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Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Pajak Penghasilan Nomor 23 Terhadap Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 4 Ayat (2) Pada Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Broker Properti Indonesia Sabil Sabil; Ihwan Wahyudi; Suhartono Suhartono; Amin Setio Lestiningsih; Dwiyatmoko Puji Widodo; Teni Agustina; Lukman Hakim
JMD : Jurnal Riset Manajemen & Bisnis Dewantara Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Juli (2020) - Desember (2020)
Publisher : STIE PGRI Dewantara Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26533/jmd.v3i2.671


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti pengaruh pelaksanaan pajak penghasilan nomormor 23 terhadap pajak penghasilan pasal 4 (2). Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah laporan pajak pada lembaga sertifikasi properti broker properti Indonesia dan yang menjadi sampel pada penelitian ini adalah realisasi penerimaan pajak tahun 2016-2018. Data yang digunkan adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari bagian administrasi lembaga sertifikasi profesi broker properti Indonesia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksplanatori riset dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Alat analisa menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pajak penghasilan nomor.23 tahun 2018 mempunyai pengaruh signifikan positif terhadap pajak penghasilan pasal 4 (2).
Widya Cipta - Jurnal Sekretari dan Manajemen Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Maret 2018
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (84.822 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/widyacipta.v2i1.2657


Abstract  –  Manage by the leadership style of a leader is the proper techinique undertaken to improve the quality of human resourcesin order to produce optimal performance in achieving a common goal. This study aims to determine the effect of leadership style to the achievement of employee’s work at Departement of Archives and Regional Library of District Bogor. The methodology is primary quantitative methodology. Document were obtained through surveys and questionnaire, and  samples taken using saturated sampling where all employee at Departement of Archives and Regional Library of District Bogor to be respondent, as many as 45 respondents. Research methodology consist of the Scale Likert, Correlation Product Moment consist of : correlation coefficient, coefficient determination, regression equation, test statistic with SPSS 21. Correlation coeficient receive is 0,733 it means there is a connection between leadership style and work achievement. The coeficient determination is 54% influenced by leadership style and 46% influenced by onother factor. And reggresion equation test Y = 22,038 + 0,524X, analyzable first : if X = 0 or without any leadership style then the work achievement is (22,038). Second : if the leadership style rises 1 point that will be increase work achievement (22,562).
Pengaruh Pendapatan Ijarah Terhadap Profitabilitas (ROA) Pada PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Tbk Periode 2015-2019 Suhartono Suhartono; Dyah Octavia; Fahmi Kamal; Lukman Hakim; Taat Kuspriyono; Teni Agustina
JABI (Jurnal Akuntansi Berkelanjutan Indonesia) Vol 4, No 3 (2021): JABI (Jurnal Akuntansi Berkelanjutan Indonesia)
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/JABI.v4i3.y2021.p254-265


One of the functions of the bank is to collect public funds which are used for the benefit of all parties. There are many factors that can increase bank profits in managing public savings. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of ijarah income on profitability (ROA) in BSM. The data used by researchers is quantitative secondary data from the 2015-2019 period using statistical methods of correlation coefficient test, coefficient of determination test, and simple linear regression test. Where the data is processed using manual calculations with the SPSS v20 formula and application with the results of the correlation coefficient test of 0.906 or 90.6%, which means that the correlation level of ijarah income to profitability (ROA) is very influential with the degree of perfect correlation level. For the results of the determination coefficient test of 0.820 or 82% because the calculation results are close to 1, it means that ijarah income has a positive impact on profitability (ROA). Simple linear regression with a calculated F value of 82.848 with a significance level of 0.000, it can be concluded that there is an effect of Ijarah Income on Profitability (ROA).
Jurnal Marketing Vol 2 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Marketing
Publisher : STIE Perbankan Indonesia

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Dalam sebuah perusahaan seorang pemimpin memiliki kemampuan untuk mengajak para karyawan dalam mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan sesuai dengan perintah yang telah direncanakan sebelumnya. Tanpa adanya kehadiran seorang pemimpin dalam perusahaan maka tujuan tidak akan tercapai. Seorang pemimpin yang bisa memberikan dampak baik maupun buruk pada kinerja karyawanya memiliki beberapa gaya atau tipe kepemimpinan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriftif kuantitatif dengan menyebar kuesioner sebanyak 30 sampel dengan menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh. Metode analisis menggunakan analisis koefisien korelasi (R), analisis koefiesie determinasi (R2) dan analisis persamaan regresi. Hasil dari peelitian ini menunjukan bahwa variable gaya kepemimpinan memiliki pengaruh dan hubungan yang rendah terhadap kinerja karyawan pada toko buku gramedia cabang cinere depok dengan hasil koefisien korelasi (R) sebesar 0.230, koefisien korelasi determinasi (R2) sebesar 5,3% dan persamaan regresi sebesar Y = 36,457+0,200X.
Jurnal Marketing Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Marketing
Publisher : STIE Perbankan Indonesia

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Employee performance very important for an organization, one of them is the purpose of employee performance is to improve the discipline of work employees so as to achieve the purpose of obtaining a good performance. The research was conducted to know the influence of discipline employees can be transferred to these pay rises on performance he would do to PT Selaras lawang Sewu Jakarta. Sample used is sample saturated with use likert scale, to measure the magnitude of variable influence is used test a correlation coefficient, test the coefficients determined and test the regression equation is linear simple with the help of application program computer IBM SPSS 21. Methods used in this research is observation, the questionnaire and documentation. Based on the results of data analysis done. That the value a correlation coefficient of 0,728 which means strong and had links positive between discipline of the performance of employees. Employee performance affected by the discipline to employee performance. Employee performance influenced by the discipline of 53% and the rest 47% influenced by other factors out research. The results of the regression equation of Y = 9,368 + 0,776X every unit and the X up by 0,776
Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Tingkat Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada PT Telkom Indonesia Jakarta teni agus tina
Jurnal Marketing Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Marketing
Publisher : STIE Perbankan Indonesia

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Sumber daya manusia adalah hal-hal penting yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan, di mana sumber daya ini merupakan faktor utama dalam meningkatkan dan memajukan perusahaan. Lingkungan kerja adalah tempat karyawan untuk melakukan tugas dan pekerjaanya diperusahaan dan mencakup faktor-faktor yang dapat memengaruhi tingkat produktivitas karyawan. Penulis melakukan tempat penelitian di PT Telkom Indonesia dalam waktu 3 bulan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian kali ini adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. dalam pengambilan sampel penulis menggunakan metode sensus sampling dengan teknik pengujian data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji validitas dengan analisis faktor, uji reliabilitas dengan metode Cronbach's Alpha. Untuk membuktikan hipotesis, penulis menguji beberapa item dengan koefisien korelasi, uji koefisien determinasi, dan uji regresi linier sederhana. Hasil pengujian nilai uji koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,625 yang menyatakan koefisien korelasi kuat dan untuk nilai uji koefisien determinasi sebesar 39,1% yang mempengaruhi lingkungan kerja terhadap tingkat produktivitas kerja karyawan sedangkan sisanya 60,1% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain seperti motivasi kerja, insentif, dan gaya kepemimpinan. Sementara nilai koefisien regresi dari variabel lingkungan kerja adalah positif, diketahui bahwa konstanta adalah 20.758 dan lingkungan kerja adalah 0,580 yang berarti bahwa setiap kali memberikan 1 unit lingkungan kerja, produktivitas kerja karyawan akan meningkat sebesar 0,580. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh antara kebingungan kerja terhadap tingkat produktivitas kerja karyawan.
Jurnal Marketing Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Marketing
Publisher : STIE Perbankan Indonesia

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Performance assessment on employees at government agencies needs to be improved, because in order to support a success inside government agencies .Every organization needs to know the development of its employees, in order to increase productivity of employees. Therefore, in a government agencies there needs to be performance assessment.Likewise, the PT Pos Indonesia where performance assessment is very important in order to achieve a goal that has been set. assessment of performance in PT Pos Indonesia is conducted quarterly to the work of employees.The purpose of the implementation of the employee performance is to know i e employee performance in working and assess the extent of the level of productivity employees pekerjaanya .The assessment on the post offices indonesia are carried out by employees concerned with specific his job or jobdesk masing-masing employees are how long do their job, and how the amount of work was finished on time. That way the employees concerned rated honesty but still supervised by superiors. The next performance appraisal is carried out by the Assistant Manager in the form of quality of work and level of employee attendance. In the assessment of Individual Performance Management System (ISMS) has several indicators into Aspects of Employee Performance Assessment include: attendance rate, quantity of work and quality of work.
The Relationship of Salary And Annual Bonus To Employee Performance In Export Import Companies Heriston Sianturi; Idah Yuniasih; Teni Agustina; Rooswhan Budhi Utomo; S Sriyanto; Arman Syah Putra
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 6, No 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (631.317 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v6i1.227


The background of scientific writing is how to find out the relationship between annual bonus salaries and employee performance do these three variables have a significant relationship or not, therefore with this research it will be known whether the variables can be related to the company even better. The method in this study uses a quantitative method by conducting a survey of 100 employees at an import-export company and conducting a literature review study in order to find research problems that can be raised with very high novelty carried out by researchers. The problem raised in this study is there is a relationship between salary and employee performance then is there a relationship between annual bonuses and employee performance with the 2 hypotheses, it will be sought to find out whether the two variables and other variables are related to each other significantly. This study produces data, namely, there is a very significant relationship between salary and employee performance which has a significant value of 0.003 and there is a significant relationship between annual bonuses and employee performance which has a significant value of 0.002 with this value, the independent and dependent variables have a significant relationship very significant.
The Relationship of Salary And Annual Bonus To Employee Performance In Export Import Companies Heriston Sianturi; Idah Yuniasih; Teni Agustina; Rooswhan Budhi Utomo; S Sriyanto; Arman Syah Putra
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 6, No 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v6i1.227


The background of scientific writing is how to find out the relationship between annual bonus salaries and employee performance do these three variables have a significant relationship or not, therefore with this research it will be known whether the variables can be related to the company even better. The method in this study uses a quantitative method by conducting a survey of 100 employees at an import-export company and conducting a literature review study in order to find research problems that can be raised with very high novelty carried out by researchers. The problem raised in this study is there is a relationship between salary and employee performance then is there a relationship between annual bonuses and employee performance with the 2 hypotheses, it will be sought to find out whether the two variables and other variables are related to each other significantly. This study produces data, namely, there is a very significant relationship between salary and employee performance which has a significant value of 0.003 and there is a significant relationship between annual bonuses and employee performance which has a significant value of 0.002 with this value, the independent and dependent variables have a significant relationship very significant.
Hubungan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Pada PT Kuala Mina Persada) Ria Andriani; Teni Agustina
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Mei 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana hubungan lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT. Kuala Mina Persada. Mentode yang digunakan penulis adalah metode penelitian dengan menggunakan Analisis deskriftif dan kasual. Mengambil sampel penelitian sebanyak 54 responden. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dengan pengujian Teknik pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik dan regresi linier sederhana, koefisien korelasi dan uji koefisien determinasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini variable lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan terdapat peningkatan dengan nilai 0,305. Sedangakan pengaruh variable lingkungan kerja dan kinerja karyawan. Berdasarkan tabel 3 dapat dilihat bahwa lingkugan kerja terhadap kinerja nilainya sebesar 0,234 yang artinya lingkungan kerja berpengaruh positif sebesar 23, 4% sedangkan 76,6%.