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Tectonic Control of the Nanggulan Formation Based on Morphometric Analysis in Kulon Progo, Indonesia Winarti Winarti; Emi Sukiyah; Ildrem Syafri; Andi Agus Nur
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 9, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.9.2.147-157


DOI:10.17014/ijog.9.2.147-157Outcrop of Nanggulan Formation, surrounded by Old Andesite Formation (OAF) in the eastern part of Kulon Progo Dome, is very limited. Tectonic control is interpreted as a contributing factor. Tectonic activity can be shown by a morphometric aspect. The research purpose was to calculate the valley floor - valley height ratio, stream gradient index, and drainage density of Nanggulan and Old Andesite Formations. The method used is field survey and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission analysis. The field survey focused on Clumprit, Klepu, and Kalisonggo Rivers. The total number of valley segments for the Nanggulan Formation is 223 with the valley length of 4.62 km, while OAF is 101 with a valley length of 3.55 km. SRTM analysis showed that the valley segment in OAF was 55, and valley length was 1.48 km. The valley floor - valley height ratio measured in the Nanggulan Formation is ten valleys and OAF is eight valleys. In Nanggulan Formation, the valley floor - valley height ratio value is from 1.00 to 5.46 (low uplift), whilst in OAF, the results vary: as 1.35 to 4.58 (low uplift), 0.59 (medium uplift), and 0.43 (high uplift). The stream gradient index value of the Nanggulan Formation is 460.47 (medium tectonic), while OAF is 723.84 (high tectonic). The drainage density value of the Nanggulan Formation is 10.35 km/km2 (very smooth landscape texture) and OAF is 10.35 km/km2 (somewhat smooth landscape texture). Morphometry proves that Nanggulan Formation tectonic activity is more active, causing the Nanggulan Formation to be exposed to the surface.
Kontak Formasi Nanggulan dan Andesit Tua di G. Mujil, Kulon Progo-Yogyakarta Winarti Winarti; Emy Sukiyah; Ildrem Syafri; Andi Agus Nur
KURVATEK Vol 6 No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33579/krvtk.v6i1.2086


Penyebaran Formasi Nanggulan di sisi timur Pegunungan Kulon Progo sangat terbatas. Di sekitar G. Mujil, Formasi Nanggulan dijumpai berada di bawah Formasi Andesit Tua. G. Mujil membentuk morfologi menonjol yang dinamakan sebagai tumor Nanggulan. Formasi Nanggulan dapat tersingkap di permukaan disebabkan oleh 2 (dua) faktor yaitu pertama breksi yang bersifat kaku dan berat menekan batuan sedimen yang plastis, serta kedua adanya sesar naik. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah kontak antara Formasi Nanggulan dan Andesit Tua dapat sebagai kontak stratigrafi atau sesar. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pola kontak antara Formasi Nanggulan dengan Andesit Tua, khususnya di G. Mujil dengan pendekatan data permukaan dan bawah permukaan. Metode yang dipergunakan adalah studi geologi dan pengukuran gayaberat. Pengukuran gayaberat menggunakan sistem looping, dengan jumlah titik sebanyak 19. Alat yang dipergunakan terdiri dari Gravitimeter LaCoste & Romberg G-118 MVR serta Global Positioning System (GPS) Trimble Navigations 4600 LS. Data lapangan menunjukkan jika kontak antara Formasi Nanggulan dengan Andesit Tua berupa kontak stratigrafi secara vertikal, dengan batas kontak formasiergelombang. Nilai densitas Formasi Nanggulan sebesar 2,5 gr/cm3, sedangkan Formasi Andesit Tua sebesar 2,7 gr/cm3. Anomali yang muncul di G. Mujil disebabkan karena berbedaan litologi, sehingga kontak antara Formasi Nanggulan dan Andesit Tua merupakan kontak stratigrafi. Kata kunci: Kontak formasi, Gayaberat, G. Mujil, Tumor
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Terapan Inovasi Teknologi Infrastruktur Berwawasan Lingkungan
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Pegunungan Kulon Progo merupakan bagian dari Pegunungan Serayu Selatan bagian timur. Pegunungan ini mempunyai mempunyai bentuk dome (dome like) berarah utara-selatan. Sampai saat ini, diyakini bahwa Formasi Nanggulan merupakan formasi tertua sekaligus menyadi dasar dari Dome Kulon Progo, yang berumur Eosen. Litologi penyusun dari Formasi Nanggulan berupa batupasir dengan sisipan lignit, sisipan napal pasiran, batulempung dengan konkresi limonit, sisipan napal-batugamping dan batupasir tufan. Secara umum pada daerah-daerah yang tersusun oleh Formasi Nanggulan khsususnya di sisi timur dari Dome Kulon Progo mengalami kesulitan untuk mendapatkan air tanah. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah mengaplikasikan metode resistivitas untuk mengetahui variasi litologi yang ada di Formasi Naggulan, sehingga dapat diketahui pola penyebaran  akuifer. Metode yang dipergunakan adalah melakukan pengukuran geolistrik secara sounding di 6 lokasi yang berbeda, dengan target kedalaman 125 meter. Secara umum dari hasil pengukuran sounding resistiviti menunjukkan adanya variasi litologi berupa batupasir tufan kering, batupasir tufan basah, batulempung tufan basah dan batulempung basah. Batupasir tufan basah dimungkinkan sebagai lapisan akuifer mempunyai nilai tahanan jenis antara 32-80 Ohm.m. Pola penyebaran batupasir tufan basah di selatan dijumpai tidak menerus berada pada kedalaman dangkal (5-12 meter) dan kedalaman dalam (40-80 meter). Sedangkan pada bagian utara penyebaran lapisan batupasir tufan basah  dijumpai hanya setempat berada pada kedalaman 40 meter.
Limestone Microfacies Punung Formation at Bangbang River, Sumbermanjing Wetan, Malang, East Java Winarti Winarti; Herning Wijayanti; Odhi Febriarto
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management Vol 9, No 2 (2021): July-December, 2021
Publisher : Center for Journal Management and Publication

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (606.435 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jwem.v9i2.272


Malang and Wonosari areas are located in Southern Mountains of Java, and their rock variations are comparable. Study focuses on limestone found at Sumbermanjing Wetan, Malang, that has been identified as part of Wonosari Formation. This place is closer to Punung area as viewed from the type location. Limestone microfacies approach is used to determine whether the limestone belongs to Wonosari or Punung formations. Methods used to identify standard microfacies types and facies zone are measured stratigraphy, petrographic analysis, and microfossil analysis. Measured stratigraphy was conducted along Bangbang River, and seven limestone samples were collected for analysis. Findings showed three standard microfacies types: SMF-5 characterized by packstone or rudstone with a mudstone matrix, SMF-8 characterized by wackstone or floatstone with complete fossils, and SMF-18 characterized by grainstone or packstone with abundant foraminifera or algae. Limestone belongs to facies zone (FZ) 7 - 8, which is characterized by presence of packestone, wackestone, clay sized limestone, and benthic algae foraminifers. Limestone ages range from Middle to Upper Miocene (N12 - N16), were formed in an inner Neritic. Limestone is equivalent to Wonosari and Punung Formations, based on standard microfacies type, facies zone, and age range. When lignite intercalation are present, the limestone is equivalent to the Punung Formation.
KURVATEK Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Energy Management and Sustainable Environment
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33579/krvtk.v8i1.4020


Abu merupakan material sisa dari pembakaran batubara. Semakin tinggi kandungan abu maka nilai kualitas batubara semakin rendah. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa kandungan abu mempengaruhi nilai kualitas batubara Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh kandungan abu terhadap nilai kalori batubara pada Formasi Labanan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pengeboran dan analisa laboratorium pada masing-masing seam batubara. Rerata kualitas seam batubara daerah penelitian adalah Kelembaban Air Total 40,13%, Kandungan Air Bawaan 13,47%, Kandungan Abu 4,57%, Zat Terbang 42,61%, Karbon Padat 39,35%, Kandungan Sulfur Total 0,18% dan Nilai Kalori 5427 Kcal/kg (ADB). Berdasarkan parameter nilai kalori daerah penelitian termasuk jenis batubara berkalori rendah (brown coal).
Tectonic Control of the Nanggulan Formation Based on Morphometric Analysis in Kulon Progo, Indonesia Winarti Winarti; Emi Sukiyah; Ildrem Syafri; Andi Agus Nur
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.9.2.147-157


DOI:10.17014/ijog.9.2.147-157Outcrop of Nanggulan Formation, surrounded by Old Andesite Formation (OAF) in the eastern part of Kulon Progo Dome, is very limited. Tectonic control is interpreted as a contributing factor. Tectonic activity can be shown by a morphometric aspect. The research purpose was to calculate the valley floor - valley height ratio, stream gradient index, and drainage density of Nanggulan and Old Andesite Formations. The method used is field survey and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission analysis. The field survey focused on Clumprit, Klepu, and Kalisonggo Rivers. The total number of valley segments for the Nanggulan Formation is 223 with the valley length of 4.62 km, while OAF is 101 with a valley length of 3.55 km. SRTM analysis showed that the valley segment in OAF was 55, and valley length was 1.48 km. The valley floor - valley height ratio measured in the Nanggulan Formation is ten valleys and OAF is eight valleys. In Nanggulan Formation, the valley floor - valley height ratio value is from 1.00 to 5.46 (low uplift), whilst in OAF, the results vary: as 1.35 to 4.58 (low uplift), 0.59 (medium uplift), and 0.43 (high uplift). The stream gradient index value of the Nanggulan Formation is 460.47 (medium tectonic), while OAF is 723.84 (high tectonic). The drainage density value of the Nanggulan Formation is 10.35 km/km2 (very smooth landscape texture) and OAF is 10.35 km/km2 (somewhat smooth landscape texture). Morphometry proves that Nanggulan Formation tectonic activity is more active, causing the Nanggulan Formation to be exposed to the surface.