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Journal : Depik Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan, Pesisir, dan Perikanan

Hubungan parameter fisika-kimia perairan dengan kelimpahan plankton di Samudera Hindia bagian Barat Daya Rani Novia; Adnan .; Irwan Ramadhan Ritonga
Depik Vol 5, No 2 (2016): August 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.5.2.4912


Abstract. The aims of this research was to examine the water quality parameters and plankton abundance and its relationships in the Southwestern of Indian Ocean. This is a quantitative descriptive research. Planktons were sampled using plankton net, and water samples were taken using Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) where the water samples colleted in the Nansen Bottle No. 1 (surface water) at seven sampling stations. The results showed that there were 25 species of planktons belonging into seven classes, i.e., Bacillariophyceae, Ciliate, Crustacea, Cyanobacteria, Dinophyceae, Flagellata, and Maxillopoda. The highest value of abundance of plankton was found at station 6 with 7255 ind. L-1, the value of diversity index of plankton was at moderate category,  and there was no predominant species was occurred in the community. Bivariate correlation analysis results of Person's showed that the temperature and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) were positively correlated to the plankton abudance, while pH, conductivity, TDS, salinity were negatively correlated with abundances of plankton.Keywords: Abundance of plankton, linkages, water quality, Indian Ocean of Southwestern Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan kelimpahan plankton dan kualitas air serta hubungan antara kelimpahan plankton dengan parameter fisika-kimia perairan di Samudera Hindia bagian Barat Daya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, pengambilan sampel plankton menggunakan plankton net, dan sampel air menggunakan CTD (Conductivity, Temperature Depth) dimana sampel air yang diambil pada botol nansen No. 1 (sampel air permukaan) pada 7 titik stasiun. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 25 spesies plankton yang termasuk ke dalam 7 kelas, yaitu Bacillariophyceae, Ciliata, Crustacea, Cyanobacteria, Dinophyceae, Flagellata, dan Maxillopoda. Kelimpahan plankton tertinggi terdapat pada  stasiun 6 dengan 7255 ind/L, indeks keragaman plankton pada kondisi sedang, dan tidak terjadi dominasi spesies dalam komunitas. Hasil analisis korelasi Bivariate Person’s menunjukkan suhu dan DO (Dissolved Oxygen) berkorelasi positif terhadap kelimpahan plankton, sedangkan pH, konduktifitas, TDS, salinitas berkorelasi negative dengan kelimpahan plankton. Kata kunci: Kelimpahan Plankton, Keterkaitan, Kualitas air, Samudera Hindia bagian Barat Daya
Distribusi mikroplastik pada sedimen di Muara Badak, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara Intan Sari Dewi; Anugrah Aditya Budiarsa; Irwan Ramadhan Ritonga
Depik Vol 4, No 3 (2015): DECEMBER 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.4.3.2888


Abstract. The distribution of microplastic was studied in the Muara Badak districts Kutai Kartanegara regency in May 2015. Sediment samples were taken from four stations that represent residential, in mangrove, near the beach and away from residential areas. Sediment samples were taken using the pipe at a depth of 0-10 cm - 10-20 cm, then the observed and calculated abundance of microplastic. The results showed that the type microplastic found is a fragment, film and fiber. At Station 1 found fragments about 100.2-201.3 particle/kg, the film about 69.6-79.9 particles/kg and fiber  about 43.1-50.9 particles/kg, the stations 2 found of fragments about 146.5-238.8 particle/kg, the film about 53.2-81.9 particles/kg and fiber about 48.8-75.5 particles/kg, stations 3 found of fragments about 204.2-207.9 particles/kg, the film about 107.7-126.5 particle/kg and fiber about 26.1-39.9 particles/kg, station 4 found of fragments about 167.6-220 particle/kg, the film about 59.7-69.5 particle/ kg and fiber about 47.5-55.3 particles/kg. Keywords: Depth; Microplastic; Muara Badak; Sediment  Abstrak. Distribusi mikroplastik diteliti di Kecamatan Muara Badak Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara pada bulan Mei 2015. Sampel sedimen diambil dari 4 stasiun yang mewakili pemukiman penduduk, dekat sungai, dekat pantai dan jauh dari pemukiman penduduk. Sampel sedimen diambil menggunakan pipa paralon pada kedalaman 0-10 cm – 10-20 cm, kemudian diamati dan dihitung kelimpahan mikroplastik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa jenis mikroplastik yang ditemukan adalah fragmen, film dan fiber. Pada stasiun 1 ditemukan fragmen berkisar 100,2-201,3 partikel/kg, film berkisar 69,6-79,9 partikel/kg dan fiber berkisar 43,1-50,9 partikel/kg, stasiun 2 ditemukan fragmen berkisar 146,5-238,8 partikel/kg, film berkisar 53,2-81,9 partikel/kg dan fiber berkisar 48,8-75,2 partikel/kg, stasiun 3 ditemukan fragmen berkisar 204,2-207,9 partikel/kg, film berkisar 107,7-126,5 partikel/kg dan fiber berkisar 26,1-39,9 partikel/kg, stasiun 4 ditemukan fragmen berkisar 167,6-220 partikel/kg, film berkisar  59,7-69,5partikel/kg dan fiber berkisar 47,5-55,3 partikel/kg.Kata kunci:  Kedalaman; Mikroplastik; Muara Badak; Sedimen