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Teknotan: Jurnal Industri Teknologi Pertanian Vol 7, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Industri Pertanian

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Berdasarkan teknologi pemasakannya cara penggunaan energi selama ini pada beberapa jenis industri tahu disinyalir belum efisien. Penelitian dilakukan pada 4 produsen tahu yang masing-masing menggunakan teknologi pemasakan berbeda, yaitu; tungku tunggal, tungku ganda, ketel uap horizontal, dan ketel uap vertikal. Metoda deskriptif analisis digunakan untuk mengkaji rasio masukan-luaran energi. Energi masukan adalah tenaga kerja manusia, energi bahan bakar, energi yang sudah terbentuk, dan energi bahan, sedang energi luaran adalah energi tahu, dan energi ampas tahu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total input energi tertinggi sebesar 19.005,05 kJ/kg tahu terjadi pada ketel uap vertikal dan terrendah sebesar 6.026,80 kJ/ kg tahu pada tungku tunggal. Tingginya konsumsi energi untuk mengoperasikan ketel uap vertikal terjadi karena ia bekerja di bawah kapasitas normal. Kata kunci : audit energi, industri tahu, ketel uap, tungku
Teknotan: Jurnal Industri Teknologi Pertanian Vol 7, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Industri Pertanian

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Limbah tandan kosong kelapa sawit sebanyak 6 juta ton/tahun dengan kandungan energi dalam bentuk gas sebesar 17.08 MJ/kg tandan perlu dimanfaatkan. Namun belum terungkap sejauh mana energi tersebut dapat dipanen secara efektif dengan alat gasifikasi yang ada. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kinerja gasifikasi tandan kosong kelapa sawit menggunakan updraft gasifier. Metode deskriptif analisis dilakukan pada beberapa variasi ukuran potongan bahan, pemadatan umpan, dan laju aliran udara input, dimana kinerja gasifikasi ditentukan berdasarkan parameter laju gasifikasi, efisiensi, suhu proses, suhu nyala api pembakaran syngas, dan prosentase residu yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gasifier tipe updraft cukup efektif untuk proses gasifikasi tandan kosong kelapa sawit dengan efisiensi proses 60–80 %, laju proses 2,75 – 3,50 kg/jam, dan menghasilkan syngas dengan suhu bakar 320 - 570 ºC. Kinerja gasifikasi terbaik dicapai pada debit udara input 300 - 400 lpm, ukuran potongan bahan < 4 cm, dan tekanan pada bahan 0,05-0,06 kg/cm2. Pada perlakuan tersebut dicapai laju proses sebesar 3-3,5 kg/jam, efektivitas proses 14 menit/kg, efisiensi proses 80 %, suhu nyala api syngas 540 °C. Kata kunci: gasifikasi, TKKS, ukuran, tekanan, kinerja
Soil porosity modelling for immersive serious game based on vertical angle, depth, and speed of tillage Anang Kukuh Adisusilo; Mochamad Hariadi; Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno; Bambang Purwantana; Radi Radi
International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics Vol 4, No 2 (2018): July 2018
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/ijain.v4i2.215


The real data support the “seriousness” of the serious game and give more authentic situations, which can make players feel immersed in scenarios, and gain a real experience. Therefore, the modeler must be able to recognize whether a model reflects reality to identify and deal with divergences between theory and data. In this paper, we present a model for design a basis of immersive in serious games. The studied case is the tillage using a moldboard plow, by taking real data through an experiment use a device called soil bin. It aims to determine the effect of angle, depth, and speed on the soil porosity; by comparing the value of the smallest error using the polynomial function of the use of different orders. The result of an average smallest error with the polynomial approach is 1.10E-07 in the 3rd order, closer to the experimental value. Therefore, the model can be used for designing immersive serious game.
Analisis Potensi Lorong Pengatus Dangkal untuk Percepatan Jadwal Tanam Palawija di Tanah Sawah Siti Suharyatun; Bambang Purwantana; Abdul Rozaq; Muhjidin Mawardi
agriTECH Vol 35, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (474.985 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9332


Installing shallow mole drainage in paddy soil can increase the rate of lowering soil moisture into such a condition which is suitable for the early growth of non-rice crops. This study aimed to analyze the shallow mole drainage installation potential to plant crops early in paddy soil. The study was conducted in a laboratory scale using a soil bin, a model of mole plow, and soil kept homogeneous in boxes. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory for Energy and Agricultural Machinery, Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Mole drainage was installed in 2 paddy soils, with different clay content, namely; 41.17% (soil B) and 53.36% (soil C). Soil moisture content was measured periodically by using gypsum blocks. The analysis showed that the mole drainage installed in soil B was able to speed up the time taken to reach field capacity. At the distance horizontally to the center of mole drainage (x) = 6.5 cm with the depth (z) =5 cm took 72 hours faster than the control. At z =10 needed 92 hours, at z = 15 cm needed 154 hours faster than the control. At the distance horizontally to the center of mole drainage (x) = 11.5 with z = 5 cm took 52 hours, with z = 10 cm took 161 hours, with z = 15 cm took 150 hours faster than the control. The installation of mole drainage in soil C was also able to speed up the time required to reach field capacity. At the distance horizontally to the center of mole drainage (x) = 6.5 cm with the depth (z) = 5 cm took 165 hours, with z = 10 cm took 184 hours, with z = 15 cm took 200 hours faster than the control. At x = 11.5 with z = 5 cm took 144 hours, with z = 10 cm took 154 hours, with z = 15 cm took 192 hours faster than the control. The lesser time required to reach field capacity indicated that mole drainage installed in soil B and C was potential to plant crops early in paddy soil.ABSTRAKLorong pengatus dangkal di lahan sawah berfungsi meningkatkan laju penurunan lengas tanah di lapisan olah, sehingga kondisi tanah yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan awal tanaman palawija dapat segera tercapai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi pembentukan lorong pengatus terhadap peluang percepatan jadwal tanam palawija di tanah sawah. Penelitian dilakukan dalam skala laboratorium dengan menggunakan soil bin, model bajak lorong, dan tanah di dalam boks yang dijaga homogenitasnya. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Energi dan Mesin Pertanian, Jurusan Teknik Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Lorong pengatus dibuat pada 2 jenis tanah sawah bertekstur lempung, dengan kadar lempung yang berbeda, yaitu 41,17% (tanah B) dan 53,36% (tanah C). Pengukuran kadar lengas tanah dilakukan secara periodik menggunakan gypsum blok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan lorong pengatus pada tanah B dapat mempercepat waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai kapasitas lapang. Pada jarak horisontal dari pusat lorong (x)=6,5 cm dengan kedalaman (z)=5cm, membutuhkan waktu 72 jam lebih cepat dibanding kontrol, pada z=10 cm membutuhkan 192 jam, pada z=15 cm membutuhkan154 jam lebih cepat dibanding kontrol. Pada x=11,5 membutuhkan waktu 52 jam (z=5cm), 161 jam (z=10 cm), 150 jam (z=15 cm) lebih cepat dibanding kontrol. Pembentukan lorong pengatus pada tanah C juga dapat mempercepat waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai kapasitas lapang. Pada x=6,5 cm, membutuhkan waktu 165 jam (z=5cm), 184 jam (z=10 cm), 200 jam (z=15 cm) lebih cepat dibanding kontrol. Pada x=11,5 membutuhkan waktu 144 jam (z=5cm), 156 jam (z=10 cm), 192 jam (z=15 cm) lebih cepat dibanding kontrol. Menurunnya waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai kapasitas lapang menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan lorong pengatus di tanah B dan C berpotensi untuk mempercepat jadwal tanam palawija.
The Clay Content Effect on The Formation of Shallow Mole Drainage and The Rate of Lowering Soil Moisture Content Siti Suharyatun; Bambang Purwantana; Abdul Rozaq; Muhjidin Mawardi
agriTECH Vol 34, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (868.89 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9464


Installing shallow mole drainage in the soil is infl uenced by various factors, namely; the physical properties of soil and tools which are used. One of the physical properties of soil that infl uences the formation of the mole drainage is the clay content of soil. This study aimed to explore the condition of the mole drainage formed in paddy soil with different clay contents. The study was conducted in a laboratory scale using a soil bin, a model of mole plough, and soil which was kept homogeneous in the boxes. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory for Energy and Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Engineering Department, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Mole drainage was installed in 3 paddy soils with different clay content, namely; 13.12% (soil A; loam soil), 41.17% (soil B; clay soil) and 53.36% (soil C; clay soil). The study was conducted by analyzing the geometry of the mole drainage and observing the soil deformation which occurred due to the formation of the mole drainage. The study showed that perfect mole drainages were installed in all of those three types of soil. The mole drainages were quite good and stable with little cracks. Based on the soil crack and fi ssuring of soil, the largest soil deformation has occurred in soil with the highest clay content and the smallest one in soil with the lowest clay content. The characteristics of those three installed mole drainages were almost the same, but they had different effect on the rate of lowering soil moisture content. Here, the mole drainage installed in loam soil is different from which of installed in clay soil. The mole drainage installed in the loam soil did not infl uence the rate of lowering soil moisture content. Contrary, the mole drainage installed in clay soil has effected to increase the rate of lowering soil moisture content.
Model Simulasi Pengembangan Sistem Irigasi untuk Tanaman Jagung di Lahan Sawah dan Lahan Kering (Studi Kasus Pada Usahatani Jagung di Kabupaten Kediri) Agung Prabowo; Sigit Supadmo Arif; Lilik Sutiarso; Bambang Purwantana
agriTECH Vol 34, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1099.075 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9511


Corn crop irrigation system in Kediri has not been able to support its productivity to meet the needs of the animal feed industry raw materials in East Java. To achieve the sustainability of corn crop irrigation system development is required planning through appropriate systems approach. The purpose of this research is to build a simulation model of corn crop irrigation system development in paddy field and dry land to increase production and incomes of farmers. The method used in this study is the method of system approach. System approach was used to formulate the simulation model of an irrigation system for corn crops. The time limit of simulation model was started in 2012 until 2035. The structure of the model was grouped into four sub models, namely: environment, technology, farming and management. In this simulation model was conducted in 4 scenarios: 1) control, 2) increasing the Cropping Intensity (CI) of corn 20% and the development of pump irrigation in dry land, 3) increasing CI of corn 20% and the development of pump irrigation in dry land and the paddy field, and 4) increasing CI of corn 20% and the development of pump irrigation in dry land and utilizing an existing irrigation network in the paddy field. Measuring tools for success in development of the irrigation system are the highest increase for maize production and farmer’s income. From this result it was concluded that scenario 4 was the best scenario to be implemented because it can increase the production was 114.33% and farmer income was 130.93% with an investment cost of Rp. 1141.27, -/kg of corn.ABSTRAKSistem irigasi tanaman jagung yang ada di Kabupaten Kediri belum mampu mendukung peningkatan produksi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan baku industri pakan ternak di Jawa Timur. Untuk mencapai keberhasilan program pengembangan sistem irigasi tanaman jagung tersebut diperlukan perencanaan melalui metode pendekatan sistem yang tepat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membangun model simulasi pengembangan sistem irigasi tanaman jagung di lahan sawah dan lahan kering untuk meningkatkan produksi dan pendapatan petani jagung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pendekatan sistem. Pendekatan sistem digunakan untuk merumuskan model simulasi pengembangan sistem irigasi untuk tanaman jagung. Batasan waktu model simulasi ini dimulai pada tahun 2012 sampai dengan 2035. Struktur model dikelompokkan menjadi empat submodel, yaitu: lingkungan, teknologi, usahatani dan pengelolaan. Pada model simulasi ini dilakukan 4 skenario, yaitu : 1) kontrol, 2) meningkatkan intensitas penanaman (IP) jagung 20% dan pengembangan irigasi pompa di lahan kering, 3) meningkatkan IP jagung 20% dan pengembangan irigasi pompa di lahan kering serta di lahan sawah, dan 4) meningkatkan IP jagung 20% dan pengembangan irigasi pompa di lahan kering dan memanfaatkan jaringan irigasi yang ada di lahan sawah. Sebagai tolok ukur keberhasilan pengembangan sistem irigasi tersebut adalah terjadi peningkatan yang tertinggi untuk produksi dan pendapatan petani jagung. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa skenario 4 merupakan yang terbaik untuk dilaksanakan karena mampu meningkatkan produksi 114,33% dan pendapatan petani 130,93% dengan biaya investasi Rp. 1.141,27,-/kg jagung.
Rancangbangun Aktuator Pengendali Iklim Mikro di dalam Greenhouse untuk Pertumbuhan Tanaman Sawi (Brassica rapa var.parachinensis L.) Mareli Telaumbanua; Bambang Purwantana; Lilik Sutiarso
agriTECH Vol 34, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (862.778 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9512


Cultivation of mustard (Brassica var rappa Parachinensis L.) in the field has many obstacles such as pests, wind, flood, temperature, soil moisture, and solar radiation which are able to  distrurb the plant growth. The impact is distrubing of plant growth thus affecting productivity. Cultivation in greenhouse is an appropriate alternative to controlling the constraints. Control system for microclimate greenhouse was designed using microcontroller ATMega8535. The system was developed using five sensors i.e.: air temperature and humidity, soil temperature, soil moisture, and solar radiation and three actuators, i.e.: fan actuator, water pump actuator, and artificial photosynthesis light actuator. The equipment of control was placed in the greenhouse and connected to computer for sending microclimate data for 32 days of observation. The result revealed that fan actuator has accuracy of 95,46% with speed controlling temperature of 58,70 minute. The efficiency of water pump actuator was 98,01%, with the speed to controls soil moisture of 31,83 minute. Photosynthetic light actuator showed the speed of response to the setting point of photosynthesis light <1 sec (± 10 ms). The experimental research showed that the high,  dimensions of leaves, weight, and the number of leaves of mustard plant in the greenhouse were better than plant outside the greenhouse.ABSTRAKBudidaya tanaman sawi (Brassica rapa var. parachinensis L.) di lahan terbuka memiliki banyak  kendala seperti serangan hama, angin, banjir, suhu lingkungan, kelengasan tanah hingga penyinaran yang tidak sesuai dengan syarat pertumbuhan tanaman. Dampaknya adalah terganggunya pertumbuhan tanaman sehingga mempengaruhi produktivitas. Budidaya tanaman di rumah tanaman (greenhouse) merupakan alternatif yang baik untuk mengontrol kendala tersebut. Sistem kontrol pengendalian iklim mikro untuk greenhouse telah dirancang dengan menggunakan mikrokontroler AVR ATMega8535. Sistem kontrol dikembangkan dengan menggunakan lima sensor yaitu sensor suhu dan kelembaban lingkungan, sensor suhu tanah, sensor kelengasan tanah, dan sensor intensitas sinar matahari.  Rancangan memiliki tiga aktuator yaitu aktuator kipas, aktuator pompa air, dan aktuator lampu fotosintesis. Rancangan diletakkan di dalam greenhouse yang terhubung dengan komputer untuk mengirim data iklim mikro selama 32 hari pengamatan. Melalui penelitian ini telah dihasilkan aktuator kipas yang memiliki nilai akurasi 95,46% dengan nilai kecepatan pengendalian untuk mengendalikan suhu 58,70 menit. Aktuator pompa air menunjukkan  nilai akurasi 98,01%, dengan kecepatan mengendalikan kelengasan tanah 31,83 menit. Aktuator lampu fotosintesis menunjukan nilai kecepatan respon terhadap nilai setting point untuk menyalakan lampu fotosintesis < 1 detik (± 10 mS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa tanaman yang berada di dalam greenhouse memiliki tinggi, dimensi daun, berat basah, dan jumlah daun yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan di luar greenhouse.
Sebaran Lengas Tanah Akibat Pembuatan Lorong Pengatus Dangkal pada Tanah Sawah Siti Suharyatun; Bambang Purwantana; Abdul Rozaq; Muhjidin Mawardi
agriTECH Vol 33, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (934.784 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9559


Mole drainage is an alternative which can be used to increase the rate of soil moisture decrease in paddy soil at the end of the rainy season. By using mole drainage, the rate of soil moisture decrease goes up to a certain condition (from saturated to field capacity) which is suitable for early growth of crops. This study aimed at describing changes and distribution of soil moisture in paddy soil in which shallow mole drainage had been formed. Those changes and distribution were used to predict the rate of soil moisture decrease in paddy soil after mole drainage was formed. The study was conducted in the laboratory using a soil bin, a model of mole plough, and soils that was kept homogeneous in the boxes. The experiment was conducted in the Laboratory of Energy and Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Engineering Department, Gadjah Mada University. The mole drainage was installed in three paddy soils with different clay content, namely 13.12% (A), 41.17% (B) and 53.36% (C). Soil moisture content was measured periodically by using gypsum blocks. The results showed that the three types of soils in which shallow mole drainage was formed had different characteristics of soil moisture changes. The formation of mole drainage in soil with low clay content (A) had no effect for the declining rate of soil moisture. On the contrary, the shallow mole drainage formed in the soil with higher contents of clay B and C influenced the rate of soil moisture decrease. High rate of soil moisture decrease in the soil B and C occurred at the beginning of the formation of mole drainage and went on up to the 3th hours of observation. Based on the distribution of soil moisture at different points at some distances from the center of mole drainage and the equation of the rate of soil moisture decrease found in the experiment, it could be inferred that moles formed in soils B and C could be used as mole drainage and the rate of soil moisture decrease in soil C was cumulatively higher than in soil B.ABSTRAKLorong pengatus merupakan salah satu alternatif guna mengatasi lamanya masa tunggu tanam palawija di lahan sawah pada akhir musim penghujan akibat kadar lengas tanah yang terlalu tinggi. Lorong pengatus dibuat untuk mempercepat laju penurunan kadar lengas sehingga sesuai untuk pertumbuhan awal tanaman palawija. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan perubahan dan sebaran lengas tanah yang terjadi akibat pembentukan lorong pengatus dangkal, untuk digunakan sebagai salah satu dasar memperhitungkan laju penurunan kadar lengas yang terjadi pada tanah sawah yang dibuat lorong pengatus. Penelitian dilakukan dalam skala laboratorium dengan menggunakan soil bin, model bajak lorong, dan tanah di dalam boks yang dijaga homogenitasnya. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Energi dan Mesin Pertanian, Jurusan Teknik Pertanian, FTP-UGM. Lorong pengatus dibuat pada 3 jenis tanah sawah dengan kadar lempung yang berbeda, yaitu 13,12% (tanah A), 41,17% (tanah B) dan 53,36% (tanah C). Pengukuran kadar lengas tanah dilakukan secara periodik menggunakan gypsum blok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga jenis tanah yang dibuat lorong pengatus mempunyai karakteristik perubahan lengas tanah yang berbeda, Pembentukan lorong pengatus pada tanah dengan kadar lempung rendah (tanah A) tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap laju penurunan lengas tanah, tetapi pada tanah dengan kadar lempung tinggi (tanah B dan C) berpengaruh terhadap laju penurunan lengas tanah. Laju penurunan lengas tanah kumulatif yang tinggi terjadi pada awal pembentukan lorong sampai 30 jam pasca pembentukan lorong. Dari distribusi lengas tanah pada jarak yang berbeda dari pusat lorong dan dari persamaan laju penurunan lengas hasil eksperimen, lorong yang dibuat pada tanah B dan C dapat berfungsi sebagai lorong pengatus. Peningkatan laju penurunan lengas tanah kumulatif tanah C lebih besar dibanding  tanah B.
Pengembangan Gasifier untuk Gasifikasi Limbah Padat Pati Aren (Arenga Pinnata Wurmb) Bambang Purwantana
agriTECH Vol 27, No 3 (2007)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (663.252 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9602


Sugar palm powder is a raw material for various food products. Solid wastes produced during the powder process- ing have not yet been utilized properly. Gasification of the wastes by converting them into gaseous fuel could be an alternative to solve the waste problem. The objective of this research was to develop downdraft gasifier suitable for solid waste of sugar palm powder. The performance of the gasifier was determined by its temperature distribution, gas composition, gas production, and heat. The result showed that solid waste of sugar palm powder are potential to be used as gasification fuel. The gasification process was optimum at gasifier having greater than 70o tilt angle of pyroly-sis chamber,  180 mm diameter of combustion chamber,  and 200 mm height of reduction chamber, and using air flow rate of 11 m3/h. The performace of the gasification were: (1) average temperature in gasification chamber, combustion chamber, and pyrolysis chamber were 172oC, 353oC, and 135oC, respectively; (2) gas composition of H2, CO, CH4, O2, CO2,  and N2  were 7,4%, 18,1%, 1,5%, 2,7%, 6,8%, and 58,0%, respectively; (3) gas production was18 m /hour; and (4) heat was 2 MJ/kg.ABSTRAKPada proses pembuatan pati aren dihasilkan limbah berupa serat dan ampas dengan jumlah yang besar. Selama ini limbah  tersebut  belum  dimanfaatkan secara  optimal.  Melalui  penelitian  ini  dikembangkan  suatu  proses  gasifikasi limbah padat pati aren untuk membuat bahan bakar berupa gas. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengembangkan gasifier tipe aliran ke bawah (downdraft gasifier) dengan titik berat pada perancangan ruang pirolisa, pembakaran dan reduksi gas. Kinerja gasifikasi diamati berdasarkan karakteristik distribusi suhu, komposisi gas, kapasitas produksi, dan panas yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa  limbah  padat  pati  aren potensial untuk digunakan sebagai bahan baku gasifikasi. Sudut kemiringan hoper ruang pirolisa lebih besar dari 70o  diperlukan untuk efektifitas aliran proses pembakaran dan reduksi. Berdasar hasil percobaan, proses gasifikasi terbaik diperoleh pada dimensi ruang pembakaran berdiameter 180 mm, dan tinggi ruang reduksi 200 mm pada debit udara 11 m3/jam. Pada kondisi disain dan operasional tersebut diperoleh karakteristik gasifikasi sebagai berikut: (1) suhu rerata ruang gasifikasi 172oC, ruang pembakaran 353oC, ruang pirolisis 135oC, (2) komposisi gas H2 7,4%, CO 18,1%, CH4 1,5%, O2 2,7%, CO2 6,8%, dan N  58,0%, (3) produksi gas 18 m3/jam, (4) panas 2 MJ/kg bahan.
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering) Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Juni
Publisher : The University of Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jtep-l.v10i2.129-138


Blora and Grobogan are regions with higher production capacity of corn commodity compared to other regions in Central Java province. However, low number of technical irrigation and el-nino phenomenon have become the main threat for the sustainability of corn farming in both regions. During dry session, the top soil of the land are solidified which lead to higher difficulty for planting the corn seed using traditional tool. An improved design of the traditional seeder is then required to solve this problem to enable farmers plant corn seed during dry session. The objective of this research was to develop seeder prototype with “Tugal Dalam” type in Blora and Grobogan regions where the land have been categorized as marginal land during dry session. The proposed design is based on technical, ergonomic, economical, and social aspect. The qualitative approach was used to obtain the technical, ergonomical, economical and social aspect required by the farmer. Kansei Engineering is used to translate and evaluate the proposed design through some tests conducted on several group of farmers where they were requested to use 4 seeder design options and write their preference on each design option based on the mentioned aspects. Tests confirmed that the proposed design can be used to plant a corn seed at farmers desired characteristics. Kansei engineering also confirmed that ‘high speed’, ‘easy to operate’, ‘low price’, ‘easy to handle’ and ‘has a watering system’ were preferred by the farmers and determined their decision on buying and using the seeder tool. Keywords: kansei engineering,  marginal land, seeder development, tugal dalam