Rizki Fiprinita
Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

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World Englishes: Speaking with Accents Zelly Putriani; Riza Amelia; Harum Natasha; Kurnia Budiyanti; Riri Fauzana; Mainar Fitri; Nurdiana; Rizki Fiprinita; Roswati; Nurhayati
Tasnim Journal for Community Service Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Tasnim
Publisher : Anotero Lembaga Scientific Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (465.66 KB) | DOI: 10.55748/tasnim.v2i1.54


It is important to have the skill of conversation in English. However, learning it becomes definitely challenging when it is learned in foreign language context. It needs confidence and motivation. In this community service activity, there were 564 participants involved. Through the activity, the participants were encouraged to keep learning speaking English by helping and educating them to: (1) identify the sources of reluctance that prevent them using English actively, (2) reflect on the ways to overcome their reluctance to speak English, (3) find ways that they have not done before to do English conversation better, (4) increase their confidence in speaking English, (5) enlarge their knowledge about good English, (6) enlarge their knowledge about English as an international language versus English native speakerism. The activity was done in two ways; teaching and training packaged in webinar form. Last, this community service results on the participants’ satisfaction on the overall item evaluation administered. It is indicated by the result of post activity survey analysis showing very satisfactory level (mean >=4).
Penguatan Ukhwah Islamiyah dikalangan Masyarakat Tionghoa di Masjid Cheng Ho Sriwijaya Sumatera Selatan Nurdiana Nurdiana; Emilia Susanti; Roswati Roswati; Rizki Fiprinita; Afrizal Afrizal
Sosial Budaya Vol 19, No 1 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/sb.v19i1.17513


Sumatera selatan merupakan salah satu provinsi yang banyak didiami penduduk Tionghoa baik yang beragama non-muslim maupun mualaf.Menariknya etnik cina yang menganut agama Islam (muallaf) dan etnik Melayu Sriwijayayang memang beragama Islamsejak lahir dapat  hidup berdampingan secara akur dan damai terbukti dengan banyaknya kegiatan yang dilaksanakan khususnya di Masjid Cheng Ho. Masjid Cheng Ho Sriwijaya sebenarnya bernama Masjid Al Islam Muhammad Cheng Ho. Masjid ini didirikan atas prakarsa para sesepuh, penasehat, pengurus Persatuan Islam Tionghoa Indonesia (PITI), dan tokoh masyarakat Tionghoa disekitar Sriwijaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan Penguatan Ukhwah Islamiyah dikalangan Masyarakat Tionghoa di Masjid Al Islam Muhammad Cheng Ho. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodelogi kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpul data dilakukan dengan cara observasi langsung ke lapangan, wawancara mendalam (depth interview) dengan informan serta mendokumentasikan kegiatan. Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah Masjid Cheng Ho didirikan khusus untuk menghargai perjuangan dari penyebaran agama Islam terkhususnya penyebaran Islam di Kota Palembang yang dilakukan oleh Laksamana Cheng Ho dan para muslim Tiongkok lainnya. Corak bangunan masjid terdiri dari 3 perpaduan corak yakni perpaduan budaya Melayu Palembang, Tiongkok, dan Arab. Adapun fungsi masjid Cheng Ho tidak hanya tempat ibadah, akan tetapi Masjid Cheng Ho juga menghelat berbagai kegiatan-kegiatan keagamaan dan kemasyarakatan, Masjid Cheng Ho juga dijadikan bukti bahwa di Indonesia yang memiliki masyarakat flural dapat mengekspresikan identitas mereka dengan percampuran tradisi dan budaya dalam konteks lokal Indonesia. Disamping itu, kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh pengurus Masjid Al-Islam Muhammad Cheng Ho Sriwijaya dalam meningkatkan ukhuwa islamiyah dengan melaksanakan ceramah Agama setiap ba’da dzuhur, ceramah Agama malam rabu dan ba’da magrib, kegiatan bulanan dan tahunan seperti ceramah agama yang mendatangkan ustad dari luar Sriwijaya, selain itu mengadakan event-event hari besar Islam, program penghafal Al-Qur’an, pembinaan muallaf bagi masyarakat Tionghoa pada khususnya dan masyarakat luar Tionghoa pada umumnya serta melakukan pendidikan dasar, melakukanpengajian, memperdalamayat-ayatAl-qur’antentangTahuhid, melakukandzikirbersama, majelis ta’lim, berkunjungketikaadasaudarayangtertimpa musibah, memperingatiharibesarIslam. Kegiatan Ukhuwa islamiyah di Masjid Al-Islam Muhammad Cheng Ho Sriwijaya sudah berjalan baik, akan tetapi masih terdapat faktor yang dapat merusak ukhuwah islamiyah itu sendiri yakni masih adanya perasangka buruk.
Pemberdayaan Kelompok Ibu-ibu dan Remaja Puteri dalam Pelestarian Masakan Khas Palembang (Tekwan) Emilia Susanti; Afrizal; Nurdiana; Roswati; Rizki Fiprinita
Tasnim Journal for Community Service Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Tasnim
Publisher : Anotero Lembaga Scientific Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55748/tasnim.v3i2.152


Indonesian traditional cuisine is one of the nation's wealth that must be preserved. Considering of foreign cuisine development which is more compatible with the tastes of the Indonesian people, especially the current millennial generation. The purpose of this activity were to give training to the community in preserving the Indonesian traditional cuisine and to give the knowledge to the community of the importance of preserving traditional cuisine, especially tekwan, in increasing communities income. The methods used in this activity were the lecturing and practicing method. As a result, the participants looked like enthusiastic in participating in each step of the activity and hoped that activities could continue to increase knowledge and family income.
Pendampingan Daily English Conversation untuk Masyarakat Desa Tanjung Belit Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Hulu Nurdiana Nurdiana; Rizki Fiprinita; Roswati; Afrizal
Tasnim Journal for Community Service Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Tasnim
Publisher : Anotero Lembaga Scientific Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55748/tasnim.v4i1.184


This community service activity aimed to provide a training to members of the Tanjung Belit Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) about daily English conversations related to the environment, conditions and surrounding culture. This activity was carried out in the following steps: Socialization activity, Community service activities, Assistance in English practice, and Field practice. This activity was attended by the Tanjung Belit communities who are joined in Pokdarwis with a total of 35 members. This assistance ran well because the participants were very enthusiastic to participate in this activity from the beginning to the end of the activities And their English pronunciation have greatly improved than before. Participants can practice daily English conversation and communicate in English confidently.
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2401/csjee.v1i1.17562


Refers to the law and government regulation that women in economic activities in the family systems are very important considering the family is the smallest socio-economic unit in society which is the basic foundation of all institutions. Women have an important role in the survival of the family economy through the MOTEKAR program, the existing home industry development can develop the woman's potential especially housewives. MOTEKAR is a Family Resilience Motivator from the local community in the village who have the desires, knowledge, and skills to carry out the family empowerment activities through the synergy of various related programs available in the village to improve the quality of the family life. The purpose of this dedication is to provide training about the processing of sardines, from the processing step until the sardines are ready to be marketed which can be used as a micro business in the family. This dedication conducted in Kampung Tengah district, Sukajadi Pekanbaru. The method used in this dedication is counseling. Counseling is the best way to give knowledge to the community. The result of this dedication is there are business opportunities, especially in the processing of sardines which get attention as a home industry development.  Keywords: Perempuan,Home Industri, MOTEKAR,