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Agriekonomika Vol 6, No 2: Oktober 2017
Publisher : Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/agriekonomika.v6i2.1830


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi pembangunan  agrowisata  sebagai diversifikasi obyek wisata di Taman Wisata Lembah Harau  berbasis  kearifan lokal dan  menyusun strategi pengembangan Taman Wisata Lembah Harau melalui pendekatan kearifan lokal dengan analisis SWOT. Metode penelitian menggunakan survey, wawancara dan studi literatur.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Pembangunan agrowisata berpotensi untuk dikembangkan di luar areal obyek wisata Lembah Harau yaitu di Nagari Tarantang, Harau dan Solok Bio-Bio Kawasan Lembah Harau berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi kawasan agrowisata dan dinilai sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengunjung, 2) . Filosofi Tungku Tigo Sajarangan merupakan potensi kearifan lokal yang dapat dijadikan model kepemimpinan untuk mengatasi konflik kepentingan pengelolaan Taman Wisata Lembah Harau dan 3). Strategi pengembangan yang dapat dilakukan adalah mengembangkan atraksi dan obyek wisata baru berbasis budaya dan kearifan lokal yang lebih banyak melibatkan pihak masyarakat disertai dengan kegiatan pemasaran dan promosi berbasis IT.DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF LEMBAH HARAU GARDEN TOURISM BASED ON LOCAL WISDOM: TUNGKU TIGO SAJARANGANABSTRACTThe purposes of this study are 1)   identification of potential cultural and local knowledge that supports the development of Lembah Harau Garden Tourism (LHGT)  , 2)  to arrange management strategy of LHGT through local wisdom approach  with a SWOT analysis. The research method uses surveys, interviews and study of literature.  The results suggest that 1) Harau Valley region has a diverse cultural and historical potential that can be developed to enrich the tourist attraction in LHGT, 2)  philosophy of Tungku Tigo Sajarangan is a potential local wisdom that can be used as a model of leadership to resolve conflicts of interest LHGT  management and 3). The development strategy of LHGT is to develop new tourist attractions and object-based culture and local wisdom that  more involving local communities with marketing and promotional activities based.
Agrisocionomics: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol 5, No 2 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Science, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/agrisocionomics.v5i2.9953


Covid-19 has drastically changed the learning system in almost all universities in Indonesia.Learning online systems lead to increased expenses for buying internet packages and is thought to have an impact on the food and non-food consumption patterns of students. This research evaluates the consumption behavior of the Politani payakumbuh’s Student College in the context of Covid-19 emergence. The data collection technique used was simple random sampling. Data collection was carried out during July-September 2020, using an online questionnaire, distributed via Whatsapp group. Quantitative descriptive data analysis approach to 474 respondents is obtained, who have filled out the questionnaire. Two respondents have been excluded because the data is incomplete. The results of the study stated that the Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on decreasing parental income (85%) and then followed by a reduction in student's monthly allowance (98,5%). The decrease in the monthly student allowance was allegedly due to a decrease in the parents' income. Percentage of students' average monthly allowance at intervals > IDR 500,000 decreased from 42% to 31%. This decrease in student income has an impact on changes in food and non-food consumption patterns. The percentage of food (food, drinks, and snacks) expenditure incline to fall, while non-food expenditure, especially communication costs, rose quite sharply (83%). This research also contributes to supporting the existence of Keynes's classical assumption theory. Practically this study can be used as input for the government in implementing effective learning policies in the New Normal Era.
Pelatihan Learning Managament System di Pondok Pesantren sebagai Bentuk Mitigasi Dampak Covid-19 Nurul Fauzi; Irda Rosita; Iis Ismawati
Jurnal Abdimas: Pengabdian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Vol 3 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (327.519 KB)


Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan metode diskusi, pelatihan dan pendampingan. Pelatihan diikuti oleh 20 orang guru. Hasil diskusi dengan pihak pengelola Pondok Pesantren diperoleh data bahwa usia pengajar beragam dan kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer juga tidak merata. Sehingga diputuskan kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan difokuskan pada satu LMS dari dua yang direncanakan yaitu Google Class Room (GCR). Sebagai salah satu bentuk metode pembelajaran Asynchronous, GCR dinilai lebih aplikatif untuk diadopsi guru-guru di PP Thawalib. Materi pelatihan lain adalah mengelola pembelajaran Synchronous dengan Google Meet dan pembuatan Google Form untuk memudahkan pemberian tugas dan ujian bagi para santri. Hasil Program kemitraan mampu meningkatkan aspek kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik guru-guru peserta pelatihan dalam hal berikut yaitu (1) pemahaman tantang model pembelajaran remote learning, (2) peningkatan motivasi untuk lebih adaptif terhadap tuntutan era digital saat ini dan antisipasi mitigasi dampak Covid-19, (3) mengelola LMS menggunakan Google Class Room, (4) membuat alat assessment online yang beragam untuk santri menggunakan Google Form dan (5) melakukan model pembelajaran synchronous menggunakan media Google Meet. Luaran kegiatan berupa artikel ilmiah, video pelaksanaan kegiatan dan modul pelatihan.
Taram Rural Tourism Development Post Covid-19 Pandemic Iis Ismawati; Nurul Fauzi; Ranti Komala Dewi; Andrik Marta; Ermiati
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (954.616 KB)


The Covid-19 pandemic has caused an enormous impact on the tourism industry not only at the global level but also at the local level. The result of this pandemic turned out to be worse than the effects of previous crises such as the SARS pandemic in 2003 and the shock of the 2009 economic crisis. Presently the tourism sector is trying to recover and revive from adversity. Several studies show that successful companies and communities in the pandemic era are those who can transform into the mega-shifts of the new tourism industry landscape. Characterized by four characteristics namely Hygiene, Low-Touch, Less-Crowd, and Low Mobility Based on these characteristics, the rural tourism industry is a kind of tourism that is considered suitable for it. Because in general, rural areas have many natural tourist destinations. Where natural tourism has become a trend for post-Covid-19 pandemic tourist destinations. The sudden pandemic Covid-19 has fostered new habits, making health and safety a top priority for visitors. Nature tourism is a popular trend that is favored by the public in new normal conditions. In the future, the types of destinations and attractions that offer the concept of nature, eco, wellness, and adventure (NEWA) will be more in demand and become the new mainstream in the tourism industry. In the future, NEWA's innovations will evolve rapidly to capture this shift in traveler preferences. This Assistance's purpose to explore the potential of rural Taram in developing the tourism sector which had slumped due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Tourism is a strategic sector for rural Taram because it can become the largest contributor to Original Local Government Revenue. Assistance implementation methods include potential surveys, Focus Group Discussions, and mentoring. The results confirm that the village of Taram has potential assets in the form of a diversity of natural resources, especially forestry and agriculture, the strength of human resources that are open to change, economic assets, social capital, physical assets, and historical, cultural, and spiritual assets. Local government should determine priority potential assets to be developed as tourist destinations. Natural and cultural tourism based on local potential has the opportunity to be further developed in the future. The Development of rural tourism could enable destinations to manage unpredictable crises, apply the sustainable tourism and resilience concepts
Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Jasa Wisata Alam Kapalo Banda Terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Pengunjung Hidayat Raflis; Iis Ismawati; Sri Nofianti
Journal of Agribusiness and Community Empowerment (JACE) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): March
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.008 KB) | DOI: 10.32530/jace.v6i1.633


Pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor ekonomi yang terus berkembang dan menjadi sumber pendapatan nasional. Wisata alam merupakan salah satu jenis wisata yang pertumbuhannya secara global cukup pesat. Salah satu wisata alam yang terkenal di Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota adalah Kapalo Banda yang terletak di Nagari Taram. Jumlah pengunjung Wisata Alam Kapalo Banda pada tahun 2022 mengalami peningkatan sekitar 81 persen dibanding tahun 2021, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tingginya kebutuhan masyarakat akan hiburan dan rekreasi alamserta didukung oleh turunnya level PPKM di Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota ke Level 1 pada rentang waktu tersebut. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk menganalisis pengaruh bauran pemasaran jasa Wisata Alam Kapalo Banda terhadap kepuasan pengunjung, dan mengetahui faktor apa yang berpengaruh signifikan dari bauran pemasaran jasa terhadap kepuasan pengunjung Wisata Alam Kapalo Banda. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Wisata Alam Kapalo Banda dengan menggunakan pendekatan survei. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan skala likert. Teknik analisis data untuk mengukur pengaruh bauran pemasaran jasa terhadap kepuasaan konsumen adalah regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketujuh unsur bauran pemasaran jasa yaitu unsur produk, harga, lokasi, promosi, pengelola, proses dan fasilitas fisik, secara serentak atau simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pengunjung di Wisata Alam Kapalo Banda. Secara parsial atau individual, variabel produk dan fasilitas fisik berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pengunjung di Wisata Alam Kapalo Banda. Sedangkan variabel harga, lokasi, promosi, pengelola, dan variabel proses tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pengunjung di Wisata Alam Kapalo Banda.
Less-Crowded Tourism as Applied to Reviving Tourism Post-Covid-19 in Taram Village, Lima Puluh Kota Regency, West Sumatra through Asset-Based Community Development Iis Ismawati; Nurul Fauzi; Ranti Komala Dewi; Andrik Marta; Ermiati
Engagement: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 7 No 1 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Pengembang Masyarajat (ADPEMAS) Forum Komunikasi Dosen Peneliti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/engagement.v7i1.1310


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the tourism industry. The decrease in the number of visitors has affected the revenue of tourism operators and the economy of the village community, especially in the tourism sector of Taram Village. The Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach is used to rebuild the tourism sector in the new normal era by optimizing the potential of Taram Village's outstanding tourism resources. Community support results in diversifying tourist destinations by adding variations and increasing the number of attractions, such as corn-based educational tours targeting the school-aged market segment. These support efforts have also been able to enhance the local economy through the optimization of the added value of sweet corn, transformed into pilus and gelamai products, which are culinary specialties of Taram Tourism Village. Implementing the ABCK application serves as a medium for developing Taram Tourism Village, thus achieving sustainable and resilient tourism development in Taram.