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Pengaruh Penyiraman Air Tanah Terhadap Perubahan Sifat Kimia Tanah dan Air Gambut di Kalimantan Tengah Yulian Taruna; Salampak Salampak; Nina Yulianti; Haiki Mart Yupi; Sustiyah Sustiyah; Fahrul Indrajaya
Soilrens Vol 19, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/soilrens.v19i1.35092


This study observed the changes in chemical properties of peat soil and ground water after irrigation of two peat types: inland and transition peat. The research was carried out in the Basic and Analytic Laboratory of Palangka Raya University. Inland peat and water samples were obtained from Palangka Raya City, meanwhile and transitional peatland was taken from Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. Research methods consisted of survey and experimental test with complete randomized design (CRD) consisted of groundwater irrigation treatment and was repeated 3 times. The experimental parameters are soil chemical properties such as Ash Content, Base Saturation (KB), Nitrogen (N), Phosphor (P), Exchangeable Potassium (K-dd), Interchangeable Sodium (Na-dd), Interchangeable Calcium (Ca-dd), Interchangeable Magnesium (Mg-dd), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), Aluminum Saturation, Iron (Fe), Sulfate (SO₄), Hydrogen Concentration (pH), and Electrical Delivery Power (EDP), and water chemical properties such as pH, EDP, cation, and anions.. The results showed that there has been an increase in the value of CEC, P, Na-dd, SO₄, pH, and decreased of Ash Content, N, K-dd, Ca-dd, and EDP on transitional peat soils. Meanwhile, the inland peat soils showed an increase of Ash Content, N, P, Mg-dd, a saturation of Al and Fe, and decreased in the value of CEC, Ka-dd, Na-dd, Ca-dd, SO₄, pH, and EDP. There were similar effect of groundwater irrigation, towards soil chemical properties, with an exeption of iron levels (Fe). Iron levels (Fe) in transitional peat increase, but decreased in inland peat.
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Bidang Teknik Informatika Vol. 10 No. 2 (2016): Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Bidang Teknik Informat
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47111/jti.v10i2.1432


The phenomenon of a total solar eclipse (total solar eclipse) can only occur within a period of 100 years, until now, even the natural phenomena related research is very interesting to do mainly related to metabolic processes that occur in green plants or high level. In the study, the behavior of Mimosa pudica plant will be measured by using a sensor device. The sensor device with PISA algorithm will monitor environmental factors such as light intensity, temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure at the time of a solar eclipse total. In this case, changes in the behavior of Mimosa pudica plant to sunlight will be validated by using a digital camera to obtain information leaf movement. The results of this study the sun upon the occurrence of a total eclipse, the temperature conditions around the plant Mimosa pudica average 26oC. The movement of the leaves of Mimosa pudica move to close when the temperature of 25° C at 07. 43 pm. Leaves of Mimosa pudica reopened at 7:52 pm when the temperature is more than 27oC. sunlight at 7:24 o'clock pm at the time of the total solar eclipse of 1800 Lux. From the results of the measurements, light intensity sensor node at 07:25 - 07.29 pm downhill until the condition is 0 Lux, which means the condition is very dark with no light around the plant. From the results of measurements made at 07:39 hours GMT where the changes in air temperature around the leaf on the value of 25.59°C and light intensity levels 1729.4 Lux, Mimosa pudica leaves start to close. By the time the sun began to shine the light level the surface of the leaves, and the air temperature increases, the leaves of Mimosa pudica made the decision to seal the surface of the leaf, after 3 minutes the leaves will open again because there is no stimulus temperature and light. This research also analyzed the data with modeling RGB on the surface of the leaves to get the data chlorophyll Before the solar eclipse average picture chlorophyll on the leaf surface is 0.68149. By the time the sun shone on the condition of 3% on average 0.15494 prior to the occurrence of a total solar eclipse. On the condition of the leaves cover the average - average 0.29555, and after a solar eclipse passing and riding conditions and uneven irradiation, the average value of chlorophyll on the leaf surface is 0.54612.
Evaluasi Kelayakan Berdasarkan Aspek Geologi Lingkungan Untuk Penentuan TPA Kota Palangka Raya Endah Kartika Susanti; Salampak; Hendrik Segah
Journal of Environment and Management Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal of Environment and Management
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Palangka Raya dan (and) Ikatan Ahli Teknik Penyehatan dan Teknik Lingkungan Indonesia (IATPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37304/jem.v1i1.1206


Regional feasibility analysis of landfill locations based on the environmental geology point is the initial selection in the planning of landfill sites. This research aims to assess the regional feasibility zones for landfill site in Palangka Raya city based on the environmental aspects. Observational examination and spatial analysis using geographic information system (GIS) were applied to ascertain the determination and limitation factors. The result shows that Palangka Raya could be categorized into 3 (three) zones in terms of its feasibility for the landfill area. Unsuitable zone covering an area of 165,936.69 hectares or 58.12% of total area, followed by a moderately suitable zone of 782.25 hectares (32.85%), and least suitable zone of 25,788.88 hectares (9.03%). The infeasible ones are located in districts of Sebangau and Pahandut, and some parts of Jekan Raya.
Pengaruh pemberian amelioran dolomit dengan pupuk kandang ayam terhadap tanaman pakcoy yang tumbuh di lahan gambut Paska Aprianto; Salampak Salampak; Susi Kresnatita
Journal of Environment and Management Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Environment and Management
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Palangka Raya dan (and) Ikatan Ahli Teknik Penyehatan dan Teknik Lingkungan Indonesia (IATPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37304/jem.v2i2.2941


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh bahan amelioran terhadap produktivitas tanaman pakcoy di tanah gambut. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) non faktorial dengan 7 taraf perlakuan, di ulang sebanyak 5 kali. Perlakuan tanpa amelioran sebagai kontrol (G0P0), Pupuk Kandang Ayam 10 t ha-1 (G0P1), Pupuk Kandang Ayam 20 t ha-1 (G0P2), Pupuk Kandang Ayam 30 t ha-1 (G0P3), Dolomit 4 t ha-1 + Pupuk Kandang Ayam 10 t ha-1 (G1P1), Dolomit 4 t ha-1 + Pupuk Kandang Ayam 20 t ha-1 (G1P2) dan Dolomit 4 t ha-1 + Pupuk Kandang Ayam 30 t ha-1 (G1P3). Penelitian dilaksanakan di UPT CIMTROP Universitas Palangka Raya, Kecamatan Jekan Raya, Kota Palangka Raya pada bulan Juli hingga Agustus 2020. Variabel yang diamati meliputi tinggi tanaman, luas daun, berat kering brangkasan dan berat kering akar tanaman pakcoy. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari semua parameter pertumbuhan tanaman pakcoy, dosis kombinasi dolomit 4 t ha-1 + kotoran ayam 30 t ha-1 berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan produktivitas rata-rata tertinggi dari semua perlakuan.
Analisis Tingkat Kesuburan Tanah Lahan Bekas Penambangan Batubara PT. Senamas Energindo Mineral Kabupaten Barito Timur Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah Ermal Subhan; Salampak Salampak; Andrie Elia Embang; Masliani Masliani
Media Ilmiah Teknik Lingkungan (MITL) Vol 4 No 2 (2019): Media Ilmiah Teknik Lingkungan
Publisher : ​Institute for Researches and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (329.551 KB) | DOI: 10.33084/mitl.v4i2.1025


Kesuburan tanah adalah potensi tanah untuk menyediakan unsur hara dalam jumlah yang cukup dalam bentuk yang tersedia dan seimbang untuk menjamin pertumbuhan tanaman yang maksimum. Dalam rangka meminimalisasi kerusakan tanah bekas panambangan batubara dan proses degradasi lahan yang terus berlanjut, maka upaya konservasi tanah pada lahan bekas penambangan batubara perlu didukung oleh data informasi, diantaranya status tingkat kesuburan tanahnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesuburan tanah di lahan bekas penambangan batubara PT. Senamas Enegindo Mineral. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan informasi tentang kondisi tanahnya yang diharapkan dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan dalam rangka upaya reklamasi dengan tujuan revegetasi di lahan bekas penambangan batubara. Metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan lokasi titik pengamatan ditentukan dengan cara purposive sampling. Sampel tanah terganggu diambil dari 5 titik pengamatan yang dilakukan dengan cara komposit kurang lebih sebanyak 1 kg, selanjutnya dianalisis di laboratorium. Parameter yang diamati tekstur (pasir, debu, liat), C-organik, N, P, K-dd, Ca-dd, Na-dd, Mg-dd, kapasitas tukar kation (KTK), kejenuhan basa (KB) dan pH (H2O). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tekstur tanah tergolong lempung berpasir dan pasir berlempung sedangkan tingkat kesuburan tanah pada lahan bekas penambangan batubara umumnya masih sangat rendah. Upaya perbaikan tingkat kesuburan tanah yaitu dengan pemberian pupuk organik dan anorganik, kompos dan jamur mikoriza.
Pengembangan Agroekowisata Terintegrasi di Lahan Gambut Di Kalimantan Tengah Adi Jaya; Emmy Uthanya Antang; Cakra Birawa; Lilis Supriati; Salampak; Haris Gunawan
Jurnal Pengabdian Kampus Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Kampus
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (920.242 KB) | DOI: 10.52850/jpmupr.v8i1.3971


Kegiatan yang dilakukan pada Kawasan Kanal Kalampangan, Blok C eks PLG, lebih diarahkan pada kegiatan restorasi gambut untuk mendukung pengembangan kegiatan ekowisata dengan memanfaatkan berbagai potensi yang ada di kawasan ini. Posisi kawasan yang tidak jauh dari Palangka Raya, menjadikan lokasi ini penting dan mempunyai keunggulan. Kegiatan yang dikembangkan pada dasarnya sebagai wahana pendidikan tentang gambut yang akan meliputi pemahaman sifat dan ciri gambut, pemanfaatan lahan gambut (utamanya untuk kegiatan pertanian) dan dampak lingkungan yang ditimbulkan serta kegiatan restorasi gambut. Semua objek yang rencananya ditampilkan dalam jalur jalan sepanjang 5-6 km tersebut, diinisiasi melalui pendanaan dari BRG dan selanjutnya diharapkan para stakeholder terkait gambut melakukan investasi dengan membangun sarana wisata tersebut. Hakekat dari kegiatan agroekowisata, selain sebagai wahana pendidikan, juga diharapkan masyarakat di kawasan tersebut menjaga kawasan gambut dari kerusakan terutama akibat kebakaran hutan dan lahan yang terjadi setiap musim kemarau. Kegiatan awal yang dilakukan dengan pendanaan dari BRG mencakup 3R yakni rewetting, revegetasi dan revitalisasi ekonomi masyarakat.