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Pelatihan Manajemen Kelas pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika di SD IT Az-Zahra Takengon, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah Rosliana Harahap; Nurul Qomariyah Ahmad; Ali Umar; Nurmalina Nurmalina
Jurnal Abdidas Vol. 2 No. 5 (2021): October Pages 1021-1256
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/abdidas.v2i5.446


Manajemen kelas pada pembelajaran matematika yaitu pengelolaan terhadap bidang studi matematika melalui perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi pembelajaran. Manajemen pembelajaran matematika di kelas di susun dalam bentuk RPP yang baik. RPP yang baik harus memiliki, pendahuluan pembelajaran, menyampaikan tujuan, mampu menggali pengetahuan siswa, penjelasan materi, penjelasan media yang digunakan, penugasan dan evaluasi. RPP yang baik akan membantu guru dalam proses pembelajaran, sehingga tujuan dari proses pembelajaran dapat tercapai. Namun untuk merancang RPP yang baik tidaklah mudah, untuk itu perlu dilakukan pelatihan terhadap guru-guru agar mampu merancang RPP yang baik sehingga membantu para guru dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas. Pelatihan ini melibatkan 14 guru SD IT Az- Zahra sebagai peserta. Adapun langkah-langkah dalam pelatihan ini terdiri dari dua sesi, sesi pertama memberikan penjelasan materi tentang urgensi managemen kelas, dan managemen pelajaran matematika, pada sesi ke dua peserta melakukan praktik merancang manajemen kelas yang baik dalam bentuk RPP. Adapun target kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah keterampilan guru-guru dalam memanajemen pembelajaran di kelas matematika. Hasil dari pelatihan ini para peserta mampu meningkatkan keterampilan memanagemen kelas yang dituangkan dalam bentuk RPP, dan RPP yang dirancang oleh peserta dalam terkategori baik, hal ini terlihat dari RPP yang peserta buat telah sesuai dengan managemen waktu, managemen materi dan managemen penilaian.
Jurnal As-Salam Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal As-Salam
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37249/as-salam.v4i1.166


Abstract: The mualaf community of Kala Hamlet, Wih Ilang Village , Central Aceh Regency, Aceh Province, embraced Islam simultaneously and massively. They are Karo Catholics who previously lived in the Karo District of North Sumatra Province. One of the reasons for the transfer of the Karo community to the Kala hamlet was to make a living. The transfer process has been going on since the 1990. It takes process and effort to become a good Muslim. The purpose of this research is to know the religious transformation in the field of worship. This research uses descriptive qualitative with in-depth interview techniques, FGD, documentation and observation. The validity of the data uses triangulation techniques with Milles and Hubberman analysis . Based on the results of the study, it was found that the converts of the people of Kala underwent a process of transforming religious life in the field of worship by committing to perform worship according to Islamic teachings properly and correctly , despite the limited conditions and constraints when embracing Islam had been 30 years old . thus causing them to experience delays in understanding the Koran reading and prayer reading in worship rituals. In addition there are still many practices of compassion that they have not yet understood and will result in suboptimal levels of worship. Keywords: Transformation, Religious, Mualaf Abstrak: Masyarakat mualaf Dusun Kala Desa Wih Ilang Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, Provinsi Aceh memeluk agama Islam secara serempak dan masif. Mereka merupakan keturunan suku Karo beragama Katholik yang sebelumnya berdomisili di Kabupaten Karo Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Salah satu alasan perpindahan masyarakat Karo tersebut ke Dusun Kala untuk mencari penghidupan. Proses perpindahan sudah berlangsung sejak tahun 1990-an. Dibutuhkan proses dan usaha agar menjadi seorang Muslim yang baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui transformasi keagamaan pada bidang ibadah. Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik wawancara mendalam, FGD, dokumentasi dan observasi. Keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi dengan analisis Milles and Hubberman. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa masyarakat mualaf Dusun Kala menjalani proses transformasi kegamaan pada bidang ibadah dengan berkomitmen menjalankan ibadah sesuai ajaran Islam secara baik dan benar, walaupun kondisi yang terbatas serta mengalami kendala ketika memeluk agama Islam sudah berusia 30 tahun. sehingga menyebabkan mereka mengalami keterlambatan dalam memahami bacaan Alquran maupun bacaan doa dalam ritual ibadah. Selain itu masih banyak praktik ibadah yang belum mereka pahami dan akan berakibat tidak optimalnya tataran ibadah. Kata Kunci: Transformasi, Keagamaan, Mualaf
Jurnal As-Salam Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal As-Salam
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37249/as-salam.v4i2.219


Online learning has been chosen to be applied in all tertiary institutions in Indonesia; this also applies to IAIN Takengon. Student perception is one of the determinants of the success of the learning that is carried out. The purpose of writing this article is to find out how students' perceptions of online learning have been implemented and the factors that influence these perceptions. The research method used is an online survey using google form. The results showed that students' perceptions of online learning were not very good; this was caused by several factors, such as poor internet access, burdensome internet quota, difficulty communicating with lecturers, so students were not ready to use applications when online learning was carried out. There needs to be much improvement in the online learning system implemented; this indicates that universities are not ready to carry out online lectures.
Jurnal As-Salam Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal As-Salam
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (563.862 KB) | DOI: 10.37249/as-salam.v4i1.166


Abstract: The mualaf community of Kala Hamlet, Wih Ilang Village , Central Aceh Regency, Aceh Province, embraced Islam simultaneously and massively. They are Karo Catholics who previously lived in the Karo District of North Sumatra Province. One of the reasons for the transfer of the Karo community to the Kala hamlet was to make a living. The transfer process has been going on since the 1990. It takes process and effort to become a good Muslim. The purpose of this research is to know the religious transformation in the field of worship. This research uses descriptive qualitative with in-depth interview techniques, FGD, documentation and observation. The validity of the data uses triangulation techniques with Milles and Hubberman analysis . Based on the results of the study, it was found that the converts of the people of Kala underwent a process of transforming religious life in the field of worship by committing to perform worship according to Islamic teachings properly and correctly , despite the limited conditions and constraints when embracing Islam had been 30 years old . thus causing them to experience delays in understanding the Koran reading and prayer reading in worship rituals. In addition there are still many practices of compassion that they have not yet understood and will result in suboptimal levels of worship. Keywords: Transformation, Religious, Mualaf Abstrak: Masyarakat mualaf Dusun Kala Desa Wih Ilang Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, Provinsi Aceh memeluk agama Islam secara serempak dan masif. Mereka merupakan keturunan suku Karo beragama Katholik yang sebelumnya berdomisili di Kabupaten Karo Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Salah satu alasan perpindahan masyarakat Karo tersebut ke Dusun Kala untuk mencari penghidupan. Proses perpindahan sudah berlangsung sejak tahun 1990-an. Dibutuhkan proses dan usaha agar menjadi seorang Muslim yang baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui transformasi keagamaan pada bidang ibadah. Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik wawancara mendalam, FGD, dokumentasi dan observasi. Keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi dengan analisis Milles and Hubberman. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa masyarakat mualaf Dusun Kala menjalani proses transformasi kegamaan pada bidang ibadah dengan berkomitmen menjalankan ibadah sesuai ajaran Islam secara baik dan benar, walaupun kondisi yang terbatas serta mengalami kendala ketika memeluk agama Islam sudah berusia 30 tahun. sehingga menyebabkan mereka mengalami keterlambatan dalam memahami bacaan Alquran maupun bacaan doa dalam ritual ibadah. Selain itu masih banyak praktik ibadah yang belum mereka pahami dan akan berakibat tidak optimalnya tataran ibadah. Kata Kunci: Transformasi, Keagamaan, Mualaf
Jurnal As-Salam Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal As-Salam
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37249/as-salam.v4i2.219


Online learning has been chosen to be applied in all tertiary institutions in Indonesia; this also applies to IAIN Takengon. Student perception is one of the determinants of the success of the learning that is carried out. The purpose of writing this article is to find out how students' perceptions of online learning have been implemented and the factors that influence these perceptions. The research method used is an online survey using google form. The results showed that students' perceptions of online learning were not very good; this was caused by several factors, such as poor internet access, burdensome internet quota, difficulty communicating with lecturers, so students were not ready to use applications when online learning was carried out. There needs to be much improvement in the online learning system implemented; this indicates that universities are not ready to carry out online lectures.
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Vol 11, No 2 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (847.01 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/ajpm.v11i2.4637


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur tingkat kecemasan dan kemampuan analogi matematis siswa dalam pembelajaran menggunakan model treffinger berdasarkan kepribadian mereka. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan melibatkan 39 orang siswa MTsN 1 Aceh Tengah kelas VII. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari tes analogi, angket kecemasan, dan angket kepribadian siswa. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji t dan uji Mann-Whitney. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa terdapat 23 siswa dengan kepribadian ekstrovert dan 16 siswa dengan kepribadian introvert. Setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran treffinger, diketahui bahwa siswa berada pada tingkat kecemasan matematis sedang dengan rentang , dan tidak terdapat perbedaan kecemasan matematis antara siswa dengan kepribadian ekstrovert dan introvert. Pada kemampuan analogi matematis, terdapat perbedaan kemampuan antara siswa dengan kepribadian ekstrovert dan introvert. Siswa dengan kepribadian ekstrovert menguasai semua tahapan encoding, infering, mapping, dan applying, sedangkan siswa dengan kepribadian introvert hanya menguasai tahapan encoding, infering dan applying.The purpose of this study was to measure the level of anxiety and mathematical analogy ability of students in learning using the treffinger model based on their personality. This research is a quantitative research involving 39 students of MTsN 1 Aceh Tengah class VII. The data in this study were obtained from analogy tests, anxiety questionnaires, and student personality questionnaires. The analysis was performed using the t test and the Mann-Whitney test. Based on the analysis, it is known that there are 23 students with extroverted personalities and 16 students with introverted personalities. After applying the Treffinger learning model, it is known that students are at a moderate level of mathematical anxiety with a range of 83.2<X<108.8, and there is no difference in mathematical anxiety between students with extroverted and introverted personalities. In mathematical analogy ability, there are differences in abilities between students with extroverted and introverted personalities. Students with extroverted personalities master all stages of encoding, infering, mapping, and applying, while students with introverted personalities only master the stages of encoding, infering and applying
Development of Discovery Model-Based Learning Tool Using Cabri 3D Interactive Multimedia to Improve Students’ Mathematics Communication Ability Julia Noviani; Nurul Qomariyah Ahmad; Julidaini Julidaini
Suska Journal of mathematics Education Vol 8, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/sjme.v8i2.19592


This study aims to develop learning tools using discovery learning models assisted by the 3D Cabri application to improve students' mathematical communication ability. This research is a development research using the 4-D Thiagarajan model which consists of 4 stages, namely define, design, develop and dissemination. The research subjects were students of SMP Negeri 5 Aceh Tengah class IX. The research instruments used were the lesson plan validation sheet, the student worksheet validation sheet, and mathematical communication ability test validation sheets, teacher response questionnaires and student response questionnaires. Data analysis techniques are validity analysis, practicality analysis and effectiveness analysis. Based on the test results, the average assessment of the three aspects of the lesson plan is 4.01 with valid criteria. The average assessment of the three aspects of the student worksheet is 4.05 with valid criteria. The average score on the three aspects of the mathematical communication test is 3.65 with valid criteria. The practicality analysis uses a teacher response questionnaire with an average practicality score of 85% and is included in the very practical category. Based on the results of the students’ response questionnaire data analysis, it was concluded that students had a positive response, namely 92.12% of the components and learning activities so that they showed effective results. The data on the effectiveness of learning outcomes were obtained from the pre-test and post-test scores of students' cognitive in learning using n-gain and the average value of the results of increasing mathematical communication ability was 0.70 which stated that mathematical communication ability increased in the medium category. The validation and testing of learning tools show that the learning tools meet the criteria for the learning tools developed, referring to being valid, practical, and effective.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Alat Peraga Papan Perkalian dari Barang Bekas Bettri Yustinaningrum; Nurul Qomariyah Ahmad; Nur Ainun Lubis; Rosliana Harahap; Ali Umar
Catimore: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 3 (2022): Catimore: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LSM Catimore dan Sahabat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56921/cpkm.v1i3.12


Siswa SD An-Nahl mengalami kesulitan untuk memahami konsep perkalian. Untuk mengajarkan konsep perkalian dibutuhkan alat peraga sedangkan di SD An-Nahl belum tersedia secara lengkap alat peraga pembelajaran. Guru SD An-Nahl juga belum dapat membuat mandiri alat peraga yang mudah, murah, dan sesuai dengan konsep matematika. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengadakan pelatihan pembuatan alat peraga papan perkalian dari barang bekas. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah ceramah, tanya jawab, demonstrasi, praktik, dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil pelatihan yang diadakan mendapat respons positif dari peserta hal ini terlihat dari jawaban angket yang diberikan dengan kategori sangat baik dan baik. Selain itu, peserta juga mengharapkan diadakan kembali pelatihan dengan tema yang berbeda untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan kompetensi peserta.
The Development of Project-Based E-Learning Tool to Improve Students' Creative Thinking Skill Nurul Qomariyah Ahmad; Bettri Yustinaningrum
Ta'dib Vol 25, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v25i1.5699


This study aimed to determine the form, the level of effectiveness, and the obstacles and challenge in developing project-based e-learning tool to improve students’ creative thinking skills. The learning media developed are syllabus, lesson plans, modules, and creative thinking skills test. The model which is developed is the Plomp model which consists of some phases namely investigation, design, realization/construction phases and the evaluation, revision, test phase. Based on the validation test, the syllabus was 4.48, the RPS was 4.48, the module was 4.36, and the THB was valid. Based on the practicality test, the students’ responses were 76.25% and the lecturers’ responses were 4.70 and the category is very good. Based on the individual effectiveness test of 43.8% > 5%, classical completeness z count = 0.976 is between the z table and the N-gain test, 2 students had increasing creative thinking ability test scores in the high category, 6 students were in the medium category. Then it can be concluded that the learning tools developed are valid, effective, and practical.
Implementasi Sistem Penilaian Kurikulum 2013 pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika Nurul Qomariyah Ahmad; Rosliana Harahap; Anisa Amalia
EL-Hadhary: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Multidisiplin Vol 1 No 01 (2023): El-Hadhary
Publisher : Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat Asosiasi Masyarakat Madani Indonesia (AMMI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61693/elhadhary.vol101.2023.7-15


The assessment system needs to be adjusted to the development and needs to control the quality of education. This study aims to determine the implementation of the curriculum assessment system in class VII mathematics subjects in MTsN 1 Takengon and its constraints. Using descriptive qualitative methods with interview guideline instruments, observation, documentation. The validity of the data by engineering triangulation and data analysis based on Miles and Huberman's theory. Based on the results of research, teachers have applied the principles of assessment, an assessment mechanism that includes making minimum completion criteria (KKM), the existence of an assessment plan written in the learning implementation plan. In addition, teachers conduct an assessment of attitudes, knowledge, skills in the form of assessment including daily assessment, self-assessment, test, midterm assessment (PTS), final assessment (PAS) which is finally processed into report card scores. Meanwhile, the obstacles faced by teachers need to learn to convert grades in processing report cards.