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Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (717.277 KB)


Implementation of e-marketing to provide information for consumers about the product of PT Kreasi Putra Serayu .They can determine the level of e-marketing and can improve the brand image Nay@dam. Allegedly brand image Nay@dam is still not perceived well by the public, due to lack of marketing. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of the level of implementing e-marketing and an overview of the level of Nay@dam brand image perceived by the customer. To assess the effect of implementation of e-marketing on brand image Nay@dam. The research method used is descriptive method of analysis and verification with the customer unit PT Kreasi Putra Serayu as many as 91 customers who had been friends with Nay@dam facebook. The findings of this study is the application of e-marketing that provides information for consumers on its implementation is still less than the maximum. Implementation of e-marketing has positive and significant impact on brand image Nay@dam.
Pengaruh E-Trade Dan Psychographic Terhadap Perilaku Investor PT Royal Assetindo Batam Muhammat Rasid Ridho
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2014): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (780.165 KB)


Trade on stock exchanges, is now beginning to change slowly toward highly sophisticated. As the capital market management authorities in Batam, Batam PT Royal Assetindo still experiencing no little trouble in giving access to the capital markets for the whole society. So the writer is interested in conducting research on the effects of e -trade and the behavior of investors psychographic PT Royal Assetindo Batam. This study aims to determine how much influence the e -trade and psychographic behavior of investors towards Batam PT Royal Assetindo partially. And to know how big the influence of e -trade and psychographic behavior of investors towards Batam PT Royal Assetindo simultaneously. Authors conducted a study using two causal research design is the design or verification . With the number of respondents 96 investors from PT Royal Assetindo Batam. The findings of this study E -trade and psychographic positive and significant impact on investor behavior Batam PT Royal Assetindo either partially or simultaneously.
Pengaruh Sistem Informasi Manufaktur Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Karyawan Pada Pt Jp Technology Muhammat Rasid Ridho
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2014): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (591.529 KB)


Manufacturing Information System is needed by the production management information used for planning, organizing, controlling the production. Inputting data using MS Excel is still less than the maximum in assisting in generating the required information managers or others in need. The management wants mounted display report output in the large LCD monitor will be placed in strategic so that all employees can see it. This is so that the employees are motivated because look yield comparison with other employees. This research was conducted in the form of questionnaires that assess the activity of manufacturing information system quality and employee motivation itself. IT staff are expected to be easier in the continuing development of a more complex system.
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2015): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (786.993 KB)


To bring in a lot of website visitors is fairly difficult challenges to face, either because more and more websites are popping up with the same theme with us and because of the difficulty of making the content or content that is burdensome. Google Analytics can be utilized to analyze the content which are much in demand, then we can take a decision on what to do next. Most companies have a great site, but only about five percent of the knowing use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as part of the marketing plan. If they use their SEO will usually learn and spend thousands of dollars to make the site the number one but still too many visitors. We hope that if someone is typing a particular key word in the search engine for example, the website we at least be in the top ten on the first page or even if it could be at the top.
PKM Ecommerce, Packaging Design dan Manajemen Pemasaran untuk Usaha Kuliner Kota Batam Muhammat Rasid Ridho; Pastima Simanjuntak; Desrini Ningsih
Wikrama Parahita : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Serang Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30656/jpmwp.v3i1.1180


Culinary business is very developed in Batam City. Moreover, the majority of people are workers. Because they do not have time to cook, people prefer to buy food outside while relaxing with family. More and more demand, more and more businesses have also opened up in this culinary field. So that competition in selling gets heavier. This service activity aims to increase the market share of Miss Tape and Toteles Donuts through the use of e-commerce, design improvement, and marketing management fostering. The result of the service that has done is the creation of partner websites to promote their products, attractive design packaging (packaging design) becomes its concern for buyers. Taste does determine the repurchase, with a beautiful look that is expected to add positive value to the customer's eyes. Dedicated solutions will require implementation by creating unique shapes and different print layouts. Marketing management is doing by guiding how businesses can maintain business continuity and still pay attention to buyer satisfaction. More details are: analyzing, planning, implementing, and monitoring the program so that the goals of culinary business continue to advance and develop. 
Aplikasi Perekrutan Anggota Organisasi Persaudaraan Muda Mudi Buddhis Wihara Amitabha Menggunakan Metode SAW Berbasis Web hendry wijaya; Muhammat Rasid Ridho
Jurnal Ilmiah ILKOMINFO - Ilmu Komputer & Informatika Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Akademi Ilmu Komputer Ternate

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47324/ilkominfo.v6i1.169


Abstrak: Perekrutan Anggota Organisasi Dibeberapa Tempat Masih Dilakukan Dengan Cara Manual. Salah Satu Contohnya Adalah Di Organisasi Persaudaraan Muda Mudi Buddhis Wihara Amitabha, Pada Organisasi Ini Perekrutan Masih Manual Sehingga Memakan Waktu Yang Sangat Lama Dan Masih Sering Menimbulkan Ketidak Sesuaian Antar Perekrut. Maka Dari Itu Dengan Membuat Sistem Yang Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting Diharapkan Dapat Membantu Pengambilan Keputusan Dalam Perekrutan. Metode Ini Memungkinkan Dalam Mencari Total Pembobotan Dari Tiap Kriteria Yang Dimiliki Alternatif. Beberapa Kriteria Yang Menjadi Bahan Pertimbangan Ialah Pengalaman Berorganisasi, Pendidikan, Dan Pengalaman Memimpin. Sistem Ini Pun Dibangun Dengan Bahasa Pemrograman PHP Dan Dengan Menggunakan Database Mysql. Hasil Akhir Dari Penelitian Ini Didapatkan Bahwa Dari 3 Calon Pengurus Yang Mendaftar Terdapat 2 Yang Lolos Ke Tahap Selanjutnya Yaitu Hendry Dengan Nilai 7 Dan Andrianto Dengan Nilai 7. Serta Dengan Penelitian Ini Diharapkan Dapat Membantu Perekrutan Yang Dilakukan Dikemudian Hari Lebih Efisien Dan Efektif.Kata Kunci: Perekrutan, Web, Simple Additive Weighting.Abstract: Recruitment Of Organizational Members In Several Places Is Still Done Manually. One Example Is The Amitabha Wihara Buddhist Youth Brotherhood Organization, In This Organization Recruitment Is Still Manual So It Takes A Very Long Time And Still Often Creates Discrepancies Between Recruiters. Therefore By Creating A System That Uses The Simple Additive Weighting Method, It Is Hoped That It Can Help Decision Making In Recruitment. This Method Makes It Possible To Find The Total Weighting Of Each Criterion That Has An Alternative. Some Of The Criteria Taken Into Consideration Are Organizational Experience, Education, And Leadership Experience. This System Was Also Built Using The PHP Programming Language And Mysql Database. The Final Results Of This Study Found That Of The 3 Prospective Managers Who Registered, There Were 2 Who Passed To The Next Stage, Namely Hendry With A Score Of 7 And Andrianto With A Score Of 7. It Is Also Hoped That This Research Can Help Recruitment In The Future Be More Efficient And Effective.Keywords: Recruitment, Web, Simple Additive Weighting. 
Analisis Sentimen Ulasan Penjualan UMKM Sosial Melalui Media Dengan Crowdtangle masa Pandemi Covid19 Muhammat Rasid Ridho; Sasa Ani Arnomo; Nofriani Fajrah; Fifi Fifi
Jurnal Desain Dan Analisis Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Juli
Publisher : Aptikom Kepri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58520/jddat.v2i2.35


Pada saat terjadi bencana Covid 19 ini banyak beberapa negara melakukan lockdown dan membuat peraturan untuk melakukan jaga jarak, sehingga menyebabkan pemanfaatan sosial media naik signifikan. Peneliti mempunyai rencana untuk melihat pengguna media sosial melakukan ulasan maupun komenter dalam melakukan proses jual beli. Baik komentar positif maupun negatif akan kita kumpulkan. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui cara peneliti melakukan pengumpulan data ulasan dari pelanggan, untuk mengetahui respon konsumen terhadap produk yang dijual oleh UMKM melalui sosial media Facebook. Metode yang dipakai adalah Analisis Sentimen dimana suatu tahapan guna menjawab dan menentukan angka opini maupun sentimen yang ada pada sebuah keadaan atau object yang dapat berwujud tulisan dan bisa dibedakan dalam sentimen negatif, positif, atau netral. Adapun hasilnya dari melakukan analisis sentimen pada penjualan produk UMKM di Kota Batam dapat dilihat tingkat untuk akurasinya 91% serta 0,97 UAC menggunakan metode Support Vector Machine.
Pembinaan Panduan Pengguna Kendaraan Bermotor untuk Keselamatan Berlalu Lintas pada Siswa Yayasan Sahabat Cendikia Nofriani Fajrah; Sri Zetli; Muhammat Rasid Ridho; Yera Wahda Wahdi
Jurnal Pengabdian Barelang Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Barelang Vol 4 No 3 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33884/jpb.v4i2.5539


Currently, the increase in the number of motorized vehicles is increasingly out of control, for all ages of riders. More and more riders of motorized vehicles among men and women even at this age, teenagers are already using motorized vehicles. This causes problems for motorized road users, namely the increase in traffic accidents, congestion for which it is not clear what causes, and even violations of traffic signs by motorized road users. This is because road users do not pay attention to and ignore traffic rules. In particular, this is most often done by motorized vehicle road users under the age of or teenagers who do not yet have a driving license. Based on these conditions, there is a need for community service regarding the Motorized Vehicle User Guide for driving safety for the Sahabat Cendikia Foundation Students. Sahabat Cendikia Foundation is one of the non-formal educational institutions to help the community obtain formal education certificates (Package B and Package C). Therefore, it is necessary to do dedication so that guidance can be given to Sahabat Cendikia Foundation students to pay attention to driving safety for other road users. Friends of the Cendikia Foundation students participated in this service activity because some of the students there were also minors. It is hoped that with this coaching activity, the Sahabat Cendikia Foundation students understand driving safety. In addition, it is hoped that this training will reduce traffic accidents. This service activity is carried out by providing material on motorised vehicle user manuals for traffic safety and traffic sign regulations.
Pembinaan Strategi Persiapan Karir bagi Siswa SMK di Kota Batam Nofriani Fajrah; Muhammat Rasid Ridho; Yvonne Wangdra; Sri Zetli; Handra Tipa
Jurnal Pengabdian Barelang Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Barelang
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33884/jpb.v5i1.6610


Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan salah satu pendidikan tingkat menengah atas yang menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang siap pakai di industri. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan lulusan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan mempersiapkan kompetensi dan pengalaman siswa dengan melaksanakan kegiatan Praktek Kerja Lapangan (PKL) pada tingkat kelas XI atau XII. Kompetensi dan pengalaman tersebut akan menjadi modal bagi lulusan untuk dapat melanjutkan karir setelah lulus. Namun, kondisi dilapangan yang ditemukan masih banyak lulusan SMK yang masih kehilangan arah dan tujuan untuk melanjutkan karir. Oleh karena itu kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk memberikan pembinaan kepada siswa kelas XI dan kelas XII SMK di Kota Batam untuk persiapan melanjutkan karir setelah lulus. Salah satunya dengan memberikan pembinaan tentang pentingnya melanjutkan studi ke jenjang perguruan tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini 50% peserta sudah mulai memahami perlunya pendidikan tinggi untuk mendukung persiapan karir.
Pembinaan Pembuatan dan Pengelolaan Website Pelaku Usaha Sablon Lebah Gougle Muhammat Rasid Ridho; Nofriani Fajrah; Humaira Humaira; Fifi Fifi; Ronald Wangdra
Jurnal Pengabdian Barelang Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Barelang
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33884/jpb.v5i2.7311


Lebah Gougle adalah sebuah industry rumahan yang menyediakan layanan dalam berbagai bidang seperti mencetak, memotret, membuat video, mencetak sablon, mengurus dokumen, dan lain-lain. Saat ini, fokus utama mereka adalah di bidang percetakan, khususnya dalam memproduksi kaos, baju, topi, stiker, poster, mug, piring, dan barang-barang promosi lainnya.Terdapat permasalahan: kurangnya pengetahuan tentang tempat pembelian domain dan hosting, bagaimana membuat website yang disimpan di hosting, bagaimana mengisi konten dari website tersebut serta mengenai pemeliharan dari website. Solusi yang pengabdi tawarkan: mencoba memberi langkah dalam pemilihan nama domain, pelatihan dalam penyewaan hosting yang cocok kebutuhan, pemilihan CMS (Content Manajemen System) yang cocok dengan usaha ini, pemasangan CMS pada hosting yang sudah dipesan, pelatihan untuk merubah tampilan dari website. Tentang konten website dengan memperhatikan dengan tata bahasa formal dan baik dan yang sesuai dengan ejaan yang di sempurnakan. Pelatihan bagaimana cara mengelakukan backup data web dari sebuah hosting. Hasil dari pengabdian ini, pemilik usaha sablon ini memiliki kemampuan dalam pemilihan nama domain dan hosting. Pemilik usaha mampu dalam manajemen data dan dalam personalisasi website. Pelaku usaha mempunyai kemampuan dalam peletakan gambar dan teks, desain dam layout. Objek pembinaan dapat melakukan pemelihaaan website.