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Pengertian Radikalisme dalam Konteks Politik dan Implikasinya dalam Persatuan NKRI St. Haniah; Abd. Basir; M. Daud Yahya; Gia Ayu Fita; Aloysius Jondar
Al-Ulum Vol. 21 No. 2 (2021): Al-Ulum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (799.402 KB) | DOI: 10.30603/au.v21i2.2376


This paper focuses on the emergence of nuanced political radicalism in various official forums and social media, which are believed to have implications for the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. This research is qualitative with a literature review. The literature review is under discussion by looking for references related to issues and acts of radicalism that threaten national unity. The data analysis collects various references related to the discussion carried out and examines them from several references. This research finds that the issues and actions that occur in Indonesia are not new because of the existence of groups that are not in line with the government's thinking so that in political nuances, this becomes a very urgent matter. The state considers this problem to have implications for the existence of the current ruler. At the same time, radicalism has been increasingly heard since the digital era, where all citizens, who practice and sympathize with others, will all be channeled through the internet so that issues of radicalism and the power of unity can be found through internet access.
Peningkatan Minat Baca Masyarakat Melalui Pengembangan Ruang Literasi dan Keperpustakaan di Dusun Coci, Kecamatan Pamboang, Kabupaten Majene Andi Nur Fiqhi Utami; Gia Ayu Fita; Citra N. Fariaty; Riady Ibnu Khaldun
Jurnal Abdidas Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): February, Pages 1-160
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/abdidas.v2i1.194


Pada dasarnya literasi mempunyai arti berupa kemampuan dalam membaca dan menulis, sehingga sangat penting bagi seorang individu untuk memiliki tingkat literasi yang baik agar dapat mendukung tercapainya hidup yang lebih berkualitas dalam berkarya dan menggapai cita-cita. Demikian halnya, beberapa daerah di Indonesia masih menunjukkan tingkat aktivitas literasi yang rendah seperti di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat khususnya di Dusun Coci, Kecamatan Pamboang, Kabupaten Majene. Permasalahan tersebut satu di antaranya disebabkan oleh kurangnya ketersediaan akses literasi oleh masyarakat sekitar, maka untuk mendorong tingkat aktivitas literasi masyarakat dilakukan dengan upaya: 1) peningkatan kualitas taman baca mitra yaitu Taman Baca Coci melalui penambahan jumlah bahan bacaan yang disalurkan oleh para donatur melalui tim pengabdian masyarakat seperti buku bacaan anak, buku dengan tema politik, sosial, sejarah, maupun buku-buku lainnya yang bersifat umum; 2) peningkatan pengetahuan pengurus Lembaga Passikola Kapung tentang literasi dan keperpustakaan melalui pemberian materi yang disampaikan oleh anggota tim pengabdian masyarakat bertujuan untuk membangun kembali peranan penting lembaga mitra masyarakat dalam meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya literasi. Diharapkan dengan terlaksananya pengabdian masyarakat ini, akan memberikan dampak terhadap peningkatan aktivitas literasi masyarakat di Dusun Coci.
Weak Alertness Between The Central Government and Local Governments in Handling Crisis. Gia Ayu Fita; Ahmad Amiruddin; Aco Nata Saputra
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): February 2021
Publisher : CV. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51601/ijersc.v2i1.41


At the end of 2019, the world is being hit by a pandemic worrying for humanity. Covid-19 first appeared in the city of Wuhan, China, and spread massively throughout the world afterwards. WHO has designated Covid-19 as a pandemic that is difficult to control as of March 11, 2020. As of April 2020, there have been more than 2 million cases of people in the world infected with Covid-19, and 195 thousand people died at that time. In Indonesia itself, the government has taken preventive measures to respond and prevent the virus's spread. The response of the government, especially local governments in Indonesia, is very diverse. Judging from the local government's readiness, some have responded slowly and underestimated this pandemic's emergence. Therefore, in this paper, the state's readiness, especially local governments, will be highlighted in facing a crisis (pandemic) from the aspects of risk, impact, and mitigation to the community itself.
Global Trade Restrictions during Covid-19 Pandemic Riady Riady; Gia Ayu Fita; Andi Nur Fiqhi Utami; Taufik Hidayat B. Tahawa
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): February 2021
Publisher : CV. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51601/ijersc.v2i1.44


In early 2020 with the emergence of the corona virus which originated in China, became a threat to every country because it caused many victims to die. The massive spread of the corona virus globally throughout the world has an impact on every country in various sectors, be it social, political, economic, tourism, or domestic and global trade sectors. This is because many countries have issued policies restricting access to the country not only for the public, but also for certain products originating from other countries with the aim of minimizing the growing circulation of the corona virus. Of the many countries, including Indonesia, felt the impact of this case, especially in the global trade sector because it caused delays in various types of products that should have been exported to various countries due to restrictions on the acceptance of imported goods by certain countries through policies issued supported by the World Trade Organization's record stating that During the Covid-19 pandemic, there were many countries that implemented global trade restrictions.
Analysis Of Transnational Organized Crime Activities in West Sulawesi Adolescent Case: Drugs Trafficking in Fringe Community Gia Ayu Fita; Wandi Abbas
Indonesia Prime Vol 6 No 1 (2021): Indonesia Prime
Publisher : Indonesia Prime

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29209/id.v6i1.118


Changes resulting from globalization based on information systems and technology that very fast make countries seem borderless. Not only related to the country's economic growth, but the development of globalization also impacts transnational criminal activities that have experienced significant growth in various parts of the world. Countries with lower levels of national security have greater difficulties in dealing with the globalization of crime. Weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the security sector are the main reasons the country is increasingly becoming a stage for transnational organized crime, especially drug trafficking. The movement towards drug trafficking activities in Indonesia has targeted urban areas and has also taken root in fringe communities such as in the province of West Sulawesi. The target of drug trafficking activities has also targeted adults and teenagers. It is evident from the increasing number of cases of drug users among teenagers in West Sulawesi, which occupies the 18th position out of 34 provinces in Indonesia. In this study, the analysis will be carried out on the drug trafficking movement among adolescents in West Sulawesi, which will later produce a guideline that can be used as reference material by various parties. With this case, the local government and stakeholders regarding handling drug trafficking cases among adolescents in West Sulawesi
Jurnal Pertahanan: Media Informasi ttg Kajian & Strategi Pertahanan yang Mengedepankan Identity, Nasionalism & Integrity Vol 8, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : The Republic of Indonesia Defense University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33172/jp.v8i1.1468


During the Covid-19 pandemic, the movement of the terrorist groups or the radical groups, which should have been "dead" or remained silent during the pandemic, still takes place. Such a situation has compelled the researcher to conduct a study since the aim of the study is to explore the potential threats and objectives of terrorism in Indonesia during the pandemic. In conducting the study, terrorist recruitment theory and strategy theory are implemented along with the hierarchy of human needs to describe the reasons behind the active terrorist recruitment during the pandemic. The relevant data for the study are gathered through the implementation of interviews for collecting the primary data and library study for gathering the secondary data. After the data have been gathered, the data are analyzed using qualitative data analysis so that the case of active terrorist recruitment during the pandemic can be better described. Then, the results of the study conclude that massive recruitment is a new threat to efforts to prevent and eradicate terrorism because radical groups can mobilize many resources, especially human resources, to achieve their agenda and goals without being directly involved in executions in the field and the most accessible means to use in this massive recruitment effort is mass media because social media has anonymity, a broad spectrum, and low cost as a means of mass communication. Therefore, to stem the influence of radical groups on social media, security forces need to become social media as the main battlefield with several strategies such as increasing cyber patrols, blocking access to websites of radical groups, developing a critical understanding of cyberspace content or information, and empowering counter-opinions
Prediction of Indonesia's international relationship post-Jokowi Term 2024: international political literacy Study Ahmad Amiruddin; Gia Ayu Fita; Aco Nata Saputra; Zainuddin Losi; Andi Nur Fiqhi Utami
ARISTO Vol 10, No 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24269/ars.v10i2.5160


This study aimed to obtain input and scientific evidence regarding Indonesia's foreign policy prediction after the Jokowi presidency in 2024. This study aims to understand what foreign policy will look like in the next presidential term. To discuss the topic of efforts to answer the problems of this study, this study obtained data from many reading sources such as international publications in the form of books, articles, reports, and newspapers. The collected data is then reviewed carefully, which involves a data coding system, sharp analysis, in-depth evaluation, and high interpretation so that we can conclude research answers with high validity and reality principles. Based on the data presentation and discussion, it can be concluded that Indonesia's foreign policy after Mr. Jokowi's tenure is a series of visions that describe how Indonesia interacts with foreign countries that regulate bilateral cooperation with the principle of free and active political economy.Another issue that Indonesia can predict is still being done, as stated in the country's constitution. In other words, there is no significant difference. Thus the results of this study are helpful for the parties, especially for educational use and policy making.
MINDA BAHARU Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Minda Baharu
Publisher : Universitas Riau Kepulauan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33373/jmb.v6i1.3909


Desa Pamboborang memiliki potensi wisata yang dapat memberikan manfaat kepada masyarakat desa dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan. Untuk mendorong pencapaian tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan pendampingan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah yang dapat menghambat terwujudnya desa wisata. Adapun beberapa tahapan yang dilakukan pada  kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu : 1) pelaksanaan workshop dengan aparat desa, karang taruna serta perwakilan masyarakat desa; 2) melakukan focus group discussion untuk mengidentifikasi masalah ; 3) menyusun laporan hasil analisis. Pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat terkait pendampingan analisa desa wisata dilakukan baik secara daring maupun luring dengan tetap menerapkan protocol kesehatan. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa banyak sumber daya wisata yang bisa dimanfaatkan dan dikelola seperti sumber daya alam, sumber daya budaya local dan sumber daya ekonomi kreatif.
Patterns of Transnational Crime in The Border of Sulawesi Sea - Sulu Sea and Threats to Indonesia’s Maritime Gia Ayu Fita; Andi Ismira; Riady Ibnu Khaldun; Deri Fatra
Resolusi: Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol 5 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Political Science - Universitas Sains Al-Qur’an

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32699/resolusi.v5i2.3189


The rise of transnational crime cases in globalization is fatal if countries with maritime areas do not notice it. It is undoubtedly very influential with the threat to the security of the country's territory. Many transnational crime cases arise in the area between the Sulu Sea and the Sulawesi Sea belonging to Indonesia and the Philippines. The case came from these two countries and other countries both in the Region and those not included in the Southeast Asia Region and has confused the maritime area of the Sulu Sea with the Sulawesi Sea. Not only is the threat coming for the Philippines, but the one that has the most impact is the Indonesian defense area because of the emergence of maritime security threats. So, the concept used to find the many patterns of transnational crime cases has emerged using "maritime security" from Christian Bueger. He explained that the understanding of maritime security is disrupting in terms of defense and terms of economic, political, and geo-strategy. From the analysis and mapping of transnational crime patterns in the Sulu Sea - Sulawesi Sea, it is still a threat to Indonesia's maritime security if Indonesia does not strengthen its defense and minimize transnational criminal activities in the Philippines' border sea area and Indonesia. Literature studies and field research are methods used to analyze maritime security themes.
Jurnal Arajang Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Arajang Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31605/arajang.v5i2.2204


Gerakan-gerakan perubahan yang muncul dan disertai kekerasan dan merugikan masyarakat, biasanya disebut gerakan radikal atau ciri dari perbuatan radikalisme. Kebanyakan kegiatan radikal yang terjadi semata-mata ingin mengubah suatu sistem atau tatanan pemerintahan dengan suatu sistem yang dimana memasukkan pemahaman suatu agama. Dimana menurutnya, agamanya adalah yang paling benar dan paling sesuai. Radikalisme sendiri adalah sikap yang mengarah ke aksi terorisme. Jika ditelusuri lebih lanjut, kegiatan ini tidak berdasarkan agama atau mereka tidak memiliki agama, walaupun seolah-olah mengklaim dari agama tertentu dan mengatasnamakan salah satu agama. Misalnya Islam, agar mendapatkan simpati dari beberapa masyarakat Muslim dunia untuk berbagai bentuk dukungan terhadap aksi mereka. Di Indonesia sendiri, pasca pembubaran ormas-ormas yang bertemakan Islam di tahun 2020, malah ditengarai akan menimbulkan banyak kombatan-kombatan kecil di tengah masyarakat. Bagi peneliti ini sangat mengkhawatirkan, karena hal tersebut menimbulkan ancaman bagi stabilitas nasional yang mengarah konflik internal bahkan eksternal. Selanjutnya, peneliti akan melihat beberapa pola yang ada, khususnya di provinsi Sulawesi Barat. Dimana masyarakatnya menganut Islam Nusantara atau NU tradisional, tetapi bibit-bibit radikalisme pasca pembubaran ormas di tahun 2020, tidak menutup kemungkinan muncul sebagai kelompok-kelompok kecil yang lebih soft atau lebih bisa diterima masyarakat baik yang belum terpapar sebelumnya sama sekali. Peneliti menggunakan konsep conflict prediction models untuk menganalisis pola dari radikalisme pada masyarakat dari tiga kabupaten di provinsi Sulawesi Barat (Mamuju, Majene, Polewali Mandar) untuk menguji ancaman yang muncul dan mempengaruhi kebijakan. Selain itu, peneliti juga menggunakan konsep kebijakan publik untuk membuat peraturan dan kebijakan bagi pemangku kebijakan untuk menghindari ancaman yang akan datang demi kepentingan publik.