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Perkembangan Penelitian Mikroplastik di Indonesia Alam, Firdha Cahya; Rachmawati, Mulki
Jurnal Presipitasi : Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan Vol 17, No 3 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (664.211 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/presipitasi.v17i3.344-352


Microplastics are plastic particles that have a diameter less than 5 mm. Research related to microplastics has developed in the world as well as in Indonesia. Research in Indonesia has been carried out in various places on the islands of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua. However, there has been no study of the current development status of microplastic research in Indonesia. This paper describes the development of microplastic research in Indonesia from 2014 to 2020 using a systematic review method. The results of the review show that the majority of research on microplastics in Indonesia is about the distribution of microplastics, both in freshwater, marine, and in organisms. In terms of location, the majority of research on microplastics was in Java (66.67%), with the most common form of microplastics being fiber, compared to other forms. In addition, various microplastic concentrations were obtained from various locations. However, the concentrations obtained cannot be directly compared, because the sampling method used is different from one location to another. This is because the microplastic sampling method has not been standardized.
Sustainable Environmental and Optimizing Industry Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Sahid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36441/seoi.v3i1.331


Permasalahan utama sampah di Kawasan Wisata Islamic Center Tulang Bawang Barat adalah pengelolaan sampah yang kurang baik. Kawasan Wisata Islamic Center Tulang Bawang Barat harus memiliki perencanaan sistem pengelolaan sampah karena jumlah timbulan sampah yang nantinya akan terus meningkat. Oleh karena itu, untuk merencanakan sistem pengelolaan sampah di Kawasan Wisata Islamic Center Tulang Bawang Barat perlu adanya kajian timbulan, densitas, dan komposisi sampah yang ada di lokasi tersebut. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode pengukuran timbulan,densitas dan komposisi sampah yang mengacu pada SNI 19-3964-1994. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan adalah total berat rata-rata sampah di Kawasan Islamic Center TBB adalah 117,51 kg/hari dan total volume rata-ratanya adalah 1,0349 m3. Densitas sampah terbesar ada pada sampah organik dengan nilai 105,478 kg/m3. Komposisi sampah di Kawasan Islamic Center TBB terdidi dari tiga komponen yaitu Sampah organik, sampah anorganik dan residu. Komposisi terbesar adalah sisa makanan sebesar 21%
Ambient Air Quality Perception of Embung’s Visitor in Institut Teknologi Sumatera Alfian Zurfi; Firdha cahya alam; Fitralia Eliza
Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Science, Engineering and Social Science Series
Publisher : Penerbit Kemala Indonesia

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Public open space or Urban open space as a means of outdoor activities are not only become part of the lifestyle but also the needs of the community especially for people who live in urban areas with a daily work routine. One of the public open spaces is the retention basin called Embung, where people carry out various activities both individually and in groups. Here, Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA) as a state university located in South Lampung Regency Lampung Province has several Embungs from Embung A, B, C, D, E, and F. Embung A is the most frequently visit due to its position adjacent to the Terusan Ryacudu street that makes it easy to be accessed not only by ITERA academicians but also by surrounding communities in the morning and afternoon. However, this location which is close to a busy highway makes it potentially get negative impacts from transportation activities, one of which is air pollution. In this research aimed to determine the perceptions of the visitors about the ambient air quality in Embung A. Our research was carried out before the pandemic, more precisely in 2019. The results of the questionnaire found that most of the visitor consider the ambient air quality is in good condition (72%) with more than half of them (59% of the respondent) said that the Embung air quality were important. The statistical analysis results show a significant result (p-value=0.001 < 0.05) between perceptions of air quality with the duration of visits. In conclusion the Embung A visitors have a good perception of Embung’s ambient air quality and its importance. Further research is needed to better understand the motives behind the visit to Embung or other public open space and their relation to other environmental parameters.
Preliminary Study on Identification of Sociological Perspective to Landfill Management Facilities over Bakung landfill, Bandar Lampung, Sumatera Novi Kartika Sari; Firdha Cahya Alam
Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Vol 4, No 3 (2020): Science, Engineering and Social Science Series
Publisher : Penerbit Kemala Indonesia

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Solid waste disposal management is a great challenge to be socially accepted in many aspects. Unmanaged landfill is still commonly faced in Indonesia with characteristic of open dumping. Bakung Landfill located in Bandar Lampung It is one of them. The operation of landfill related to manage a facility can be negatively affected to who living near the landfill. Thus, in this study aimed to analyze sociological perspective of Bakung landfill by some influential factors. Here, forty samples had been collected by interviewing respondents with random sampling around 1 to 5 km in distance from landfill where Eight components consist of 35 questions in total were given to respondents. The components are covered a general information such as the existence of landfill, owner management, technology facilities availability, financial, social impact, nuisance, disturbance, and damaging environment. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis (CA) as comparison were conducted to identify data. Some statistical tools were done to filter data as quality assurance i.e. validity, reliability, normality and KMO test. Four new components were extracted and named by “facility management”, “pollution”, “financial and convenience”, and “technology to handling”. Facility management and pollution explained the top highest of total variance. CA had similar result with better visualization of the proximity of components. Many literatures supported the fact that unmanaged system in landfill related to the facility management was occurred and the pollution coming from landfill was exist. However, future research regarding institutional perspective and broader area of research need to be conducted to support the issues.
Kualitas Air Embung untuk Irigasi di Margodadi, Lampung Selatan Tastaptyani Kurnia Nufutomo; Firdha Cahya Alam; Ayudia Hardiyani Kiranaratri
Media Ilmiah Teknik Lingkungan (MITL) Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Media Ilmiah Teknik Lingkungan (MITL)
Publisher : ​Institute for Researches and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33084/mitl.v5i2.1640


Lampung Selatan saat ini sedang menghadapi krisis air. Hal ini disebabkan maraknya perubahan penggunaan lahan menjadi pembangunan infrastruktur yang menyebabkan penurunan cadangan air tanah dan juga masalah banjir. Pemerintah daerah saat ini mulai membangun reservoir sebagai fasilitas penyimpanan air. Embung adalah teknologi konservasi di lokasi tadah hujan untuk mengatasi ketersediaan air. Embung Margodadi di Lampung Selatan dibangun untuk menyimpan air hujan, mempertahankan ketersediaan air tanah dan juga membantu siklus hidrologi. Selain itu peruntukan air embungnya untuk irigasi perkebunan warga. Banyaknya manfaat dan potensi embung, sehingga penelitian awal perlu dilakukan dalam analisis kualitas air. Untuk menganalisis kualitas air menggunakan indeks kualitas air berdasarkan parameter yang ditentukan, termasuk DO, BOD, total padatan, Nitrat, Fosfat, kekeruhan, pH, suhu, dan fecal coliform. Hasil yang didapat dari analisis kualitas air dengan indeks, air embung masih layak digunakan untuk kebutuhan masyarakat, karena hasilnya masih mengikuti standar kualitas kelas 3, yaitu untuk irigasi.
The Effects of Community Characteristics on Solid-Waste Generation and Management in the Village (A Case Study: Kurandak, North Sumatra) Wisnu Prayogo; Royana Chairani; Desy Rahmadani Telaumbanua; Novi Fitria; Firdha Cahya Alam; Muhammad Faisi Ikhwali; Rifka Noor Azizah; Istiqomah Shariati Zamani
Jurnal Presipitasi : Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan Vol 19, No 2 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1180.008 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/presipitasi.v19i2.303-3015


Waste is a very complex and urgent problem to be solved. The problems occur due to the participation of the residents as the leading actor. This study aimed to determine the significance of the influence of gender, age, education, employment status, income, duration of stay, and the level of knowledge on waste generation and management. Respondents to questionnaires and interviews were 37 people whose numbers were determined based on the Slovin equation, while data was analyzed using SPSS Statistics 20 software. A person's educational status significantly positively affects people's habits in reducing waste generation. The following positive significance was income, gender, and length of stay. Age and employment status have a negative correlation, indicating that the older and working, the less waste the society generates. Besides affecting waste generation, it turned out that education also significantly affects waste management. Therefore, education is the main factor considered in waste planning. The results of this study can be used as input for the Indonesian Government in providing information through training and the provision of waste management facilities.
Oxoplastics, Bioplastics, and their Potential of Microplastics Generation (Case Study: Indonesia) Firdha Cahya Alam
Sriwijaya Journal of Environment Vol 7, No 3 (2022): SOCIAL AND ENVIROMENTAL HEALTH
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22135/sje.2022.7.3.167-173


Plastics are still becoming popular topic in public news. This was initiated by some sea-animals that was trapped by plastic straws, plastic fishing net, and the other plastic packaging. This plastics problem are starting to become global issue and escalate the awareness of people to reduce the plastics use. Some campaign of reducing plastic use are varied, such as starting a zero-waste lifestyle, banning plastics bags, and the other solution is using degradable plastics. Unfortunately, some of the degradable plastics just become a label and only part of greenwashing product. With the increasing issue of microplastics, this degradable plastics is still seen to be skeptical from some academic perspective. The other solution that becoming popular is using biodegradable plastics or bioplastics. This bioplastic is said to be a better option because it is made from natural substrate that easily degrade, edible, and claimed to be safer for the environment. But this claim is still need further research and also standardization of biodegradability definition. This review will provide about the definition of biodegradable plastics, the differences between oxoplastic and bioplastics; the implementation of bioplastic or oxoplastic product in Indonesia, and issue related to microplastic generation
Analysis of Solid Medical Waste Management at X Hospital, West Sumatra Puti Shakila Audhisa Israr; Nurul Mawaddah; Firdha Cahya Alam
Jurnal Presipitasi : Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan Vol 21, No 1 (2024): March 2024
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/presipitasi.v21i1.210-222


X Hospital is one of the referral hospitals for handling COVID-19 patients, with 2,347 positive confirmed cases on November 12, 2021, which caused an increase in solid medical waste in 2022. Because solid medical waste has hazardous characteristics, there's an urgency to give more attention to potential risks. The impact can be reduced through proper waste management, starting with the waste stack. This study aims to identify sources and characteristics, waste stack, and implementation of solid medical waste management at X Hospital. This study uses quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis, primary and secondary data collection, observation, interviews, and measurement of solid medical waste by SNI-19-3964-1994. The results found that solid medical waste originates with three characteristics of waste, the average stack generated is 56.53 kg/day, and the correlation between patients and solid medical waste obtained a Spearman rank correlation (r) value of 0.851 with a very strong correlation. Implementing solid medical waste management at X Hospital refers to applicable regulations with a percentage of good 80%. Sorting decomposing 82.5%, container 76%, collection 73%, storage 85%, and external transportation 100%. However, several indicators must be improved to comply with applicable regulations, especially minimization, container, collection, and storage.
Sosialisasi pengelolaan sampah berdasarkan analisis timbulan dan komposisi sampah Novi Kartika Sari; Firdha Cahya Alam; Nurul Mawaddah; Aulia Annas Mufti; Ahmad Daudsyah Imami; Alfian Zurfi; Muhammad Khalid
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 8, No 1 (2024): March
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v8i1.21927


AbstrakKelurahan Sukarame, Kota Bandar Lampung merupakan salah satu kelurahan dengan jumlah kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi diiringi dengan peningkatan timbulan sampah setiap tahunnya.  Pemerintah telah telah menyediakan fasilitas dan infrastruktur dalam mengelola sampah namun Kelurahan Sukarame masih memiliki probelmatika dalam penggunaannya seperti banyaknya TPS Ilegal. Hal tersebut mengindikasi bahwa terdapat permasalahan pada kesadaran dan kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sampah hingga pemanfaatan fasilitas pengelolaan sampah di Kelurahan Sukarame. Oleh karena itu, edukasi dan sosialisasi terkait pengelolaan sampah perlu dilakukan terhadap stakeholder atau tokoh masyarakat di Kelurahan Sukarame seperti ketua-ketua Rukun Tetangga (RT) atau Rukun Warga (RW). Kajian dasar yaitu mengidentifikasi timbulan, densitas, dan komposisi sampah mengacu pada SNI 19-3964-1994. Karakteristik sampah (kelembapan dan niai kalor) akan diidentifikasi melalui formula empiris berdasarkan komposisi sampah. Sosialisasi diberikan kepada peserta perwakilan Kelurahan Sukarame. Keberhasilan sosialisasi teridentifikasi melalui 10 pertanyaan sederhana terkait konsep dasar persampahan. Hasil timbulan sampah yang didapatkan di Kelurahan Sukarame sebesar 0,08±0,02 kg/orang/hari atau 0,24±0,05 L/orang/hari. Komposisi sampah teridentifikasi adalah 73% sampah organik biodegradable, diikuti dengan sampah plastik 26,5%. Karakteristik sampah memiliki kelembapan relatif 47% dan nilai kalor 3.097 Kkal/kg. Pewadahan sampah disarankan menggunakan wadah terpilah tiga jenis sampah (organik, plastik, dan lainnya). Pengolahan sampah yang dianjurkan adalah pengolahan dengan metode komposting secara individual/komunal (sampah organik), pirolisis (sampah plastik), dan bank sampah atau TPS3R untuk pengelolaannya. Hasil sosialisasi ditemukan bahwa lebih dari 50% peserta memiliki peningkatan pemahaman dan berhasil teredukasi. Kata kunci: sosialisasi; pengelolaan sampah; kelurahan sukarame; timbulan sampah AbstractSukarame Subdistrict, Bandar Lampung City is one of the subdistricts with a high population density accompanied by an increase in waste generation every year. The government has provided facilities and infrastructure for managing waste, but Sukarame Village still has problems with its use, such as the number of illegal TPS. This indicates that there are problems with community awareness and lack of understanding in waste management and the use of waste management facilities in Sukarame Village. Therefore, education and outreach regarding waste management needs to be carried out among stakeholders or community figures in Sukarame Village, such as the heads of the Neighborhood Association (RT) or Community Association (RW). The basic study is identifying waste generation, density and composition referring to SNI 19-3964-1994. Waste characteristics (moisture and heat value) will be identified through empirical formulas based on waste composition. Socialization was given to participants representing Sukarame Village. The success of socialization was identified through 10 simple questions related to basic waste concepts. The waste generation results obtained in Sukarame Village were 0.08 ± 0.02 kg/person/day or 0.24 ± 0.05 L/person/day. The identified waste composition is 73% biodegradable organic waste, followed by 26.5% plastic waste. The characteristics of the waste have a relative humidity of 47% and a calorific value of 3,097 Kcal/kg. It is recommended that waste containers be used in containers separated by three types of waste (organic, plastic, and others). The recommended waste processing is processing using individual/communal composting methods (organic waste), pyrolysis (plastic waste), and waste banks or TPS3R for management. The results of the socialization revealed that over 50% of participants experienced an improvement in understanding and were successfully educated. Keywords: socialization; waste management; sukarame subdistrict; solid waste production