Abdurakhman Abdurakhman
Department Of History Faculty Of Humanities Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

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Between the Influence of Customary, Dutch, and Islamic Law: Jaksa Pepitu and Their Place in Cirebon Sultanate History Tendi Tendi; Djoko Marihandono; Abdurakhman Abdurakhman
Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 57, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Al-Jami'ah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2019.571.117-142


The field of law is an interesting matter in the study of Indonesian history. The meddling of the various elements of culture and tradition due to political dynamics and power in the nation’s history, making law in Indonesia one type of hybrid entity. The interference of the law was not only seen from its legal products, but also from the bodies given the responsibility to enforce the law at that time. One of the prosecutors’ agency that had existed in the past was Jaksa Pepitu. This study aims to reveal the origins of the Jaksa Pepitu, elaborate on their works in the field of law in Cirebon environment, and describe the legal influences that contributed to the color of this collegial council. By way of historical research methodology and narrative approach, it can be seen that the prosecutor’s council is the agency essential in the practice of law. They were linked to Cirebon princes and  can be appointed through VOC approval. In addition, the actions of the prosecutors can be seen from the position, independence, and authority they have. The various things surrounding the Jaksa Pepitu indicate that it is legal institution influenced by customary, Western and Islamic laws. [Bidang hukum menjadi hal yang menarik dalam kajian sejarah Indonesia. Percampuran pelbagai unsur budaya dan tradisi akibat adanya dinamika politik dan kekuasaan dalam perjalanan bangsa, membuat hukum di Indonesia menjadi salah satu jenis hukum yang bersifat hybrid. Percampuran hukum itu tidak hanya dilihat dari produk hukum yang dihasilkan, namun juga dapat ditelisik dari badan yang diberi tanggung jawab untuk menegakkan hukum pada masa itu. Salah satu badan jaksa yang pernah eksis di masa lalu adalah Jaksa Pepitu. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan asal muasal Jaksa Pepitu, menguraikan kiprahnya dalam bidang hukum di lingkungan Cirebon, dan mendeskripsikan pengaruh-pengaruh hukum yang turut memberi warna dewan kolegial ini. Dengan metodologi penelitian sejarah dan pendekatan naratif yang dilakukan, dapat diketahui bahwa dewan jaksa itu merupakan badan penanggung jawab bidang hukum. Mereka memiliki keterkaitan dengan para pangeran Cirebon dan dapat diangkat dengan persetujuan VOC. Selain itu, kiprah para jaksa ini dapat dilihat dari posisi, independensi, dan wewenang yang mereka miliki. Adapun pelbagai hal yang mengitari Jaksa Pepitu menunjukkan bahwa mereka ini adalah badan yang dipengaruhi oleh hukum adat, Barat, dan Islam.]
KYAI DALAM PERUBAHAN SOSIAL DI PARE TAHUN 1970-1990 Nilan Loliyana; Abdurakhman Abdurakhman
Sejarah dan Budaya: Jurnal Sejarah, Budaya, dan Pengajarannya Vol 16, No 1 (2022): Sejarah dan Budaya: Jurnal Sejarah, Budaya, dan Pengajarannya
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um020v16i12022p129-143


Proyek akhir ini akan menjelaskan bahwa Kyai Yazid telah melakukan perubahan yang sangat signifikan terhadap dinamika kehidupan masyarakat pare dengan kemampuannya menguasai dan memahami berbagai macam bahasa asing. Bahasa Arab dan Belanda menjadi acuan untuk menguasai bahasa-bahasa asing seperti bahasa Ibrani, German, Inggris, Jepang, Persia, Perancis dan Hebrew.  Permasalahan yang diangkat dari penelitian ini yaitu, Mengapa terjadi perubahan masyarakat Pare dan bagaimana kyai Yazid melakukan perubahan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode historis, berdasarkan metode sejarah tersebut maka yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: Huristik (pencarian sumber), verivikasi data atau kritik sumber, interpretasi (penafsiran terhadap fakta yang telah melalui proses verifikasi sumber), Tahapan terakhir dari metode sejarah adalah historiografi (penulisan sejarah). Selain menggunakan metode sejarah, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sejarah biografi. Sumber yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan sumber primer dan sumber sekunder yang terdapat dalam arsip, foto, kamus-kamus bahasa asing, surat kabar sezaman seperti koran-koran dari Jerman yang dikirim khusus untuk kyai Yazid, buku-buku yang merupakan bacaan atau tulisan kyai Yazid, serta sumber dari media cetak maupun media online. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu, Kyai Yazid yang tumbuh sebagai agency yang merubah struktur masyarakat wilayah Pare melalui dua cara berikut: (Mengajarkan bahasa asing dalam sistem pembelajaran dan menggunakan sistem getok tular dalam memperluas kemampuan berbahasa asing di lingkungan pondok pesantren Darul Fallah).
Keberlakuan Hukum Penodaan Agama di Indonesia Antara Tertib Hukum dan Tantangan Hak Asasi Manusia Heru Susetyo; Farida Prihatini; Abdurakhman; Nurindah Hilimi; Intan Mahabah; Ira Apriyanti; Suri Rahmadhani
Perspektif Hukum VOLUME 20 ISSUE 1
Publisher : Faculty of Law Hang Tuah University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/ph.v20i1.78


Indonesia with its five pillars of Pancasila binds the State and its citizens to "Believe in Almighty" where the religious identity is the spirit of the State that must be respected. This is proven by the existence of Law No. 1/PNPS/1965 concerning the Prevention of Blasphemy that prohibits blasphemy, atheism, or any belief other than the religious identity recognized by the government and law. Article 156 (a) of the criminal code, known as the Criminal Code, also punishes "the dissemination of information aimed at inciting religious hatred or hostility" for five years in prison. In addition, the Information and Electronic Transaction Law (ITE) Law No. 11 of 2008, regulating criminal sanctions for libel, hate speech, and insulting certain religions/beliefs through electronic devices. On the other hand, the 1945 Constitution, as well as the Human Rights Act of 1999 and Law No. 12/2005 concerning Ratification of the ICCPR guarantees freedom of expression, religion, and belief. Criticism of religion is quite limited and support for atheism is definitely still banned in Indonesia. Therefore, this article yearns to explore the dynamics of law enforcement and defamation in Indonesia in national and international human rights regimes. Then, does the law on blasphemy have a legal basis in the Indonesian legal system, national and international human rights regimes, and the surrounding social values? This study compares the application of religious blasphemy laws in several regions in Indonesia and in several Southeast Asian countries.
Gangguan DI/TII di Perbatasan Enrekang-Toraja Pada Pemilu 1955 Abd Rahman; Abdurakhman Abdurakhman
Fajar Historia: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah dan Pendidikan Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Fajar Historia: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah dan Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29408/fhs.v7i1.6951


The 1955 elections were the first elections held by the Indonesian government, but the vast territory of Indonesia did not make the 1955 elections a completely safe election because there were still many upheavals in the regions that occurred. One of the upheavals that occurred was the DI / TII movement that occurred in several places in Indonesia, one of which was the South Sulawesi region. The movement led by Qahar Mudzakkar disrupted the 1955 elections both during the implementation and in preparation for this election. Especially for areas on the Enrekang-Toraja border. Therefore, this article analyzes how DI/TII interference in the border area is an attempt to thwart the election. This research uses historical research methods which include heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography by analyzing the Enrekang Archives Inventory, Toraja, Sulawesi Province. The results showed that areas that were not controlled by DI/TII were still able to carry out elections, but DI/TII areas located on the border could not carry out elections which were marked by the absence of election equipment in the area. However, DI/TII areas close to the city conducted elections secretly so that several regions had time to carry out elections in different ways in anticipation of the conditions at that time.Pemilu 1955 merupakan pemilu pertama yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintahan Indonesia namun wilayah Indonesia yang begitu luas tidak menjadikan pemilu 1955 menjadi pemilu yang sepenuhnya aman karena masih banyaknya pergolakan di daerah-daerah yang terjadi. Salah satu pergolakan yang terjadi ialah adanya gerakan DI/TII yang terjadi dibeberapa tempat di Indonesia, salah satunya ialah wilayah Sulawesi Selatan. Gerakan yang dipimpin oleh Qahar Mudzakkar ini melakukan gangguan terhadap pemilu 1955 baik pada saat pelaksanaan maupun dalam rangka persiapan pemilu ini. Terutama untuk daerah-daerah yang berada di perbatasan Enrekang-Toraja. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini menganalisa bagaimana gangguan yang di lakukan DI/TII di daerah perbatasan sebagai upaya untuk menggagalkan pemilu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah yang meliputi Heuristik, Kritik, Intrepretasi dan historiografi dengan menganalisi Inventaris Arsip Enrekang, Toraja, Provinsi Sulawesi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daerah yang tidak dikuasai oleh DI/TII masih dapat melaksanakan pemilu namun daerah DI/TII yang berada di perbatasan tidak dapat melaksanakan pemilu yang ditandai dengan tidak terbentuknya perlengkapan pemilu di daerah tersebut. Akan tetapi daerah DI/TII yang dekat dengan kota melakukan pemilu secara sembunyi-sembunyi sehingga beberapa daerah sempat melaksanakan pemilu dengan cara yang berbeda dalam mensiasati kondisi saat itu.
Handep: Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya Volume 6, No. 2, June 2023
Publisher : Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Kalimantan Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33652/handep.v6i2.476


This paper aims to analyze the efforts of Darul Islam/Tentara Islam Indonesia (DI/ TII) in realizing the formation of the Indonesian Islamic State amid the Indonesian National Army’s operations through educational aspects. This paper questions how the development of education provided by DI/TII to the people in its territory or conflict situation. The discussion is studied using historical methods with oral sources within the concepts of education and conflict. The conflict has always been synonymous with disruption and destruction of education; however, this historical study shows that education was intensified in conflict areas and used as a propaganda medium for DI/TII. This article presents the different conditions of education in areas controlled by the TNI and those controlled by DI/ TII. The results show that education for the people of Benteng Alla is still running despite being in a conflict situation between DI/TII and TNI. However, the education provided was built on the basis of DI/TII’s interest to establish an Islamic State so that it was not under state supervision.
Preparing Graduates for the Workforce: The Development of Contextual-Based History Learning E-Modules in Vocational Schools Nur Aeni Marta; Abdurakhman Abdurakhman; Djunaidi Djunaidi
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 33, No 2 (2023): History and Tragedy
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v33i2.37112


During the COVID-19 pandemic, history lessons were carried out online. As a result, several obstacles are encountered, including internet network problems. Teachers have difficulty carrying out learning activities in class optimally and meaningfully. Meanwhile, there has been no contextual-based history e-module for Vocational High Schools. Even though history learning for SMK should be different from SMA. The direction and objectives of SMK learning are to strengthen graduate competency standards to be ready for work. For this reason, researchers recommend using contextually based e-modules as an effort to prepare graduates who are ready to work. Contextual e-modules are modules that are presented electronically; the material is related to other subject matter that is relevant to the field of vocational science and graduate competency achievements. The research used the RD method with the ADDIE approach. The results of the study show that contextually based E-modules can optimize history learning and encourage innovative creativity. The advantages of contextually based E-modules are that the material is related to areas of expertise, easily accessible at any time, and can be studied independently and repeatedly. As a result, learning history can be carried out effectively and thoroughly.Pada masa pandemi COVID-19, pembelajaran sejarah dilakukan secara daring. Dampaknya, terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi di antaranya adalah masalah jaringan internet. Guru mengalami kesulitan melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas secara optimal dan bermakna. Sementara itu, selama ini belum ada e-modul sejarah berbasis kontekstual untuk SMK. Padahal seharusnya pembelajaran sejarah untuk SMK berbeda dengan SMA. Arah dan tujuan pembelajaran SMK adalah memperkuat standar kompetensi lulusan untuk siap kerja. Untuk itu, peneliti merekomendasikan penggunaan e-modul berbasis kontekstual sebagai upaya mempersiapkan lulusan yang siap kerja. E-modul berbasis kontekstual merupakan modul yang disajikan melalui elektronik, materi dikaitkan dengan materi pelajaran lain  yang relevan dengan bidang ilmu kejuruan dan capaian kompetensi lulusan. Penelitian menggunakan metode RD dengan pendekatan ADDIE. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan E-modul berbasis kontekstual dapat mengoptimalkan pembelajaran sejarah dan mendorong muncul kretivitas inovasi baru.  Kelebihan E-modul berbasis kontekstual adalah materi dikaitkan dengan bidang keahlian, mudah diakses kapan saja, serta dapat dipelajari secara mandiri, dan berulang-ulang. Dampaknya, pembelajaran sejarah dapat dilakukan secara efektif dan tuntas.  
Press History Framework for A Press History Course F Febbrizal; A Abdurakhman
Proceedings International Conference on Education Innovation and Social Science 2023: Proceedings International Conference on Education Innovation and Social Science
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The study of press history is a subsection of universal history that is studied and used as a patron in writing and teaching history. The study of press history is not only thematic and refers to the methodological part of research (as a primary source) but also has a unique performance to be taught at the college level and below. The research method used in this book is a literature study; the first part is collecting press history sources; the second is sorting and selecting press history; and the third is reviewing and analyzing the container that becomes the framework of Indonesian press history. This research found a suitable platform in the authorship, what is referred to as the "Indonesian Press History Framework for Press History Course," in the platform "Sejarah awal pers dan kebangkitan kesadaran keIndonesiaan, 1855–1913" by Ahmat Adam, "Jurnalisme dan politik di Indonesia: Biografi Kritis Mochtar Lubis (1922–2004) Sebagai Perenungan Redaksi dan Pengarang" by David T. Hill, and "Pers Perlawananananan: Politik Wacana Antikolonialisme Pertja Selatan" by Basilius Triharyanto.
Women and Politics: Women’s Participation in The Indonesian National Political Movement, 1923 -1942 Siswantari Siswantari; Abdurakhman Abdurakhman; Dwi Mulyatari; Raisye Soleh Haghia; Syahidah Sumayyah Rahman
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 34, No 1 (2024): The Election and Political History
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v34i1.44657


This study aims to analyze women’s political participation during the national movement. The movement period began the women’s movement to voice their political ideas towards independence.    The women’s political movement has long existed. Women have struggled to establish their existence since colonial times. Analysis of women’s participation efforts in the political field is described in three organizations from three cities, namely Batavia (Jakarta), Jogjakarta, and Medan, each through Perhimpoenan Kaoem Betawi representing regional organizations, Aisyiyah representing socio-religious organizations and Keoetamaan Isteri representing socio-political organizations. This research uses historical heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography methods. The heuristic stage is carried out by searching for library sources, documents, and archives, and it is selected based on the source criticism carried out. The results show that the wishes and demands for women’s political participation have not been realized. The limited opportunities for women to sit in the Volksraad and direct competition with men were factors that did not directly result in women being involved in politics. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis partisipasi politik perempuan pada masa pergerakan nasional. Masa pergerakan mengawali gerakan perempuan untuk menyuarakan ide-ide politiknya menuju kemerdekaan. Gerakan politik perempuan sudah ada sejak lama. Perempuan telah berjuang untuk membangun eksistensinya sejak zaman kolonial. Analisis terhadap upaya partisipasi perempuan dalam bidang politik digambarkan pada tiga organisasi dari tiga kota, yaitu Batavia (Jakarta), Jogjakarta, dan Medan, masing-masing melalui Perhimpoenan Kaoem Betawi yang mewakili organisasi daerah, Aisyiyah yang mewakili organisasi sosial keagamaan, dan Keoetamaan Isteri yang mewakili organisasi sosial-keagamaan. organisasi politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri atas heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Tahap heuristik dilakukan dengan mencari sumber perpustakaan, dokumen, dan arsip, serta dipilih berdasarkan kritik sumber yang dilakukan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa keinginan dan tuntutan partisipasi politik perempuan belum terwujud. Terbatasnya kesempatan perempuan untuk duduk di Volksraad dan persaingan langsung dengan laki-laki menjadi faktor yang tidak secara langsung menyebabkan perempuan terlibat dalam politik.
Forging Progress: Scientists and Engineers Shaping the Dutch East Indies Transformation, 1778-1942 Yon Machmudi; Abdurakhman Abdurakhman; Wildan Insan Fauzi
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 34, No 1 (2024): The Election and Political History
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v34i1.50186


European students started arriving in the Dutch East Indies in the 18th century. Later in the 20th century, the Dutch began implementing various technologies in irrigation, roads, railways, shipping, and industry. Colonial politics gave scientists and engineers an important and strategic place in the Dutch East Indies government. The central question guiding this research is, “What role did scientists and engineers play in the modernization of the Dutch East Indies from 1778 to 1942?”. This historical research uses various archives at ANRI and newspapers from the colonial era to explore the role of scientists and engineers in developing science and technology and the transformation of the Dutch East Indies. The development of science and technology in the Dutch East Indies was intricately linked to Dutch colonial politics, disease outbreaks, capitalism’s growth, and modernization. The findings of this research show the role of engineers in various projects for the construction of irrigation canals, ports, dams, roads, railways, trams, mines, telegraphs, airplanes, weapons, industry, and radio. These various projects impacted community mobility, city development, provision of clothing and food, employment opportunities, and other socio-economic impacts. Dutch scientists’ activities initially had a limited impact on colonial society due to their elitist nature, lack of social support, bureaucratic obstacles, and entanglements in the political sphere. Dutch scientists have important positions in various research institutions, including botany, archaeology, physics, and the chemical industry. Pelajar Eropa mulai berdatangan ke Hindia Belanda pada abad ke-18. Kemudian pada abad ke-20, Belanda mulai menerapkan berbagai teknologi di bidang irigasi, jalan raya, kereta api, pelayaran, dan industri. Politik kolonial memberikan kedudukan penting dan strategis bagi para ilmuwan dan insinyur dalam pemerintahan Hindia Belanda. Pertanyaan sentral yang memandu penelitian ini adalah, “Apa peran ilmuwan dan insinyur dalam modernisasi Hindia Belanda pada tahun 1778 hingga 1942?”. Penelitian sejarah ini menggunakan berbagai arsip di ANRI dan surat kabar masa kolonial untuk menggali peran ilmuwan dan insinyur dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta transformasi Hindia Belanda. Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di Hindia Belanda erat kaitannya dengan politik kolonial Belanda, wabah penyakit, pertumbuhan kapitalisme, dan modernisasi. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan peran insinyur dalam berbagai proyek pembangunan saluran irigasi, pelabuhan, bendungan, jalan raya, kereta api, trem, pertambangan, telegraf, pesawat terbang, senjata, industri, dan radio. Berbagai proyek tersebut berdampak pada mobilitas masyarakat, perkembangan kota, penyediaan sandang dan pangan, kesempatan kerja, dan dampak sosial ekonomi lainnya. Aktivitas ilmuwan Belanda pada awalnya berdampak terbatas pada masyarakat kolonial karena sifatnya yang elitis, kurangnya dukungan sosial, hambatan birokrasi, dan keterikatan dalam ranah politik. Ilmuwan Belanda mempunyai posisi penting di berbagai lembaga penelitian, termasuk botani, arkeologi, fisika, dan industri kimia.
Bataviaasch Genootschap Van Wetenschappen and the Institutionalization of Science in the Dutch East Indies 1778-1942 Ayi Budi Santosa; Abdurakhman Abdurakhman; Yeni Kurniawati; Wildan Insan Fauzi
Diakronika Vol 24 No 1 (2024): DIAKRONIKA
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/diakronika/vol24-iss1/415


The background of this research is that Science in Indonesia develops through institutions, not ideas, people, or instruments. This research aims to describe the institutionalization of scientific institutions in the Dutch East Indies. The historical method analyzes various resources to aid the reconstruction of the Dutch East Indies’s science institutionalization process. This research uses archives from ANRI (National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia) regarding Bataviaasch Genootschap van Wetenschappen (The Batavia Society of Arts and Science). Archives from other scientific institutions, such as Bogor and Cibodas Botanical Gardens, are also used to illustrate the institutionalization process. The findings of this research include studies on the process and the necessity to pay attention to elements such as rules, norms, cultural benefits, roles, and material resources. Institutionalizing science and technology in the Dutch East Indies underwent at least three stages: the emergence of amateur scientists from Europe, the efforts to build scientific groups, and the establishment of science institutions. This research concludes that the first two stages were outside the bureaucratic channels of the colonial government. However, in the third stage, scientists needed help to escape the role of the colonial bureaucracy in developing these scientific institutions. Bataviaasch Genootschap van Wetenschappen, founded in 1778, was a private organization studying commerce, agriculture, and humanities. It played a significant role in encouraging various other research institutions