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Kolaborasi Pemasaran Digital Menggunakan Media Sosial dan Marketplace untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas UMKM Fetty Tri Anggraeny; Dedin F. Rosida; Wahyu S.J. Saputra; Handoyo Prasetyo
Jurnal Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Training & Research Institute - Jeramba Ilmu Sukses

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47747/jnpm.v2i2.486


Digital marketing is currently growing rapidly. The COVID-19 pandemic has increasingly triggered the acceleration of digital marketing, especially for SME (Small and Medium Entreprise). The growth of social media users and marketplace users both as buyers and sellers has also soared. Today's society is starting to shift to cashless transactions. Both social media and marketplace have advantages that can be collaborated as digital marketing. Social media with diverse users and a marketplace that offers easy online store management and promo programs. The collaboration of these 2 digital tools is able to increase the productivity of UMKM
Soil Movement Monitoring System Based on IoT using Fuzzy Logic Mohammad Idhom; Fetty Tri Anggraeny; Gideon Setya Budiwitjaksono; Zainal Abidin Achmad; Munoto
Internasional Journal of Data Science, Engineering, and Anaylitics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): International Journal of Data Science, Engineering, and Analytics Vol 1, No 2,
Publisher : International Journal of Data Science, Engineering, and Analytics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (833.846 KB) | DOI: 10.33005/ijdasea.v1i2.14


Landslide is one of the disasters that often occurs in several areas in Indonesia, especially in hilly areas, valleys, and volcanoes. Soil conditions in some parts of Indonesia are classified as prone to landslides. The latest data from the Central Statistics Agency related to landslides in 2018 occurred as many as 10,246 events with the highest incidence on the island of Java IoT-based ground motion monitoring using fuzzy logic is a tool that is able to detect ground movements that can trigger landslides. The manufacture of this tool is based on the ig-norance of the community in predicting the occurrence of landslides. To avoid this, an early warning tool is needed in the delivery of information that is easily understood by anyone, especially the public. This tool consists of a Microcontroller, Weather Sensor, Rain Sensor, Ground Movement Sensor, and GSM Shield as well as programs to make it hap-pen. This system was created to provide information to the public directly in land-slide-prone areas. With this early warning system, it is hoped that people who are in landslide-prone loca-tions will know more quickly and can monitor the condition of landslide-prone areas so that they will be more alert to possible dangers that come suddenly, especially fatalities, can be minimized. Through this tool can also be known when the weather is cloudy, raining as well as movement or signs of ground movement, can be monitored and monitored automatically. directly by everyone from mobile phones through "SIPEGERTA" Land Movement System in Wonosalam District, Jombang Regency