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Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 15 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

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Separator of organic waste for raw material of compost have been made in the design of machine elements, with a knife cut several times modifications have been carried out. Linggasana communities close to the waste treatment facility (TPA) Karangasem municipal solid waste has been conducting composting, but the process is still a long decay, this is due small size raw materials and it is not added yet accelerate the decomposition actuators. Denbantas community has similar problems. So many potentials, but still can not properly utilized due to lack of knowledge related to these fields.The purpose devotion Linggasana Buana Giri and Denbantas village is to empower and increase community participation in building regional potential and improve people's welfare in the economy through the development of household waste and agriculture for compost. Composting process lasts for 5-6 weeks, the results in the test in laboratory of Mechanical Engineering and in the laboratory of Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture, University of Udayana. Compost soil with K samples (taken at Linggasana Karangasem) nitrogen content is 0.78 and C / N ratio is 21.7, while the sample T (taken in Denbantas Tabanan) content of nitrogen is 0.19 and C / N ratio is 58, 6. This happens because the materials in Linggasana more compost mixed with manure to provide the nitrogen element needed by plants, and compost quality incoming SNI standard.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 15 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

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Separator of organic waste for raw material of compost have been made in the design of machine elements, with a knife cut several times modifications have been carried out. Linggasana communities close to the waste treatment facility (TPA) Karangasem municipal solid waste has been conducting composting, but the process is still a long decay, this is due small size raw materials and it is not added yet accelerate the decomposition actuators. Denbantas community has similar problems. So many potentials, but still can not properly utilized due to lack of knowledge related to these fields.The purpose devotion Linggasana Buana Giri and Denbantas village is to empower and increase community participation in building regional potential and improve people's welfare in the economy through the development of household waste and agriculture for compost. Composting process lasts for 5-6 weeks, the results in the test in laboratory of Mechanical Engineering and in the laboratory of Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture, University of Udayana. Compost soil with K samples (taken at Linggasana Karangasem) nitrogen content is 0.78 and C / N ratio is 21.7, while the sample T (taken in Denbantas Tabanan) content of nitrogen is 0.19 and C / N ratio is 58, 6. This happens because the materials in Linggasana more compost mixed with manure to provide the nitrogen element needed by plants, and compost quality incoming SNI standard.
Pengaruh Perlakukan Alkali terhadap Sifat Fisik, dan Mekanik Serat Kulit Buah Pinang Cokorda Putri Kusuma Kencanawati; I Ketut Gede Sugita; NPG Suardana; I Wayan Budiasa Suyasa
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 11 No 1 (2018): Published in April 2018
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (248.695 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JEM.2018.v11.i01.p02


Makalah ini menganalisis pengaruh perlakukan alkali dan tanpa perlakukan alkali terhadap karakateristik fisik, morfologi dan sifat mekanik serat kulit buah pinang (areca Catechu L.). Selama ini pemanfaatan limbah pertanian belum dilakukan secara maksimal, sehingga dapat menimbulkan pencemaran terhadap lingkungan. Serat kulit buah pinang (Areca Husk Fiber/AHF) selama ini hanya dipergunakan sebagai bahan bakar biomassa dan media tanam sedangkan untuk pemanfaatan lain belum ada sama sekali. AHF diberi perlakukan NaOH 2,5%, 5%, 7,5% dan 10% dengan waktu perendaman 2 jam pada temperatur kamar, untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisik AHF maka dilakukan pengukuran panjang dan diameter serat, pengujian densitas, pengujian kadar air dan moisture sedangkan untuk mengetahui karakteristik mekanik dilakukan pengujian tarik serat tunggal sesuai dengan ASTM D 3379. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa diameter AHF mengalami pengurangan diameter akibat perlakukan alkali, hal ini terkait dengan hilangnya kandungan lignin, pektin dan wax. Densitas AHF menurun dengan meningkatan prosentase NaOH bila dibandingkan dengan AHF tanpa perlakukan NaOH. Kekuatan tarik bervariasi dengan adanya perlakuan alkali. Kekuatan tarik AHF tertinggi pada serat yang mengalami perlakukan NaOH 5% yaitu sebesar 165 Mpa dan kekuatan tarik terendah pada AHF dengan perlakuan Alkali 10% yaitu sebesar 137 MPa . This paper analyzes the effect of alkali and non-alkali treatments on the physical characteristics, morphology and mechanical properties of betel nut huks fiber (areca Catechu L.). the used of agricultural waste has not been done optimally, causing environmental pollution. Areca Husk Fiber (AHF) only used as biomass fuel and planting medium, while for the other uses it has not existed. AHF was given 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% NaOH treatment with 2 hours immersion at room temperature, to known the physical characteristics of AHF then measured the length and diameter of fiber, density test, water content and moisture test. Mechanical characteristics of single fiber tensile testing in accordance with ASTM D 3379. From this study that known the diameter of AHF has a reduction in diameter due to alkaline treatment, this is related to loss of lignin, pectin and wax content. The density of AHF decreases with the percentage increase of NaOH when compared with AHF without the treatment of NaOH. Tensile strength varies with alkaline treatment. The highest AHF tensile strength in treated fibers was 5% NaOH of 165 Mpa and lowest tensile strength in AHF with 10% Alkali treatment of 137 MPa.
Analisis Koefisien Absorpsi Bunyi Pada Komposit Penguat Serat Alam Dengan Menggunakan Alat Uji Tabung Impedansi 2 Microphone Cok Istri Putri Kusuma Kencanawati; I Ketut Gede Sugita; I Gusti Ngurah Priambadi
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 9 No 1 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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Abstrak:Dalam perambatannya gelombang bunyi dapat di halangi dengan menggunakan suatu medium yang memiliki sifat-sifatkedap suara, sehingga energi yang ditransmisikan akan mampu dikurangi/dihambat oleh medium tersebut. Salah satumetode yang dapat dipergunakan untuk mengetahui kemampuan peredaman (koefisien absorpsi) suatu mediumterhadap gelombang bunyi yang datang dapat diketahui dengan menggunakan Tabung Impedansi 2 Microphone.Sedangkan sebagai mediumnya adalah panel komposit. Mengingat dalam perkembangan ilmu bahan saat ini banyak digunakan komposit dengan penguat serat alam, dan salah satu sifat yang dikaji adalah sifat akustiknya. Kajian ini lebihmenitik beratkan sifat akustik komposit berpenguat serat alam, mengingat selama ini banyak serat alam yang terbuangpercuma menjadi limbahsehingga mencemari lingkungan. Jenis-jenis serat alam yang digunakan sebagai penguatantara lain : serat serabut kelapa, serat jerami, serat batang pisang, serat nenas, serat kapuk dan serat batang kelapasawit, sedangkan frekuensi pengukuran koefisien absorpsi terhadap medium ini berkisar anatra 200 hz sampai dengan1400 hz, dengan ketebalan spesiemn uji antara 2 mm sampai dengan 4 mmdengan menggunakan metode pengujianTabung impedansi 2 mikrophone, sesuai dengan standart ISO 10534-2:1998 and American Standart forTestingMaterials (ASTM) E1050-98. Dalam kajian ini diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa pada frekuensi rendah koefisienabsorpsi bahan cukup tinggi antara 0,4 sampai dengan 0,6 dan kemampuan serap bunyi ini akan menurun denganmeningkatnya frekuensi, sedangkan pengaruh ketebalan bahan juga mempengaruhi sifat akustiknya.Kata kunci: komposit, serat alam, koefisien absorpsi, tabung impedansiAbstract:In the propagation of sound waves can be prevented by using a medium that has properties soundproofed, so that thetransmitted energy to be able to be reduced / inhibited by the medium. One method that can be used to determine theability of damping (absorption coefficient) of a medium to a sound wave that comes can be determined by using theImpedance Tube 2 Microphone. Meanwhile, as the medium is a composite panel. Given the development of materialsscience is currently widely used composites with natural fiber amplifier, and one trait studied is its acoustic properties.This study focuses Composite acoustic properties of natural fibers, considering that many natural fiber is wasted intolimbahsehingga pollute the environment. The types of natural fibers used as reinforcement include: fiber coconut fiber,fiber straw, fiber trunks of banana, pineapple fiber, cotton fiber and fiber rod palm oil, while the frequency ofmeasurement of the absorption coefficient of the medium range anatra 200 hz to 1400 hz, with test spesiemn thicknessbetween 2 mm to 4 mmdengan impedance tube testing using two microphones, according to standard ISO 10534-2:1998 and American standard for TestingMaterials (ASTM) E1050-98. In this study we concluded that low-frequencyhigh enough absorption coefficient of materials between 0.4 up to 0.6 and the sound absorption capability will decreasewith increasing frequency, while the influence of the thickness of the material also affects its acoustic properties.Keywords: composites, natural fibers, the absorption coefficient, impedance tube
Pengaruh Panjang Serat Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik dan Kekuatan Impact Greencomposite Serat Kulit Buah Pinang dengan Matriks Getah Pinus Cok Istri Putri Kusuma kencanawati; NPG Suardana; I Ketut Gede Sugita; I W Budiasa Suyasa
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 12 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (134.468 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JEM.2019.v12.i01.p06


Penelitian pemanfaatan bahan-bahan alam dalam bidang rekayasa komposit sudah menjadi sesuatu yang penting, mengingat semakin terbatasnya sumberdaya yang ada serta permasalahan lingkungan yang dapat terjadi dari penggunaan bahan-bahan non alami. Penelitian greencomposite getah pinus yang diperkuat dengan serat kulit buah pinang ini bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik mekanik berupa kekuatan tarik dan kekuatan Impact dengan memvariasikan panjang serat kulit buah pinang yaitu serbuk (5 mesh), 10 mm, 20 mm, dan 30 mm dengan fraksi volume 85% matrik getah pinus 15% serat kulit buah pinang. Dari hasil pengujian didapat harga kekuatan tarik tertinggi dimiliki oleh komposit dengan panjang serat 30 mm yaitu 13, 677 MPa, dengan elengation 8,998% , kekuatan Impact tertinggi dimiliki oleh greencomposite dengan panjang serat 30 mm yaitu 0,0097 j/mm2 Research on the utilization of natural materials in the field of composite engineering has become something important, given the limited resources available and environmental problems that can occur from the use of non-natural materials. The research of greencomposite pine resin which is reinforced with areca husk fibers purposed to determine the mechanical characteristics of tensile strength and Impact strength by varying the length of areca husk fibers are powder (5 mesh), 10 mm, 20 mm and 30 mm with a volume fraction of 85% pine resin and 15% areca husk fibers. From the test results obtained the highest tensile strength is owned by a composite with the fibers length of 30 mm, 13.677 MPa and elangation of 8.998%, the highest Impact strength is owned by a greencomposite with a fibers length of 30 mm which is 0,0097 j/mm2.
Meningkatkan Pendapatan Masyarakat dengan Mesin Pencacah Sampah Plastik I Gede Putu Agus Suryawan; Cok. Istri P. Kusuma Kencanawati; I Made Widiyarta
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 8 No 1 (2015): April 2015
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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Bali merupakan pintu gerbang pariwisata Indonesia, menjadi sorotan dunia bagaimanamengelola sampah. Reduce, Reuse dan Recycle disingkat 3R atau Mengurangi, MemakaiUlang dan Mendaur Ulang adalah prinsip utama mengelola sampah mulai dari sumbernya,melalui tiga langkah ini akan mampu mengurangi jumlah sampah yang dibuang ke TPA(Tempat Pengolahan Akhir). Pengelolaan sampah yang kurang baik dapat memberikanpengaruh negatif bagi kesehatan, lingkungan, maupun bagi kehidupan sosial ekonomi danbudaya masyarakat. Produksi sampah di TPA Linggasana Karangasem perhari adalah 120m3/hari atau sekitar 18,26 ton/hari, sampah plastik mencapai 22,6 %, yang bisa didaur ulangsekitar 17%. Jadi sampah plastik yang bisa didaur ulang adalah 3,1 ton/hari, ini merupakanpotensi bisnis yang sangat potensial.Masyarakat malas dalam memilah sampah organik dananorganik karena tidak memberikan nilai tambah kepada masyarakat, dilakukan pelatihan danpengenalan mesin pencacah sampah plastik sehingga masyarakat berminat dalam memilahsampah-sampah itu. Sampah plastik itu dijual ke pada kelompok Asri Linggasana ataukelompok Lestari Buana Giri.Kata kunci: sampah plastik, mesin pencacahBali is Indonesian tourism gateway and become world attention on how to manage waste.Reduce, Reuse and Recycle abbreviated 3R is a major principle of managing the waste fromthe source. Through these three steps will be able to reduce the amount of waste disposed of tolandfill. Poor waste management can have a negative effect on health, the environment, and forsocial, economic and cultural life of the community. Production of waste in the landfillLinggasana Karangasem per day is 120 m3 / day or approximately 18.26 tons / day, reaching22.6% of plastic waste, which can be recycled approximately 17%. So, the plastic waste thatcan be recycled is 3.1 tons / day, this is a highly potential business potential. The society is notinterest in sorting organic and inorganic waste because it does not add value to the community.Training and introduction of plastic waste thrasher is conducted so that people interested insorting out the rubbish. Plastic waste was sold to the group Linggasana Asri or group BuanaLestari Giri.Keywords: plastic waste, thrasher
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 4 No 1
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

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Industrialization Development which only pursue economic growth can causeenvironmental contamination, because development activity represent process intervence toenvironment. One of environmental control of contamination effort with the Concept ArrangeOwnself approach, the society can chosen most economic action, at one blow thegovernmental and environmental friendliness only ascertaining the activity walk inagreement corridor which must be obeyedResearch method of taken is research survai with quisioner propagating and,diskriptif. Quisioner intended for forecast attitude socialize to control from contamination ofair individually. The Subjek selected by incidental and who representing all motor vehicleconsumer, with education from high school and up and live in Town Denpasar.From the opinion done, have the special things, that awareness of society to pollutionof air is high enough. Others, renewable fuel use can be emboldened on condition that cheapand easy, while in overcoming danger of environmental contamination, socialize are tend totry beforehand to recovery, before reporting to governmental. This matter indicate thatsociety can arrange their self in lessening and also overcoming danger of environmentalcontamination.
Analisa Sistem Pembuangan Limbah pada Pembangkit Listrik Panas Bumi (PLTP) Bedugul I Made Bayu Artikajaya; I Gusti Bagus WIjaya Kusuma; Cok Istri Putri Kusuma Kencanawati; Ni Made Dwidiani
Jurnal Mettek: Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional dalam Bidang Ilmu Teknik Mesin Vol 3 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Mesin Universitas Udayana

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Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (Geothermal) merupakan salah pembangkit listrik yang mampu di terapkan di Indonesia khususnya di Bali. Di Bali sendiri PLTP sudah mulai dibangun sejak tahun 1997, namun proyek tersebut mangkrak dan baru digarap lagi tahun 2005. Pada tahun 2005 masyarakat sekitar menolak pembangunan proyek tersebut, karena masyarakat resah dengan akan menyusutnya air permukaan danau akibat eksplorasi 3 sumur yang dibangun. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis apakah PLTP Bedugul dapat dikatakan renewable dengan menghitung besarnya laju aliran massa limbah cair dan uap yang dihasilkan. Pada PLTP Bedugul terdapat dua jenis fluida yang digunakan, yakni uap panas bumi sebagai bahan pemanas serta brine sebagai fluida kerja yang digunakan untuk memutar turbin. Maka dari itu nantinya akan didapatkan 4 jenis limbah yang dihasilkan dari PLTP Bedugul. Untuk mendapatkan data, penulis melakukan observasi ditambah dengan melakukan simulasi terhadap PLTP Bedugul tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka didapat Limbah cair steam memiliki laju aliran massa sebesar 3,02 kg/s sedangkan limbah dalam bentuk uap memiliki laju aliran massa sebesar 0,09 kg/s. Limbah cair brine memiliki laju aliran massa sebesar 18,7 kg/s sedangkan limbah dalam bentuk uap memiliki laju aliran massa sebesar 4,5 kg/s. Geothermal Power Plant is one of the power plants that can be applied in Indonesia, especially in Bali. In Bali Geothermal Power Plant has been built since 1997, but the project was stopped and begin again in 2005. In 2005 the villains refused the construction of the project, because they scared with the shrinking surface water of the lake due to the exploration of 3 wells built. This research is intended to analyzing is Bedugul Geothermal Power Plant can be said to be renewable by calculating the mass flow rate of liquid waste and steam generated. In Bedugul Geothermal Power Plant there are two types of fluid used, there were geothermal steam as a heater and brine as a working fluid used to rotate turbines. Therefore it will be obtained 4 types of waste came from Bedugul Geothermal Power Plant. To get the data the author making an observations and coupled with a simulation of the Bedugul Geothermal Power Plant. The steam liquid waste has a mass flow rate of 3,02 kg / s while the waste in the vapor form has a mass flow rate of 0.09 kg / s. Brine liquid waste has a mass flow rate of 18,7 kg / s whereas waste in the form of steam has a mass flow rate of 4,5 kg / s.
The Characterization physical, mechanical, thermal and morphological properties of Colophony Cokorda Istri Putri Kusuma Kencanawati
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 2 No 2 (2017): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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This study aims to determine the characteristics of pine resin as an alternative to resin on composites. Pine resin is pine species studied were merkuzii Jungh. et deVries that grew up in KPH East Bali. Pine resin is very difficult to freeze at room temperature. The pine resin used in the study was heated at 1700C for 150 minutes and with a 400 rpm magnetic stirrer speed. Further testing is done to determine the physical, mechanical, thermal and morphological properties of pine resin. Turpentine content in pine resin will decrease with heating treatment. There was a change of color due to heating and the mechanical nature of pine resin very brittle with SEM observation showed no pore in pine resin.
The Effect of Volume Fraction Variations Epoxy-Rice Straw Composite Fibers with NaOH Treatment on Tensile and Bending Strength Muhammad Raihan Dwi Wibowo; Cok Istri Putri Kusuma Kencanawati; I Putu Lokantara
Natural Sciences Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Natural Sciences Engineering and Technology Journal
Publisher : HM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37275/nasetjournal.v3i2.30


Rice straw waste is often a problem for farmers because of the lack of utilization until finally, only burning is done. The use of rice straw for composites aims to increase the economy and maximize the potential of rice straw waste to be more useful in the industry. This research uses epoxy sikadur 52-id mixed hardener in the ratio (2:1) as a matrix, and rice straw fiber as reinforcement, with a fiber length of 3 cm. The composition of fiber and resin uses a volume fraction of 10% fiber: 90% resin, 20% fiber: 80% resin, and 30% fiber: 70% resin. Printing using acrylic prints with a hand lay-up technique. The size of the test specimen refers to ASTM D-3039 for the tensile test and ASTM D790-03 for the bending test. The greatest tensile voltage is found in the volume fraction of 30% fiber of 25,431 MPa. The highest strain occurred in the volume fraction of 30% fiber 1.779. The largest modulus of elasticity comes from the volume fraction of 30% fiber of 1,988 GPa. In the bending test, the largest tensile voltage is found in the volume fraction of 30% fiber, which is 93.260 MPa. The highest strain occurred at a 10% fiber volume fraction of 4.721. The largest modulus of elasticity comes from the volume fraction of 30% fiber which is 3.739 GPa. In both types of testing, it was found that the volume fraction of 30% fiber had the highest tensile and bending strength.