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Violin Education Kit (VOEDK) Alat Bantu Belajar Biola berbasis Aplikasi Android Ridho, Ali; Rahmatullah, Fardhani Rozak; Setyawan, Harchanio Adi
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Karsa Cipta PKM-KC 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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In this student creativity competition karsa cipta division, we would like to create an application tool to learn violin instrument named Violin Education Kit (VOEDK), by using application on android to execute scoring process. The main goal of this tool is to help those who wanted to learn violin, especially for children. Also, it could help those who have not be able to read nots, because it has a basic music tutorial. The method uses an Arduino microcontroller to convert digital signal (Digital Signal Processing) from silent violin, then the converted digital signal would be transmitted to Android Tab by using bluetooth. The application on Android Tab would synchronised the digital signal with a certain note, then the result will appear like on a game fiture. This tool is also completed with sound effect and monitor sound, so hopefully user would not be bored in learning. Applicable for solo concert.Keywords: Android, Violin, Bluetooth, DSP..
Transformasi Nilai-Nilai Sufistik Tuanku Buya Sayyidi Maliki dalam Majelis Taklim Miftahul Istiqomah Ridho, Ali
ESOTERIK Vol 5, No 1 (2019): Available in June 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Tasawuf dan Psikoterapi, Jurusan Ushuluddin IAIN KUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v5i1.4951


A formalistic religious lifestyle is often the cause of the spiritual emptiness of society. This is due to Islamic learning which only considers the outward aspects and overrides its inner aspects as a result of which life balance is not achieved. Sufism as an inner side of Islam offers a solution to how to enrich the mind without leaving the business of being born. This article aims to make a reading on the transformation of sufistic values by Tuanku Buya Sayyidi Maliki in the Taklim Miftahul Istiqomah Assembly. The results of this study indicate that in order to enrich the inner side of religious life, methods are used to transform concepts from Sufism (Sufistic values) into teachings manifested in everyday life, namely the concept of human nature with brotherhood, the concept of the existence of teachers with Bai'at, the concept of science with the existence of the Istiqomah taklim assembly, and the mujahadah concept by fighting lust.
Memahami Makna Jihad Dalam Serial Film Kartun Cisform: Jihad Fi Sabilillah (Analisis Wacana Teun A. Van Dijk) Ridho, Ali
Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 4, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jdk.v4i1.873


Analisis wacana yang dikembangkan oleh  Teun A. Van Dijk ini digunakan untuk mengetahui makna Jihad fi Sabilillah dalam serial film kartun yang diluncurkan oleh Center For The Study Of Islam And Social Transformation (CISForm) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, bekerjasama dengan Pusat Studi Timur Tengah dan Perdamian Global (PSTPG) UIN Starif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Ada tiga struktur teks yang ada dalam analisis wacana Van Dijk diantaranya adalah struktur makro, superstruktur dan struktur mikro. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan jenis deskriptif menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Dengan data-data yang peneliti peroleh dari film kartun CISForm: Jihad fi Sabilillah yang di-upload pada youtube, berbagai referensi pendukung lainnya seperti, buku-buku, jurnal dan artikel di media massa atau internet. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Jihad fi Sabilillah mampu dilakukan dengan beragam cara, tidak dengan demostrasi dan perang saja. Sebab, jihad bentuk demostrasi untuk penegakan khilafah dan perang dalam konteks tatanan dunia sekarang sudah tidak mungkin untuk dilaksanakan. Dan menyalahi pemaknaan dan penerapan ayat-ayat tentang jihad di al-Qur?an maupun Sunnah Nabi Saw. Jihad di masa kini harus mempunyai arah untuk memajukan Islam demi kemaslahatan manusia dan alam semesta. Kedudukan Jihad dengan mempelajari ilmu agama atau ilmu pengetahuan yang lainnya, lebih utama kedudukannya ketimbang dengan jihad mengangkat senjata. 
Abilitas Komposit dalam Tes Potensi Azwar, Saifuddin; Ridho, Ali
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 40, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (282.506 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpsi.6972


When a unidimensionality assumption has been actually violated, interpretation of test scores might be jeopardized. It couldn’t be overemphasized in case of high-stake exams such as PAPs UGM (academic potentiality test for UGM graduate student candidates) which was supposed to reflect a composite ability. This study aimed at revealing item characteristics of PAPs A-1 Series based on UIRT and MIRT and discovering dimensionality of the three subtests of the test. Scores of subject (n=2035) on the 3 subtests were analysed and the results showed that 27 items (10 of Verbal, 8 of Kuantitatif, and 9 of Penalaran) were flagged for having rbis of less than 0.25 and 6 other items for having abnormally high pseudo-guessing parameters. Dimensionality analyses found out that Penalaran subtest was local-dependent while Verbal and Kuantitatif subtests both were local-independent. In addition, MIRT analyses failed to fully describe item characteristics of the test due to effect of interaction among probabilities of correct response of the three subtests. Keywords: dimensionality, PAPs UGM, MIRT, UIRT
Uji Fitokimia dan Aktifitas Anti Bakteri Ekstrak Media Supernatan Bakteri Simbion Vibrio sp. Gastropoda Oliva vidua Terhadap Bakteri Multi Drug Resistant Harmawan, Adityo; Ridho, Ali; Pringgenies, Delianis
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas PerikanJurusan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (129.222 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jmr.v1i1.891


The development of antibiotic resistance has become an important issue in medicine. Many types of bacteria are pathogenic to humans were reported to have become resistant to one or more types of antibiotics. It is pushing for a new search for alternative sources of antibiotic-producing compounds. One source of potential alternatives to be developed as a source of new antibiotic compound s are symbiotic bacterium with gastropods. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of bacterial symbionts in gastropods ( TOV 12.16 bacterial isolates), the bioactivity of crude bacterial extracts against bacterial MDR and find a group of compounds from TOV 12.16 crude bacterial extracts which most potentially. The main materials used in this study were samples of bacterial isolates TOV 12.16 in isolation from the gastropods (Oliva vidua) from Aquatic Ternate (North Maluku). While the bacterium MDR test are Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus obtained from the Laboratory of Microbiology Faculty of Medicine UNDIP. Biochemical tests used to determine the characteristics of bacterial isolates TOV 12.16. Meanwhile, to identify the bioactive compounds using phytochemicals screening and GC/MS. Bacterial symbionts Oliva vidua Gastropoda is Vibrio ordalii. Ethyl acetate crude extract of bacterial symbionts Oliva vidua Gastropoda species showed antibacterial activity of the most active against MDR bacteria test. Phytochemical screening test results showed the ethyl acetate crude extract showed two groups of compounds which contain flavonoids and triterpenoid compound that has both the antibacterial activity. Being on the analysis of the GC/MS_are_known_isobutyric_acid_and_2-metilbutanoic_acid.
MAGHZA Vol 4 No 1 (2019): Januari - Juni 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Humaniora (FUAH), Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (428.708 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/maghza.v4i1.2441


The purpose of this paper is to find out the relationship between the Qur'an and Culture and how to become a good Muslim based on the values ??of the Qur'an and Culture. The research method used is qualitative in the form of library studies. Data is collected by researching books and journals and other sources that support research activities. The results of this study are that Islam is not born of cultural products. However, it builds a culture, a civilization. A civilization based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet. that is finally called Islamic civilization. With this, we can begin to put Islam in our daily lives. Building Islamic culture with a foundation of concepts derived from Islam with its source is the Qur'an. The life of a Muslim must be following the rules set by the Qur'an. Muslims must be able and reluctant (upholding) to uphold a culture that is a local identity in themselves with the foundation of the holy values ??contained in the Qur'an. Among them is a sincere, knowledgeable and honest attitude to be a Muslim person in undergoing a time struggle that continues to change along with changing patterns of human civilization. Thus, there is no reason for a Muslim to lose his cultural identity to become a good Muslim. Because Al-Qur'an and Culture are clothes that are suitable to be worn by every Muslim in every fragment of life rites
Analisis Semiotik Pesan Dakwah Lirik Lagu Nasyid “Pandangan Mata” Karya Hijjaz (Model Charles Sanders Peirce) Ridho, Ali
el-Buhuth: Borneo Journal of Islamic Studies el Buhuth: Borneo Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 1 No 2, 2019
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (307.644 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/el-buhuth.v1i2.1587


The road to preaching has a variety of ways, especially the media used. Among them is through the type of Nasyid religious music media. Among the Nasyid groups whose songs contain calls for Islamic da'wah are the Nasyid Hijjaz Group with the song "Mata Mata". From the observations of the author in it the message of the values of da'wah is stored, that believing Muslims are subject to the obligation to always improve the condition of their heart. The Eye View song, illustrates that a Muslim is required to improve the condition of the heart by purifying him from the filth of immorality that leads to the valley of sin. Giving birth to humiliation and addiction, the sins of the heart that make the heart become rusty. If sin through immorality continues to grow, then rust will dominate until it becomes the closing. While leaving immorality is life for the heart. Sin also diverts the heart from its health and straightness to pain and abuse. He will continue to be sick, unable to benefit from the parts that support his life and piety. The heart is the captain of the faithful servant who is the main foundation of the assessment of the good or bad of a servant before Allah SWT. a clean heart (qalb salim) will be able to deliver its owner to happiness in the world and the hereafter.
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (557.559 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v38i3.21100


Abstract: The objectives of the research are to examine: (1) the relationship between parents’ education level as an indicator of socioeconomic status (SES) with students’ mathematics achievement, and (2) the interaction between parents’ education level and the intensity of parental involvement in predicting students’ mathematics achievement. The sample (N=2,867) was selected through stratified random sampling of Indonesian high school National Examination (NE) test takers in 2016. The sampling was based on careful consideration of the representativeness and the distribution of provinces, gender, type of school (general-vocational), and school status (public-private). Data was analyzed using parallel multiple mediator analyses. The findings highlight that: (1) compared to fathers, mothers’ education level had a stronger contribution to students’ achievement in mathematics, and (2) mothers’ involvement mediated the relationship between mothers’ level of education and students’ mathematics achievement. However, more intensive parental involvement was associated with lower mathematics achievement. Keywords: SES, mathematics, parents’ education levels, involvement  STATUS SOSIAL EKONOMI, KETERLIBATAN ORANGTUA DALAM BELAJAR DAN HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA SISWA SMA DI INDONESIA Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji: (1) kaitan antara tingkat pendidikan orangtua sebagai indikator  status sosial ekonomi (SSE) dengan  hasil belajar matematika siswa, dan (2) interaksi antara tingkat pendidikan orangtua dengan intensitas keterlibatan orangtua dalam memprediksi hasil belajar matematika anak-anaknya.  Sampel penelitian ini (N=2,867) dipilih secara stratified random sampling dari peserta Ujian Nasional di Indonesia tahun 2016 jenjang SMA. Pengambilan sampel didasarkan pada keterwakilan dan sebaran provinsi, jenis kelamin, jenis sekolah (SMA/MA atau SMK) dan status sekolah (negeri-swasta). Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis parallel multiple mediator. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) pendidikan ibu memiliki peran sangat penting karena sangat berkonstribusi dalam menunjang hasil belajar matematika anaknya dibandingkan pendidikan ayah, dan (2) keterlibatan ibu dalam belajar anak yang dimediasi tingkat pendidikannya berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar matematika anaknya. Namun demikian, keterlibatan orangtua yang terlalu intens dalam kegiatan belajar anak justru berdampak kurang baik terhadap hasil belajar matematika anaknya. Kata Kunci: SSE, matematika, tingkat pendidikan orangtua, keterlibatan
REKA INTEGRA Vol 3, No 3 (2015): Edisi Kesebelas
Publisher : REKA INTEGRA

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Makalah ini berisi mengenai implementasi sistem Material Requirement Planning (MRP) dan e-commerce berbasis Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) di PT.XYZ menggunakan software Odoo. Implementasi ini diperlukan karena saat ini PT.XYZ mendapatkan keluhan dari pelanggan akibat sulitnya mendapatkan produk dari PT.XYZ. Implementasi dilakukan pada aktivitas penjualan, aktivitas produksi dan aktivitas penyimpanan. Modul Odoo yang digunakan diantaranya sales management, purchase management, manufacturing, warehouse, dan website sales. Proses perancangan proses bisnis perusahaan ke dalam software Odoo dilakukan dengan menggunakan proses addition, elimination, automation dan integration. Implementasi ERP yang dilakukan oleh software Odoo menjadikan perpindahan informasi antara proses penjualan menggunakan website lebih cepat dengan proses produksi perusahaan. Kata kunci: MRP, e-commerce, ERP ABSTRACT This paper shows about implementation of Material Requirement Planning (MRP) and e-commerce based on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) at PT.XYZ using Odoo software. This implementation is necessary because the current PT.XYZ has complaints from customer due to the difficulty to get product from PT.XYZ. The implementation is done in sales activity, production activity and inventory activity. Odoo modules are implemented including sales management, purchase management, manufacturing, warehouse and website sales. Design process of the company’s business process into Odoo software is done by using addition process, elimination, automation and integration. ERP implementation is done by the software Odoo make transfer of information between the sales process using a website faster with a company's production process. Keywords: MRP, e-commerce, ERP
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 19, No 2 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jp.19.2.201-210


This study aims to prove that the future perspective  (FP) can be a good predictor of work readiness (WR) among college students. This study used the correlational method. A total of 90 eighth semester students (60 male, 30 female) from the Faculty of Science and Technology, Psychology, and Tarbiyah of the Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang became participants in this study. Participants' age ranged between 21-25 years (M = 23.7 years). This study used the adaptation of future perspective (FP) instruments from Husman and Shell (2008), which consists of 15 items, with α = 0.830, and the work-readiness adaptation instrument from Cabellero et al. (2011), which consists of 16 items, with α = 0.849. The researcher analyzed the data with bivariate linear regression. The study suggested a regression coefficient of B = 0.413 with t (89) = 5.314 p <0.01, r (88) = 0.493 p <0.01, and R2 = 0.243. These results indicate that FP has a strong relationship with WR, and FP can be a good predictor for WR. Therefore it can be concluded that FP supports the work readiness of students. This study suggests that students should be courageous in choosing meaningful activities to create a strong connection between the performed activities and the proposed career.Â