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Parties to Crime: Development and Comparison Santoso, Topo
Indonesian Comparative Law Review Vol 2, No 2: June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/iclr.2217


This article discusses parties to crime which are an important part of substantive criminal law. This concept is related to the involvement of more than one person in a criminal offence. Problems in participation include its definition, forms of participation, timing of implementation and criminal responsibility of the person involved in the participation. The debate over parties to crime has started from its definition since the formulation the Criminal Code is very short and need interpretation and the differences among the forms of participation. This article also discusses the arrangement of participation in several
Proses Pemilu di Indonesia dari Sudut Pandang Pemantau Asing Santoso, Topo
Indonesian Journal of International Law
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Indonesian general election 2004 is the second general election after the fall of Suharto's regime. There have been revolutionary changes on Indonesian general election law and system compare to Indonesian general election that took place during the New Order Regime. Indonesian general election 2004 got very large attention from around the world. Other state were willing to assist in election by providing international observers to closely look at the fairness, impartial process of election have been well achieved. Observation on general election means gather information on the process of election and give opinions based on information on the process of election and give opinion based on information which gathered by people that do not have any authority to intervene on the process. In contrast, Pengawas Pemilu (Indonesian General Election Observer) as a formal body which takes part on general election process has duties to observe, take reports, carry on the reports and settle any disputes. Therefore, Pengawas Pemilu has different functions and authorities compare to others. However, as long as people still do not have any confidence on the process regarding the fairness and neutrality of the general election committee, the role of general election observers is still very important.
Kewenangan Electoral Management Bodies dalam Menangani Tindak Pidana Pemilu dalam Perspektif Perbandingan Santoso, Topo
Indonesian Journal of International Law
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This article discusses the role and power of the electoral management body regarding settlement of election irregularities. Every jurisdiction has its own approach and mechanism to prevent, oversee, and punish the perpetrator of the election irregularities and election offences. This article overview the differences of the Electoral Body’s role and power in the election offences settlement process. The conclusion is that, the role and power of the Philippine’s Electoral Commission (Comelec) is the widest and strongest compare to three other countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore). In order to have more effective settlement process, this article comes to the conclusion that the KPU needs to be provided with the role and power to supervise and initial handling of certain irregularities by means of special division, namely supervisory and law enforcement division.
Election Offences as the Ground of Election Petition: A Comparative Analysis Santoso, Topo
Indonesian Journal of International Law
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This article is intended to compare the regulation about the criminal offence of general elections to be able to file a lawsuit. The main question is what is the legal basis to file a general election lawsuit in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Philippine. Does the criminal offence of general elections be the one reason for having a general election lawsuit? In this research proved that in Indonesia the legal basis of the general election lawsuit only the presence of error of the counting the general election results by the Commission of General Election (KPU), so the general election cannot be used for the legal basis to file a lawsuit. It is different with the regulation in another country whose the criminal offence of general election can be the legal basis to file a lawsuit.
Jurnal Dinamika Hukum Vol 13, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jdh.2013.13.3.246


Gratification is defined as a gift in broad meaning, which cover money, goods, discount, commision, loan without interest, travel ticket, accomodation facility, tour travelling, free health service, and other facilities. The issue is that many institutions have used definion of gratification provided in Law No.20 of the Year 2001 to regulate ethical code in the institutions. This is interesting because the definition in the Law deal with criminal offence while definition in the ethical code deal with ethical violation. Sincronization is needed to differentiate between gratification in criminal law perspective and ethical perspective.  Key words:  gratification, corruption, KPK
Reconstruction to Prove Elements of Detrimental to State Finances in the Criminal Act of Corruption in Indonesia Firmansyah Firmansyah; Topo Santoso; Febrian Febrian; Nashriana Nashriana
Jurnal Cita Hukum Vol 8, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jch.v8i3.18295


AbstractState financial loss is one of the elements of the criminal act of corruption in Article 2 paragraph (1) and Article 3 of Law No. 31 of 1999 in conjunction with Law No. 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crime. The formulation of the element of detrimental to state finances in the two articles at the level of evidence still raises various obstacles because it is an obscure norm and is multi-interpretative. The results of the research show that proving that the element of detrimental to state finances in the criminal act of corruption is still understood as a formal crime so that the proof is sufficient by fulfilling the act and there is no need for consequences, whether potential loss of state finances or actual loss, the perpetrator can be convicted. After the Constitutional Court through its decision Number 25/PUU-XIV/2016 stated that the word "can" in Article 2 paragraph (1) and Article 3 is unconstitutional and has fundamentally changed the qualification of corruption to become a material crime, but in its application there are different views of law enforcement officials in proving that the element is detrimental to state finances, giving rise to legal uncertainty. In the upcoming reform of the criminal law of corruption, a more appropriate model of proof is to use the concept of state financial loss in the sense of the material crime. Through this concept, a new act can be seen as fulfilling the elements of a corruption crime on the condition that there must be an effect that the state loss is real and occurs (actual loss). The concept of proving state financial losses in a material sense ensures fair legal certainty.Keywords: Reconstruction, Evidence, State Financial Losses, Corruption Crime. Abstrak Kerugian keuangan negara merupakan salah satu unsur tindak pidana korupsi dalam Pasal 2 ayat (1) dan Pasal 3 Undang-Undang No. 31 Tahun 1999 Jo Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Rumusan unsur merugikan keuangan negara pada kedua pasal tersebut dalam tataran pembuktian masih menimbulkan berbagai hambatan karena merupakan norma kabur dan bersifat multi tafsir. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, meskipun Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam putusannya Nomor 25/PUU-XIV/2016 telah menyatakan kata “dapat” pada kedua pasal tersebut inkonstitusional, telah merubah secara mendasar tindak pidana korupsi menjadi tindak pidana materiel, namun dalam penerapannya terdapat ketidakseragaman pandangan aparat penegak hukum dalam membuktikan unsur tersebut sehingga telah menimbukan ketidakpastian hukum. Model pembuktian yang lebih tepat adalah menggunakan konsep kerugian keuangan negara dalam arti tindak pidana materiel. Melalui konsep ini, suatu perbuatan baru bisa dipandang memenuhi unsur tindak pidana korupsi dengan syarat harus adanya akibat bahwa kerugian negara benar-benar nyata dan terjadi (actual loss). Konsep pembuktian kerugian keuangan negara dalam arti materiel lebih menjamin kepastian hukum yang adil.Kata Kunci: Rekonstruksi, Pembuktian, Kerugian Keuangan Negara, Tindak Pidana Korupsi.АннотацияФинансовые убытки государства являются одним из элементов коррупции в пункте (1) статьи 2 и в статье 3 Закона № 31 от 1999 г. в сочетании с Законом № 20 от 2001 г. Об Искоренении коррупционных преступлений. Расположение элементов, наносящих ущерб государственным финансам, в двух статьях на уровне доказательств по-прежнему создает различные препятствия, поскольку эта норма расплывчата и имеет множество толкований. Результаты исследования показывают, что доказательства элементов, которые наносят ущерб государственным финансам в преступном акте коррупции, по-прежнему понимаются как формальное преступление, так что доказательства являются достаточными путем совершения действия, и нет необходимости в последствиях, будь то потенциальный ущерб государственных финансов или фактических ущерб, виновный может быть осужден.  После того, как Конституционный суд через его решение № 25/PUU-XIV/2016 заявил, что слово «может» в статье 2 (1) и статьи 3 является неконституционным и коренным образом изменил квалификацию коррупции в материальное преступление, но в естественном применении существуют различные точки зрения сотрудников правоохранительных органов в доказательстве того, что эти элементы наносят ущерб государственным финансам , вызывая юридическую неопределенность. В рамках предстоящей реформы уголовного законодательства о коррупции более подходящей моделью доказательства является использование концепции финансовых потерь государства в смысле материального преступления. В рамках этой концепции новый закон может рассматриваться как выполнение элементов преступного коррупционного деяния при условии существования реальных и возникающих потерь государства (фактическая потеря).Ключевые Слова: Реконструкция, Доказательства, Финансовые Потери Государства, Коррупционная Преступность
Kelemahan Dalam Pencegahan Eksploitasi Seksual Anak Era Digital: Perspektif Rational Choice Theory Nur Afni; Topo Santoso
Kertha Patrika Vol 44 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/KP.2022.v44.i01.p.05


Eksploitasi seksual anak merupakan masalah yang sangat serius dan bukan masalah yang baru muncul akhir-akhir ini. Pemerintah Indonesia telah lama berupaya untuk meminimalisir peningkatan jenis kejahatan yang menyerang masa depan anak seperti dengan mengeluarkan beberapa kebijakan. Akan tetapi, semakin hari kejahatan ini memakan korban semakin banyak. Hal ini dikarenakan pelaku kejahatan melakukan aksinya dengan sebuah perencanaan dan berdasarkan pilihan rasional mereka. Sehingga penelitian ini hendak mengkaji secara serius bagaimana kondisi obyektif eksploitasi seksual anak era digital serta kelemahan pencegahannya dari perspektif rational choice theory. Dengan tujuan untuk mencari cara dalam pencegahan eksploitasi seksual anak lebih baik lagi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yang melibatkan juga penelitian socio-legal yakni selain mengkaji norma-norma yang berada di dalam perundang-undangan, juga mengkaji ilmu sosial lainnya yang dalam hal ini ilmu kriminologi yang diperoleh dari buku, wawancara, dan karya ilmiah lainnya. Sehingga penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier serta dianalisis secara kualitatif dan disajikan secara deskriptif analitis. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh gambaran secara rinci dan sistematis mengenai kondisi eksploitasi seksual anak dan kelemahan pencegahannya dilihat dari perspektif rational choice theory pada era digital di Indonesia.
Permaafan Dan Diat Alternatif Pidana Penjara Pada Tindak Pidana Pembunuhan Biasa (Doodslag) Hambali Yusuf; Topo Santoso; Nashriana Nashriana
Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM Vol. 28 No. 3: SEPTEMBER 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/iustum.vol28.iss3.art2


The purpose of this study is to first, find the argument that forgiveness and punishment are needed as an alternative to other sanctions from imprisonment for the crime of murder. Second, to explain the criminal system in the application of forgiveness and punishment to ordinary murders in Islamic criminal law. Third, outlining/analyzing the policy of criminalizing the sanctions of Forgiveness and Diat on the crime of murder in the renewal of criminal sanctions. This type of research is a normative research. The approach is a statutory approach and a comparative approach as well as a philosophical approach. The results of the study conclude that first, an alternative to imprisonment is needed for ordinary murder. The application of forgiveness and punishment as an alternative to imprisonment for the crime of murder has a strong basis, both theoretically, philosophically, juridically, sociologically, and even the constitutional basis of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Second, in the application of forgiveness and punishment, the judge will apply it if there is forgiveness from the family victim. Third, as a renewal of sanctions, forgiveness and punishment are not a guide for judges, but as reasons for not imposing imprisonment, and choosing to impose an alternative fine to imprisonment, it is necessary to include it in the Draft Law on the Criminal Code which will be discussed. by the legislature.
Legal Protection of Work Safety Crimes Victims In Indonesia Hamonangan Albariansyah; Topo Santoso; Eva Achjani Zulfa
Sriwijaya Law Review Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28946/slrev.Vol6.Iss1.1363.pp24-40


Between 2014 and 2018, the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower recorded 89,625 cases of work accidents, and 1,193 of them resulted in death. During this period, 34,075 companies were reported for alleged work safety crimes. From the 2,074 cases, only four have been sentenced to prison. The most interesting issue is that the victims of work safety crimes do not get any kind of restitution or even compensation. This article aims to investigate the legal protection for victims of work safety crimes from the criminal law perspective. The method used is normative qualitative research on primary data, such as work safety legislation, the Criminal Code, and criminal court decisions. As a result, the work safety law stipulates that the purpose of law enforcement on work safety is recovery for victims, repairs and prevention. They are carried out to protect the public interest. Work safety regulations also regulate the qualifications of actions categorized as work safety crimes. Unfortunately, the regulation does not provide a mechanism for resolving work safety crimes. So that the settlement of work safety crimes relies on the general criminal justice system that adheres to retributive objectives in law enforcement. The purpose of law enforcement on work safety cannot be applied because victims do not get restitution or compensation. Thus, to obtain legal protection in accordance with the objectives of law enforcement on work safety, the alternative solution is a criminal policy to establish a special criminal mechanism for the settlement of work safety crimes.
The Unclear Status of The Suspect in the Investigation Stage: Case Study of The Extension of The Cooperation Agreement on The Management and Operation of The Jakarta International Container Terminal Reni Okpirianti; Topo Santoso; Nasriana Nasriana
Walisongo Law Review (Walrev) Vol 4, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/walrev.2022.4.1.10953


Unclear status of the suspect in the investigation stage for the suspect even though it is not yet legally available that he is found guilty: What is the cause of the unclear status of the suspect at the investigation stage (case study of extension of the Cooperation Agreement for the Management and Operation of the Jakarta International (JICT) Terminal? or what are the legal consequence and what actions must be taken for the pending case at the investigation stage (adjudication) the purpose of the study is to find out the cause of the unclear status of the suspect at investigation stage and to find out and clary the legal consequences and actions to be taken on cases that are hanging at investigation stage (adjudication) by someone who has unclear suspect status on himself. The legal research methodology is a dogmatic study or doctrinal research. The cause of the unclear status of the suspect in the extension of the JICT Operation and Management Cooperation Agreement, the value of state losses as a result of the investigation reported by BPK, 1b. Remain in doubt. The Attorney General does not believe that there is a state loss in the JICT, Management Contract Extension All Procedure according to the rules have been carried out by suspect. The legal consequences for unclear status of the suspect are very detrimental to the suspect and injure the basic right of citizens to legal certainty and justice, 3b. The abuse of authority of the apparatus results in human right violations.3c. The legal action to be taken by the suspect is. Protection may be requested through a pre-trial which guarantees the rights of the suspect in accordance with his dignity as a human being. The termination of the investigation of the suspect may refer to the provisions of article 76 of the regulation of the National Police Chief No. 14 of 2012 concerning the management of criminal cases. Ketidakjelasan status tersangka dalam tahap penyidikan (pra ajudikasi), membawa konsekuensi hukum tersendiri bagi tersangka walaupun secara yuridis belum ada kepastian dinyatakan bersalah: Apakah penyebab ketidakjelasan status tersangka pada tahap penyidikan (studi kasus Perpanjangan Perjanjian Kerjasama Pengelolaan dan Pengoperasian Jakarta International Center Terminal (JICT)? atau Apakah akibat hukum dan tindakan apa yang harus dilakukan atas  perkara yang menggantung di tahap penyidikan (ajudikasi).Tujuan penelitian adalah, untuk mengetahui penyebab ketidakjelasan status tersangka dan untuk mengetahui dan memperjelas akibat hukum dan tindakan yang harus dilakukan atas perkara yang menggantung di tahap penyidikan (ajudikasi). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum dengan studi dogmatik atau doctrinal research. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebab ketidakjelasan status tersangka pada kasus Perpanjangan Perjanjian Kerjasama Pengelolaan dan Pengoperasian JICT, masih diragukan nilai kerugian negara hasil investigatif yang dilaporkan oleh BPK. Jaksa Agung tidak meyakini adanya kerugian negara dalam perpanjangan kontrak pengelolaan JICT. Semua prosedur sesuai aturan telah dilakukan oleh tersangka. Akibat hukum atas ketidakjelasan status tersangka sangat merugikan tersangka dan mencederai hak dasar warga negara untuk kepastian hukum dan keadilan. Atas penyalahgunaan wewenang aparat tersebut, berakibat pelanggaran hak asasi manusia (HAM). Tindakan hukum yang harus dilakukan oleh tersangka adalah dapat dimintakan perlindungan melalui pranata pra peradilan yang akan menjamin hak-hak tersangka sesuai dengan harkat dan martabatnya sebagai manusia atas penghentian penyidikan, tersangka dapat mengacu pada aturan Ketentuan Pasal 76 Peraturan Kapolri No. 14 Tahun 2012 tentang Manajemen Perkara Pidana.