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Developing a Model of Teaching English to Primary School Students Suwarsih Madya; Bambang Sugeng; Samsul Maarif; Nury Supriyanti; Widyastuti Purbani; Basikin Basikin; Sri Istiqomah
TEFLIN Journal: A publication on the teaching and learning of English Vol 15, No 2 (2004)
Publisher : TEFLIN

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Under the auspices of the Centre for Curriculum Decelopment, a three-cycle action research study was carried out in three primary schools in Yogyakarta with the aim of developing a model of teaching English to primary school students. The model consists of five parts: Opening, Content Focus, Language Focus, Communication Focus, and Closing. The model, requiring that learning tasks involve active participation of students, both physically and mentally, supported by the use of media suitable for young learners, was developmentally fully implemented. The results showed that efforts were mostly made to establish teacher-student rapport in the first cycle, in which success in classroom management was gradually reached. This led to the easier second cycle, which was characterized by increasing teacher talk (classroom English), the use of interesting media, and more active students participation in the tasks involving various games which successfully elicited students English. All of this was solidified in the third cycle. The conclusion is that with the three aspects being focused successively, teacher-student good rapport being established, various media being used, and competing and cooperative tasks being assigned in balance, joyful and effective learning is likely to occur.
Jurnal Infinity Vol 4, No 2 (2015): Volume 4 Number 2, Infinity
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi and I-MES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (492.609 KB) | DOI: 10.22460/infinity.v4i2.p223-236


ABSTRAKPembelajaran matematika harus mengalami perubahan dalam konteks perbaikan mutu pendidikan sehingga dapat meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran yang optimal. Oleh karena itu, upaya terus dilakukan untuk terwujudnya suatu pembelajaran yang inovatif sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman dan tekhnologi. Disamping pendidikan diselaraskan dengan kemajuan teknologi, pendidikan juga diharapkan dapat membangun nilai dan watak dari setiap peserta didik melalui nilai-nilai agama.Al-Quaran merupakan kitab suci umat islam yang merupakan sumber dari segala sumber ilmu. Keagungannya tidak akan tertandingi dan tak jua lekang oleh zaman. Oleh karenaya kita sebagai umat muslim patut dan menjadi keharusan menjadikan Al-Quran sebagai rujukan utama untuk pengembangan ilmu sebelum merujuk kepada teori ataupun konsep-konsep lainnnya. Pandangan seperti tersebut tidaklah salah karena Al-Quran sangat berpengaruh pada pengembangan bidang ilmu. Hal tersebut terlihat jelas adanya penghargaan yang teramat tinggibagi mereka yang beriman dan berilmu dibandingkan dengan orang yang biasa-biasa saja.Hal tersebut menunjukan Al-Quran sangat konsen dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Oleh sebab itu, perlu kiranya dunia pendidikan tidak terkecuali dalam pembelajaran matematika mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam agama islam dalam setiap pembelajaran. Sehingga, selain dapat mempelajari matematika siswa juga dapat mempelajari keagungan Alloh melalui pendekatan materi-materi matematika.Kata Kunci    :   Islam, Matematika, Pembelajaran Matematika ABSTRACTLearning mathematics should be amended in the context of improvement of the quality of education so as to enhance the optimal learning outcomes. Therefore, efforts continue to be made to the realization of an innovative learning in accordance with the times and technology. Besides education aligned with technological advances, education is also expected to build the value and character of each learner through the values agama.Al-Quaran the holy book of Islam that is the source of all sources of knowledge. Greatness will not be incomparable and was nevertheless timeless. By karenaya we as Muslims should and it becomes imperative to make Al-Quran as the main reference for the development of science before referring to theories or concepts sharing. Such a view is not wrong because the Koran is very influential in the development of science. It is clear that there are very tinggibagi award those who believe and knowledgeable than those with ordinary saja.Hal is showing Koran is very concerned with the development of science. Therefore, it is important the world of education is no exception in mathematics learning integrates the values contained in the religion of Islam in every lesson. Thus, in addition to studying math students can also learn the majesty of Allah through mathematical approach to materials.Keywords:            Islam, Mathematics, Mathematics Education
Peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan self regulated learning siswa melalui model problem based learning (pbl) Intan Fauziah; Samsul Maarif; Trisna Roy Pradipta
Jurnal Analisa Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Volume 4 Nomor 2 Tahun 2018
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/ja.v4i2.3916


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis yang diajarkan dengan model PBL dan yang diajarkan dengan pendekatan scientific; menyelidiki keterkaitan antara self regulated learning dan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII yang ada di SMP Negeri 205 Jakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan cluster random sampling. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Quasi Eksperimen dengan desain pretest-posttest control group design. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 36 siswa dari kelas eksperimen dan 36 siswa dari kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis antara siswa yang diajarkan dengan model PBL dan siswa yang diajarkan dengan pendekatan scientific; terdapat keterkaitan (hubungan) antara self regulated learning dan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa.Improvement of mathematical communication skills and self-regulated learning through problem based learning (PBL) modelsThe purpose of this research to investigate differences of the increasing mathematics communication ability which used to problem based learning model, investigate correlation between self-regulated learning and mathematics communication ability. Method of this research used to quasi experiment with pretest-posttest control group design. The population of this study is 7th grader students of 205 Junior High School in Jakarta, then This research used 36 students from control class and 36 students from experiment class. The determination of sample used cluster random sampling. The result of this research are, there is a difference improvement of students mathematics communication ability which thought used to PBL models and scientific, there is correlation between students self-regulated learning and mathematics communication ability. 
Total Quality Management (TQM) dalam Pelaksanaan Program-Program Berbasis Karakter Religius Eliyanto Eliyanto; Samsul Maarif
Ar-Rihlah: Jurnal Inovasi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Vol 5 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : LPPM IAINU Kebumen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33507/ar-rihlah.v5i2.294


Total Quality Management is a reference in education in educational institutions based on the quality of processes, services, human resources and results. Management consists of several things including: planning, implementation, evaluation and follow-up. Schools which strengthen religious character are efforts to develop education to realize national education in the midst of globalization. Often with that also the demands of society want higher quality education not only in the academic field (cognitive and psychomotor), but in the field of morals, character or character (affective). This research is to describe the application of TQM in strengthening religious character consisting of customers, teamwork and continuous improvement. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, with the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The research subjects were school principals, vice principals, educators, education staff, students and student guardians. Data validity with triangulation. Analysis is Miles and Huberman's interactive analysis model through data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. In general, this research shows that in the implementation of TQM it must: (1) Focus on customers, namely serving all the needs of students, educators, educational staff, guardians of students and the community, (2) implementation of strengthening religious character integrated with intracurricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular activities and habituation, (3) Evaluation in the form of an integrated attitude in each daily assessment, midterm assessment, final semester assessment, and grade promotion examination, (4) teamwork is carried out by involving and empowering all components of the school, both educators and education staff, ( 5) continuous improvement includes: The use of the new National curriculum, improvement of academic and educational staff performance, as well as improvement of supporting physical facilities and infrastructure.
Efektivitas Penggunaan Alat Peraga Kartu Bilangan Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas II SD Dalam Memahami Lambang Bilangan Samsul Maarif
Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHES): Conference Series Vol 3, No 4 (2020): Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (185.374 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/shes.v3i4.54367


The use of the Number Card teaching aid in Class II SDN Kubangsari 01, in general, has the aim of improving student learning outcomes in MTK mupel in writing number symbols up to 900. The research method used is experimental technique. Based on the experimental results of the average student learning outcomes before being given treatment in the form of learning using number card props, the average value of these students (pretest) was only 50.33 and after being given treatment in the form of learning using number card props the average value The average of these students (posttest) became 75.00 with a KKM of 60. This result means that the use of the Number Card teaching aids can improve the learning outcomes of MTK mupel students, especially the number symbol material in Class II SDN Kubangsari 01.
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/sipakallebbi.v6i1.28999


This research aims to examine how Uang Panaik, the required amount of money to finance a wedding ritual/party, is negotiated against gender construction through romantic love and hybrid culture. This research focuses on Uang Panaik tradition that is practiced by Buginese as one of the requirements of a marriage. The main subjects of this research are two couples who experienced a love relationship before their marriage with love expression within the boundary of Islamic rules and their relatives. The data collection was done in two ways, the first was through interviews and the second was examining textual sources relevant to the topic. The data were then compared in order to see the similarity or difference between the written traditional practice of Buginese wedding ritual and the experience of the subjects. The data were analyzed by using qualitative methods with romantic love theory by Eva Illouz and hybridity theory by Homi K Bhabha. By using the theory of romantic love and hybridity, this research observes the relation between the tradition of Uang Panaik and romantic love as a hybrid culture. This research argues that the practice of Uang Panaik in Buginese wedding ritual has been reconstructed differently from the traditional ways as the practice of Uang Panaik tradition is challenged by the involvement of romantic love relationships that happened before marriage (courtship, pacaran). Thus the process of negotiating Uang Panaik against gender construction happened in a hybrid culture together with romantic love bounded by religious ethics.
PARADOXES IN POLICY IMPLEMENTATION: State Defense Program Anomaly Akhmad Juni Toa; Samsul Maarif; Rachmat Hidayat
POLITICO Vol 20, No 2 (2020): Jurnal POLITICO Fisipol
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/politico.v20i2.3618


ABSTRACTThis paper carries out an in-depth review of the implementation of state defense policies in Situbondo so far which is still not optimal. To conduct in-depth research in this paper the researcher uses qualitative research with a porposive approach in order to obtain valid, in-depth and proportional information. The results of the study concluded that: First, the implementation of state defense policy in Situbondo Regency is still not optimal in achieving its stated goals, because there is a paradox in its implementation. This paradox arises because in the implementation of state defense policies top down and ignores local potential, such as the role of charismatic kiai - social capital - which has a strong influence in the Situbondo community so far, so that it has a direct impact on the creation of regional stability, as one of the objectives of national defense. Secondly, because there is a paradox in the implementation of the country's defense policy, it eventually gave birth to an anomaly in the National Defense Program because the Ministry of Defense on one hand wanted the birth of as many national defense cadres, in order to maintain the country's existence from various threats. But on the other hand, in its implementation the Ministry of Defense is exclusive by ignoring the role of the kiai as a very important social capital in the area in encouraging the optimization of the State Defender Program in Situbondo.
Studi Alternatif Perencanaan Jaringan Irigasi Curah (Sprinkler Irigation) Berbasis Gravitasi Di Desa Poncokusumo Samsul Maarif; Eko Noerhayati; Azizah Rachmawati
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil Vol 7, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

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Perkembangan irigasi di Indonesia menuju sistem irigasi maju dan tangguh tak lepas dari irigasi tradisional yang telah di kembangkan sejak ribuan tahun yang lampau. Irigasi maju atau modern dapat saja muncul karena usaha memperbaiki atau melanjutkan sistem irigasi yang sudah ada sebelumnya. salah satunya yaitu irigasi curah(sprinkler irigation). Irigasi Curah merupakan sistem irigasi yang di usahakan menyerupai dengan keadaan hujan Dengan menggunakan irigasi curah berbasis gravitasi ini banyak keuntungan yang di dapat, diantaranya pengoperasian irigasi menggunakan gravitasi sehingga tidak boros di energi listriknya, lebih efisien, tidak boros air, tidak memerlukan saluran-saluran air terbuka sehingga area pertanian lebih luas dan dapat sebagai sarana untuk melakukan pemupukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kebutuhan air irigasi dan air tanaman pada daerah irigasi curah poncokusumo, mengetahui debit yang keluar dari tandon, mengetahui pola tanam dan luas area yang di aliri irigasi curah. Debit dari tandon diperoleh dengan melakukan pengukuran langsung dilapangan. Dari analisis yang sudah dilakukan diperoleh debit yang keluar sebesar 0,012 m3/detik, pola tanam pada daerah irigasi curah apel dan palawija, luas daerah yang di aliri irigasi curah ± 332 ha dan kebutuhan air sebesar ± 0,00234 m3/detik/ha. Setelah diketahui jumlah kebutuhan air, dapat di rencanakan jaringan irigasi curah yang akan direncaknakan.Kata Kunci: Irigasi, Irigasi curah, Sprinkler Irigation, Irigasi Curah Poncokusumo