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Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering) Vol 7, No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : The University of Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (166.423 KB) | DOI: 10.23960/jtep-l.v7i1.9-14


Produksi biodiesel dengan metode katalitik membutuhkan sistem pengadukan agar trigliserida dan metanol yang mempunyai sifat tidak saling bercampur dapat bercampur dengan baik. Aplikasinya sebagian besar produksi biodiesel masih menggunakan beberapa reaktor dan menggunakan putaran tinggi. Oleh karena itu, akan lebih baik jika proses produksi biodiesel menggunakan satu reaktor sebagai tempat terjadi reaksi tersebut dan menggunakan putaran yang tidak terlalu tinggi sehingga lebih efisien dalam penggunaan energi. Oleh sebab itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang single stirring reactor (SSR) pada putaran searah dan menguji performansi SSR putaran searah. Rancangbangun SSR dilakukan dengan melakukan tahapan perancangan dan perhitungan analisis teknik. Alat yang dibuat merupakan tipe batch dan skala laboratorium. Alat yang dibuat diujicoba saat tanpa beban dan dengan beban yaitu dengan memproduksi biodiesel menggunakan bahan minyak kelapa sawit, metanol dan katalis KOH. Hasil biodiesel (metil ester) dianalisis dengan GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry). Hasil perancangan alat SSR mempunyai dimensi tabung reaktor tinggi 400 mm, diameter 150 mm dan tebal 1 mm menggunakan bahan Stainless steel 304. Hasil pengujian mendapatkan alat mampu bekerja dengan baik sesuai performansi yang diharapkan, baik dengan beban maupun tanpa beban. Hasil uji performansi alat SSR putaran searah saat memproduksi biodiesel dengan bahan minyak kelapa sawit dan metanol (rasio 1:6), katalis KOH 0,5%, suhu 45 oC, dan waktu 30 menit pada putaran 200 rpm, 350 rpm, dan 500 rpm berturut-turut menghasilkan kadar metil ester 98,89%, 99,55%, dan 99,50%, yang berarti sudah memenuhi syarat mutu biodiesel berdasarkan SNI 7182:2015.
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 21, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (529.059 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtp.2020.021.01.2


ABSTRAK Keterangan umur simpan (masa kadaluarsa) produk pangan merupakan salah satu informasi yang wajib dicantumkan oleh produsen pada label kemasan produk pangan. Penentuan umur simpan produk pangan dapat dilakukan dengan menyimpan produk pada kondisi penyimpanan yang sebenarnya. Cara ini menghasilkan hasil yang paling tepat, namun memerlukan waktu yang lama dan biaya yang besar. Metode pendugaan umur simpan dapat dilakukan dengan metode Accelerated Shelf-life Testing (ASLT), yaitu dengan cara menyimpan produk pangan pada lingkungan yang menyebabkannya cepat rusak, baik pada kondisi suhu atau kelembaban ruang penyimpanan yang lebih tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk menduga umur simpan gula kelapa kristal dengan dua jenis bahan kemasan yang berbeda dan menggunakan metode ASLT (Accelerated Shelf Life Testing) (2) untuk memberikan jaminan mutu mengenai keamanan gula merah. Variabel yang diamati pada penelitian ini meliputi : kadar air awal produk (Mo, g H2O/g padatan), kadar air kesetimbangan produk (Me, g H2O/g padatan), kemiringan/slope kurva sorpsi isotermis (b), kadar air kritis (Mc, g H2O/g padatan), konstanta permeabilitas uap air kemasan (k/x, g/m2.hari.mmHg), luas permukaan kemasan (A, m2), berat kering produk dalam kemasan (Ws, g padatan), tekanan uap air jenuh (Po,mmHg). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa umur simpan gula kelapa kirstal yang dikemas menggunakan alumnium foil yang disimpan pada RH 60 % adalah 11 bulan, sedangkan yang dikemas dengan Plastik PE adalah 18 bulan.Kata Kunci : Kadar air, Kemasan, Metode ASLT, Alumanium Foil, Polietilen ABSTRACT  Information on shelf -life (expiration period) of food products is one of the information that must be included by producers on food product packaging labels. Determining the shelf life of food products can be done by storing the product in actual storage conditions. This method produces the most appropriate results, but requires a long time and a large cost. Estimating method of shelf life can be done using the Accelerated Shelf-life Testing (ASLT) method, which is by storing food products in an environment that causes them to break down quickly, both at higher temperature or humidity conditions. The purpose of this study are (1) to estimate the shelf life of crystal coconut sugar with two different types of packaging materials and use the Accelerated Shelf Life Testing method (ASLT) ,(2) to provide quality assurance regarding the safety of brown sugar. The variables observed in this study are: the initial moisture content of the product (Mo, g H2O / g solids), the product equilibrium moisture content (Me, g H2O/g solids ), slope/slope of the isothermic sorption curve (b), critical water content (Mc, g H2O/g solids), vapor permeability constant of bottled wate (k/x, g/, area packaging surface (A, m2), dry weight of packaged products (Ws, g solids), saturated water vapor pressure (Po,mmHg). The results showed crystal coconut  sugar using aluminum foil packaging and stored at RH 60 % had shelf life of 11 moths and crystal coconut sugar using polyethylene packaging had shelf life of 18 months.Keywords: Moisture Content, Packaging, ASLT Method, Aluminum Foil, Polyethylene
Identifikasi Perubahan Sifat Fisik Jambu Biji Merah (Psidium guajava L.) Selama Masa Penyimpanan pada Pendingin Evaporatif Termodifikasi Ritonga, Abdul Mukhlis; Furqon, Furqon; Ifadah, Razifah Nur
AGROSAINSTEK: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 4 No 2 (2020): AGROSAINSTEK: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (985.604 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/agrosainstek.v4i2.121


Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is one of the horticultural products that could live in tropical areas and has a high economic value. Tropical fruit used to be damaged quickly remaining due to the temperature and humidity condition. Postharvest treatment is required to extend the shelf life of products and to maintain the quality of products such as evaporative coolers for storage. This research aims to: 1). Calculating the rate of decrease for red guava fruit quality during storage in an evaporative cooler and room temperature. 2). Analyze transformation in the physical properties of red guava fruit during storage in an evaporative cooler and room temperature. Variables measured are the effectiveness of cooling, temperature, relative humidity, moisture content, weight loss, hardness, brix levels, and colors. The method of this study was experimental with the object of research is guava, which has a diameter of 7-8 cm horizontal and vertical length of 6-8 cm. Guava fruits that used were obtained from guava plantation in Kampung Penyisihan, Ketenger Village. Data analysis in this study using the equations of kinetical reaction. The results showed that the treatment of evaporative cooling storage can maintain the quality of weight loss, color (Lab), and violent guava. While the temperature treatment room can maintain the quality of the water content, brix levels guava during storage.
Karakterisasi Biogas Hasil Pemurnian dengan Down-Up Purifier Termodifikasi Ritonga, Abdul Mukhlis; Masrukhi, Masrukhi; Safi’i, Azis Imam
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Vol 12, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jrm.2021.012.01.19


Biogas is a combustible gas produced from the fermentation process of organic materials by anaerobic bacteria. Biogas can be made by using a digester. A digester is a place where the process of decomposing organic matter by bacteria. The result of biogas still contains impurity gases, so that the quality of biogas is not good. Therefore, efforts to filter the gas are necessary. The purifier is a device to filter a gas. The use of purifiers in a series of digester installations aims to filter out unnecessary gases. The purpose of this research is to design a down-up purifier type biogas purification plant, to determine the changes in substrate characteristics during fermentation and conduct a gas quality test after purification. The results showed that the biogas installation type down-up purifier was designed and assembled using 150 liter drums for gas digesters and reservoirs, 1/2 inch hoses for connecting, 2 purifiers for purification and activated charcoal adsorbents. The C/N ratio is 36.37, an average substrate temperature of 28.62oC and an average pH of 5.9. Initial and final Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) values are 960.12 mg/l and 9.312.53 mg/l. The initial and final Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) values are 313,500.00 mg/l and 29,100.00 mg/l. Then Total Solid (TS) decreased by 1.45% and Volatile Solid (VS) increased by 0.21%. The use of activated charcoal adsorbents in the two purifiers can reduce CO2 gas content by 83.79% in biogas with the most optimal purification time of 60 minutes.
Pengaruh Jadwal Irigasi dan Dosis Pupuk Organik Terhadap Sifat Fisik Tanah dan Pertumbuhan Serai Wangi Wijaya, Krissandi; Mustofa, Asna; Hardanto, Afik; Sumarni, Eni; Sudarmaji, Arief; Sulistyo, Susanto Budi; Kuncoro, Purwoko Hari; Siswantoro, Siswantoro; Margiwiyatno, Agus; Ropiudin, Ropiudin; Ritonga, Abdul Mukhlis; Novitasari, Dian
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Tropis dan Biosistem Vol 9, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jkptb.2021.009.03.08


Serai wangi memiliki nilai ekonomi sangat tinggi dan dapat dibudidayakan pada berbagai kondisi lahan. Lahan marginal umumnya kurang subur, kecuali setelah direhabilitasi melalui pengelolaan irigasi tepat dan pemupukan berimbang. Integrasi parameter kualitas lahan/tanah marginal yang direhabilitasi terhadap paremeter produktivitas serai wangi, yang sejauh ini belum banyak dikaji, mutlak diperlukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh variasi jadwal irigasi dan dosis pupuk organik terhadap sifat fisik tanah dan pertumbuhan serai wangi. Sebanyak 9 demplot serai wangi (luas: @9 m2, jenis tanah: Inceptisol) disiapkan untuk 2 taraf perlakuan, yaitu variasi jadwal irigasi [per hari (SI1), per 3 hari (S13), per 5 hari (SI5)] dan variasi dosis pupuk organik [15 ton/ha (PO1), 25 ton/ha (PO2), 35 ton/ha (PO3)]. Variabel yang diamati meliputi pertumbuhan serai wangi [jumlah batang (JB), tinggi tanaman (TT), jumlah daun (JD)], sifat fisik tanah [kadar air basis Volume (θ), kerapatan isi (rb), permeabilitas (Ks)], serta debit irigasi dan curah hujan. Data pengamatan dianalisis secara statistik (ANOVA, α = 0.05) dan ditampikan secara grafis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jadwal irigasi dan dosis pupuk organik berpengaruh nyata terhadap JB, TT, dan JD serai wangi dengan nilai optimal masing-masing terdapat pada SI3PO3 (20.17 batang), SI1PO3 (137.83 cm), dan SI3PO3 (92.25 helai). Dilihat dari sifat fisik tanah, hanya dosis pupuk organik yang berpengaruh nyata, terutama terhadap θ, dengan nilai optimal terdapat pada PO2 (0.380 cm3/cm3). Kombinasi jadwal irigasi per-3-hari (SI3) dan dosis pupuk organik 35 ton/ha (PO3) sangat potensial untuk diaplikasikan pada budidaya serai wangi di lahan marginal.
Alih Teknologi Olahan Oyek Di Desa Lumbir Kecamatan Lumbir Kabupaten Banyumas Ritonga, Abdul Mukhlis; Akbar, Andi Ali Said; Chamadi, Muhamad Riza
WARTA LPM WARTA LPM, Vol. 25, No. 2, April 2022 (in Progress)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/warta.v25i2.16308


Oyek is a healthy alternative food and is needed by various levels of society because it is high in carbohydrates and low in sugar. The production of motorcycle taxis in Lumbir Village still uses traditional methods and processing. In order to be able to penetrate a wider market and be able to increase the economic value of residents, it is important to apply appropriate technology for processing motorcycles. The application of appropriate technology will be efficient and sustainable with the institutional support of solid and skilled farmer groups. Empowerment of farmer organizations through production management and marketing is a necessity. The framework of this service activity was carried out and was welcomed by the residents of Lumbir Village. The activity was carried out using a participatory method by involving the target audience, namely the Mekar Sari farmer group with 24 members, the Sido Rukun farmer group with 20 members and community members to play an active role in the activity and was accompanied by a technology application team who acted as extension workers and facilitators. as well as continuous evaluation and monitoring. The monitoring results are expected to increase the desire and motivation to improve the standard of living and welfare of the target community. This technology transfer has answered the partner's problems, namely First, the technological aspect: the availability of appropriate technology for processing motorcycles that are more modern, efficient, healthy and of good quality. The technology includes grinding machines, rice granules, solar and gas drying houses and product packaging equipment. Second, the Social Aspect: the service provider has made a social approach to the village government, community leaders and farmers about the benefits of motorcycle production technology. The conclusion is that in general, the application of this technology can increase the economic level of the members of the cassava farmer group, build a more efficient and quality processing system, and increase the economic value of the motorcycle product with the existence of quality motorcycle products, modern packaging and production permits from the government.
Pendugaan Umur Simpan Tiwul Instan yang Dikemas dalam Aluminium Foil dan Polietilen dengan Metode Akselerasi Berdasarkan Pendekatan Kadar Air Kritis Friska Citra Agustia; Herastuti Sri Rukmini; Rifda Naufalin; Abdul Mukhlis Ritonga
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan Vol 10, No 1 (2021): February 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17728/jatp.7046


Penelitian bertujuan untuk menentukan umur simpan tiwul instan tinggi protein yang dibuat dari tepung ubi kayu dengan perlakuan modifikasi mikrobiawi dan kimiawi yang dikemas dalam kemasan aluminium foil dan plastik polietilen yang dihitung menggunakan metode akselerasi berdasarkan pendekatan kadar air kritis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental. Modifikasi mikrobiawi dilakukan dengan memfermentasi ubi kayu dengan ragi tape 4% dan diinkubasi selama 6 jam, sedangkan perlakuan kimiawi adalah dengan cara merendam ubi kayu dalam larutan soda kue selama 15 menit. Tiwul instan selanjutnya dibungkus dalam kemasan aluminium foil dan kemasan plastik polietilen. Kadar air tiwul dan tekstur dianalisis selama penyimpanan. Pembuatan pola kurva isotherm sorpsi air dan penghitungan masa simpan produk juga dilakukan pada penelitian ini. Hasilnya, tiwul instan perlakuan modifikasi kimiawi pada ubi kayu mempunyai masa simpan sekitar dua kali lipat dari perlakuan modifikasi mikrobiawi, yaitu masing-masing selama 4,88 tahun dan 2,13 tahun (yang disimpan dalam polietilen) serta 8,55 dan 3,89 tahun (yang disimpan dalam aluminium foil). Kesimpulannya, pendekatan titik air kritis dapat dilakukan untuk mendeteksi masa simpan tiwul instan, baik yang dikemas dalam aluminium foil maupun kemasan polietilen yang dapat menghasilkan masa simpan tiwul instan.“High Protein Instant Tiwul” Shelf Life Packed with Aluminum Foil and Polyethylene Using Critical Moisture Content ApproachAbstractThe research aims to determine the shelf life of high protein instant tiwul made from cassava flour with chemical and microbial modification packed in aluminum foil and polyethylene plastic packaging using the acceleration method with the critical moisture content approach. Fermented cassava (at 4% concentration for 6 hours incubation) was used as microbial modification treatment while cassava immersed in baking soda solution for 15 minutes was also applied as chemical modification. Instant tiwul was then packaged using aluminum foil and polyethylene. Moisture content of instant tiwul was determined during storage while water sorption isotherm curve patterns was also generated. Instant tiwul of cassava with chemical modified treatment had twice in shelf life, longer than those of microbial modification treatment, resulting 4.88 and 2.13 years (using polyethylene package) while 8.55 and 3.89 years (using aluminum foil), respectively. As conclusion, critical moisture approach could be used in the detection of shelf life in instant tiwul with polyethylene and aluminum foil packaging.
Identifikasi Perubahan Sifat Fisik Jambu Biji Merah (Psidium guajava L.) Selama Masa Penyimpanan pada Pendingin Evaporatif Termodifikasi: Identifikasi Perubahan Sifat Fisik Jambu Biji Merah (Psidium guajava L.) Selama Masa Penyimpanan pada Pendingin Evaporatif Termodifikasi Abdul Mukhlis Ritonga; Furqon Furqon; Razifah Nur Ifadah
AGROSAINSTEK: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 4 No 2 (2020): AGROSAINSTEK: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (985.604 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/agrosainstek.v4i2.121


Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is one of the horticultural products that could live in tropical areas and has a high economic value. Tropical fruit used to be damaged quickly remaining due to the temperature and humidity condition. Postharvest treatment is required to extend the shelf life of products and to maintain the quality of products such as evaporative coolers for storage. This research aims to: 1). Calculating the rate of decrease for red guava fruit quality during storage in an evaporative cooler and room temperature. 2). Analyze transformation in the physical properties of red guava fruit during storage in an evaporative cooler and room temperature. Variables measured are the effectiveness of cooling, temperature, relative humidity, moisture content, weight loss, hardness, brix levels, and colors. The method of this study was experimental with the object of research is guava, which has a diameter of 7-8 cm horizontal and vertical length of 6-8 cm. Guava fruits that used were obtained from guava plantation in Kampung Penyisihan, Ketenger Village. Data analysis in this study using the equations of kinetical reaction. The results showed that the treatment of evaporative cooling storage can maintain the quality of weight loss, color (Lab), and violent guava. While the temperature treatment room can maintain the quality of the water content, brix levels guava during storage.
Dissemination of household scale biodigester technology to produce biogas from animal waste Abdul Mukhlis Ritonga; Masrukhi Masrukhi; Furqon Furqon
Berdikari: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): Berdikari: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia
Publisher : Future Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.895 KB)


Diversification of energy use becomes a very important issue because of the decrease in the source of oil raw materials. Biogas is a renewable energy that can be used as an alternative fuel to replace fossil fuels such as kerosene and natural gas. Utilization of livestock waste to produce biogas can reduce commercial energy consumption such as gas and wood fuel. The purpose of this activity is to apply biogas technology and reduce the negative impact of pollution of cattle waste. The topography condition of Kalisalak village which is located in the highland area plus access location that is difficult to reach cause the gas fuel distribution process (LPG) is not optimal. Practicing skill by doing counseling and practice of making biogas digester and also performing assistance is very appropriate for the condition of Kalisalak Village community. The result of the dedication activity that 100% partners understand and able to make biogas digester. Five domestic digester units with volume 300 liter per unit are produced that can produce biogas from cow dung waste which can reduce the cost of gas fuel (LPG) by Rp. 23.000 every month, the environment is more awake from the smell of smell and greenhouse effect of cow dung waste pollution. With the application of biogas technology household scale is able to save the cost of the need for gas fuel, in addition to the more environmentally maintained hygiene.
Analisis penggunaan bubuk asap cair tempurung kelapa sebagai bahan pengawet Abdul Mukhlis Ritonga; Riana Listanti; Tesa Indah Kurniasih
AGROINTEK Vol 16, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Agroindustrial Technology, University of Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/agrointek.v16i2.12369


Technological developments in the food preservation process are increasingly advanced, including the use of coconut shell smoke into liquid smoke which is used as a natural food preservative. The use of liquid smoke as a preservative in powder form is more efficient in the process of preserving food products. One of the preserved food ingredients is beef. The purpose of this study was to determine the manufacturing process and characteristics of smoked powder and to analyze the effect of using smoked powder on the quality of beef. This research was compiled based on a completely randomized design (CRD), making powdered liquid smoke with 4 variations consisting of 2 factors, namely maltodextrin (25 and 50 grams) and chitosan (25 and 50 grams) with 3 replications. Research data were analyzed using the ANOVA test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and Mann-Whitney test. Variables measured: characteristics of liquid smoke powder (weight, pH, total acid, moisture content, and color), Total Plate Count (TPC) on the beef and beef organoleptic test (color, smell, and texture). The results showed that from the characteristics of the liquid smoke powder, a good variation of powder was found, namely variation 1, with a ratio of 50:25 grams of encapsulation usage. The results of the total bacteria count (TPC) showed that with the addition of smoked powder variation 1 (50:25), the growth of bacteria in beef was two times slower than without the addition of smoked powder. The results of organoleptic test of beef with the addition of smoked powder are redder in color, the texture is harder and the smell is less pungent than without the addition of smoked powder, the color is pale red, the texture is soft and the smell is pungent.