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Varia Justicia Vol 16 No 1 (2020): Vol 16 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31603/variajusticia.v16i1.3336


Bank secrecy is a conditional legal agreement used by a bank to guarantee the confidentiality of customers' dealing and financial affairs. However, the advancement in information technology, especially in the implementation of electronic systems and transactions across banks, has introduced tremendous changes in the ability of financial institutions to efficiently secure customers? data. This study provides a detailed explanation of the transformation process using the normative method. The result showed a shift in the principle of bank secrecy to data security in the event of a violation.
CyberNotary Dalam Penyelenggaraan Sertifikasi Elektronik Budi Agus Riswandi
Publisher : Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/ay.v2i2.1543


Abstract Technically there are five principles of an electronic transaction is declared safe, which contains the principle of authenticity, integrity, non repudation, writing and signature and confidenciality. In order to realize these five principles is legally set forth in the form of electronic certification. Electronic certifications are electronic certificates containing Electronic Signatures and identities that indicate the legal status of the parties in the Electronic Transactions issued by the Electronic Certification Operator. One of the institutions providing electronic certification is an electronic certification reliability institution. This institution is independent and filled by professionals, one of which is notary profession. From this comes the concept called cybernotary. This paper is intended to describe cybernotary degan based on the method of normative research conceptually derived data bibliography Keyword: CyberNotary, Sertificate, Law
Urgensi Mediasi sebagai Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Hak Cipta Chrisna Bagus Edhita Praja; Budi Agus Riswandi; Khudzaifah Dimyati
Kertha Patrika Vol 43 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/KP.2021.v43.i03.p04


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pentingnyamediasi dalam penyelesaian sengketa Hak Cipta. Penelitian inimenggunakan jenis penelitian yuridis normatif denganpendekatan (statute approach) dan (conceptual approach). Hasilpenelitian menunjukan ada beberapa faktor yang patut untukdipertimbangkan sebagai alasan memilih mediasi dalam sengketaHak Cipta. Faktor tersebut adalah 1) Proses litigasi yangmemakan biaya yang tinggi (2) Mediasi merupakan solusialternatif berbagi hak cipta (3) Mediasi sebagai saranamembangun jejaring dan reputasi Bisnis (4) Sulitnya pembuktian dalam sengketa Hak Cipta (5) Kehendak Pancasiladalam penyelesaian pertikaian secara damai (5) litigasi dapatmerusak hubungan bisnis atau reputasi para pihak; (6) Mediasimemperingan kerja hukum acara; (7) Mediasi sebagai budayahukum di Indonesia. Beberapa konsep yang harus dikembangkanuntuk keberhasilan mediasi yaitu Pertama, seorang mediatoryang handal dalam penyelesaian sengketa Hak Cipta mengingatkompleksitas pengaturan hukum hak cipta. Kedua, HarmonisasiPerma Nomor 1 tahun 2016 Tentang Prosedur Mediasi DiPengadilan dengan UU Hak Cipta dengan mensinkronkanpengecualian kewajiban mediasi di Pengadilan Niaga dengankewajiban mediasi dalam UU Hak Cipta. Ketiga, Proses Mediasiharus bersifat informal agar para pihak yang terlibat merasasaling di hargai dan tidak ada ketegangan yang memacu amarah.Implikasi dari proses informal ini adalah terbangunnya jejaringdan reputasi bisnis para pihak.
PATENT RIGHT TRANSFER THROUGH WAQF: WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS? Chrisna Bagus Edhita Praja; Mulyadi Mulyadi; Budi Agus Riswandi; Kuni Nasihatun Arifah
Yustisia Vol 7, No 2: August 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/yustisia.v7i2.20720


This study aims to examine and identify criteria for patents that can be used as waqf assets. Patents are very potential as waqf asset because of a large number of patent holders in Indonesia with the requirements of productive waqf. Patents are a type of Intellectual Property with the provision of a specified period and are still a debate related to the period of waqf which is always a pro and contradiction, some scholars consider waqf property to be forever but in the waqf law is allowed a waqf property with a specified period. This research method uses a normative legal research method with a Law approach and concept approach as well as secondary data review. The Act used is the Patent Law and the Waqf Act. The results show that the patent that can be used as an waqf asset refers to the provision of waqf property which includes (1) legal ownership of the patent owner and evidenced by a patent certificate (2) is not controversial which means not in a legal dispute until in Kracht van gewijsde or not in internal conflicts for patents owned by several inventors (3) have economic value and use value so that it can benefit the community. Patents can be used as an waqf asset because in the Waqf Law it is explained that the waqf property may be for a specified period. The period in the patent waqf in the deed of the waqf pledge must be adjusted to the period of patent protection.
Asian Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Vol 2 No 02 (2013): May 2013
Publisher : UII

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In the era of globalization, education experiencing tremendous change. Currently,teachers are not the sole source of knowledge for students. The advent of the internetand electronic media students can access easily lead students can learn anywhere andanytime without having to be accompanied by a teacher. Thus, education should alsoadjust the technology has to happen today. Schools in Indonesia to implementtechnology-based education using the computer as a medium of learning in schools. Buton the other hand, it requires schools to have the infrastructure to support theimplementation of technology-based learning. For schools that do not have theinfrastructure to support it can not implement technology-basededucation. This is onereason technology-based learning has not applied optimally in Indonesia. SD Jambewangiincluding schools that did not have the infrastructure to support learning computer skillsso they are left in the process of learning the use of science and technology even mosttechnology illiterate. with the holding of the computer education program is expected toenhance the skills and knowledge of children about the importance and usefulness ofcomputers so that students in elementary Jambewangi not lagging behind in the progressof science and technology skills
Hak Cipta atas Karya di Internet: Pengaturan dan Upaya Perlindungannya Budi Agus Riswandi
Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM Vol. 14 No. 4 (2007)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

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The born of digital image creation in the Internet stipulates legal impacts. One of the impacts  is  copy rights law. The copy rights law should be  able to respond the digital image phenomena in the internet. The Indonesian Copy rights law  is regulated on the Act No. 19 /2002.  In fact, this Act has regulated digital creations in  the internet. This indicates that the Act provides protection to the creations. Is it true ?
Kontrol Yuridis PTUN dalam Menyelesaikan Sengketa Tata UsahaNegara di Tingkat Daerah Budi Agus Riswandi
Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM Vol. 14 No. 1 (2007)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

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The dispute settlement of administrative law procedures which has local nature will be resolved under two steps. The first step through the District Administrative Law judicature and the second step it will be  held by the High Administrtive Law Judicature. The dispute settlement of administrative law procedure is an  ultimum remidium. It means if the dispute can be settled by using negotiation among  parties ( individual, corporate bodies and state officers ), the disputes are  not necessarily to be brought to the court  ( litigation )
Permasalahan Pelanggaran Dan Langkah Hukum Hak Cipta Atas Musik Dan Lagu Yang Dituangkan Dalam Bentuk VCD Dan DVD Budi Agus Riswandi
Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM Vol. 16 No. 4 (2009)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/iustum.vol16.iss4.art8


The practice of trading music and songs which is set in the CD’s and DVD’s and also violate the copyrights on the Mataram Street Yogyakarta is mostly done. This of course invites problems in the context of copyright infringement and also a legal action to minimize it. Along the way, there has done a research related to it by using the method of empirical legal research. And the result are: there are a number of problems for copyright violations both in civil and criminal. Solution is giving the socialization about copyrights law and law enforcement.Key words : Copyright, problem, settlement
Framing Dan Deep Linking Dalam Perspektif Hukum Hak Cipta Di Indonesia budi agus riswandi
Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM Vol. 13 No. 2: Mei 2006
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/iustum.vol13.iss2.art7


Framing and deep linking technology on the intemet which potentially to do a duplication and announcement raises copy right law problems in Indonesia. These problems raiseon the case of duplication and announcement without lisence. Besides that, the problems also raise on the law  announcement of copy rights in fregement related to framing and deep linking technology. Consequently, it is possibleto the Judgesto take different decision upon the case.
Pengaturan Hukum Merek Atas Indikasi Geograafis budi agus riswandi
Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM Vol. 12 No. 29: Mei 2005
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/iustum.vol12.iss29.art10


Trade Mark Law in Indonesia has regulated geographical indication. It means, that Indonesia has already harmonized the regulation to the TRIP's system. However, the existence of the rules has not provided optimum protection to the potential geography in Indonesia. One of the Obstacles is the existence of the implementation nrle to support the enforcement of geographical indication on the Act No. 15/2001 has not yet issued.