deteksi dini sangat diperlukan untuk menegakkan diagnosis sehingga dapatdilakukan intervensi lebih dini.Tujuan. Mengetahui prevalensi, karakteristik demografi dan klinis, serta faktor-faktor risiko GPPHMetode. Penelitian bersifat retrospektif dari catatan medik pasien dengan keluhan mengalami masalahtingkah laku, datang ke klinik Tumbuh Kembang RSUP Sanglah periode 2005-2006.Hasil. Seratus sebelas memenuhi kriteria inklusi, prevalensi GPPH 51 (45,9%) yang terdiri dari 43 (38,7%)laki-laki dan 8 (7,2%) perempuan. Jumlah GPPH tipe kombinasi (A1+A2) 39 (76,5%), GPPH tipe A1 7(13,7%), dan GPPH tipe A2 5 (9,8%). Anak pertama (PR: 2,88, 95%CI: 1,33-6,24, p=0,007), tidakmempunyai saudara (PR: 2,69, 95%CI: 1,19-6,09, p=0,015) dan ibu tamat Sekolah Lanjutan TingkatAtas (SLTA) dan sarjana (p=0,02) berperan pada GPPH. Jenis kelamin (p=0,004), umur (p=0,021), danberat badan (p=0,007) berbeda bermakna antara berbagai tipe GPPH.Kesimpulan. Faktor urutan kelahiran, jumlah saudara dan pendidikan ibu berperan pada GPPH. Jeniskelamin, umur, dan berat badan berbeda bermakna pada ketiga tipe GPPH
Kecerdasan Majemuk pada Anak Kadek Suarca; Soetjiningsih Soetjiningsih; IGA. Endah Ardjana
Sari Pediatri Vol 7, No 2 (2005)
Publisher : Badan Penerbit Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (BP-IDAI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14238/sp7.2.2005.85-92


Kecerdasan majemuk pertama kali diperkenalkan tahun 1983 oleh Howard Gardner diHarvard School of Education and Harvard Project Zero. Teori ini membantah tes seperticontoh Stanford Binet Test yang dikatakan sebagai hitungan tradisional yang tidakadekuat menilai kecerdasan. Menurut Gardner, kecerdasan melebihi dari hanya sekedarIQ (Intelligence Quotient) karena IQ yang tinggi tanpa ada produktifitas bukanmerupakan kecerdasan yang baik. Anak harus dinilai berdasarkan apa yang merekadapat kerjakan bukan apa yang tidak dapat mereka kerjakan. Kecerdasan didefinisikansebagai kemampuan untuk memecahkan masalah dan memiliki nilai lebih dalam sebuahkultur masyarakat. Kecerdasan adalah potensi biopsikologikal untuk mengolah informasisehingga dapat memecahkan masalah, menciptakan hasil baru yang menambah nilainilaibudaya setempat. Pandangan baru ini sangat berbeda dengan pandangan lamayang selalu mengandalkan dua penilaian yaitu verbal dan komputasional. Delapan macamkecerdasan itu antara lain, (1) Kecerdasan linguistik, (2) Kecerdasan logika-matematika,(3) Kecerdasan gerak tubuh, (4) Kecerdasan musikal, (5) Kecerdasan visual-spasial, (6)Kecerdasan interpersonal, (7) Kecerdasan intrapersonal, dan (8) Kecerdasan naturalis.
Clumsiness Made Supartha; Soetjiningsih Soetjiningsih; I.G.A Endah Ardjana; I.G.A Trisna Windiani
Sari Pediatri Vol 11, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Badan Penerbit Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (BP-IDAI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (933.47 KB) | DOI: 10.14238/sp11.1.2009.26-31


Clumsiness adalah salah satu gangguan perkembangan yang ditandai dengan gangguan bermakna koordinasi motorik. Diagnosis ini dibuat hanya bila gangguan tersebut mempengaruhi pencapaian akademis atau aktifitas kehidupan sehari-hari. Gangguan koordinasi yang terjadi tidak diakibatkan oleh suatu kondisi medis tertentu dan tidak memenuhi kriteria gangguan perkembangan pervasif. Jika disertai retardasi mental maka gangguan motorik tersebut akan tampak mendominasi. Prevalensi clumsiness diperkirakan 6%-13% dari populasi anak. Diagnosis clumsiness didasarkan pada kriteria diagnostik menurut Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) IV. Pendekatan terapi clumsiness meliputi terapi okupasi dan fisioterapi yang secara garis besar dikategorikan dalam pendekatan bottom-up maupun pendekatan top-down. Tanpa intervensi khusus, anak-anak yang mengalami clumsiness akan menetap hingga dewasa
Association between anxiety and sleep quality in the General Surgery residents of Udayana University Ida Bagus Gede Wisnu Wardhana; Cokorda Bagus Jaya Lesmana; Luh Nyoman Alit Aryani; Wayan Westa; I Gusti Ayu Endah Ardjana; Ni Ketut Sri Diniari
Journal of Clinical and Cultural Psychiatry Vol 1 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Indoscholar Publication and the Indonesian Psychiatric Association

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (481.281 KB) | DOI: 10.36444/v1i1.006


Background: Sleep quality not only affects physical health but also on individual performance. Anxiety is thought to associate with poor sleep quality. This study aims to determine the association between anxiety and sleep quality in surgery residents of Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University. Methods: The subjects of the study were 48 surgery residents of Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University. The study used a cross sectional analytical method. Measurement of anxiety using the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and sleep quality questionnaire using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Data were analyzed descriptively and used the chi square test with significance level p <0.05. Results: The results showed that 33.3% of surgery residents of Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University had anxiety and most had poor sleep quality (87.5%). There is an association between anxiety and sleep quality in surgery residents of Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University with PR 3.0 (95% CI 0,9-9,1; p <0.005). Conclusion: This study shows that there is a significant relationship between anxiety and sleep quality where surgery residents of Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University with anxiety 3 times at risk of developing poor sleep quality than those without anxiety. Therefore it is necessary to manage anxiety as well as the arrangement of night shift to improve sleep quality.
Good family function decrease internet addiction and increase academic performance in senior high school students I Putu Belly Sutrisna; I Gusti Ayu Endah Ardjana; Supriyadi Supriyadi; Lely Setyawati
Journal of Clinical and Cultural Psychiatry Vol 1 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Indoscholar Publication and the Indonesian Psychiatric Association

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.808 KB) | DOI: 10.36444/jccp.v1i2.13


Background: A good The Internet gives excellent benefits for education. Uncontrolled internet use causes internet addiction may cause a poor outcome, such as academic failure. Family functions hypothetically correlate with internet addiction and academic performance in adolescents at school. The research aims to see the correlations among family function with internet addiction and academic performance in adolescents at senior high school.Method: Participants consisted of 305 adolescents from public senior high school students aged 14-18 years old. This research is using an analytical, cross-sectional method. The family function was assessed by the Family Assessment Device-Indonesian version (FAD-Ina). Internet addiction was assessed with Internet addiction Test Indonesian version (IAT-Ina). The student’s academic performance was obtained from the school report card at that time.Results: The result of this research shows that 76.4% of senior high school students have an internet addiction. The family function had a positive correlation and significant result with internet addiction (R=0.336, p <0.05). The family function had a negative correlation and significant result with academic performance (R=0.176, p <0.05). Internet addiction had a positive correlation and significant result with academic performance (R=0.128, p <0.05). Good family function in adolescents has four times decrease for internet addiction risk compared with bad family function (OR=4.290).Conclusion: This research shows that there was a 76.4% prevalence of internet addiction in adolescents at senior high school. A good family function can decrease internet addiction andincrease academic performance in the adolescent. Good family function decreased internet addiction risk four times.
Comparison of maternal anxiety scores in pediatric intensive care unit and general ward parents Lie Affendi Kartikahadi; Soetjiningsih Soetjiningsih; I Gusti Ayu Endah Ardjana; I Gusti Ayu Trisna Windiani
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 52 No 2 (2012): March 2012
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (100.685 KB) | DOI: 10.14238/pi52.2.2012.95-98


Background Hospitalization of a child is known to be a dreadfuland stressful situation for parents. One study reported thatadmitting a child to a general ward caused mild anxiety to mothers,while admitting a child to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU)caused moderate anxiety to mothers.Objective To compare Hamilton anxiety scores of mothers whosechildren were admitted to the PICU to those of mothers whosechildren were admitted to the general ward.Methods A cross-sectional study was done on mothers ofchildren aged 1 month-12 years. Children were admitted toeither the intensive care unit or the general ward from October2010-January 2011. All subjects were assessed by Hamiltonanxiety scores and questioned for risk factors and other causesof maternal anxiety. Consecutive sampling was used to allocatethe subjects. Differences were considered statistically significantfor P < 0.05.Results Of the 72 subjects, the median Hamilton anxiety score inmothers of children admitted to the PICU was 20.5 (interquartilerange 14-29.75), higher than that of mothers of children admittedto the general ward (14, interquartile range 9-16.75). MannWhitneyU test revealed a statistically significant difference inscores between the two groups (P = 0.DO1). Ancova multivariateanalysis showed the admission location to be the only significantrelationship to Hamilton anxiety score (P = 0.0001).Conclusion Hamilton anxiety scores were higher for mothersof children admitted to the PICU than that of mothers withchildren admitted to the general ward. [Paediatr lndones.2012;52:95-8].