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Gema Teknologi Vol 16, No 2 (2011): October 2010 - April 2011
Publisher : Vocational School Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (40.027 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/gt.v16i2.3149


IstiPudjihastuti, Edy Supriyo, Retno Hartati, in this paper explain that the development of micro industries, in banana chip  micro industry to the  member of group which is culinary enterprise Pemalang speciallized is give suitable solution to  consument for giving natural culinary with high nutrition value independently and cheap. The development of micro  industries is circular activity that consist of briefing about the use of gelatse system in banana chip production by naturally and independently, the suitable tachnique of banana chip production, production of furnace completely by steack as pilot plan, assitancy when the producer makes snack in gelatse system. Moreover, the taste of snack more delicious, the market bigger.   Key words: micro industries banana chip
Test Stability Of Natural Color Dyes From The Lether Fruit Of Palm’s Waste Broto, R.T.D. Wisnu; Supriyo, Edy; Pudjihastuti, Isti; Arifan, Fahmi
METANA Vol 14, No 1 (2018): Juni 2018
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (916.574 KB)


The leather fruit of palm (Borassus flabilifer) is one of the local fruit native to Indonesia produced from palm plants are very abundant due to not knowing the season During this leather palm fruit  is still not widely used and is only regarded as wastes. The leather palm fruit  color has anthocyanin substances which are natural pigments reddish color. The extraction of the leather palm  by using different types of solvents include water, ethanol water mixture, the mixture of water - propanol, a mixture of water-ethanol-propanol, ethanol, a mixture of ethanol - propanol and propanol. The best extraction results were obtained by using ethanol solvent. Furthermore, stability test of pigment extract’s the leather fruit of palm (anthocyanin) to pH, temperature, light, and color was done by using UV-Vis spectrophotometer at maximum wavelength 520 nm. In the stability test of pigment extract’s the leather palm fruit (anthocyanin) to pH, pH range 0-5 with interval 1 obtained the best pH 1 with absorbance value 0,3965. Temperature stability test with temperature range 50 -100oC with 10oC range gives best temperature 50oC with absorbance value 0,387. The results of stability test of  pigment extract’s the leather fruit of palm (anthocyanin) to light showed decrease of absorbance value directly proportional to duration of irradiation The natural anthocyanin dye stability test derived from siwalan peel shows the extract with the greatest total anthocyanin having a large color intensity as well. Uji Stabilitas Zat Warna Alami  dari Limbah  Kulit buah Siwalan Buah siwalan (Borassus flabilifer) adalah salah satu buah lokal produk asli Indonesia yang dihasilkan dari tanaman lontar sangat melimpah karena tidak mengenal musim. Selama ini kulit buah siwalan masih belum banyak dimanfaatkan dan hanya dianggap sebagai limbah. Kulit buah siwalan mempunyai kandungan zat warna antosiaanin yang merupakan zat warna alami berwarna kemerah-merahan. Kulit buah siwalan di ekstraksi dengan menggunakan berbagai jenis solven antara lain air, campuran air etanol, campuran air – propanol, campuran air-etanol-propanol, etanol, campuran etanol – propanol dan propanol. Hasil ekstraksi terbaik didapatkan dengan menggunakan solvent etanol.  Selanjutnya dilakukan uji stabilitas ekstrak zat warna kulit buah siwalan (antosianin)  terhadap pH, suhu, sinar, dan warna dengan menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang maksimum 520 nm. Pada uji stabilitas ekstrak zat warna kulit buah siwalan (antosianin)  terhadap pH, rentang pH 0-6 dengan interval 1 didapat pH terbaik 1 dengan nilai absorbansi 0,3965. Uji stabilitas suhu dengan rentang suhu 50 -100oC dengan rentang 10oC menghasikan suhu terbaik 50oC dengan nilai absorbansi 0,387.  Hasil uji stabilitas ekstrak zat warna kulit buah siwalan (antosianin)  terhadap sinar menunjukkan penurunan nilai absorbansi berbanding lurus dengan lamanya penyinaran. Uji stabilitas zat warna alami antosianin yang berasal dari kulit buah siwalan menunjukkan ekstrak dengan total antosianin paling besar  memiliki intensitas warna yang besar pula.  
METANA Vol 11, No 02 (2015): Desember 2015
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.506 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v11i02.14754


Abstract                       Patchouli oil is an essential oil obtained from the leaves of patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) by distillation. Oil is a non-oil export commodities among the most volatile oil exports in Indonesia. Patchouli oil exports in 2004 amounted to 1295 tons, while exports of the whole essential oil was 2633 tons (BPS, 2006). So that nearly 50% of volatile oil exports, dominated by patchouli oil. Patchouli oil are not only used as perfuming ingredients, can also be used as a drag scent perfumes other perfuming ingredients that do not quickly lose aroma and more durable (fixative) in the manufacture of perfumes, cosmetics and soap. Even today, the patchouli oil many developed toward drug product. This is because the essential oil contains more than 24 types of sesquiterpene, which has the potential as anti-cancer compounds, anti-microbial, anti-inflamatory, antibiotics and anti-microbial and anti-tumor. One component of patchouli oil potential and have a very high sale value of patchouli alcohol. Almost all the components of patchouli alcohol can produce the flavor and health products and medicines, and some researchers have attempted to separate them. Therefore, it is necessary to separate the essential oil of patchouli alcohol by combining the extraction and distillation in one column using a solvent used frying oil. This process is known as extractive distillation. Used frying oil is a solvent that can bind impuritas and alter the relative volatility of components in the original condition. This research started with the design and manufacture vacuum extractive distillation. A preliminary study conducted to determine the pressure relatively well for use in the purification process pathcouli alcohol patchouli oil. This pressure was varied in two variables, 3, 4 and 5 mmHg with a temperature of 110, 120,130,140, and 150oC. While the distillation time set two, four, six and eight hours, expected in this range at all pathchouli alcohol distillate. sample of each distillate was analyzed using gas chromatografi. advantages of our lab is able to replace the function of n-hexane as a solvent that has been used conventionally and transformed to enable the use of waste cooking oil is recovered the former (oil Jelantah).Keyword :extractive destillation, flavour,patchouli oil
METANA Edisi Khusus Februari 2011
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3720.685 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v0i0.1648


Abstract                                                                          The development of micro industries, in banana chip micro industry to the member of group which is culinary enterprise Pemalang speciallized is give suitable solution to consument for giving natural culinary with high nutrition value independently and cheap.The development of micro industries is circular activity that consist of briefing about the use of gelatse system in banana chip production by naturally and independently, the suitable tachnique of banana chip production, production of furnace completely by steack as pilot plan, assitancy when the producer makes snack in gelatse system. Moreover, the taste of snack more delicious, the market bigger.
METANA Vol 11, No 02 (2015): Desember 2015
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (314.797 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v11i02.14755


Abstrak                   Pati termodifikasi merupakan produk sangat prospektiv dalam industri makanan. Pertimbangan utama dari penelitian ini adalah meningkatnya volume permintaan import gandum dan kebutuhan akan pati termodifikasi. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan  adalah dengan hidrolisis asam laktat dan reaksi fotokimia  UV sebagai katalis terhadap  tapioka untuk memodifikasi sifat sifat fisikokimia dan rheologi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh konsentrasi asam, lama penyinaran lampu UV, dan waktu pengeringan dengan pengering sinar matahari. Variabel percobaan meliputi konsentrasi asam laktat (0,5; 1; 1,5; dan 2%), lama penyinaran dengan lampu UV (10, 15, 20, dan 25 menit) dan waktu pengeringan dengan sinar matahari 4 jam. Tapioka dilarutkan dalam larutan asam laktat pada reaktor tangki berpengaduk yang dilengkapi lampu UV dan kemudian disaring. Tepung tapioka terhidrolisis dikeringkan dengan sinar matahari. Sifat fisikokimia dan rheologi produk ditentukan dengan analisis viskositas, swelling power, kelarutan, daya kembang, hardnes dari roti muffin. Hasil optimum diperoleh 4250 dPa; 26,05; 2,25%; 3,75 ml / g, 160,02 gf, dan 300,35 gf untuk viskositas, swelling power, kelarutan, daya kembang, hardnes samping dan tengah roti muffin. Sifat fisikokimia dan rheologi berubah secara signifikan jika dibandingkan dengan tapioka asli dan gandum. Produk ini diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk substitusi gandum pada produk pangan.Kata kunci: swelling power, hidrolisis asam, UV, baking ekspansi Abstract                 Modified starch is a very prospective conversion starch in the food industry. The main consideration of the research is the increasing volume of wheat import and industries demand of modified starch. The research method is by acid hydrolysis using lactic acid and UV photochemical and reaction as catalyst of tapioca in order to modify physicochemical and rheological properties. The purpose if this research to study the effect of acid concentration, UV lightening, and drying period using sunlight. The experiment variables are lactic acid concentration (0,5; 1; 1,5;and 2%), UV lightening period (10, 15, 20, and 25 minutes) and drying period using sunlight 4 hours. Tapioca was dissolved in lactic acid solution on agitated tank reactor which was lighted by UV lamp and then screened. The hydrolyzed tapioca was the dried by sunlight. The physicochemical and rheological properties of product were determined by viscosity analysis, swelling power, solubility, baking expansion, center and wall hardness of muffin. Optimum result was obtained 4250 dPa’s; 26,05; 2,25%; 3,75 ml/g, 160,02 gf, and  300,35 gf for viscosity, swelling power, solubility, baking expansion, center and wall hardness of muffin respectively. The physicochemical and rheological properties changed significantly compared to initial tapioca and wheat. Moreover, it was expected to use as food product substitution. Keywords: swelling power, acid hydrolysis, UV, baking expansion
METANA Vol 6, No 02 (2010): Desember 2010
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (55.797 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v6i2.3856


Abstract Freezing is one way of preserving food for maintaining the quality before consumption. Frozen foods which are now circulating in the supermarket are not given yet a tool to monitor whether the food is never experienced thawing (melting) for some period. In the frozen product that has undergone uncontrolled thawing will increase microbial content rapidly at increasing temperature 10 0C. In this study the temperature-time estimator tool manufactured for frozen beef products and shrimp. This estimator tool consists of citric acid and blue litmus paper. The response will appear in blue litmus paper that changes the color becomes red when positioned at the undesired temperature. In this study, the temperature-time estimator tool is made from citric acid 1.1%, cotton and litmus paper packed in cellophane. The response is influenced by the position of estimator tool and this tool-time temperature estimator can be applied for frozen beef products and shrimp. Keywords: beef, frozen, indicators, shrimp
Pengaruh Komposisi Pada Minyak Telon Terhadap Uji Indeks Bias Dengan Meinggunakan Refraktometer Tipe Way Abbe Solarbesain, Frengky Hutama Putra; Pudjihastuti, Isti
METANA Vol 15, No 1 (2019): Juni 2019
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (509.072 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v15i1.20330


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui indeks bias Minyak Ttelon dengan komposisi yang berbeda-beda. Pembuatan minyak telon dari campuran kelapa dan minyak atsiri (minyak adas dan kayu putih) dengan variasi komposisi Minyak kayu putih : minyak kelapa : minyak adas. Hasil di uji indeks biasnya menggunakan refraktometer dan organoleptik. Hasil indeks bias yang didapat sampel Pertama dengan komposisi minyak telon (20:20:15) yaitu 1,4510 D, Sampel kedua dengan komposisi minyak telon (15:10:20) yaitu 1,4465 D, dan sampel ketiga dengan komposisi minyak telon (10:15:20) yaitu 1,4468 D. Dari hasil uji organoleptik di dapatkan minyak telon yang lebih disukai yaitu pada sampel pertama dengan komposisi minyak telon (20:20:15), dan minyak telon yang kurang disukai yaitu pada sampel ketiga dengan komposisi minyak telon (10:15:20). Pada Uji Organoleptik sampel minyak telon yang disukai yaitu sampel satu lebih dengan komposisi minyak kayu putih 20 ml, minyak kelapa 20 ml dan minyak adas 15 ml lebih disukai dimbandingkan yang lainnya. Dari segi aroma khas minyak telon lebih kuat tercium, untuk warnanya bening dan pada saat dioleskan pada kulit terasa hangat. Research aims to find the refractive index of Ttelon Oil with different composition.  The manufacture of telon oil from coconut and essential oil mixture (fennel oil and eucalyptus) with variation of composition of eucalyptus oil: coconut oil: fennel oil. Results in the refractive index test using refractometer and organoleptic. The result of refractive index obtained First sample with the composition of oil telon (20:20:15) that is 1.4510 D, second sample with the composition of oil telon (15:10:20) that is 1.4465 D, and the third sample with the composition of oil telon (10:15:20) that is 1.4468 D. From the results of organoleptic test in obtain the preferred telon oil that is in the first sample with the composition of telon oil (20:20:15), and the oil is less favored telon that is in the third sample with the composition of oil telon (10:15:20). In the preferred Organoleptic Test the preferred sample of telon oil is one more sample with a 20 ml eucalyptus oil composition, 20 ml coconut oil and 15 ml fennel oil preferably compared to the others. In terms of distinctive aroma of telon oil more strong smell, for the color is clear and at the time applied to the skin was warm.
METANA Vol 1, No 2 (2004): Desember 2004
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1681.018 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v1i2.3853


Abstract Vegetable oil is one of plantation commodity, having advantages either as food or olechemical. One of the connecting bridges between vegetable oil and oleochemical industry is the conversion of vegetable oil to fatty acid. The supply of fatty acid in indonesia by import. Beside the promising market in global trading indonesia has the superiority in raw material supply for fatty acid  production. In indonesia, the most raw materials used for producing fatty acid naturally include crude palm oil (CPO), palm kertnel oil (PKO), and coconut oil (CNO). Fatty acid production by enzymatic from palmfruit can be reduce investation and operation cost. The objective of this research is finding a new way of product fatty acid by direct separation from palm fruit.  The research is information of process condition in fatty acid production by enzymatic from palm fruit, by quality of fatty acid is used in cosmetics, plastic, tyre, PVC, stabilizer, paint and soap industries. The variables studied in this process include temperature, pH, and water consentration. Yield of fatty acid is analysed for quality and quantity. The quality analysis include water consentration, acid number, iod number and perokside number. The quantity analysis is used titration or chromatografi gas. The research shows that the enzyme lipase action increases by temperature increase, and optimum temperatureof lipase from palm fruit for hydrolysis reaction is 35o C. If used buffer pH of reaction, fatty acid production can be increase. Beside that, water consentration increases by fatty acid production increase to. Keywords : fatty acid, enzyme, palm fruit
Kajian Sifat Morfologi dan Mekanis Biofoam dari Tepung Tapioka dan Serat Limbah Batang Jagung Sumardiono, Siswo; Pudjihastuti, Isti; Amalia, Rizka
METANA Vol 17, No 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v17i1.37911


Styrofoam atau polystyrene (PS) foam yang diolah, umumnya digunakan sebagai kemasan makanan. Rendahnya tingkat daur ulang pada polystyrene menyebabkan adanya polusi lingkungan yang merupakan ancaman serius terhadap kehidupan dan kesehatan manusia. Penggunaan styrofoam harus dihentikan dan dilakukan upaya alternatif bahan pengemas lain yang ramah lingkungan. Salah satu alternatif pengganti styrofoam adalah biofoam yang menggunakan bahan baku utama limbah batang tanaman jagung sebagai sumber serat utama dan tepung tapioka sebagai sumber pati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan inovasi produksi biofoam biodegradabel dari tepung tapioka dan limbah batang jagung sebagai pengganti styrofoam sintetis di pasaran. Pengaruh penambahan bahan baku limbah batang jagung, tepung tapioka, dan polivinil alcohol (PVA) terhadap sifat fisis produk biofoam telah dipelajari dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian biofoam terbaik diperoleh dari komposisi pati tapioka 56,25 g, serat jagung 18,75 g dan PVA 25 g. Hasil pengujian SEM, menunjukkan bahwa bahwa permukaan biofoam tidak lebih rata dibandingkan styrofoam. Pada hasil foto SEM masih terlihat adanya sedikit granula pati utuh karena pada proses gelatinisasi mengalami pembengkakan (swelling) tetapi belum terdisintegrasi (breakdown). Namun, sebagian besar granula lain mengalami retrogradasi akibat gelatinisasi. Biofoam hasil penelitian memiliki nilai kekerasan yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan Styrofoam komersial dengan nilai kuat tekan sebesar 14.162 MPa.
Konsentrasi Polyfenol pada Teh Hitam Celup Komersial Produksi Perkebunan Teh di Jawa Tengah Supriyo, Edy; Pudjihastuti, Isti
METANA Vol 17, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v17i2.41776


Teh merupakan minuman yang dihasilkan dari pucuk daun tanaman Camellia sinensis  yang tumbuh di pegunungan pada ketinggian 600–2500 m dpl. Teh hitam merupakan jenis teh yang banyak dikonsumsi masyarakat Indonesia. Teh ini diproduksi dengan cara fermentasi melalui proses oksidasi enzimatis katekin oleh polifenol oksidase. Teh hitam yang dikemas dalam bentuk the celup banyak digemari konsumen.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui konsentrasi polyfenol dalam teh hitam celup komersial. Sampel teh hitam celup komersial dengan merk dagang TP, TDT, TB, TL,  TD, dan TM diproduksi oleh enam perkebunan teh di Jawa Tengah yang diperoleh secara acak dari swalayan di Kota Semarang.   Kandungan polyfenol pada sampel teh hitam celup dianalisa dengan menggunakan spetrofotometer UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang 725nm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teh hitam celup komersial yang beredar di Kota Semarang telah memenuhi  standard SNI 3753–2014, dengan rata-rata konsentrasi polyfenol 8,83-43,63 %b/b. Analisa Zscore  menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang sangat nyata antar konsentrasi polyfenol di enam sampel teh hitam celup komersial, hal ini dimungkinkan dengan adanya standarisasi proses produksi teh hitam di berbagai industri teh di Indonesia. Dan teh hitam celup komersial TDT mempunyai konsentrasi polyfenol diatas rata-rata yaitu 43,63 % b/b.    Tea is a drink produced from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant that thrives in the mountains at an altitude of 600–2500 m above sea level. Black tea is a type of tea that is widely consumed by Indonesian people. Black tea is produced by fermentation, namely the process of enzymatic oxidation of catechins by polyphenol oxidase. Black tea is produced in several packages, including as black tea bags. The purpose of this study was to determine the concentration of polyphenols in commercial black tea bags. Samples of commercial black tea bags with the trademarks TP, TDT, TB, TL, TD, and TM were produced by six tea plantations in Central Java which were obtained randomly from supermarkets/stores in Semarang City. The polyphenol content in black teabag samples was analyzed using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 725nm. The results showed that the commercial black tea bags marketed in the Semarang City had met the standards of SNI 3753–2014, with an average polyphenol concentration of 8.83-43.63% w/w. The Zscore analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the concentrations of polyphenols in the six samples of commercial black tea bags, this may cause by the standardization of black tea production processes in various tea industries in Indonesia, but commercial black tea bags with the trademark TDT had polyphenol concentrations above the average is 43.63% w/w.