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Jurnal HPJI (Himpunan Pengembangan Jalan Indonesia) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Himpunan Pengembangan Jalan Indonesia (HPJI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/jh.v5i1.3199.%p


Abstract Road maintenance using the overlay method does not always provide maximum results. This can be seen from the decrease in the performance of the pavement which is not as planned, so that a better maintenance method is needed. One method that has the potential to be developed is through the use of geocomposite materials. This study aims to conduct a study of the use of geocomposite material for enhancing the overlay performance of flexible pavements. The methodology carried out was an experimental study using a flexible pavement model that was given loading until the pavement was damaged, which was then given a geocomposite material between the old pavement layer and the additional layer. Stability testing was carried out to determine the pavement performance observed. The results show that the test specimen without overlay and without geocomposite experienced a decrease in stability of around 38%, while the specimen with overlay and using geocomposite experienced a stability increase of around 14%. The specimen with overlay but without geosynthetics experienced a decrease in stability of around 3%. Keywords: road maintenance, overlay, geocomposite, Marshall stability  Abstrak Pemeliharaan jalan yang menggunakan metode pelapisan ulang tidak selalu memberikan hasil yang maksimal. Hal ini terlihat dari penurunan kinerja perkerasan yang tidak sesuai dengan yang direncanakan, sehingga perlu dikembangkan metode pelapisan ulang yang lebih baik. Salah satu metode yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan adalah melalui penggunaan material geokomposit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian terhadap pemanfaatan material geokomposit sebagai perkuatan untuk pelapisan ulang pada perkerasan lentur. Metodologi yang dilakukan adalah studi eksperimental dengan menggunakan model perkerasan lentur yang diberi pembebanan hingga perkerasan mengalami kerusakan, yang kemudian diberi material geokomposit di antara lapisan perkerasan lama dan lapisan tambahan. Pengujian stabilitas dilakukan untuk mengetahui kinerja perkerasan yang diamati. Hasil pengukuran kinerja benda uji memperlihatkan bahwa benda uji tanpa pelapisan ulang dan tanpa geokomposit mengalami penurunan stabilitas sekitar 38%, sedangkan benda uji dengan pelapisan ulang dan menggunakan geokomposit mengalami kenaikan stabilitas sekitar 14%. Benda uji dengan pelapisan ulang dan tidak menggunakan geosintetik mengalami penurunan stabilitas sekitar 3%. Kata-kata kunci: pemeliharaan jalan, pelapisan ulang, geokomposit, stabilitas Marshall
The Influence of Limestone And Calcium Hydroxide Addition in Asphalt Concrete Mixture Gunaran Danny; Nasus K. Y.; Josep P. F Napitupulu; Amelia Makmur
ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications Vol. 7 No. 2 (2016): ComTech
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/comtech.v7i2.2242


As time passes, flood often occurs in the area of Gunung Sahari, Jakarta Utara. The flood damages concrete asphalt mixture and it needs particular improvement. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to know the effects of the added combination of limestone and calcium hydroxide on concrete asphalt mixture as a filler resistant to flood. Concrete asphalt mixture that filled with the combination of limestone and calcium hydroxide is a mixture that is made with non-uniform aggregat gradations, filler and liquid asphalt mixed and solidified in a heat state. Limestone and calcium hydroxide mixture is used because both materials included in the most numerous sedimentary rock. Concrete asphalt mixture with the filler combination of limestone and calciumhydroxide is made with optimum asphalt 5.4%, one variation level of limestone (15%), and calcium hydroxide (15%), and three variation levels of fillers (5%, 7.5%, and 15%) to get optimum asphalt levels and filler levels that are compatible with flood condition. Based on optimum asphalt 5.4% towards aggregate total weight and combined level of limestone and calcium hydroxide suitable for the conditions, 8.75 % towards fine aggregate weight. The characteristic value of limestone and calcium hydroxide mixture in maximum condition is VIM 4.55%, VMA 18.83%, stability 1031.26 kg and flow 4.93 mm, where the characteristic value meets the established specifications standard by Pekerjaan Umum Bina Marga. From the result, it is showed that the use of the mixture can decrease the value of stability and increase the value of flow, compared with asphalt and filler with normal levels.
Studi Parkir Kampus Anggrek Kondisi Eksisting dan Penambahan Lahan Parkir Baru Terhadap Pengguna Kampus Anggrek Binus University Irpan Hidayat; Amelia Makmur; Godeliva Juliastuti
ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications Vol. 2 No. 2 (2011): ComTech
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/comtech.v2i2.2854


A parking area is built in a building to facilitate vehicle users of the building. Based on this, Binus University planned to build parking area in its several campus. One interesting issue to explore is the parking capacity at Anggrek Campus. The purpose of this study was to determine the saturation levels of parking for the existing condition compared to the addition of new parking area. To perform analysis turnover parking calculation is used . Based on research results the number of cars entering Anggrek campus was greater than the volume of available parking at the campus (turnover = 1.58), so there was a lot of trouble to find a parking space that makes parking users find alternative parking spaces such as parking area 52). However, since the 8th floor parking area functioned, the turnover rate reduced to 0.54 which indicates that there was a saturation level decrease of 65%.