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Peningkatan Minat Baca Masyarakat Melalui Pengembangan Ruang Literasi dan Keperpustakaan di Dusun Coci, Kecamatan Pamboang, Kabupaten Majene Andi Nur Fiqhi Utami; Gia Ayu Fita; Citra N. Fariaty; Riady Ibnu Khaldun
Jurnal Abdidas Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): February, Pages 1-160
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/abdidas.v2i1.194


Pada dasarnya literasi mempunyai arti berupa kemampuan dalam membaca dan menulis, sehingga sangat penting bagi seorang individu untuk memiliki tingkat literasi yang baik agar dapat mendukung tercapainya hidup yang lebih berkualitas dalam berkarya dan menggapai cita-cita. Demikian halnya, beberapa daerah di Indonesia masih menunjukkan tingkat aktivitas literasi yang rendah seperti di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat khususnya di Dusun Coci, Kecamatan Pamboang, Kabupaten Majene. Permasalahan tersebut satu di antaranya disebabkan oleh kurangnya ketersediaan akses literasi oleh masyarakat sekitar, maka untuk mendorong tingkat aktivitas literasi masyarakat dilakukan dengan upaya: 1) peningkatan kualitas taman baca mitra yaitu Taman Baca Coci melalui penambahan jumlah bahan bacaan yang disalurkan oleh para donatur melalui tim pengabdian masyarakat seperti buku bacaan anak, buku dengan tema politik, sosial, sejarah, maupun buku-buku lainnya yang bersifat umum; 2) peningkatan pengetahuan pengurus Lembaga Passikola Kapung tentang literasi dan keperpustakaan melalui pemberian materi yang disampaikan oleh anggota tim pengabdian masyarakat bertujuan untuk membangun kembali peranan penting lembaga mitra masyarakat dalam meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya literasi. Diharapkan dengan terlaksananya pengabdian masyarakat ini, akan memberikan dampak terhadap peningkatan aktivitas literasi masyarakat di Dusun Coci.
RIVALITAS PADA PILKADA SERENTAK TAHUN 2015 DI KABUPATEN MAJENE asriani Asraini; Andi Nur Fiqhi Utami; Zainuddin Losi
Jurnal Arajang Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Arajang
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (176.784 KB) | DOI: 10.31605/arajang.v2i2.283


The research aimed to determine and analyze the competition of candidate pairs and the effect of decisive elite on the candidate pairs in obtaining votes in the 2015 Regional Head Election in Majene Regency. The research was a qualitative study with descriptive analysis type conducted in Majene Regency. The informants were determined using purposive sampling method. The data were obtained through in-depth interview and library study. The data were analyzed using rivalry concept, capital strength approach, decisive elite concept, and exchange theory. The results of the research indicate that each candidate pairs competes with each other by maximizing the owned capital strength. Fahmi Massiara – Lukman victory is obtained because they are able to accumulate modalities, i.e. symbolic capital, financial capital and social capital. Rizal Sirajuddin – Mulyadi Bintaha pair is the second in obtaining votes by maximizing financial capital, and social capital. Arifin Nurdin – A. Irfan pair is the third as they do not maximizing financial capital, and the only have cultural capital. The involvement of elites in the 2015 Regional Head Election in Majene Regency has impact on candidate pairs in obtaining votes. The effects of decisive elites determine political position, title of nobility, and the owned financial ability. Decisive elites have interest in supporting the candidate pairs, i.e. to facilitate the vote in Majene in governor election of West Sulawesi.
Jurnal Arajang Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Arajang
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (150.532 KB) | DOI: 10.31605/arajang.v3i1.583


Keterwakilan Perempuan di Sulawesi Barat masih sangat rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui proses keterpilihan calon legislatif perempuan dan upaya calon legislatif perempuan dalam membina hubungan dengan konstituen pada pemilu legislatif di Sulawesi barat tahun 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analisis yakni keterwakilan perempuan dalam pemilu legislatif di Sulawesi Barat tahun 2014. Data diperoleh dari wawancara dan studi pustaka. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik reduksi data, sajian data, dan verifikasi kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterpilihan calon legislatif perempuan di Sulawesi Barat pada pemilu 2014 masih sangat rendah. Hal ini disebabkan peran partai politik masih kurang dalam proses kaderisasi dan memberikan pendidikan politik bagi perempuan. Hambatan budaya juga menghalangi calon legislatif perempuan untuk memperoleh suara. Konsep budaya patriarki yang berkembang dimasyarakat memandang perempuan sebagai makhluk lemah, lembut, dan menempatkan perempuan sebagai orang yang dipimpin. Upaya calon legislatif perempuan untuk memenangkan pemilu adalah dengan melakukan sosialisasi, mengusung isu perempuan, membangun hubungan dengan masyarakat
Global Trade Restrictions during Covid-19 Pandemic Riady Riady; Gia Ayu Fita; Andi Nur Fiqhi Utami; Taufik Hidayat B. Tahawa
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): February 2021
Publisher : CV. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51601/ijersc.v2i1.44


In early 2020 with the emergence of the corona virus which originated in China, became a threat to every country because it caused many victims to die. The massive spread of the corona virus globally throughout the world has an impact on every country in various sectors, be it social, political, economic, tourism, or domestic and global trade sectors. This is because many countries have issued policies restricting access to the country not only for the public, but also for certain products originating from other countries with the aim of minimizing the growing circulation of the corona virus. Of the many countries, including Indonesia, felt the impact of this case, especially in the global trade sector because it caused delays in various types of products that should have been exported to various countries due to restrictions on the acceptance of imported goods by certain countries through policies issued supported by the World Trade Organization's record stating that During the Covid-19 pandemic, there were many countries that implemented global trade restrictions.
Revolution in the perspective of khilafah Zainuddin Losi; Asriani Asriani; Andi Nur Fiqhi Utami; Nizar Nizar
Indonesia Prime Vol 6 No 1 (2021): Indonesia Prime
Publisher : Indonesia Prime

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29209/id.v6i1.117


The collapse of the Khilafah in 1924 caused Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT) to fight for the re-establishment of the Khilafah. The expected change in the struggle is a fundamental change to people's thinking, outlook on life and system of government so that the change is more appropriately referred to as revolution. This paper examines HT's perspective on the method of revolution based onthe stages of the Prophet's da'wah. Thisresearch reveals that the revolution in ht perspective is applied through 3 (three) stages of da'wah, namely (1) wiring; (2) Interaction with Society, which includes "Battle of Thought" and "Political Struggle"; and (3) Acceptance of Power which includes Thalabun Nushrah for the Purpose of Support against Da'wah and Thalabun Nushrah for the Purpose of Handover of Power. Numbers (1) and (2) are categorized as "Methods of Thought Revolution". Number (3) is categorized as the "Method of System Revolution". Stages of da'wah above are carried out through da'wah fikriyah (da'wah ikiran)which has implications for changes in the thinking of thecommunity and public awareness, and is done Peacefully and without violence. The three stages of da'wah were adopted by HT from the prophet's da'wah stage
Prediction of Indonesia's international relationship post-Jokowi Term 2024: international political literacy Study Ahmad Amiruddin; Gia Ayu Fita; Aco Nata Saputra; Zainuddin Losi; Andi Nur Fiqhi Utami
ARISTO Vol 10, No 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24269/ars.v10i2.5160


This study aimed to obtain input and scientific evidence regarding Indonesia's foreign policy prediction after the Jokowi presidency in 2024. This study aims to understand what foreign policy will look like in the next presidential term. To discuss the topic of efforts to answer the problems of this study, this study obtained data from many reading sources such as international publications in the form of books, articles, reports, and newspapers. The collected data is then reviewed carefully, which involves a data coding system, sharp analysis, in-depth evaluation, and high interpretation so that we can conclude research answers with high validity and reality principles. Based on the data presentation and discussion, it can be concluded that Indonesia's foreign policy after Mr. Jokowi's tenure is a series of visions that describe how Indonesia interacts with foreign countries that regulate bilateral cooperation with the principle of free and active political economy.Another issue that Indonesia can predict is still being done, as stated in the country's constitution. In other words, there is no significant difference. Thus the results of this study are helpful for the parties, especially for educational use and policy making.
Public Health Services: Makassar Government's response In the Early Phase of the COVID-19 Andi Nur Fiqhi Utami; Tawakkal Baharuddin; Nur Khaerah; Citra N. Fariaty
Kemudi Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Kemudi: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1710.343 KB) | DOI: 10.31629/kemudi.v7i1.4884


The Covid-19 pandemic has affected many aspects, including public health services. In this situation, the role of the government is needed to continue to strive to fulfill and ensure that health services continue to run well. This study aims to determine the government's response at the beginning of the pandemic phase and to find the inhibiting factors in fulfilling public health services in Makassar. This study also makes it possible to see how the prospects for public health services after the pandemic will be in the future. This study uses documentation data and internet data to collect relevant information. Data analysis uses a qualitative approach by maximizing the use of the Nvivo 12 Plus analysis software. The findings of this study indicate that during the COVID-19 pandemic period, public health services do not only focus on infected patients but also public health services as a whole. This causes services to be less than optimal because medical personnel and infrastructure cannot accommodate the situation. In this situation, aspects still hinder the fulfillment of public health services, including low public awareness, access to information, regulations, and the fulfillment of health facilities. The prospect of health services becomes essential in the future. This requires a more innovative and adaptive national health system.
Assistance in the Management of Village Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) in Lapeo Village, Polewali Mandar Regency Andi Nur Fiqhi Utami; M. Paharuddin; Aco Nata Saputra; Riady Ibnu Khaldun; Muhammad Tanzil Aziz Rahimallah
Asian Journal of Community Services Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): February, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajcs.v2i2.3353


The purpose of this community service is to provide assistance related to the Management of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in Lapeo Village. Based on the research results the main factors that determine the successful implementation of the BUMDes Management strategy are village policy support, community participation, and also the ability of managers. For more details related to the BUMDes Problem Analysis in Menara Paindo are as follows: 1) The performance of BUMDes management is not optimal; 2) BUMDes Menara Paindo which has just had the status of a legal entity; 3) The lack of exploration of potential business fields; 4) Low public understanding of the roles and functions of BUMDes; 5) Low support from district and provincial governments.
Competence Analysis of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) Social Services in Polewali Mandar District Andi Nur Fiqhi Utami; Aco Nata Saputra; Citra N. Fariaty
Journal of Scientific Research, Education, and Technology (JSRET) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Vol. 1 No. 2 2022
Publisher : Kirana Publisher (KNPub)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58526/jsret.v1i2.109


This study aims to determine competency variables based on Spencer's theory which reveals that there are five main competency characteristics that affect individuals, namely, knowledge, skills, self-concept/attitude, traits, and motives. motives). In this study, the competence seen was from the aspects of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of employees towards their work at the Office of the Social Service of Polewali Mandar Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques carried out are through interviews, observation, and documentation. The research data obtained were then processed using qualitative analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results showed that the competence of employees at the Social Service Office of Polewali Mandar Regency was sufficient. This can be seen based on the good results of the indicators of knowledge and skills. However, related to attitude indicators, there are differences in the level of satisfaction among employees with their work. This needs to be considered so that employees can maximize their performance as state civil servants.
The Efficiency of E-KTP Services at The Tubbi Taramanu Sub-District Office in Polewali Mandar Regency in Order to Realize Good Governance Andi Nur Fiqhi Utami
Journal of Scientific Research, Education, and Technology (JSRET) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Vol. 1 No. 2 2022
Publisher : Kirana Publisher (KNPub)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58526/jsret.v1i2.115


The implementation of Good Governance can be seen as part of the effort to implement democratic principles in public services. Given the current situation in public services that requires the implementation of Good Governance to achieve good organizational goals, human resources such as bureaucracy must have the qualities and attitudes of Good Governance principles to achieve those goals. This study aims to determine the implementation of Good Governance at the Tubbi Taramanu Sub-district Office in Polewali Mandar Regency. The research design used was descriptive quantitative research. The results of this study show that the implementation of Good Governance at the Tubbi Taramanu Sub-district Office in Polewali Mandar Regency has a fairly good quality in terms of efficient public services that meet the needs and facilitate administrative services for the community. Based on the reference to the aspect of e-KTP service efficiency, it is known that the results of the study show the percentage of each efficiency indicator, which includes successful and effective (2.82%), real work distribution (3.82%), rationality of authority and responsibility (2.94%), and real work procedures (2.88%). Based on the average/overall value, each of these indicators obtained an efficiency percentage of 2.88%, which is categorized as Efficient.