Antonius Purwanto
staf pengajar Jurusan Sosiologi, FISIP-Unsrat.

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Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pemeliharaan Lingkungnan Di Kelurahan Perkamil Kota Manado Panjaitan, Erisman; Purwanto, Antonius; grace, waleleng

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The purpose of this study was to analyze and explain the Community's Participation in Environmental Care Village Perkamil In the city of Manado. The research methodology used is qualitative research. The results showed that the participation of the community in the form of public attendance at the discussion meeting decisions about the environment and the maintenance strategy implementation plan environmental maintenance program is already quite good, there are some people who did not attend the meeting or meetings to program planning, but few. Public participation in the implementation of environmental care is the provision of self-help in the form of power when the implementation of programs and grants (non-governmental) to support the successful implementation of the program has been quite good, the implementation of the administration and coordination of program implementation has been quite good. Community participation in maintaining and continuing maintenance of the results of program execution environment is quite active, as people realize that with them keeping all the results of the implementation of the program, it will automatically impact of the program can continue to be felt by the community. The impact is felt by the community of the results of the implementation of the enormous environmental maintenance program including the environment becomes clean and healthy and comfortable place to live. Public participation in the evaluation of program implementation issues related to preservation of the environment as a whole is good enough, because the community participated in the evaluation program, the public may submit proposals for improvements if the program found to be less successful. Keywords: Community  Participation , Environmental
HOLISTIK, Journal Of Social and Culture Vol. 12 No. 4 / Oktober - Desember 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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As a community economic institution, the market is an expression of social relations. This is due to economic activity being an integral part of social life. The traditional market is still a trading center for basic materials and is the main goal in marketing the produce of agricultural, livestock, and fisheries. In this case the traditional market is functioning closer to the distance between consumers and producers to meet the needs of life. Bersehati Market is one of the largest markets in Manado city, where the traditional market operates 24 hours nonstop and daily activities without holidays. Vegetables are a fast-damaged commodity that requires special handling, that is to require vegetable traders to distribute to consumers faster so that the marketing path is as short as possible, knowing the nature of Vegetable traders need a network as a bond between each other. The availability of network in vegetable traders in the Bersehati market is a top priority to gain access to marketing, distribution and information on the availability of goods.Social networks that grow in a community of vegetable traders are very likely to contribute significantly in supporting the fluency activity in vegetable trading. Social networking plays an important role in distributing and marketing goods in the markets of Bersehati.This research is a study using a qualitatively descriptive approach. Where the research seeks to provide descriptive descriptions or descriptions, of a systematic and actual collection of objects examined in the facts.Good relations, avoiding forms of deviations against social norms that apply in trade so as to create a sense of social solidarity. The economic actions performed both are related to the sustainability of the capital, marketing tends to be colored with social relationships in relation to the network.Keywords: social capital, vegetable trader, marketing
RESPONS MASYARAKAT TERHADAP ADANYA GO-CAR DI KOTA MANADO Poluan, Rival Arlando; Purwanto, Antonius; Goni, Shirley Y. V. I.
HOLISTIK, Journal Of Social and Culture Vol. 12 No. 1/Januari-Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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Human life can not be separated with transport services, because humans need transportation services to meet the needs of his life. As the development of science and technology, used by companies to provide transportation services transportation services online. The company's Go-Jek, Grab, danUber now present in a society of the city of Manado. Go-Jek is transportation services using motor-driven online. This application can be downloaded via google play for users of android and apple's app store for the user. Applications Go-Jek also serves other online services such as GoCar, Go-Mart, Go-Shop, Go-Massage, Go-Clean, Go-Send, Bluebird, and GoGlam. One of the services available are Go-Car. Go-Car is an online community-based transport using the car as a medium transport. The car used is a kind of private vehicles like the agya, ayla, avansa, xenia, terios, rush and other personal vehicles. Go-Car give maximum service to the user Go-Carlike, friendly drivers, give discounts (discounts via go-pay), the circumstances, the availability of good car sweets and mineral water as well as affordability.  The presence technological advancement the taxi online existence can not be avoided. Taxi online community became the choice because it is considered better than conventional public transport. Both in terms of services, the comfort and certainty of the price for this is less perceived while using conventional transportation services. With the Go-Car in the town of Manado, passenger transport which have official permission from Dishub (Department of transportation) feel marginalized by continually increasing the online Go Transit-Car which, according to their perceptions of lowers the earnings of other transport driver because many passengers who switch to using the services of Go-Car.. Keywords: transportation, online, services
HOLISTIK, Journal Of Social and Culture Vol. 12 No. 1/Januari-Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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In the life of society, it is reasonable and possible, as each individual has different interests and when the interests between one another individual or group interests collided with other groups then there was a conflict. The appearance of a conflict cannot be separated from the life of a society, because the conflict is a phenomenon that cannot be eliminated from social interaction. The conflict can only be controlled and minimized, so that conflicts do not arise until the life threatening society, nation and State. In this integration has always been the hope and is able to solve problems that arise due to social conflicts. Sahu Timur subdistrict of the arrival of the Homesteader and other settlers. Compound it includes religious and tribal culture. There are at least some villagers Trans spread across the Eastern subdistrict Sahu. In indirect villagers Trans also has cultural compound carried by each ethnic group. The arrangement of the compound as it was, the community is a condition susceptible to conflict, in the process of intermingling between the natives of West Halmahera Regency with the Homesteader and other entrants. Nevertheless, its people coexist and the integration process in district Eastern Sahu is going well although there are ripples of conflict but it does not interfere with the harmony of the community. Community Trans village saw that restricting factor also greatly affect the process of social integration of the latest quick, one of the factors restricting the process of social integration that is a difference of religion, tribe, ethnic differences, language, and different the opinion at the time of discussion and Expat communities are usually always bring their own culture even though different cultures where high places them right now, so in the circumstances such need to Act from Government or a good village apparatus for harmonious these different cultures so that there are no problems or conflicts because of such differences. Keywords: integration, compound, conflict
Peran Keluarga dalam Mencegah Perilaku Menyimpang (Studi Pada Remaja Pengguna Lem Ehabon di Kelurahan Karame Kecamatan Singkil) Horman, Yuly Yanty; Mokalu, Benidicta; PURWANTO, ANTONIUS
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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The success of adolescents is determined how the role of the family to the child's growth anddevelopment. Families, especially parents, are the main educators and the first for children in the familyand in this family can be instilled attitudes that can affect the development of the next child. Adolescence isclosely related to juvenile delinquency. It was during this period that it was known as a full of energy,curious, not fully mature, vulnerable, brave, brave, highly emotive, always wanting to try, and not to be left2behind. At this time adolescents are the most vulnerable groups associated with drug abuse one of them isthe use of glue aibon (inhalen). The purpose of this study is to examine and reveal the Family Role inpreventing deviant behavior on Aibon user Tasks in Karame Sub-district of Kecamatan Singkil of Manado.The methodology used in this study used qualitative research with in-depth interview techniques.This study aims to explain and analyze the social interactions of adolescents, family roles and the role ofgovernment in preventing adolescent users glue aibon. The informants in this study are 11 people consistingof, Teen User 6 people, Parents 3 people, Village Head and from BNN North Sulawesi Province. Thisresearch was conducted from January 2018 in Karame Village, Singkil Sub-district, Manado City.Behavior is a person's behavior or action to inhale the scent of glue material usually used to glueor stick to a tire. Glue aibon is a drug inhalen (ngelem). This type of glue is often misused by teenagers tomake a hangover because this glue belongs to a dangerous addictive substance category. The theory usedin this research is the theory of sociology of deviant behavior is the theory of deferential association.From the results of in-depth interviews are known that the factors that encourage adolescents touse glue aibon the influence of friends of the same age, environment, family, and the availability andaffordability glue aibon. Families do not really care when their kids hang out with anyone their friends,even the ignorance of teenagers and even parents about the dangers of using glue aibon. Institutions dikaidand local governments often socialize about the dangers of glue aibon but not yet fully understood andunderstood by the community.This research suggests that families play an important role for the survival of their children suchas inculcating good values, establishing good communication, paying attention to every development andpaying more attention to who their children are. Teenagers should be aware that the use of glue aibonnegative impact both in terms of physical and psychological aspects. The related institutions must constantlysocialize the dangers of using glue aibon and other addictive substances to the community.Keywords: Youth, Family Role (Parents), Aibon ‘Glue
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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The hedonism lifestyle of college students to long-term harm when someone does not want to accept the process and just want results fast and easy, the lack of mutual respect and quality of the nation's leaders are not concerned with morals, dishonest leadership and lack of concern for others. The problems that occur among somestudents of the Faculty of Economics and business of the University of Sam Ratulangi Manado from the pattern of their lives that is overly consumerist behavior in everyday life, the less learning interests, the wrong guidelines impact on free sex, drinks(alcoholic beverages), LGBT, the study is not completed and the completion of the study too long over 5 years. As for the goals of this research is to analyze the lifestyles of hedonism student faculty of Economics and business of the University of Sam Ratulangi in Manado.Research methods used in this research is qualitative research. Informants in this study is 11 students from the Faculty of Economics and business Unsrat in the city of Manado. Data collection is done by observation and interview. The data analyzed in the reduction of the data, the presentation of the data and conclusions/verification.Results of the study prove that female students hedonism lifestyle change when they hang out with new friends in a lecture. When they see their friends who are very mindful of appearances ranging from hair styles, how to dress, bags are in use, shoes that are in use, the assesoris in wearand branded goods are purchased.Popular culture the Manado manners and religious values have a high experienced a shift for the Association and the student mindset i.e. young people who excessively followed the trend of culture outside, free association, the lack of seriousness in learningKey Words: Lifestyle, Hedonism, Student
PERANAN ORANG TUA DALAM MENGATASI KENAKALAN REMAJA AKIBAT MEMINUM ALKHOHOL CAP TIKUS (Studi Kasus di Desa Talawaan Kecamatan Talawaan Kabupaten Minahasa Utara)” LOSA, JOSPIN; Tasik, Femmy; Purwanto, Antonius
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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Kids Teens who commit crimes were generally lacking self-control, or the control ofabusing themselves instead, and likes to enforce its own rules without regard to the presence of others in thevicinity. The incidence of such behaviour can also be caused by factors in socialization; they often hang outwith friends without looking at his background. And in general, these children very selfish, and likesto abuse or even exaggerate the price themselves. On the basis of a sense of glad they did it without regardto the effects that will be accepted. In rural areas, many acts of juvenile delinquency are very differentwith that occurs in urban areas, one of the causes of juvenile delinquency in rural areas is the drinking ofliquor among other drinks which high levels of alcohol such as the rat Stamp. Based on the backgroundof the issue that became a goal in this research is to know the role of parents in addressing the rateof juvenile delinquency as a result of the rat Stamp liquor in the village of Talawaan.The methods used in this research is qualitative research methods. In this study to understand aphenomenon in social context by nature with emphasis on the process ofdeep communication interaction between researchers with the phenomena examined. Techniquesof collection and processing of data in the research carried out in the form,namely: Observation/observation. Interview. Primary data and secondary data, the study documents.Results of the study prove that the forms of delinquency are experienced by teens affected by lackof parental control, the influence of the environment both in the school environment aswell as social environments, as well as the impact of globalization, among others, the influence of the massmedia such as television, Computer Media, and others. Results of the study prove that the forms of juveniledelinquency are extremely diverse and complex, where the offences and crimes committedby teenagers have already violated the rules and values of decency that occurred in the community suchas violating legal norms and customs.Key Words: The Role of Parents, Juvenile Delinquency, Alcohol Drinks
Implementasi Program Cara Budidaya Ikan yang Baik Bagi Masyarakat Pembudidaya Ikan di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Timur AYUNINGTYAS, WAHJOE DYAH; PRAKTINJO, MARIA HENY; PURWANTO, ANTONIUS
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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Abstract :Implementation Program Good Fish Cultivation (CBIB) is an activity that teaches about howto cultivate a good fish so as to produce good products. in East Bolaang Mongondow Regency is stillvery low level of knowledge about CBIB thus affecting freshwater fish production level. The researchobjectives are: To know and analyze the Implementation of CBIB Program for Fish CultivationSociety in East Bolaang Mongondow Regency This study employ a qualitative study method thatlocated in Community Seeds Unit and Group of Fish Farmers in East Bolaang Mongondow.This thesis research uses qualitative research method, with research location in communityseed unit (UPR) and Pokdakan (fish farmer group) in Bolaang Mongondow eastThe result of the research shows that the implementation of CBIB program in East BolaangMongondow Regency is not optimal yet. constraints such as, lack of CBIB Auditor in East BolaangMongondow Regency so lack of guidance and supervision. Constraints are also lack of humanresources that have the potential to become a CBIB auditor and also related to program budget, sothat CBIB Implementation can not be applied maximally.From the results of this study, it can be concluded that CBIB Implementation can not bedone well because it is influenced from 3 aspects: Organization aspect, Interpretation aspect, andaspect of Application. It is recommended that the East Bolaang Mongondow Regional Administratorshould make efforts to support the fulfillment of the needs of fish farmers in Bolaang MongondowTimur District in terms of organizational aspect, interpretation aspect, and application aspect so thatthe achievement of production and safety and quality can be improved.Keyword: implementation, good fish cultivation program, fish farmer community
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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This study describes the Family Support for PLHA (People Living with HIV/AIDS). The aim of research to obtain data and images of emotional support, Support award, instrumental support, and Support informative. Research conducted using a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The study design using the technique of case studies with 11 (eleven) informant. Source data used are primary data sources and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques by using in-depth interview, observation and documentation. Mechanical examination of the validity of data by performing persistence observation and triangulation. Analysis of data using qualitative data analysis. The results showed that family support is provided by keluarga consists of four aspects. Emotional support, support awards, support instrumental and informative support given some informants get good enough in the provision of family support. Problems in the can by researchers in the provision of family support persistence of discrimination of PLHA (People Living with HIV/AIDS) families and informants have not the confidence to express to the family. Based on the results of the study concluded that the functioning of the family is very influential in handling people living with HIV, as most people living with HIV have not been confident to express to the family of the already infected HIV positive, then of the people living with HIV do not get support from family.
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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Tujuan penyusunan tesis ini untuk; a) Mengetahui profesionalisme guru di SMA N.1 NabirePapua, b) Mengetahui hubungan profesionalisme guru dengan hasil belajar siswa di SMA N.1 NabirePapua; c) Mengetahui pengaruh profesionalisme guru terhadap hasil belajar siswa di SMA N.NabirePapua.Dalam penelitian ini yang menjadi populasi adalah guru. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini18 guru. Adapun Teknik penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan metode random sampling. Teknikpengumpulan data dilakukan dengan obersevasi, angket dan dokumentasi.Teknik analisis data yang digunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis Statistik imprensial denganmenggunakan rumus presentase, Statistik product moment dan regresi sederhana.Berdasarkan hasilpenelitian dan pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh profesionalisme guru dan hasil belajarsiswa berpengaruh positif signifikan karena mempunyai titik temu dalam proses pembelajaran danguru-gurunya berpengalaman dalam mengelolah proses pembelajaran.Implikasi dari hasil penelitian adalah diharapkan kepada seluruh guru untuk meningkatkanhasil belajar siswa melalui peran aktif seluruh komponen terutama guru yang profesional agarterwujud hasil belajar siswa yang optimal dan menambah sarana prasarana serta perlu adanya kerjasama yang baik komite sekolah, masyarakat/orang tua siswa maupun pemerintah yang efektifkhususnya dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Nabire Kabupaten NabireProvinsi Papua.KATA KUNCI : Profesionalisme, Peranan Guru, Hasil Belajar Siswa