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Agrotekno Vol. 11, No. 2 Januari 2005
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

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The research was aimed to isolate the fungi grown and to identify R. oligosporus inseveral tempe inoculum samples.Seventy microbes were isolated from tempe inoculum, which was consisted of 58greyish brown conidia, and 12 grey conidia isolates. All isolates were belong to genera ofRhizopus. Seven of them were selected based on their origin of tempe inoculum, conidiacolour, growth of mycelia, and conidia mass. Macroscopic and microscopic observationshowed that the selected isolates were R. oligosporus.
Pemanfaatan Supernatan Kultur Pediococcus acidilactici F11 Penghasil Bakteriosin untuk Memperpanjang Masa Simpan Tahu Eni Harmayani; Endang S. Rahayu; Titiek F. Djaafar; Nuri Wahyuningsih; Tri Marwati
Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian Vol 6, No 2 (2009): Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian
Publisher : Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jpasca.v6n2.2009.85-93


Tahu merupakan makanan yang mudah rusak akibat aktivitas bakteri pembusuk. Pediococcus acidilactici F11 potensial digunakan sebagai pengawet karena mampu memproduksi bakteriosin yang bersifat antibakteri. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan supernatan kultur P. acidilactici F11 (PaF11) dalam menghambat bakteri dan coliform pada tahu sebagai upaya memperpanjang umur simpan tahu. Variasi perlakuan yang dicobakan yaitu : pasteurisasi dengan supernatan kultur PaF11 pada suhu 95oC selama 5 menit (PDS), perendaman dengan supernatan kultur PaF11 pada suhu 4oC selama semalam (RSS) dan perendaman dengan supernatan kultur PaF11 pada suhu kamar selama 15 menit (RSL). Sebagai kontrol dilakukakn perlakuan pasteurisasi dengan air pada 95oC selama 5 menit (KON), dan perendaman dengan NisaplinR (200 mg/l) pada suhu kamar selama 15 menit (RNL). Supernatan kultur PaF11 diperoleh dengan cara sentrifugasi kultur PaF11 yang ditumbuhkan dalam limbah cair tahu dengan penambahan 1% sukrosa dan diinkubasi 37oC selama 18-24 jam. Total bakteri dan coliform pada tahu dianalisis pada penyimpanan hari ke 0,3 dan 7 dan uji organoleptik dilakukan pada hari ke 7. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasteurisasi dengan supernatan kultur PaF11 pada suhu 95oC selama 5 menit (PDS) dapat menekan bakteri tahu sebesar 2 log cycle dan coliform 475 APM/g dan perendaman dengan supernatan kultur PaF11 pada suhu 4oC selama semalam (RSS) dapat menekan bakteri sekitar 2 log cycle dan coliform sebesar 550 APM/g. Pasteurisasi dengan air pada 95oC selama 5 menit (KON), total bakteri dan coliform dalam tahu terus mengalami peningkatan selama penyimpanan. Baik perendaman dengan supernatan kultur PaF11 pada suhu kamar selama 15 menit (RSL) maupun perendaman dengan NisaplinR (200 mg/l) pada suhu kamar selama 15 menit (RNL) tidak mampu menekan bakteri maupun coliform tahu. Penggunaan supernatan kultur PaF dengan cara pasteurisasi pada suhu 95oC selama 5 menit (PDS) dan perendaman pada suhu 4oC selama semalam (RSS) dapat memperpanjang masa simpan tahu sampai 7 hari, dan meningkatkan tingkat penerimaan panelis. Utilization Of The Culture Supernatant Of P. Acidilactici F11 As A Bacteriocin Producer To Extend Shelf-Life Of Tofu. Tofu is a nutricious food and prone to spoilage by bacterial activity. pediococcus acidilacticii  F11 can be used as food preservatives because of their ability to produce bacteriocin as an antibacterial metabolite. The purpose of this research was to determine the ability of the culture P acidilactici  F11 (Pa F11) supernatant to inhibit bacteria and coliform and to extend shelf-life of tofu. Treatments done were: pasteurization using PaFl1 culture supernatant at 95°C for 5 min (POS), soaking using PaF11 culture supernatant at room temperature for 15 min (RSL), and soaking using PaF11 culture supernatant at 4°C overnight (RSS). Pasteurization tofu in water at 95°C for 5 min (KON) and soaking tofu in Nisaplin" (200 mg/L) at 4°C for IS min (RNL) were used as control. Culture supernatant of Pa F11 was obtained by centrifuging the culture of Pa F11 which was grown for 18-24 h at 37 'C in tofu liquid waste with addition of 1% sucrose. Total bacteria and coliform on tofu were analyzed at 0, 3, 7 days and sensory test were conducted at 7 days of storage. Result showed that pasteurized tofu in PaF11 supernatant at 95°C for 5 min (PDS) had low bacteria and coli/arm counts (2 log cycle and 475 APM/g respectively) during storage. Tofu soaked in Pa F11 supernatant at 4°C overnight (RSS) had lower both bacteria and coliform counts compared to control (2 log cycle and 550 APM/g, respectively) during storage. Data indicated that both bacteria and coliform counts of pasteurized tofu in water at 95°C for 5 min (KON) increased during storage. Addition of 200 mg/l Nisaplin" at 4°C for 15 min (RNL) or supernatant soaked at room temperature for 15 min (RSL) did not inhibit both bacteria and coliform on tofu during storage. Utilization of PaF 11 supernatant for pasteurization at 95 'C for 5 min (PDS) and soaking at 4°C overnight (RSS) prolonged the shelf-life of tofu up to 7 days and increased the acceptance level of panelis.
Potensi Bekasam Bandeng (Chanos chanos) sebagai Sumber Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Prima Retno Wikandari; Suparmo Suparmo; Y. Marsono; Endang S. Rahayu
Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati Vol 16, No 1 (2011): February 2011
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24002/biota.v16i1.69


Bekasam adalah produk fermentasi ikan. Bekasam diduga mempunyai aktivitas Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, yang disebabkan oleh terbentuknya peptida ACE inhibitor hasil aktivitas proteolitik enzim endogenous ikan dan bakteri asam laktat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perubahan populasi bakteri asam laktat, pH, total asam, perubahan protein terlarut dan besarnya aktivitas ACE inhibitor selama proses fermentasi bekasam. Jumlah populasi bakteri laktat meningkat dari 5,16 menjadi 8,15 log CFU/g, nilai pH menurun dari 6,5 menjadi 4,41 disertai dengan peningkatan total asam. Bekasam bandeng menunjukkan aktivitas antihipertensi sebesar 51,77% yang terbentuk pada hari ke 6, dan tidak menunjukkan aktivitas penghambatan pada proses fermentasi selanjutnya. Besarnya aktivitas ACE inhibitor berkorelasi dengan terjadinya kenaikan protein terlarut selama proses fermentasi bekasam.
Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia Vol. 9 No. 1 (2010)
Publisher : Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia

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Zeolite can function as cation exchanger or adsorbent for elimination pollutan in water. In general, natural zeolite have a low capability to eliminate a hard subtances in water. The study aimed to increase elimination capacity hardness by activated natural zeolite and study the effect of activation processes. This study was conducted to natural zeolite Cikalong-Tasikmalaya with a hydrothermal process at temperature 100 0 C with variations of consistency reaction system, concentration and activator liquid type. Activation natural zeolite was done with variations of consistency of 12,5%; 25%; 37,5%; and 50%, activator liquid concentrate of 2N NaOH and 1N NaOH, and activator liquid types of NaOH and NaCl. The result of process is a active zeolite to the test of implementation a hard water processing in fixed column with depth of zeolites 90 cm, it was operated continously with a linier speed of 2 m/hours, total hardness and hardness of Ca2+ as a parameters test with reference to SNI 06-4161-1996 and SNI 06-2429-1991, variations of standard water concentration between 240 to 440 mg/l as CaCO3. Natural zeolites gave a lower percent between 11% to 42% from variations of standard water concentration which is given, while the zeolite active between 56% to 96%. The effect consistency of activator process is shown in the lowest elimination values of zeolite. The produce of activation process with consistency of 50% and higest value for consistency of 12,5%. Consistency of 12,5 % was used as consistency reference for other variation processes. The effect of activator liquid concentrate NaOH is not siginificant, indicated by narrows range between 2N NaOH and 1N NaOH is 78% to 92%. Activator liquid type NaCl gives a higher hardness percent 96% at standard water with high of hardness.
Pemanfaatan Kultur Pediococcus Acidilactici F-11 Penghasil Bakteriosin sebagai Penggumpal pada Pembuatan Tahu Eni Harmayani; Endang S. Rahayu; Titiek F. Djaafar; Citra Argaka Sari; Tri Marwati
Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian Vol 6, No 1 (2009): Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian
Publisher : Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jpasca.v6n1.2009.10-20


Tahu merupakan hasil penggumpalan protein kedelai oleh whey yang terfermentasi spontan (kecutan).  Permasalahan yang dihadapi pengrajin tahu yaitu munculnya flavor asam pada tahu yang dihasilkan dari penggumpal tipe asam, sehingga perlu alternatif bahan penggumpal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  (i) mengetahui pertumbuhan P. acidilactici F-11 dan produksi bakteriosin dalam whey tahu,  (ii) mempelajari pemanfaatan kultur P. acidilactici F-11 sebagai penggumpal pada pembuatan tahu dan (iii) mengetahui kualitas mikrobiologis dan organoleptik tahu selama penyimpanan pada suhu 4oC. Penelitian terdiri dari 3  tahap.  Pertama,  pertumbuhan P. acidilactici F-11  dan produksi bakteriosin. Kedua, pemanfaatan kultur sebagai penggumpal tahu. Ketiga, uji kualitas mikrobiologi (total bakteri) dan organoleptik (tekstur, pH, warna, flavor, dan kenampakan)  tahu selama penyimpanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa P. acidilactici F-11 tumbuh lebih baik dalam whey dengan penambahan 1% sukrosa, pada suhu 37oC, namun tidak sebaik dalam media TGE cair. Aktivitas bakteriosin dapat dideteksi dengan adanya zona jernih yang jelas pada media TGE agar dan perpanjangan fase lag bakteri indikator, P. acidilactici LB-42.  Total bakteri awal pada tahu antara 3,9.105 - 9,1.105 CFU/g. Selama penyimpanan, total bakteri pada tahu kontrol meningkat sebesar 2 log cycle, sedangkan tahu dengan kultur P. acidilactici F-11 hasil fermentasi suhu 37oC dan suhu kamar meningkat sebesar 1,5 dan 1 log cycle. Tahu yang dihasilkan dari kultur P. acidilactici F-11 sebagai penggumpal memiliki tekstur lebih lunak dan kompak serta flavor tidak asam dibanding tahu kontrol.Tahu dengan kultur P. acidilactici F-11 hasil fermentasi pada suhu kamar memiliki kualitas organoleptik sama dengan tahu dengan kultur P. acidilactici F-11 hasil fermentasi pada suhu 37oC. Utilization of bacteriocin producer culture Pediococcus acidilactici F11 as coagulant in tofu processingTofu is a food product made from soy protein coagulated with spontaneously fermented whey. One of problem in tofu processing is the presence of acid flavor of tofu due to the use of acid coagulant type the coagulant alternative become urgently required. The purposes of this research were (i) to study the growth and bacteriocin production of P acidilactici F-11 in tofu whey, (ii) to study the utilization of P. acidilactici F-11 culture as coagulant in tofu production, and (iii) to investigate microbiological and sensory quality of tofu coagulated with the culture during storage at 4°C. The reseach was conducted in three steps including: production of bacteriocin from P acidilactici F11, utilization of P. acidilactici F-11 culture as coagulant on tofu production, and total bacteria and sensory analysis of tofu during storage. The result showed that the growth of P. acidilactici F-11 in whey with addition 1 % sucrose at 37°C was better than that without sucrose but not as good as the growth in TGE broth. Bacteriocin activity was detected by appearance of clear zone on TGE agar and prolonged lag phase of indicator bacteria, P. acidilactici LB-42. The initial bacterial count on tofu was 3.9xI0' - 9.1xlO'CFU/g. During storage, bacterial count of control increased by 2 log cycle, whereas tofu coagulated with P. acldilactici F-11 culture at 3rC and room temperature increased by 1.5 and 1 log cycle, respectively. Tofu coagulated with P. acidilactici F-11 culture had smoother and more compact texture and less sour than control. The sensory quality of tofu coagulated with P. acidilactici F-11 culture at room temperature was similar to tofu coagulated with P. acidilactici F-11 culture a t 37°C.
INAKTIVASI PANAS SPORA BACILLUS CEREUS PADA TAHU Bara Yudhistira; Reny Mailia; Endang S. Rahayu; Yudi Pranoto; Saiful Rochdyanto
Jurnal Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Vol 10, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (491.381 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/jthp.v10i1.17498


As one of perishable food, tofu is susceptible for microorganisms contamination, an effort is needed to solve the problem. Heat treatment is one of the most common methods used to reduce microorganism population. This research aimed to analyze heat treatment effects of Bacillus cereus reduction in tofu. B. cereus isolate was obtained from soy milk cooking process during tofu production in Sudagaran Yogyakarta. D value measurement as parameter analysis was conducted at 80, 90, 100, 110, 120oC. The results showed that D90 value of B. cereus in tofu product was 29.41 minutes D120 value was 1.69 minute, while Z value was 33.33oC. D and Z value obtained was then used as pasteurization reference to extend shelf life of tofu. Pasteurization temperature of 95oC was based on household conventional boiling temperature, and the process time variations were 0, 10, 30 and 34 minutes. During tofu storage at 100C, analyses conducted were Total Plate Count, spore-forming bacteria, and B. cereus enumeration. Sensory parameter was also evaluated; including flavor, color, surface appearance, mucus presence, and texture. The longest shelf life 20 days was obtained by 34 minutes pasteurization and cool storage.