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Aceh Paska MoU Helsinki Murziqin, Ramzi
Al-Ijtima`i: International Journal of Government and Social Science Vol 1 No 2 (2016): Al-Ijtima`i-International Journal of Government and Social Science
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Pemerintahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (757.73 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/jai.v1i2.475


Negara Indonesia dikategorikan sebagai negara lemah. Berbagai fakta dan alasan akan diungkap dalam makalah ini guna menjawab pernyataan tersebut. Pengambilan kesimpulan Negara lemah berdasarkan pada teori yang dinyatakan Robert I. Rotberg. Dalam teorinya dia menyatakan fungsi utama suatu Negara dan juga karakter suatu Negara dikatakan lemah. Dalam tulisan ini (weak state) menampilkan suatu kasus untuk menganalisis performa pemerintah Indonesia dalam menjalankan fungsi-fungsinya. Kasus yang diambil adalah kasus paska penandatanganan konflik Aceh dengan Pemerintah Indonesia. Penandatanganan MoU dilakukan pada tanggal 15 Agustus 2005. Analisis kasus akan dibatasi pada akhir tahun 2008. Fakta-fakta kasus yang akan ditampilkan di sini adalah erat kaitannya dengan tindakan yang telah diambil Negara Indonesia dalam melaksanakan fungsi-fungsinya. Kemudian hal itu akan kami gunakan untuk melakukan analisis dalam menentukan kategorisasi pemerintah Indonesia.
Political Participation of Santri in the 2017 Regional Elections in Nagan Raya Regency Aklima Aklima; Ramzi Murziqin; Reni Shintasari; Aja Sanawiyah
Politicon : Jurnal Ilmu Politik Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Politicon : Jurnal Ilmu Politik
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/politicon.v3i2.12219


This research deals with the participation of students in Islamic boarding schools (dayah), which tend to deepen religion so that political information is limited. This study aims to determine the political participation of students in Nagan Raya Aceh 2017. This research is important because it looks at the attitude of students in political power relations. The urgency of this research is to understand the political culture of the santri, which is not only seen from the Kyai as a determinant of political choices. This research uses a qualitative method of the case study approach. The results of this study indicate that the behavior of voters (santri) with the Michigan School approach where the political attitudes and choices are chosen is not only based on the leadership of the pesantren / santri but there is direct involvement by the participation of the students with three aspects.
Sharia-Based Regional Regulations in the Indonesian National Law System Syahrizal Abbas; Ramzi Murziqin
Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun Vol 9 No 3 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun
Publisher : SCAD Independent

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26811/peuradeun.v9i3.673


This study aimed to explain the existence of sharia-based regional regulations and discuss the form of legal system regulation of sharia-based regional regulations in Indonesia. After the reformation, changes in the legal system in Indonesia began, especially the change from a centralized pattern to a decentralized one and the granting of regional autonomy authority, this was marked by the issuance of regional regulations based on the needs of each region. The next problem is the emergence of the desire to establish sharia-based regional regulations such as in Aceh, South Sulawesi, and West Java which invites legal discourse on the legal system in Indonesia. This study used a qualitative method with a normative legal approach. The subjects of this study were the namely elements of the Central and Regional Government, and Members of the DPRD. In addition, information was also collected from scholars, academics, and legal practitioners. The research procedure was carried out in four steps: observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data were analyzed using an inductive model. The research findings showed that; first, the implementation of post-reform Islamic Shari'a cannot be separated from the increase in democratic life in Indonesia. Second, the application of Islamic Shari'a is the desire of the community as the foundation and order of social, national, and religious life. Third, the application of sharia-based regional regulations in addition to being elite political capital is also part of increasing identity and cultural revival and social life of the community.
Parameter Transformasi Kurikulum Dayah Salafiyah di Aceh Tabrani ZA; Saifullah Idris; Ramzi Murziqin; Syahrul Riza; Wahyu Khafidah
Tazkir : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial dan Keislaman Vol 7, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/tazkir.v7i1.4218


This study aims to determine the transformation of the Dayah Salafiyah curriculum in Aceh with the research parameter being Dayah Salafiyah MUDI Mesra Samalanga. This research is a descriptive qualitative research, which studies in depth and holistically with the type of field research and uses socio-phenomenological and humanism approaches. This research is process-oriented, which has natural characteristics as a direct data source. Data were collected through interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The validity of the data was checked by using the method and source triangulation technique. While the data analysis technique used is a qualitative inductive analysis technique. The results showed that the curriculum at Dayah MUDI Mesra Samalanga had several components, including: knowledge content objectives, learning experiences, strategies and evaluations. The components of these goals are divided into several levels, namely national educational goals, institutional goals, curricular goals, and instructional goals. The method and education process consists of three levels, namely: Tajhizi, `Aliyah, and Takhassus. Changes in learning materials that have been made have had a very broad impact on the learning process in Dayah in general. Meanwhile, the transformation of learning methods includes two models, namely adaptation and adoption. In addition, in the process of integrating general material and religious material, Dayah is still looking for a new format that is able to accommodate religious knowledge as well as general knowledge, traditionality as well as modernity.
Performa Penegakan Hukum Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Serentak [Studi Kasus Penanganan Pelanggaran Pilkada tahun 2017 di Aceh] Fahrul Rizha Yusuf; Ramzi Murziqin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (684.91 KB) | DOI: 10.46930/jurnalprointegrita.v5i3.1238


Sepanjang proses penyelenggaraan tahapan Pilkada sejak 2016 hingga 2017, Panwaslih Aceh menerima/menangani 252 dugaan pelanggaran pemilihan baik dari laporan/temuan dengan rincian 224 laporan dari masyarakat/tim pemenangan/ kandidat dan 28 temuan. Sebanyak 189 laporan/temuan dihentikan/tidak dapat ditindaklanjuti dan hanya 63 laporan/temuan yang dapat ditindaklajuti oleh pengawas pemilihan. Secara umum dinamika politik Pilkada 2017 di Aceh telah mengalami perubahan jika dibandingkan dengan Pilkada sebelumnya. Berdasarkan data IKP, Aceh tergolong kategori tingkat kerawanan tinggi dari segi penyelenggara dan kontestasi. Dalam hal penanganan dugaan pelanggaran pidana Pilkada terdapat sejumlah ketentuan yang membatasi diantaranya: ketiadaan kewenangan dalam hal pemanggilan secara paksa pada saat proses klarifikasi, limitasi waktu dalam menangani dugaan pelanggaran terlalu singkat. Minimal terdiri dari 2 alat bukti dalam penerusan laporan atau rekomendasi. Perbedaan persepsi antara pihak Kepolisian, Kejaksaan dan Panwaslih dalam Rapat Sentra Gakkumdu kerap terjadi dalam hal memberi penafsiran terhadap suatu kasus pelanggaran hukum terutama mengenai politik uang dan kampanye yang mengakibatkan banyak laporan yang dihentikan. Selain itu, dalam proses penanganan dan penegakan hukum cenderung menggunakan pendekatan restorative justice yang terkesan politis dengan kesepakatan damai yang masih dinilai sebagai solusi yang tepat untuk mereduksi konflik antar kelompok pendukung pilkada.