A. Purwanto
Center for Technology of Nuclear Industry Materials, National Nuclear Energy Agency Puspiptek, Serpong, Tangerang 15314, Indonesia

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KAJIAN PEROVSKITE LA0,73CA0,27MN1-XCUXO3 DENGAN 0 Gunanto, Y. E.; Sinaga, K.; Purwanto, A.; Kurniawan, B.; Poertadji, S.; Steven, E.; Brooks, J. S.
Jurnal Spektra Vol 15, No 1 (2014): Spektra: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya
Publisher : Jurnal Spektra

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We have performed the synthesis and characterization of materials La0.73Ca0.27Mn1-xCuxO3 for 0 <x< 0.19 using  neutron scattering diffraction (HRPD) and SQUID.All the samples are already in phase with the crystal structure  orthorombic and space group P nma. Parameters of the Mn-O bond length obtained from the charactyerization HRPD. From  the parameters of Mn-O bond length can be determined the value of Jahn-Teller distortion. The greater x will result in an  average radius of position B (<rB>) increasing and the tolerance factor t decreasing. From the characterization of the SQUID  was found that the maximum value of conductivity for Cu-doped samples will be lower when compare to the sample without  doping, except for Cu=0.10. If the value of the conductivity is getting smaller, the activation energy will be higher. Keywords: Jahn-Teller distortion, factor tolerance, conductivity, activation energy
Suplemen antioksidan VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) yang diperkaya dengan Zn bagi penderita Candidiasis Vagina WINARSI, H; HERNAYANTI, HERNAYANTI; PURWANTO, A.
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume. 32, No. 3, July 2008
Publisher : Indonesian Socety of Obstetrics and Gynecology

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Tujuan: Mengetahui aktivitas SOD, katalase, dan GSH-PX limfosit, serta kadar MDA plasma penderita Candidiasis Vagina yang diintervensi VCO yang diperkaya dengan Zn selama 2 bulan. Rancangan/rumusan data: Penelitian eksperimental dengan rancangan acak lengkap. Analisis data menggunakan anova single faktor, dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan bila terdapat signifikansi. Tempat: Sampel sekret diperoleh dari RS Sinar Kasih, tempat prostitusi (Gang Sadar), Puskesmas, dan praktik dokter di Purwokerto. Pengujian aktivitas enzim antioksidan dan kadar MDA di laboratorium Klinik Mediko Purwokerto. Bahan dan cara kerja: Penelitian dilakukan mulai Oktober 2006 sampai April 2007. Sebanyak 30 responden dipilih berdasar kriteria seperti berikut, sekret vagina mengandung C. albicans lebih dari 105 cfu/ml, sukarela, sehat, bersedia menandatangani informed consent, dan tinggal di Purwokerto. Responden dibagi dalam 3 kelompok; kelompok A sebanyak 10 orang diintervensi dengan VCO yang diperkaya Zn dengan dosis 2 sdm/hari; kelompok B sebanyak 10 orang diintervensi dengan dosis 1 sdm/hari; dan kelompok C sebanyak 10 orang sebagai kontrol. Pengambilan sampel darah dilakukan 3 kali yaitu pada baseline, 1 dan 2 bulan setelah intervensi. Uji aktivitas enzim antioksidan dan kadar MDA menggunakan spektrofotometer. Hasil: Setelah 2 bulan intervensi, aktivitas enzim SOD meningkat dari 87,32 menjadi 348,70 unit/mg protein (p=0,00016), katalase meningkat dari 20,42 menjadi 40,12 Unit/mg protein (p=0,031); demikian pula glutation peroksidase limfosit juga meningkat dari 5,77 menjadi 10,64 μmol/gr protein (p=0,036). Sebaliknya kadar MDA plasma menurun dari 1.858,86 menjadi 1.214,36 pmol/ml (p=0,019). Kesimpulan: Intervensi VCO yang disuplementasi dengan Zn kepada penderita Candidiasis Vagina berpotensi sebagai antioksidan. Selanjutnya, mereka disarankan mengkonsumsi suplemen dengan dosis 1 sdmx1. [Maj Obstet Ginekol Indones 2008; 32-3: 177-82] Kata kunci: SOD, katalase, GSH-PX, MDA, candidiasis vagina.
HOLISTIK, Journal Of Social and Culture Vol. 12 No. 2/April-Juni 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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The marriage of an important transition in the life of man, namely the transition from teenage level towards the level of family life. Undeniable that marriage is an instinctive need for every living being. The transition in life are usually characterized by the presence of religious ceremonies to support the marriage process. Every wedding ceremony that's so important both for those concerned as well as for members of the kinship of both parties.A series of organizing the process of marriage particularly Morotai Sangowo community consists of several stages, ranging from the proposal to the marriage taking place. A normal marriage are usually preceded by the time of the engagement/promise of connective between the men with the woman the length of about one year. Then proceed with the wedding or the inauguration.The culture of marriage and the rules applicable to the community Sangowo that is inseparable from the influences and its environment. Where the community is located as well as the guidelines of the society, influenced by the knowledge, experiences, religious beliefs and embraced by the community Sangowo itself.The custom of marriage Sangowo is a regional cultural heritage of their predecessors who have cultural values and must be preserved and conserved but customs and cultures that how they should preserve and they preserve. Shift the value of marriage in this custom also caused because more and more people who have attended the world of education so that more understanding of the pattern to put forward something that is practical.Keywords: marriage, cultural heritage, religious ceremonies
PERAN ORANG TUA BAPTIS DALAM MENDIDIK DAN MEMBINAANAK BAPTIS (Studi di Desa Tuguis Kecamatan Kao Barat Maluku Utara) Salapa, Rahap; Purwanto, A.; Waani, Fenny J.
HOLISTIK, Journal Of Social and Culture HOLISTIK, Tahun X No. 20 / Juli - Desember 2017
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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Godfather is the one of role in the society that chosen according to his/her faith to Jesus Christ and considered spiritually and physically able to nurture and educate a child to have faith in Jesus Christ as God and Savior. This research aims to know the role of the godfather in educating and nurturing godchild. This research used qualitative analysis method while the analysis data technique used data gathering, data reduction, data serving and conclusion based on Miles and Huberman (2001). The research showed that the role of the godfather factually carry out the duty in order educate and nurture the godchild especially in Desa Tuguis Kecamatan Kao Barat. Keyword : Role of the Godfather, educate, nurture
HOLISTIK, Journal Of Social and Culture Vol. 12 No. 3 / Juli - September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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Indonesian ethnic groups depart from members of the community that marriage is a sacred bond and is one of the gifts of the Almighty God that cannot be avoided by mankind. Marriage is not merely a bond between two different men and women but also the process of unification of two families.Marriage is a staple of the culture and the marriage ceremony also has a shift or change. As happened to the life of Toraja people who experience acculturation. In the marriage ceremony of the Toraja tribe community in Lembang Dende ' remained through the stage based on the customary order ranging from the process of the Ma'parampo decay to the stage of the marriage of Rampanan Kapa '.Traditional ceremony of Toraja people's marriage in Lembang Dende ' more clearly know that traditional ceremonies are not merely implemented but must refer to the customs prevailing in Toraja. Marriage procession, especially the customary law contained in it is already a thing that is no longer realized by society so that violations are already a common thing in society. The things that are very fundamental for the Toraja community, especially in Lembang Dende' itself must be preserved so that this culture is not eroded by the time. There are still a lot of elements from the Aluk that will always be refined by all elements of society and hopefully this culture continues to be preserved.Keywords: marriage, ceremony, tribe
HOLISTIK, Journal Of Social and Culture Vol. 13 No. 2 / April - Juni 2020
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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Rambu Solo’ is a traditional ceremony of the death of the Toraja people who aims to respect and deliver the spirits of the deceased to the spirit realm. At first the festive party was only carried out by the nobility, but now it has begun to shift, who is rich is what the party is festive. This study is entitled ”The Impact of Changes Social status towards Rambu Solo ceremony in Tondon Mamullu Village, Makale District, Tana Toraja District", with the problem formulation of how the implementation of the Rambu Solo Ceremony based on customary rules and how influence of changes Social Status to the Rambu Solo Ceremony' in Tondon Mamullu village, Makale District, Tana Toraja District. The purpose of this study is to researching more deeply the implementation of the Rambu Solo Ceremony based on customary rules and how influence of changes Social Status to the Rambu Solo Ceremony' in Tondon Mamullu village, Makale District, Tana Toraja District. Based on the research results obtained that the implementation of the Rambu Solo Ceremony 'the Toraja community not working run as it should and has experienced changes or shifted in the implementation. The implementation of the Rambu Solo’ ceremonythe Toraja public, specifically the community of Tondon Mamullu Village has been background by several things, namely Economic Status, Education, Employment, Self-Esteem / Prestige, and Prestige / Pride. Rambu Solo’ which is implemented by the Toraja people at this time is not too traditional and has an impact on the traditional values of Rambu Solo' which has actually started to disappear and the values that are applied today are contemporary. Keyword: Rambu Solo’, Social Status, Impact
The Effect of Learning Biophysics with STEM Approach on Science Process Skills and Critical Thinking: Field Study on Application of NA-AOGS for Increasing Soybean Productivity and Growth Rate Rosana, D.; Kadarisman, N.; Purwanto, A.; Sari, E. K.
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Vol 10, No 3 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan IPA Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v10i3.30695


Efforts to fulfill food security to anticipate population growth in Indonesia need to be supported by universities through research and community service. The application of the Natural Animal Audio Organic Growth System (NA-AOGS) with a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) approach is an effort to help the community increase crop yields and accelerate the growth of soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merill). The research method used is R&D (Research & Development) which is modified from Cennamo and Kalk (2018). This model is in the form of a spiral cycle using 5 (five) main activities as follows: (1) defining the product conceptual; (2) designing research products; (3) demonstrating the product in a limited trial; (4) developing the product through the process of evaluating the test results, and (5) presenting the product to the public.  The direct impact of learning is the improvement of science process skills and critical thinking of students participating in the Biophysics course at the Natural Sciences Study Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. This is due to the effective application of STEM to link science learning with contextual technology and engineering (NA-AOGS), environmentally friendly technology (only using natural animal sound frequency variables), mathematical elements in data analysis, and analysis of soybeans plant growth charts. The economic impact of this research is the scientific contribution in the form of adaptation of agricultural technology so that it can increase soybean yields (an increase of 130.38% on an area of 2750 m2). The novelty and contribution of this research is the integration of science learning with agricultural techniques and technology with a STEM approach so that it can improve the welfare of farmers in educational institutions as a new model in science learning.